The Fastest 60-70 Leveling Route in Dragonflight

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hey folks dragonflight is finally launching tomorrow night and I managed to finish my full 60 to 70 leveling guide just in time before I dive into the route and explain how to optimize your leveling in dragonflight I want to quickly touch upon a few important topics for starters I want to stress that you must complete the dragonfly campaign when leveling your first character completing it is a requirement for unlocking World quests and other end game content on all of your alts you'll have access to a system called Adventure Mode which is kind of like threads of Fate from shadowlands but significantly better what this means is that racing to level 70 on your first character is completely meaningless as you'll still need to finish the campaign if you want to go for some really fast leveling times I would highly recommend doing this when you're working on your alts also I won't be discussing any information specific to launch Day within this video such as valuable consumables or good pre-completed quests I have an entire section on my written guide though which goes over all this stuff in detail you can find a link to that in the video description below with all that out of the way let's talk about dragonflight 60-70 leveling in order to start the dragonfly questline you'll need to speak to abyssian and Orga bar or wrathian in Stormwind this initial Quest chain is currently available during the pre-patch so you should complete it right now if you haven't done so already if you're watching this video in the future don't worry because these quests are extremely simple and only take a few minutes eventually you'll end up at a zeppelin Tower outside of Orgrimmar or a dock in the Stormwind Harbor depending of course on your faction from here you just need to exercise a bit of patience while you wait for the ship to arrive if you want to know how long it'll take you can speak to a nearby NPC in order to display the boat's timer after jumping on the boat or Zeppelin you'll take off and hit a loading screen after a few seconds once you've loaded into the dragon Isles you'll find that your ship is still really far away from the shoreline while you could just wait on the ship for one minute if you're like me you'll want to speed up the process if you manage to farm a falling flame before the expansion you can jump off the ship and use it along with a glider to quickly reach the shore if you're leveling an evoker or if you're on an ALT then already has Dragon riding you can use sword or your dragon to quickly get to shore well there are some other weird glitches on beta that allow you to teleport straight to shore they're not entirely consistent and they'll likely get fixed after launch therefore if you don't have any of the aforementioned items or abilities you should just be patient and wait on the ship now leave for each of the waking Shores you can begin to follow the dragonflight campaign many of these quests are pretty straightforward they'll tell you to kill a few mobs or collect a few items you don't need me to walk you through every individual step of the campaign what I will do though is go through the entirety of the campaign route and point out any special things that you should look out for such as side quests rare mobs or Hearthstone locations after you land on the shore you should complete quests until you're directed to wingrest Embassy for these initial quests it's important that you take absolutely zero detours for Treasures rares or side quests your primary goal at this point should be to gain a lead on everybody else there's a few exceptions for side quests When You Reach Wing rest Embassy the quest involving sendrax have a lot of long unskippable RP so you should complete a few side quests while this dialogue plays out the side quests are Give Peace a chance and from Such Great Heights if I didn't mention a side quest by name don't complete it the other ones will end up taking you way too long to complete so it's better to just wait around for centrax to finish up her RP they'll continue to follow the campaign questline and only the campaign questline until you reach scale cracker keep within this area you can kill the rare mob Dragon Hunter Gordon while finishing the other campaign quests Dragon flight rares are generally easy to kill and give solid experience so they're generally worth fighting if they don't require you to take a significant detour you should also complete the bonus objective within this area provided it's not too overcrowded by the time you get there as a rule of thumb you should always complete any nearby bonus objectives unless my guide explicitly tells you not to do so which spoiler alert it never will while completing the quest to heal red draconids you can stop and complete the fighting fire with water side quests at the nearby cave since it's fast and directly along the path when you reach the lifebinder conservative Tory subzone keep an eye out for the rare for Rafa the rekindler which patrols around the area you should fight and kill him for bonus experience on the quest where centrax finally shuts up using any movement abilities will cause you to drop the dragon egg the one exception to this is gun shoes which you can use ahead of time before picking up the egg allowing you to quickly zip your way over to the Turning Point ignore the nearby side quest a two-for-one deal as it takes too long to complete for the amount of experience that it grants once you reach the Ruby Life Pools speak to life color to soundtrack and set your Hearthstone there this will be important later around this point you'll unlock dragon riding so I'm going to quickly discuss all the glyphs contrary to what many people have been parroting on Reddit it's not efficient to grab all the glyphs before you continue the campaign in fact I would actually go so far as to say that it is a colossal waste of time and will make your day one experience significantly worse if you want to get every glyph the best time to do this is immediately after finishing the campaign on your first character while leveling you'll want to grab a maximum of 7 Dragon riding glyphs and you should only pick one up if it's directly along your path your first Cliff is mandatory and will give you access to four Vigor but the other six are completely optional if you choose to grab them you can learn Dynamic stretching and thrill Chaser both of which slightly improve your Vigor regeneration this is such an insignificant bonus though that I won't even bother pointing out all the locations of dragon riding glyphs if you see one nearby grab it if you get three buy one of these aforementioned talents and you'll get an extremely minor bonus it really doesn't matter after finishing the quest at Skytop Observatory and interacting with the nearby Dragon fairy you can use your Hearthstone to quickly return to the Ruby Life Pools within this next area you can find two rare mobs Terra The Devout and classic the ascendant make sure you kill them while completing the nearby campaign quests When You Reach obsidian bulwark speak to Tong the fixer and set your Hearthstone note that this particular Hearthstone skip will only be possible if you're in a guilt because it won't be back up in time if you don't have the 15 minute Hearthstone CDR upon reaching the quest taking the walls you should only fly in wrathians back for the initial flight onto the ramparts it's significantly faster to just travel to the other ballast Day by using your own personal Dragon riding after receiving the quest black wagon flight you can use your Hearthstone to quickly return to the obsidian bulwark while completing this Quest make sure to stay close to the cart at all times sibelian is very skittish and will refuse to move ahead if you stray too far after you complete a few more quests at the Ruby Life Pools alexstrasza will direct you towards onaran planes shortly after entering onaran Plains you'll reach a quest Hub called timberstep Outpost while you're here pick up and complete the sidequest soul supplier and thieven gorlocks complete every single follow-up quest in this chain until you're told to return to timbersnap Outpost ignore the other side quests near gazurai as it's not efficient when completing the quest's connection to onara which tasks you with Gathering duck feathers make sure that you're right clicking on the Ducks to actually pluck their feathers not killing them outright upon reaching marakai complete the side quest orientation marakai as it's extremely fast and efficient a bit later on you'll reach the town of and you should set your Hearthstone here by speaking to hearthkeeper at all within this town pick up the quests up to nocude and wanted marinara the thunderous shortly after the campaign directs you to leave tirakai you should complete up to nocude along with the immediate follow-up Quest return to mender all the other quests in this change should be skipped as they're not efficient when you're told to complete quests in Bridgewater Retreat keep an eye out for the rare eaglemaster in Iraq and make sure to kill her for a chunk of bonus experience similarly whenever you reach Windsong rise make sure to kill the rare prozella Gale shot during the quest with the wind at her backs you'll be told to take flight on a green dragon named garethas however you get full credit for the flight the moment you hop on his back so you can quickly Dismount afterwards if you happen to have a falling flame you should use it here to shoot yourself to the western side of the Zone if you don't have a falling flame it's okay you can just use Dragon riding to get there instead you want to aim for the quest objective of wanted marinar the thunderous and you should land just short of that area in order to kill the rare Scara from here jump down the nearby and kill marinar to finish the aforementioned Quest you can now proceed to the Shady Sanctuary to continue the campaign while in Shady Sanctuary speak to Graces and complete the entire Quest chain starting with some call me bug catcher a bit Southwest of this area you'll find the Lilac ramble Sub Zone complete the entire Quest chain starting with fine thermos and kill the two nearby rares rip saw the stalker and territorial coastling after completing the campaign Quest start the storm take a detour to the back of the cave to kill the rare mob typhoon the ascended while completing the final quest of the Zone renewal of valves you'll have to pick the correct dialogue options out of a list of three the right answers are a trophy from her first hunt an eagle feather and offer blood after completing this Quest you should use your Hearthstone in order to return to tirakai while here make sure to hand in the quest wanted marinar the thunderous and then fly towards the next campaign Quest at the start of azer's span you'll be directed towards camp antonitus on your way there stop at Curry's fishing spot and complete the side quest chains for Arcane detection and wanted gorgeous ignore the quest that tells you to fish after completing the initial campaign quests in campan tinnitus pick up the side quests wanted for jealous and setting the defense you can also grab the breadcrumb quest path to Nowhere which you might hand in later when completing quests in the azer archives take a slight detour to kill the nearby rare mob forgotten creation before leaving this area you should also speak to veltal IX to set your Hearthstone here follow the campaign until you reach iskara within this town you'll be completing the following questions wanted crochet the shore Prowler scampering scamps orientation escara The Weave of a tale Nook news and rowi the quest Nook news is a breadcrumb that directs you towards the Whalers Nook Sub Zone while you're here you should complete the questline until you reach no dwarf Left Behind When You Reach This Quest abandon the subzone and return to escara when you receive the campaign Quest as are alignment you should take a short detour to the falling water subzone which can be found on the Northwestern edge of the Zone complete every single Quest within the subzone and once you're finished you can use your Hearthstone to return to the Azure archives The Campaign Will then immediately redirect you to ronin's Shield which is on the Far Eastern end of azer's span the fastest way to get there is by using Dragon riding and upon arriving you can pick up the side quests Drake's begun and riders in the snow complete the former Quest first as it's extremely fast the latter Quest will direct you towards a new subzone if you're already close to level 69 you can simply continue along the campaign but otherwise you'll want to take a short detour to complete the side quest chain riders in the snow while completing the campaign Quest Primal power you'll need to fight a bunch of really nasty Caster mobs don't over pull in this area as it's extremely easy to get yourself killed while doing this Quest you can also find a treasure called simmering chest and you should pick it up for a little bit of extra bonus experience when you're directed to return to the azero archives once again use your Hearthstone if it's no longer on cooldown if it's still cooling off you can fly to ronin's shield and then use the flight path to quickly return at this point The Campaign Will direct you towards Val Dragon to get there quickly you should use your Dollar on hearts Stone and then portal hop over to Orgrimmar or Stormwind depending on your faction from here take the nearby portal to Val draken if you're level 69 then congratulations because you're officially done with most of the side quests and you can just generally follow the campaign up to this point that said if you are missing experience you should remain in azer span for a little bit longer the best sub zones to complete at this point are Camp Nowhere in the South lost ruins to the East and Theron's watch in the Northeast most of these quest lines are pretty straightforward so I'm not going to provide you with any additional details just make sure to keep an eye out for rare mobs while you quest and then stop the moment you reach level 69. at this point you'll have reached the eldrasis and you'll be completing the bare minimum amount of side quests within this Zone while doing the campaign in val draken the only side quest you should complete is orientation Val draken as it's extremely fast and can be done alongside the campaign quests you should speak to tithras in the Inn in order to set your Hearthstone to Val Dragon the city is the main hub for the expansion so you're likely going to be coming back here a lot while completing quests at the Southold gate fly to the top of a nearby Tower to kill the rare look out mortron while completing campaign quests within the flowing Forest kill the rain Rob Handler which can sometimes be found at the top of a nearby Hill at some point along the campaign you'll reach the primeless future Sub Zone in order to complete the quest making time you should avoid killing any of the elite mobs in this area as they're tuned around max level players with higher item level gear the intended way to complete this Quest is to kill the non-elite elemental ads scattered around the Zone after you've killed murloc Deathwing you can immediately exit your vehicle and turn in the quest waiting for the RP to finish here is not necessary within the black Empire subzone you'll need to reach the opposite end of Nia lotha to hand in the quest but the path to get there is covered with Mobs you could just press gun shoes and attempt to speed past all the mobs but if you have a Darkmoon Cannon this is a great opportunity to use it just launch yourself across the Gap and use a Goblin glider kit in case you don't get enough distance once you finish the chromie questline and Hearthstone back to Val draken you'll have fully completed the campaign at at this point all the end game content will be unlocked and adventure mode will be automatically enabled for all of your future alts if you somehow haven't reached level 70 at this point you should complete random side quests within valtrazis and azer span now before I end the video I want to take a bit to talk about Adventure Mode which is the alt leveling system within Dragonplay while many people myself included have compared Adventure mode to threads of fate and shadowlands it's actually quite different threads of Fate was an option that you were forced to select at the start of your leveling process and it would cause you to be completely locked out of the campaign Adventure Mode is a little bit different because it's automatically enabled for every single alt e level additionally you're not locked out of any content while leveling in adventure mode it simply serves as an added bonus on top of the existing campaign the result of this is that for the most part the general questing path doesn't actually change for alts upon reaching Wing rest Embassy in the waking Shores you'll be prompted to select a Zone but waking Shores will always be the fastest option since well you're already there at this point you should just follow my campaign route step by step until you've reached around level 68 within the azer span at this point your best bet is to just abandon the campaign and complete a few additional side quest lines such as Camp Nowhere snow hide Camp lost ruins or Theron's watch if you still haven't managed to reach level 70 after finishing off these sub zones your best bet is to spam random dungeons or specific queue for any ones that you have a quest for such as Ruby Life Pools no good offensive neltharus or brackenheit Hollow I should also note that blizzard will tend to heavily update the alt leveling experience over the course of the expansion so this is something I will be heavily testing throughout dragonflame unfortunately since this is a video guide I can't retroactively add information to it that being said whenever I do a new run and gain information to speed up the process I'll be updating the written guide which you can find Linked In the video description below when the inevitable leveling overhaul comes in 10.1 10.1.5 or 10.2 you can expect a large revamp to both the written guide and a dedicated video guide just for 60 to 70 all leveling for now you should find that the campaign route presented in this video still allows you to level fill up your alts in an extremely short amount of time and with that we've covered everything you need to know about dragonflight 60-70 leveling I'll quickly note that on launch day I will be live streaming my first few leveling runs so if you want to watch along while you're leveling make sure to tune in here on YouTube
Channel: Harldan
Views: 105,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dungeon, wow, world of warcraft, speed leveling, speedrun, speed run, fastest leveling, fast leveling, level, 1-60, dragonflight, dragon flight, 1-50, 50-60, speedrunning, alt, alts, chromie time, leveling, df, 10-60, dps, horde, world record, guide, guides, strategy, strategies, talador, faster, route, routing, tank, dragon isles, prot, speed, monk, bm, brewmaster, brew master, waking shores, ohnaran plains, azure span, thaldraszus, valdrakken, 60-70, level 60, level 70, campaign
Id: QF3preYE-nk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 14sec (914 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 28 2022
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