How To Know If You Are Being Controlled By Fear - Sunday Service

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[Applause] [Music] father we thank you for this another opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep thank you lord that revelation knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force and father i pray that you will speak through my vocal cords and think through my mind none of me and all of you it's in jesus name we pray and everybody said amen if you have your bibles go with me again to the book of second timothy chapter one and verse seven second timothy chapter one and verse seven as we continue the series how to know when you are being controlled by the spirit of fear how to know when you're being controlled and it's so very important because a lot of times there may be things happening and you just don't realize it and i'll show you a scripture today it happened to peter he had no idea that jesus would rebuke him and by saying satan get away from me but i want to show you how you can tell and stay on top of it and when you identify it do something about it second timothy uh chapter uh 1 verse 7 says god has not given us the spirit of fear but here's what he's given us he's given us power he's given us love and of a sound mind a spirit of power a spirit of love and a spirit of a sound mind but not the spirit of fear so we know that if god had given us a spirit of fear then it's we should not be convinced that fear is natural and uh we we we should not be convinced that it's something that we should uh tolerate and and put up with okay it's not normal and it's not natural for you to think that it is normal and for you to think that it is natural well we'll put you in a place where you will tolerate it and put up with it and allow it allow entrance into your life because you think it's normal you think it's natural and while there may be different phobias or you might be dealing with fear don't ever you know concede to it and just say well it's normal and natural and so it has a foothold now in your life and so it's just enough for him to take it and turn it just a little bit until it begins to control your life so one of the things we know when the spirit of fear and if you are dealing with spirit fear and i don't know too many people that are not dealing with some type of fear that's knocking at the door so i don't want you to see this as well you know this is you know if you're doing that there's something wrong with you you're not a good christian no these are just uh the challenges that we have in our lives as christian people we're no longer playing the little christian gang where we go and we look at somebody and say well i'm gonna compare myself with you and that's just self-righteousness no matter how you look at it and so one of the things we recognize is the most important thing when the fear is knocking at the the door of your life the most important thing for you to know is how you should respond to fear and what and and that's really what matters the most how should i respond to fear not just going around and trying to tell yourself it's not there you know it's kind of like if i fall off these steps and each time i hit a step that didn't hurt that didn't hurt that didn't hurt then i hit the concrete bam that hurt you know you need to you need to just be real honest fear fear knocks on my door fear is knocking at the door but that the most important thing uh concerning this is that you know how to respond and so how do i respond well that's first john chapter 4 18 in the new living translation how do i respond when fear knocks at the door fear's knocking at the door hoping that you'll just open the door and let him in but you don't have to do that you can respond to fear and the way you respond to fear the bible says in verse 18 he says such love has no fear because perfect love expels all fear so what's perfect love see most of the time we think we're responsible for producing perfect love but i need to let you know something you can't love perfectly where you been you can't who told you you can love perfectly i wish listen that's a desire i want to be able to love perfectly but i fall short a lot learning you know trying to love perfectly but here's what's happened perfect love or perfected love that's that's that's god's love and and and how do i cast or expel fear when i begin to to to believe that god loves me perfectly he's the only one in this picture that can love perfectly i believe that god loves me perfectly and therefore because god loves me then i believe i can have that promise therefore because god loves me fear is expelled i don't even have to doubt about that god loves me and i know it therefore fear you are expelled how many you know it's time to expel fear out of your life but we gotta stop playing these little crazy games i don't have fear not it's not me you know i am strong i am invincible i am world changer no no no fear knocks on your door like he knocks on my door and everybody else's door but when i know that god's perfect love towards me that god loves me and i believe it that will expel fear so the next time you have a fear encounter i want you to go quickly to this this truth god loves me and i know it that's the truth you go to and let it let it come out of your mouth god loves me and i know it anytime you feel fear you know the bible says fear brings with it tormented torment and anytime you feel fear or torment you open your mouth up and i believe you have to open your mouth up i believe something happens when you hear yourself say it god loves me and i know it therefore i am healed i mean the next time you have a a a chill or a sneeze and the devil said oh look at you you got the virus open your mouth up god loves me and i know it and i believe that i'm healed in jesus name because y'all know how that goes you start the coffin and stuff like that you go around uh-uh i wonder if i got it ronaldo came in what if i got it you're gonna have the first of all a lot of people are defeated in a lot of areas of their life because of panic you know what panic is groundless fear ground no grounds for it you just you just you just you know somebody said oh well i feel hot that's cause somebody turned to the thermostat on seven to eight you y'all understand y'all been through that or you put a shirt on it's thick and all of a sudden you sweat and then you have one cough because you just had something that went down your throat and your heart oh i didn't take my temperature that's what i'm saying don't allow fear to control your life you know god loves you you know god loves you and because god loves you then he will bring his promise to pass and even if some do get on you you got to believe that god loves me so much that this thing will die instantly if it touches my body where's your faith so the question this morning is are you being controlled by fear and how can we find that out okay well number one we covered at least at least two of them last week in complete detail how do i know when i'm being controlled by fear number one when fear becomes your prison when fear becomes bondage fear when you feel like you're in prison you remember in genesis chapter 3 they sinned satan talked them into becoming independent from god and they thought that they didn't need god and all of a sudden the reality of all these things came forth you see once they sin their sin created a confinement once they sinned their sin created bondage it created a jail if you will a prison if you will and um this fear this bondage of fear as they covered their bodies and then physically they hid from god they went from being in the paradise to being in the prison of fear and a lot a lot of christians have gone from being in the paradise of faith and belief into the prison of fear i can't speak for anybody in here or anybody that's online but i am not going to be confined when god has done so much and released so much for me i'm not going to be confined and i'm not going to be in a prison of fear i won't give satan that that opportunity i'm not going to do it you of course you're gonna have to make up your own mind but i'm telling you man i made my mind up that i believe god i got to believe him now if i've ever see this is a test of everything i said i believed and i'm not giving him that i'm not giving him that authority you're not gonna i'm not gonna be a prison of fear and if you are a prison of fear and if you find that fear has you in a prison you're being controlled by fear you see they feared god's response to their sin they feared their new awareness of sin they feared that you know they became imprisoned by fear and they were not able to experience the freedom of their relationship with god they're hiding from god when before fear they had free fellowship and relationship with him and they're hiding from god are you hiding from god does fear have you hiding from god when fear talks or excuse me when fear takes over we want to hide from everyone especially god fear keeps you in bondage fear keeps you in prison you're fearful of the future you're fearful of sickness you're fearful of job loss fear can control us to the point of turning away and start hiding from god and yet the bible says in hebrews chapter 10 i believe 14-15 that god through jesus christ has delivered us from the the fear of death and the bondage that comes with it i have to believe i'm delivered from fear and the bondage that comes with it so i'm not going to put myself in prison fear is not going to lock me up in prison if you are allowing fear to lock you in prison and you feel like you're in prison and you feel like you're there are confinements you you feel like you're hiding from god if you feel any of those things any bondage what's the bondage in your life that has come because of fear then fear is controlling your life number two the second thing we looked at how do i know that i'm being controlled by fear when fear steals your focus when fear steals your focus away from god and away from his word then you are being controlled by fear one of the things we declared yesterday is that uh whatever not yesterday but last sunday whatever we focus on is what we give strength to and if you spend all day long focus on the fear if you spend all day long focus on the bad news if you've spent all day long focus on focusing on what if what if that happens to me what you can't do that job said the thing i feared the most is come upon me you cannot allow or tolerate fear in your life or to contaminate your faith and when you allow fear to steal your focus where you can't even focus on god's word you're not even reading god's word anymore you're not even focusing on spending time in prayer it's it robs you of your focus and i'm saying whatever you have to do get focused on god's word get focused on spending time with god and don't let it rob you you see we we have to understand that focus is how real transformation takes place and he knows that he knows if you focus more on fear than you do faith more on fear than you do love then you're going to be more apt to operate by fear and you're going to harden your heart against the love of god and the faith of god don't let fear steal your focus if if you are living life and you're just not focused you're all over the place you know fear gets you where you're just you know all over the place and you you have got to take authority over that so you can focus in all right settle down calm down and then you got to back up now where'd this come from well i looked at i looked at i've been looking at five hours of the news all right so calm down cut that off find you a andy griffith show or something just calm down get in the word find you two or three really good scriptures to help bring you back into focus about what god said this is what god says let me focus on what god says let me focus on what god says let me focus on what god says and you might want to take about 30 minutes and walk up and down your hallway and just focus on what god you're just bringing everything back into focus fear wants to bring everything out of focus it's almost like you've forgotten everything that god's already done god has already done some amazing things in your life and fear brings you out of focus you know this is true you know this word will work you know what god has already done don't let fear rob you of your focus now if you are out of focus and out of focus from the word and out of focus about god fear is controlling your life all right today we're going to start with number three here's the third way to know that fear is controlling your life when fear tempts you to hear outside influences when fear tempts you to hear outside voices outside of god outside of his word okay then you're being controlled by it you're tempted to hear the outside voices you're tempted to hear the outside influences uh then you know you're being controlled by fear now here's how satan's going to test and tempt you look at matthew chapter 16 verse 21 through 23 in the new living translation here's what satan's going to do um he's going to try to make fear sound like god everybody understand when i say that he's going to try to make fear sound like god so you'll take it but when fear controls your life you're tempted to listen to those outside influences things you didn't even believe before now you're like oh well let me see you're tempted to believe those outside influences and outside voices here's an excellent example you're going to always notice that satan is always going to have to try to act like god remember when he tempted jesus in the garden in the in the wilderness he always said the scripture said okay the scripture said you know if that's a way in i'll throw a little of the scripture in there so you can make it think it's god so i can make you think it's god and then i'm gonna put the the fear in there but look at this because this one shocked me all right in verse 21 he says now this is right after peter had revelation knowledge come through him and peter said thou art the christ the son of the living god and everybody celebrated him for that great revelation knowledge and jesus said peter you're the rock man he said and on this rock this revelation that came through you uh the revelation of who jesus was i'm gonna build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it and i'm sure people are going around giving peter dap like man yeah peter man you got it you got it and peter didn't do none it just flowed through him but right after that incident right after you know uh him being just celebrated from allowing that revelation to come look what happens here next verse 21 from then on jesus began to tell his disciples plainly that it was necessary for him to go to jerusalem and that he would suffer many terrible things at the hands of the elders the leading priests and the teachers of the religious law now y'all got to understand what sinners didn't kill jesus church folks did he would be killed but on the third day he would be raised from the dead all right now watch peter after hearing what jesus said now jesus ain't going to sit up there in line peter now proceeds to try to reprimand jesus but peter took him aside check him out so he tough now he got revelation of who the christ is he's so tough now come in jesus let me holler at you for a minute okay that was a bad confession you just made but peter took him aside and began to reprimand him for saying such things he said heaven forbid lord he said this will never happen to you all right now think for a moment doesn't it sound like you know really caring concerned even godly in a sense oh look at peter he really loves jesus and that's what happens to us all the time we fall prey to stuff that sounds like god but it's the voice of fear and look what jesus did jesus turned to peter after calling him the rock he turned to peter and said get away from me satan what imagine the offense that was coming over peter who you calling satan get away from me satan you are a dangerous trap to me you are seeing things merely from a human point of view and not from god's point of view and that's what the ending that's what fear does he was he was afraid man that what what jesus was saying might come to pass he was seeing things from a human point of view what happened that fear caused him to be tempted with outside influences and a voice instead of god influence he he was being moved by a human point of view that's what's happening to a lot of christians today fear is causing us to be moved by a human point of view to the point where you're not even paying attention to the word nobody yeah i hear what you're saying but and you're looking for other scriptures to contradict you're looking for other scriptures you take out of context to contradict the truth of god's word i know you do it i know you do it i've done it myself i'm just grateful i couldn't find nothing contradicted we do that because we see things from a human point of view and completely ignore that you have the god that made the universe at your disposal but the outside voice the voice of fear that sounds like the voice of god and somebody says well how do you know the difference well jesus told you how you know the difference it's the human outside influence versus the god influence it's what they say versus what he said and i try to figure out who they is i was they said this they who is they it's what they say what they said that and they said but what did the word say so if it's not in the word don't allow yourself to be tempted with what they said [Applause] they said you were supposed to have been dead 20 years ago but god said with his stripes you're healed and you're still alive today don't don't be tempted by fear with what they said get rid of the outside influences does everybody understand that i now now let's go just a little bit deeper here look at psalms 11. man with just this point of view i saw psalms 11 a whole differently i'm thinking oh my goodness i thought this was something that to use to celebrate jesus and i found out it was nothing but the voice of fear look at psalms 11 verses 1 through 3 in the new living translation psalms 11 verses 1 through 3 in the new living tragedy now you got to understand in this atmosphere of fear satan is trying to take as much opportunity as he can he wants to talk to you and preach to you and i'm telling you we send back and letting them do it you wake up some mornings and stay in the bed for an hour beating yourself up about how bad you are about your regrets about what you didn't do right with all that stuff you got to get out of bed you got to just get up and say i am not laying in the bed beat myself up some of y'all go all the way back to the beginning of your life see how dirty and nasty i was i ain't never you you'd stop you're listening to the wrong voice god does not condemn so it's not god don't be talking about what god showed you this no no no god is not condemning you god's gonna talk about who you are in christ jesus not who you were in yourself you understand look at this psalms 11 and verse 1 this is so shocking he says i trust in the lord for protection so why do you say to me fly like a bird to the mountains for safety verse two why do you say to me the wicked are stringing their bows and fitting their arrows on the on the bow strings thy shoot from the shadows at those whose hearts are right verse three the foundations of law and order have collapsed what can the righteous do would you guys agree with me that this is the voice of fear from verse one to three it's the voice of fear and you know that voice of fear is trying to communicate to david he's trying to say david you're gonna get hurt if you stick around you better get out of here you're going to get hurt boy you better move if you stick around you're going to get hurt that's the voice of fear what what is the voice of fear been telling you to do you completely ignore the voice of god but the voice of fear keeps telling you to do stuff get out of here don't you gonna get hurt see we spend too much time listening to ourselves and not enough time talking to ourselves all right what does that mean what does that mean we spend too much time listening to the voice of fear when we should be preaching the gospel to ourselves are y'all listening to what i'm saying how much time are you spending listening to the voice of fear you need to start preaching to yourself when you hear something that's not god when you hear something that only concerns the outside world you need to open yourself and preach to yourself you need to you need to get that bible just find your two three scriptures and preach it back to you you sit there all day long listening to the voice of fear that cannot be spiritually healthy you have much more voice of fear going in you than the the gospel and the promises of god it listen the number one fear that satan wants to put on christians is the fear that what god said it won't come to pass so you spend all your time listening to words that contradict the word of god and then before you know it you come to church yeah i understand that but so now but says zero out what the word says and only listen to what the world says you got to listen to what the word you got to preach to yourself in psalms you got to preach to yourself in hymns that means you might have to sing a hymn in psalms in him in spiritual psalms but you are listening and giving too much time to the voice of fear and not enough time preaching the gospel of jesus christ to yourself give a place in your house where you can preach to yourself you ain't got to wait till you come to church and hear me preach preach to yourself i am healed preach to yourself the blood of jesus protects me preach to yourself [Applause] see what we're finding out is the light is shining on a lot of folks who said they believe only to discover they don't believe as much as they thought they did somebody shout i believe god helped my unbelief so you got to acknowledge okay don't go to god pretending like you ain't got no issue you got to go to god and say lord i believe you but sometimes sometimes lord i want to help me with my wondering i've been wondering in all the wrong places i believe but sometimes i wonder i tell you what you wonder you'll wonder if that's true i tell you what you wonder you'll wonder if that's going to come to pass because you've been listening too much to the voice of fear and whatever you spend your time doing the most that's what you're going to activate in your life that's what's going to show up in your life oh yeah i made my mind i hadn't made my mind up one i sat down and just listen i said well i'm not going to have no conventions and no more in those cities until to everything kind of clear up i don't know when stuff gonna clear up i don't change my mind i'm like ah listen whoever whoever can get there can get there i ain't stopping my preaching see what's gonna happen if i can preach whoever show up and if i can get them to get it and understand it then they can get on the telephone and on and on the internet and they can spread and see god know how to spread it god know how to spread it glory be to god god i listen a charge to keep i have a god to glorify you got to understand what's happening i'm spending my time preaching to myself getting taffy to preach to me preaching myself man she had a revelation just blew my mind she said it is important to build boundaries against those wrong negative fearful words and she said if you fail to build those boundaries you're just leaving the driveway open for it to just come anytime i want to come i said let's let's talk in precision oh yeah when you're with somebody and they bring up something fear-based or want to talk about somebody or dog somebody out you're like ah we're not doing that no i don't want to hear that i want to hear that and then they're like well well who are you mr perfect not yet i don't want to hear that i don't want i got a boundary right there i don't want that going in my system because i've been working on something before i got with you now if all you want to do is talk fear-filled words i'm not going to spend no two hours with you listening to that when i when i've been working on preaching to myself now i love you i thank god for you but it might be time for us to separate like paul and barnabas you might need to go your way and go your way because i'm working on something because if i go your way i'm gonna end up dead somewhere because i let this thing get too deep on the inside of me i got to preach to myself that he's a healer i got to preach to myself that i'm the righteousness of god i got to preach to myself that the blood of jesus did not fail ain't got time to be talking about who did what who posted what on instagram how they did that on facebook and what's going on on twitter i ain't got time for all that stuff jesus is coming back people are dying and going to hell and i ain't got time to be listening to no outside influences i got to pay attention to what the word promises me praise god when fear knocks on the door i got to answer with god loves me and i know it when fear knocks on the door i gotta answer i believe i receive what he said when fear knocks on the door i gotta respond with what i believe [Applause] i ain't doing it you do what do it do whatever do what you need to do i know oh creflo that's taking it too far do what you need to do there's probably a church somewhere that will preach what you believe but i don't believe in giving my life to fear i don't believe in turning over my life to the spirit of fear i walk by faith and not by sight hallelujah and i'm gonna believe my god he loves me glory to god he loves me when i'm good and he loves me when i'm bad he loves me when i'm doing it right he loves me when i'm doing it wrong my god died for me he shed his blood for me he got it from the grave for me he's alive seated on the right hand of god the father almighty and i am not going to let him go and turn over to the influences of the world i'm not gonna do it i'm not gonna do it so where do you need to challenge your voice of fear what area of your life where in your life do you need to challenge that voice of fear because if you are tempted with those outside influences and voices you're being controlled by fear i'm not going to be controlled by anything i made my mind up i won't even be controlled by a whole foods oatmeal cookie with raisins in it and brown sugar yes amen i was over my mom's house the other day and i turned to the left and i saw some cookies on the counter and i said katabasa the cookie monster in me wanted to resurrect from the dead and repossess me i'm talking about i can put away some cookies i don't know what it is i i could put i probably i have it's so sad i have i have i really have i may make a confession i'm in the booth i i'm making a confession right now all right i don't sat down to eight twenty big oatmeal cookies twenty twenty twenty twenty in fact i ate ten and didn't even know i had eaten ten cause i was eating while i was moving eating while i was doing stuff and i look bad like what happened to my cookies god said how are you going to lead people how are you going to lead people to me and you are enslaved by a cookie you're trying to cast out devil cast that cookie monster out of you creflo and i said okay lord go that cricket must have said ain't nothing wrong with these cookies it's brown sugar cruffalo that's healthy you know how we do we find the healthy stuff that's brown sugar maple syrup from the maple tree and i'm like praise the lord that's right from the maple tree that's a that's a tree that's plant-based [Laughter] oh bad number four how do i know if i'm being controlled by fear number four when fear challenges your belief in god when fear challenges your belief in god look at hebrews chapter 13 and 5 in the new living translation hebrews 13 5 new living translation when i allow myself to get to a place where my belief in god is challenged i am being controlled by fear i'm being controlled by fear it it didn't used to be a challenge now it's a challenge not so yeah but look what he said in verse five he says he said don't love money be satisfied with what you have for god has said i will never fail you i will never abandon you i will never fail you i will never abandon you now so you're hearing that right now but you're being challenged with do i really believe that do i really believe that god will never fail me do i really believe that god will never abandon me you know i recall this uh prayer in new testament where peter came uh jesus came to peter and he said to peter i pray that your faith fail not you i hear that they told you your faith gonna fail i pray jesus said i'm praying that your faith failed not how you know that when jesus prays it happens right you can be pretty sure that right he says i pray for you peter that your faith failed not and then we see peter denying jesus three times alright you thought it just like i thought it i said well obviously his faith failed he denied you three times what's up lord did god not hear your prayer of course he did but it wasn't his faith see when failure takes place be careful how you put things together his faith didn't fail the failure was in his self-effort there were still some things he was trying to do out of his own power trying to operate independent from god instead of depending on god to help him that his faith failed not his faith didn't fail the failure was in self just like most of us when we think that there are things we can do without god and then it don't work it's not just faith fail or not that god failed you failed and he allowed you to fail so you can get up from that faith and say i need you i need to depend on you i keep trying to do stuff out of my own ability and a lot of times god allows suffering and failure to come your way so he can melt away that self-performance so there's nothing left but depending on him have you ever been put in a situation after you tried everything you know to do you finally turn to god and say i don't know what else to do i just got to trust you and then it happened right away see you in the right position once you what's what see he'll let you go through some stuff to burn off that self-performance you still think that you can be like god without god you still think you don't need him but honey it's only when you come to the place in your life where every time you turn around you're asking god to bless this you're asking god to bless that you're asking god to bless the supplements you take you asking god to bless the mass you put on you asking god to bless the clothes you wear you and you lord i need you i'm finna go outside lord help me be with me lord don't leave me when you start living life like that you're living in the perfect will of god jesus says i don't do nothing except i go to the father and he said like i depended on the father to take care of me you now can depend on me to take care of you but that's not going to happen if you got so religious deep that you don't need god no more i don't win that sermon i just preached right there a little bit that's that was for april uh excuse me i went y'all hear what i'm saying the devil's trying to get you to declare your independence from god that's what lucifer did in the beginning the whole deal where he got kicked out and the third angels follow you know what happened lucifer declared his independence with two words i will i will i will and the last verse verse 15 i will be like the most high god you know what he was saying i declare my independence from you i don't need you i don't need you i don't need you so for the rest of our lives you can expect a devil to enter into our lives with fear to convince us we don't need god i'm not gonna let it happen yes i do need him satan has a declaration of independence for every christian now god has another declaration of dependence and the ones who depend on god are about to walk in more glory than you've ever seen before i don't want to be apart from it i don't want to be apart from them but there are too many christians who think they they don't they got this great knowledge now and they talk about all that they can do and they're saying i will i will i will not god will but i can do this and i can do that oh i don't need god i got money oh i don't need god i have education oh i don't need god i have important friends oh i don't need god i own my own business and you keep talking that's your declaration of independence from god i don't need god i don't need god this is why trials happen to our lives this is why suffering this is why we go through certain things because god recognized that we got to burn that stuff off he loves you so he's not going to let you get away with it you're talking about you don't need god he's going to show you how much you need him ain't nobody live that's ever gotten away with being convinced that they could do it on their own and sometimes god's got to take us before we can get ready for that next area and say now you're going to need me on this next thing so before you even get into yourself let me go ahead and humble you so you can submit yourself to me in the middle of this journey so you think something wrong when you go through trouble the bible says the trial of your faith which is much more precious than pure gold for when it is tried you come out with the glory and the praise how do you get glory and praise out of trouble because it burns away that declaration of independence from the devil and you come out you come out god i gotta have you god i gotta have you and in the middle of this pandemic god i gotta have you god i gotta have you there's so much i don't understand i wanna believe this person i wanna believe that god i gotta have you i got a lot of preaching to do and i got a lot of miles to travel i need god so i don't get stuck in some of these countries for months at a time you see me on the screen well i'm still in liberia but praise god for technology let's stand up and give the lord a worship i i the bible says if need be certain sufferings and stuff come your way i'm trying to take advantage of if need be i'm trying to practice every day how i need him and how i need to depend on him so he don't see it real necessary to take me through something to show me that i need to depend on him i just want to do that now before i start preaching the gospel of grace i saw more hell than i ever saw and i thought this is the most dangerous appearing to be the most dangerous maybe i need to quit preaching is this does it seem like all hell broke loose what the maybe it's the wrong message and i see god was just preparing me he just prepared me and what i'm gonna do this year with you guys it takes the grace message to a level that's gonna it's you're gonna the power of god's grace is gonna teach you how to do what you've been trying to do all your life because the bible says grace teaches us grace can teach you glory to god you've been trying to do it on your own but now it's time to depend on god grace can teach us [Applause] well i i got i've got i got problems with the grace message well amen i'm sure you can go somewhere here something you want to hear whatever happened to sitting there taking your medicine how god gonna ever take you through something and get you ready for something if you only want what's sweet if you what does it cost taffy and i to to to accept this call you don't even know you have no idea because when it's crazy we say it's good when all hell don't broke loose in our life we say hallelujah you you don't know unless we tell you and break down and submit to the pain of it all now there's times we have to deal with the pain of all but we do that privately but what does it cost you have no idea unless you've gone through it yourself you have no idea and that same way with other people they're people you know you think you know you don't know what them people went through you don't know the person you seated next to you have no idea what they have gone through to get to the point where they can say hallelujah in the middle of all hell that's broken loose you have no idea and yet they still keep showing up hallelujah one sunday hallelujah may be a little louder than the other sunday but they still lord help me to say hallelujah hey glory to god oh lord just lost my job glory hallelujah yesterday was christmas and i was homeless and didn't nobody even know it but glory to god i got a blanket for chris hallelujah oh my ghetto you never will know don't ever think you pretend and that's why you are not ever exalt the stuff you've gone through because it's somebody else i promise you there's somebody else that's going through something twenty hundred times worse than what you're going through but they trust god and they believe god and so when god put them in a place don't get mad at them don't get jealous at them because they decided i'm gonna depend on god i don't know what else to do i don't know how to get out of this i feel like i'm trapped but i know a god who sits high and looks low and i'm gonna depend on him and he will lift me up and he will bring me out and he will take care of me that's what we need to go to christianity is not about you going around and bragging about your professionalism in christianity and about how much you know how you live in it baby and is yourself dead yet because being a christian is another crucifixion it's a crucifixion of yourself praise god it's a crucifixion so you are no longer you know trying to get your uh independence from god you know what you call independence from god just foolish death because you can't do it by yourself how many more years are you gonna waste thinking and deceiving yourself that you can do this life without god this life is hard and it is difficult and almost impossible to live without god and some people because they got a lot of money and some people because they got a lot of fame and some people because they got a good job and a nice car oh they think they can do it without god and they look on the outside that they're doing it without god but you don't know every night they load a gun up and they negotiate whether or not i should pull this trigger or not you don't know the pain they go through you don't know the heartache that they have you don't know the sickness that they deal with everything that look good on instagram is not good turn to your neighbor and say wake up no i'm not talking about wake up cause you sleep right now i'm time i wake up to this reality get out of this crazy dream world but taffy not gonna have the world changes nation y'all gonna be ready to go y'all gonna be ready to go god getting ready to do something so amazing you like my godfather he stopped by every now and then he'll stop by and give me a word you know and he stopped by and he said he said the lord wanted you to know don't forget where you came from now i need you to mark where you are right now ho ho because god get above shatter god's getting ready to take you a distance away from where you are right now glory be to god but don't forget where you are right now because when you start testifying you want to start right there when you start testifying of his goodness testified of his glory you can start right there i remember when i didn't have no job i remember when i was sick and the doctor said i was getting ready to die i remember hallelujah when i had been betrayed and messed up i remember when my family was all broken up but i decided hallelujah to depend on god and god took me from one step to another step to another step and look at where i am right now won't he do it won't he make a way for you won't he bring you up won't he bring you out excuse me for hauling so much this morning but he been so good to me hallelujah who do i think i am to want to feel sorry for myself and be sad when god has done so much you can't forget about what he's already done he's already done some stuff for you right now he's already lifting you up he's already healed you he's already protected you he's already paid your bill he's already delivered you out of debt don't forget where god has brought you i gotta praise him i gotta praise him i gotta pray i gotta preach every time what's like like it's my last time preaching because god's been too good i'm not gonna let that devil win that world changes hallelujah i'm gonna preach the truth no matter what it costs somebody shout i depend on god come on praise him somebody come on praising somebody praise him because he's good praise him because he'll never leave you nor forsake you praise him hello praise him let everything that hath breath praise the lord [Applause] glory glory glory glory glory glory bless his holy name bless his holy name you might be in a pit this morning but god's getting ready to deliver you up out of that pit he's getting ready to place your seat on a solid ground he's getting ready to put a new song in your mouth but it's not going to be by might it's not going to be by power but it's going to be by his spirit and the spirit of god is moving and world changes hallelujah the spirit of god is moving in your home the spirit of god is moving in your relationship the spirit of god is moving in your finances the spirit of god is moving shout amen somebody oh my god oh my god i'm gonna preach myself happy oh my god hallelujah oh my god when i look back and i think and i see what he's already done hallelujah my soul gets happy glory to god could have been dead sleeping in my grave but he made that enemy behave hallelujah i gotta praise him excuse me that i'm shouting praise god i gotta praise him you don't know how good god's been to me hallelujah i gotta praise him he's worthy of my praise hallelujah he's worthy of your praise i'm never going to be the same again i'm never going to be the same again and what god did for me and taffy he can do it for you but it ain't over until it's over honey if you've experienced something good you ain't seen nothing yet by the time god finished with you you're gonna have to redefine what's good hallelujah hey glory be to god you're going to be sitting in your dreams hallelujah and wondering how you got there praise god but it was god who started moving in your midst it was god that started moving while you were at home it was god that spoke to you while you were driving your car it was god that spoke to you when you're in the bathroom when you were at work he will not let you down he's got your back he will never leave you he will never forsake you he is the almighty god hallelujah hallelujah [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] my god [Applause] that [Applause] look at jeremiah 29 11 in the new living translation hallelujah hallelujah city [Applause] hallelujah cool i know i know some of y'all trying to figure out what's going on and what are people doing why why they getting excited why they crying why they shouting see you you just don't know you you don't know what it's done you don't know how bad it was glory to god and you thought you were undeserving and and you thought that you hadn't been good enough for god to be good to you and then he showed up and did something you know you didn't deserve and the only thing that did was cause you to want to praise him a little bit more the only thing that did was cause you to just want to shout a little bit more you don't know like i know what god has done hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah oh jesus oh jesus [Applause] oh jesus thank you thank you now you like what what pastor why why you so excited listen man he healed me of meningitis he healed me of cancer he snatched me away from the jaws of death several times [Music] you might want to find another church cause i gotta praise him i'm trying to sound like a professor throughout the whole sermon but as i start teaching you i get stirred up [Applause] [Music] because he's real ain't nobody playing man this is real [Applause] i'm not gonna quit on it a lot of people don't quit on god i'm not quitting a lot of people taking casual you know there's certain things that you get so used to you don't miss it until it's gone [Applause] oh no i ain't done with you yet i decided ain't going nowhere i ain't done with you yet [Music] [Music] i gotta have him i gotta have him and i'm glad to report to you today i got him i depend on jeremiah 29 11 says something to me he says for i know the plans i have for you says the lord there are plans for good oh look at that look at what time we're talking about this morning he's already planned some good for you you don't understand you think only god only got evil planned for you no he got some good plan for you and not for some he says and not for disaster he wants to give you a future and a hope now fear will challenge you and challenge your belief in what those two scriptures don't allow whatever fear you are experiencing to create an obstruction a blockage to believe in god god is greater than any fear you'll face he's greater than any fear you'll face number five how do i know i'm being controlled by fear number five when fear keeps you from facing the battle there gonna be some battles some i said going to be something i remember out of battle last night somebody said oh what last night i had one about three hours before i came here somebody said three hours three minutes before i came here look at second chronicles 2017 and it will look at it in nlt second chronicles 2017 and then i'm a backup to go to verse 3 and then back up and go to verse 12. ii chronicles 17 3 and then 12. listen to this but you will not even need to fight see that's the thing religion tells you you need to fight because like you you need to believe and stand still and see the salvation of the lord you won't need to fight take your position look at her take your position in faith take your position and your simple dependence upon god then stand still and watch the lord's victory he is with you o people of judah in jerusalem do not be afraid or discouraged go out against them tomorrow for the lord is with you god is god is saying don't be afraid to face the battle don't be afraid of look at verse three now don't be afraid to face the battle so jehoshaphat before he said this he was terrified by this news of people those those countries coming against him and he begged the lord for guidance somebody said big no no no here's the thing i'm impressed with he knew there was no way he was going to be able to win in this battle if he didn't depend on god he also ordered everyone in judah watch this how did he really he really depended on god he said everybody we going on a fast because ain't none we got going to be able to win this we got to totally depend on god you ever been in a situation in your life where you couldn't see nothing no way no how but there's the way the way is i i trust him and then move down to verse 12. verse 12 says oh our god won't won't you stop them oh our god won't you stop them we are powerless against this mighty army that is about to attack us we do not know what to do but we are looking to you for help how many have been in situations when you needed some help and you didn't know where to look i'm looking at him for some help i'm looking to god from some help and there ain't no wrong what you're saying i don't know what to do lord i can't tell you how many times i go before god say lord i don't know what to do when we were building this building he said build a building debt free i'm like i don't know how to do that i don't know what to do i'll help you i'll help you do the same thing nothing too big nothing too small he says i'll be your very present help in a time of trouble amen and so our lives are full of battles sickness broken relationships pandemics and it can seem like too much to conquer but i like the example of jehoshaphat admit your weakness position yourself before god and face the war god will do the fighting trust him for the victory number six the sixth way to know that you're being controlled by fear when fear causes doubt when fear causes you to doubt and and cause you to lack confidence luke chapter 18 luke luke chapter 1 verses 18 through 20 in the nlt luke chapter 1 18-20 man god uh god spoke very strongly to john the baptist's father before he was born told him you're gonna have a son he just doubted it he had a problem with that look what he said verse 18 through 20 zechariah said to the angel how can i be sure this will happen isn't that the number one fear of the devil to get you to the place where you're not sure if that can happen the number one fear of the devil to get you to the place where you don't believe what god promised if you're always at that place where you can't believe the word you can't believe what god promised then fear is controlling your life fear is controlling your life because what what happened you you used to believe god now you're just having you just doubt everything now you doubt everything and then you listen to the outside voice see there's so many people that are going against the church don't go to church watch this ain't nobody no good in the church they're all a bunch of hypocrites like you flawless everybody in the church we all know we we we're here for some treatment you're the only one on the outside thinking you don't need no treatment you need some treatment too more than anybody but zechariah said to the angel how can i be sure this will happen he says i'm an old man now and my wife is also well along in years you see you see that doubt 19 then the angel said i am gabriel i stand in the very presence of god it was he who sent me to bring you this good news 20. but now since you didn't believe what i said you'll be silent and unable to speak until the child is born cause you ain't messing up none so shut your mouth for my words will certainly be fulfilled at the proper time you know that boy didn't say nothing you know when he finally opened his mouth somebody asked what's his name and his mind flew open his name is john [Music] just like the lord said amen listen to me ladies and gentlemen don't let fear control your life where you'll get to the place where you start doubting you start doubting let me give you one more uh the clock just hit zero can i have like one minute and 57 seconds and and two this is how you know you are being controlled by fear when fear makes you forget god's truth i thought what fear making me forget god's truth fear when fear stops making you forget what the word says let me show you to show you this in scripture matthew 28 5-6 matthew 28 5-6 the in the nlt fear can come in such abundance you forget what god said you forget all about what god has already said in his word look at this matthew chapter 28 5 through 6 and nlt then the angel spoke to the woman don't be afraid he said i know you are looking for jesus who was crucified check this out he isn't here he is risen from the dead watch this just as he said he would just like he said it would happen come see where his body was lying in other words your fear caused you to forget what he already told you he already told you how long he was going to be here he already told you he was going to rise from the dead but your fear controls your life so much you forget what he already said to you i wonder how many christians who've been in church all of their lives have forgotten what god had already spoken to him if that's happening to you you're being controlled by fear you can't remember what god told you personally five years ago you can't hardly remember what god said to you two days ago because you're always in the face of that fear don't let fear cause you to forget what god has already promised and what god has already said and my time is up god bless you lift your hands up worship god lift your hands up lord oh god just worship him right now thank you lord thank you lord for your word thank god that you you are not being controlled by fear god i'm not going to be controlled by fear i'm not going to be controlled by fear no no no no no no i'm only going to be controlled by you not fear you not fear you kid thank you lord allow us to be shining lights in the midst of darkness we will be unusual peculiar people but shining in the midst of darkness jesus name if you're here today you've never made jesus the lord of your life i can't tell you how important this is if you've never made a quality decision to invite him to be your lord and personal savior you can do it right now those of you who are watching through the stream you never made him the lord of your life you've never been born again you're not saved because you go to church you're not saved because you turn the stream on you save because you invited him to be your lord and savior if you haven't done that i want to lead you in this prayer and if you repeat after me let's just take care of that right now heavenly father i realize that i'm a sinner right now i repent of my sins i receive the free gift of forgiveness jesus be my savior come into my heart be my lord save me so by faith i declare that i am saved i believe in you lord therefore all is well in jesus name amen if you prayed that prayer today here in the dome then welcome to the family of god if you prayed that prayer over the stream welcome to the family of god if you're watching via stream if you'll text the key word i'm saved that's one word to five one five five five then we're going to provide and we're gonna provide something to you to help you uh as you begin your journey today welcome to the kingdom of god let's go ahead and conclude our worship today through giving somebody says what yeah man it's like i'm a christian i'm a giver they go hand in hand i'm not given to try to get god to do something for me i am giving because he's already done something for me my giving should be giving should be done with an attitude of gratitude and thanksgiving for what is already done there's nothing that you can possibly ask god for or believe god for that he hadn't already made a made available my giving is is almost like a thanksgiving offering it's an appreciation it's man it's so important to me and so valuable to me because you know for a long time man i really didn't understand the real motive behind giving in church until i began to see that when giving was done in the new testament it was out of gratitude and honor and love and appreciation for what he already has done and so i want you to pray in what is god instructing you this is a worship uh as we worship god in the beauty of his holiness the bible says uh bring an offering and and when we bring an offering worship him uh and i like to say this have a flashback of his goodness and honor him and we can do that with our gift i just don't believe worship is complete without gift giving we've heard music we've prayed we've heard a sermon now it's just time to forget about everything for us and say god in gratitude for what you've done i sow this seed i get to give the attitude should be i got to give the attitude should be i get to give because he's already done everything that pertains to life and godliness and by my faith i take hold of it in jesus name if you're on the stream and you're giving right now if you want to give to the information is on the screen ways to give world changes space amount to 74483 you can call that number on the screen there's an address if you'd like to mail in and if you like go to the websites you can go to or if you're watching from another part of the world and you want to use your paypal that might be the best place for you to go also over the stream there's a qr code if you uh you've got your phone and you can just go up there and get that qr code and it'll take you straight to the text to give uh if you're here have i told you guys go ahead and give out offerings envelopes have you done that yet okay go ahead and give them out if you if you want to receive an offer envelope give that way you lift your hands up in the ushers to give you an offering envelope um also there's a qr code that they'll put on the screen here that's on that screen and also there if you go out some people give when they go into the lobby and hit those uh two screens that are in the middle lobby and near that desk um i hadn't even seen that yet probably to step out there and see how it turned out and then take a picture and that will take you there look at us trying to get with the technology a little bit you know why because the technology is here and i think god allowed it to be put here for christian people to use it for his glory and so we're going to figure out ways to do that amen well you know metaverse going coming yeah and i'm trying to buy real estate there so i can build churches in the middle verse cause they're gonna have all kinds of wickedness they'll gotta had a word there amen see wherever wickedness comes then there needs to be the grace of god there somewhere because you don't know something people might bump into church while they're going to a strip club and world changes right there on the left with their gargles on and they want to come in and see what's happening we preach grace to them and they do a perennial cat child and backup and you know amen yeah a lot of stuff happening i mean all kinds of weird things a whole new universe where you can buy real estate i'm tired of being i'm tired of the church i always been the last one talking about that's the devil figure out how to use it for god when the drums came i remember i was in church them drums of the devil that guitar is underdeveloped everything was of the devil except for you and the real devil was in you talking about the devil was in the drawings the devil ain't living in no drums he's in you we got to learn how to use it for the glory of god amen all right if you're ready to give i'm ready to give let's just go ahead and receive uh the envelopes and those of you who are using your devices to give you can go ahead and use your devices to give and i want to say this to those of you who are on line if you want to become a part of our uh digital church our it's available our virtual church you can become a part of that all the information is is there and um you know we're just grateful and we thank god for all that he is doing praise to god praise god amen praise god praise god been a busy two days thank you all for coming to the christmas service yesterday we had a really good time that was awesome thank y'all who did a double duty and came again today that's awesome now next week we do new year's eve so praise god the new year's eve service is on like a friday so we can chill on saturday and have a little break before sunday start but uh it's gonna be an amazing time amazing time do y'all feel real would y'all feel safe when you come here okay you feel safe and i'm trying to convince other people we are doing everything we possibly can we're still taking temperatures we're still doing social distancing we're still doing everything to make you feel as safe as as you possibly can we're still asking people don't just run up on somebody and and go hug them and then get mad when they say whoa back up you know just let's just respect people's you know place and where they are and you know if they want to hug you y'all you know dude a little freeze and a little check be like oh yeah you know because sometimes you might say that or they do like this they say yeah whatever i'm you know like to have said on um his confessions this week i'm not gonna start no fight with no little stuff and he's starting no fight with no little stuff well you aim ass you ain't got no faith quit start quit bullying people just let people do what they feel like they need to do and and stay out of their business you understand quite debating about what everybody's doing what you doing behind that mask what you're doing when you ain't got the mask stop don't don't bully people don't start quit starting to stop well all i know my bible tells me what did your bible tell you about all that gospel you did last night two hours you was on telephone that's how you know that oh no the lord just told me see god will tell all you quit bullying people it's their business and not none of yours and leave them alone tend to your business you know what's happening i start a new club it's called the tend to your business club tend to your business and leave everybody else along how many you know we all got more than enough to deal with right here than to be dealing with why somebody doing something leading people along you don't even know what's the matter with y'all well i just think it's just you can't get slapped stop it because some of these people ain't gonna take that you you're gonna get slapped they're gonna slap you 80 years old they finally slapped you back hand you're bam like they used to get you better recognize they say and see people look at me strange when i talk about this i i believe that god can talk to every individual you're all christians you ought to be listening to the same god you find out what god wants you to do and you do it and it ain't nobody else's business except yourself if you're that concerned stay home and look and look at it on stream it's simple but then ain't no bullying nobody and trying to be the holy ghost police huh don't look like somebody ain't got no faith around here pastor again up there teaching on faith and got that big old mask on that ain't none of your business is it that ain't none of your business [Music] did y'all hear me somebody got to tell you cause it ain't none of your business oh i enjoyed service but now you don't got oh you ain't coming back here no more that ain't none of my business whatever you decide to do after i get a benediction hallelujah bless his holy name i'm free i ain't that kind of preacher that do anything to try to get you to come to world changes i'm trying to let you i love you i want to be your pastor but i want to make sure you know what you're going to get before you commit i don't appreciate you as a man of god wearing jeans on a sunday morning ain't nobody asked you miss lucy ain't nobody ask you nothing i don't appreciate you wearing that wig that need a chin strap see only thing that's gonna do is gender strife right and now y'all gonna start drawing each other then you're gonna start talking about each other's mama your mom was so fat we couldn't even lift her up in prayer [Applause] [Music] it don't do not but gender strife come on let's stand up get on out of here that's so sad some of y'all just got it y'all like god dawg one two three one hey i love you guys so much man let's be happy let's learn how to enjoy life let's be safe let the spirit of god give us his wisdom to do what needs to be done we're not trying to show off in front of nobody because the only important person we need to be pleasing is god and i'm gonna tell you right now he already pleased with you and he loves you lift your hands up now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the almighty god be glory majesty dominion and power both now and forever and everybody said amen have a great day everybody we love you see you soon [Music]
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 68,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: MzZ1d2aLBRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 76min 41sec (4601 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 26 2021
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