How to Tame Your Mind - Wednesday Service

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Glory [Music] we worship you our Lord you are worthy to be brave one more time praise God with you all home the heart Glory we worship you our Lord you are worthy to be [Music] Holy Spirit you are welcome in this place tonight you are welcome in our lives we receive you we depend on you we trust you we yield to you we ask that you would anoint our ears to hear tonight and our hearts to receive and we declare none of us Lord all of you it's in Jesus name we pray and everybody said amen come on give the Lord a big hand clap of Praise before you take the seats amen praise God you may be seated if you have your Bibles go with me to Colossians chapter 3 verse 2 we're going to look at it in the King James and the Amplified for the last few weeks we've been talking about basically Satan's Mo how he operates well tonight we're going to talk about our part in this battle against our our adversary and our part is real simple we've got to learn how to set our mind in order to set our lives say that out loud set my mind set my life because that's really where it starts you're not going to set your life by not doing anything you set your life by setting your mind obviously Satan knows that he can disrupt your life by disrupting your thinking and invading your mindset through suggestions and a lot of things that way and so we're going to look at that and how important it is to to get involved in that and it's in this lesson tonight we're going to talk about what it means to tame the mind so you can receive what the grace of God has made available to you so let's go ahead and get started Colossians chapter 3 verse 2 he says this in the King James he says set your affection on things above not on things on the Earth I I like this set your affection it shows that I have authority in setting my affections on the things of God and not the things on the earth now look at this uh in the Amplified Bible Colossians chapter 3 and 2 he says set your minds and keep them set I think about a thermostat oftentimes on The Daily confession I remind people that we are not thermometers we're not taking the temperature of what's going on in our life we set it we are we are thermostats we are we can set our our life we can I think this past week we talked about we can set the atmosphere you know and and to set your minds first of all indicates you have the authority to do that you can set your minds and you can keep it set on what is above and here's what he's saying Keep Your Mind Set On The Higher things keep your mindset on the higher things set your mind on the higher things not on the things that are on the earth or don't set your mind on the lower things be very careful not not to allow just somebody else's drama or just crazy stuff in the world those are the lower things I don't allow those things to set your mind okay don't be captivated by the world's way of thinking set your mind on higher things set your mind and keep it set on the things that are uh are above and so uh this verse describes the definition of the word mentality which means the set of one's mind the word mentality which means the set of one's mind and so I'd ask you tonight how is your mentality how is your mind set is your mindset and unbelief is your mindset and failure is your mindset and I'll never make it or I'll never be this no no no no we don't want to do that so I think I mentioned this some last week every issue that a man faces will be an issue based in his thinking every issue that you face will be an issue based in your thinking don't forget that every issue that you face in your life will be an issue that's based in your thinking the neat thing about that is that issue doesn't have to dominate your life because if it's based in your thinking check this out you can adjust your thinking you can change your thinking so there's nothing that's just like settled in your life if there's an issue you don't like the issue and that issue is based in the way you think you change the way you think watch this you change that issue that's going on in your life you don't like those issues change them uh I think I also said that success will be based in right thinking success will be based in right thinking failure will be based in wrong thinking failure will be based in wrong thinking and life itself will be determined by the way you think your life is going to be determined by the way you think how are you thinking what you're thinking is it lining up with the world's way of thinking the social media's way of thinking or is uh you're thinking lining up with the word of God spiritual things that way of thinking life will be determined by the way you think life will be determined I'm never leaving this you know what I'm saying life will be determined by the way you think you don't like your life right now change the way you think somebody says well how did you change the way you think change all of the influences that are going in and governing your thinking all right and so you got to check out what are you listening to what's going through your ear gate your eye gate what's coming out of your mouth uh are you being critical towards yourself uh critical self-talk you got to check all that out because your life is going to be constructed uh by by the way you think and and it doesn't have to be like that you just can't sit around hoping in a praying that things will change praise God you take authority over the influences and the way you think and you make your way prosperous and you have good success amen and got to give you the grace to do this now let's uh based on those two things let's review these two scriptures Proverbs chapter 23 and verse 7. Proverbs 23 and verse 7 and you're you're familiar with this uh for as he thinketh and then in his heart so is he you're going to be in your heart based on what you think okay for as a man thinketh then in his heart so is he so whatever you are in here it started with the thinking right here and then in Philippians chapter 4 verse 8 let's read it in the Amplified first Philippians chapter 4 and verse 8 it encourages us to think on certain things he says for the rest Brethren whatever is true whatever is worthy of reverence and is Honorable and is seemling whatever is just whatever is pure whatever is lovely and lovable whatever is kind and Winsome and gracious if there is any virtue and Excellence if there's anything worthy of Praise he says think on and weigh and take account of these things fix your mind on them so that's the part that we're playing fixing our mind on them and when I read these two scriptures this phrase comes up in my thinking an organized system of thoughts write that down unorganized system of thoughts people without an organized system of thought will always be at the mercy of people who have won an organized system of thought and just just think about that just for a moment just think about it what if you were to go home take what I'm teaching tonight and just you know make some notes on how you're going to immediately make these adjustments an organized system of thoughts people who don't have it will always be subject to people that do you can throw anything at people who have an organized system of thought and they're basically going to you know decipher it that's not what I want that's not what my life to be like move it aside go find what the word has to say about it get it organized in their thinking and and their life will follow suit with that thinking or you'll have people who are just subject to crazy thoughts and crazy things and you don't do anything about it you just let them sit there now the problem with that is just it's kind of like a guy delivering uh construction materials to a construction site have you ever seen where the bricks are covered up and all of the sand is sitting there and all the stuff is there on the site uh waiting on somebody to come put it together and that's not what you want to do you don't want to wait for some Demon Spirit to show up in your thinking and find that that he has available to him all of the materials to build houses of thoughts those are called strongholds that you allowed the material to be delivered you allow it to be constructed in your mind and that's happening a lot right now in these days people are have allowed certain Traditions to be constructed in their mind and it's hard to tear some of that stuff down because you know the Bible says your tradition has made the word of God of no effect and it's not like you know when we say tradition is necessarily something demonic it could just be something that's not accurate according to the will of God the word of God and the personality of the Holy Spirit and you just hang on to it and just think it's good because that's how we've always thought that's how we've all always done it I am always motivated by digging deeper I am not going to just like stay here because we've always stayed here I'm going to look at it a little deeper and say now Lord help me to look into this uh I don't want to settle for the cheaper when there's something deeper and when that happens I'm like I see stuff but then when I present it to the body of Christ because they hang on to things that are not everybody but they hang on to things that are cheaper and then when I come with the deeper they're like oh I can't receive that well you can't receive it not because it's not true you can't receive it because you have allowed that tradition to become a stronghold in your mind and that's just how you have always thought about it and you're not considering it listen real carefully they'll tell you well that's how I've always thought about it and that's how we've always done it well you're limited to go deeper because you settled I mean think about it the manifold wisdoms of God and he's got like a million ways to do everything and you actually think he can't get deeper than what you know and let me tell you something we're not that deep we're not that deep and so uh in doing what I'm talking about here tonight we're gonna have to learn how to tame write that word down tame our mind to receive the finished works of Jesus so let's unpack that word tame for a minute to tame uh it means to get under control uh to get under control I like this it means to improve by cultivation and I think that's the journey I'm on to improve by cultivation to cultivate something man you're working in that particular area tame your mind to receive the finished works of Jesus improved by cultivating it you know turning it over you know what I'm saying cultivating it I challenge you to cultivate some of the things that you've learned in the past and see can you go a little deeper with it and and it may not be going deep for everybody else it may just mean going deep for you so you gather a greater insight and understanding you see this better because you've cultivated it deeper and sometimes when you see things better and it's become so practical to you then you begin to walk in it a lot better because you've gone deeper in it what I don't like in my own personal life is to read a scripture and I'm just I'm just skimming the top of it I know it's something deeper to that and and and and so I might want to hang on to that script and just kind of keep it and in prayer or something the Lord said you know that scripture you're looking at check this and I'm like oh wow sure Wheels you know I'm gonna I didn't get to it this past Sunday but uh we're going to look at the uh in The Book of Mark it's also in the Luke where Jesus was the right before he watched his disciples feet uh it was I must have just read over it for 40 something years it gave the four motivations for humbling yourself uh to servanthood I realized servanthood wasn't the deepest part because you can you can be arrogant and be a servant you know but so I I'm like Jesus asked his disciples of course he said do you know do you know what I'm doing and and they thought they knew and they had no idea and he told them from the very beginning he says you know all right first of all I know I can do all things that God wants me to do I know I have authority I know I come from God I know I'm going back to God and then the Bible says then he stood up and took the lowest job of the servants take away those first four things just taken away all that Fosters uh humility and I looked at that and I'm like oh Lord and I put the Bible I said wow so that became a lot deeper to me than just servanthood and I'm thinking wait a minute it's not just servanthood it's humbling yourself and being clothed with humility where you will be able to do stuff like that but the key issue was humility humility how many of y'all ready to be lifted up in honor oh man I'm telling you it's coming it's coming I mean it's coming something somebody said you said winter time no that thing started already how many of y'all ready to be exalted well those who are clothed with humility that's almost foreign in the body of Christ everybody want to be somebody and then it's kind of like the first time I went to California everybody had on Shades so everybody was important so I finally stopped somebody I said are you important do I mean clothed with humility Heaven is going to have a field day lifting you up in honor and it's going to hit you some of you by surprise you're gonna be minding your own business just walking around non-arrogant non-braggadocious just just honoring God and giving him praise and you gonna bump into an accelerated honor Hallelujah I speak it over you right now I speak I speak acceleration honor over your life Hallelujah cause God know what you're gonna do with it you're gonna turn right around and give him the glory and give him the praise you're gonna shop go lift your hands up in public you're gonna give a little quick option right quick God know what you're gonna do with it because you know it didn't come from you you know it came from him somebody give the Lord of Praise in here just say well glory to God get ready for Accelerated exaltation well I I think that comes from you know going deeper taming your mind and looking at things a little deeper and not settling for something because that's the way you always sing it amen I ask the Lord don't let me get to that place don't ever let me get to that place where I settle for the cheaper I want the deeper and then say that with me I won't settle for the cheaper I want the deeper and he'll take you on that Journey for the deeper so a Christian's mind Should Be Tamed according to God's word and not according to the flesh or the dictates of the sensory mechanisms so if you're going to train your mind or tame your mind it should be done so according to the word of God let me show you a few scriptures here uh in the new living translations John chapter 6 and 63 we don't want to train our or tame our mind according to the flesh we don't want to tame our mind according to the dictates of the senses because if you do that you're just cultivating a atmosphere and a platform that Satan feels comfortable in coming to use against you to take you into further deception all right John chapter 6 and 63 he says the spirit alone gives eternal life uh human effort accomplishes nothing human effort accomplishes nothing and the Very words I have spoken to you our spirit and it leads to life so a mind controlled by the word and the spirit can be concluded as and considered as a spiritual mind spiritual mindedness is a mind that's been shaped carved and constructed by the word and the spirit human effort accomplishes nothing I don't know when we're going to learn that human effort I'll tell you what it does accomplish Pride human effort accomplishes nothing he says in that verse of scripture now so a mind controlled by the word and the spirit is a spiritual mind however a mind controlled by the flesh and the senses this is this is so very important uh mind controlled by the flesh and the senses is a carnal mind I I felt in my spirit I needed to kind of break this down some a all right so when you got born again the old man the old sinful man the the sinful man passed away all right that was that was uh something that governed your mind when you before you got born again there were a lot of inputs made into your your your mind um it's like uh the old man made inputs and created a software in your thinking so even though the old man of sin the sinful nature is no longer in your life because now you're born again you are a new creation okay so I'm talking to Christian people now if you're not born again you still have the the uh sinful man uh living in you and he is programming the software which is right up here okay so when I say flesh and I'm not referring to your body I'm talking about this part of you that has been programmed by that sin man and this part of you that has not been renewed okay that's why I say the most important thing you can do as a human being is to get born again all right get a new creation but the most important thing for you to do as a Christian is to renew your mind why because if you fail to renew your mind with the word of God you're walking around with the old software of the old nature does that make sense so a person can get born again and still carry the software of the old nature which we refer to as the flesh I thought you need to know what the flesh was it's that unrenewed unaffected unchanged part of your mindset that was programmed by the old man now you're born again the most important thing you can do as a Christian is to set yourself up in an organized daily renewing of your mind exchanging those old that old software for the new one exchange exchanging that old thought that old opinion for what the word has to say and as you renew your mind software then the software is going to be responsible for the output of Life your body is going to do what it's told to do when you have a renewed mind but if you're trying to live like a Christian life and you're still wondering why I'm why am I still having the same output it's because you still have the same software uh and in some cases you know how your telephone says if you have an old phone it says update you have to update it this needs to be updated even though you renew your mind with a lot of other things it need to be updated I got born again found about the real things about born again then I found out about Grace update if I don't and then I'm reading the scripture and I I knew that scripture but God gave me something deeper update okay because I still got the the the the the old phone but if in the whole the same body but I need to update this and continue to update it continue to update it so this is going to also update better outputs glory be to God faster outputs more quality outputs because this has been updated and this is renewed in the mind and this is what I'm trying to get Christian people to understand you cannot be a Christian and and and and produce the up-to-date outputs if you fail to update the software you've got to update this does everybody understand what I'm saying so yeah so when it talks about the flesh it's talking about the old uh on infected uninfected or old it's the it's talking about the mindset that has yet to be renewed and updated okay it's the mindset that's yet to be renewed and updated so uh if you'll take that into consideration a Christian's mind Should Be Tamed according to the word of God and not according to Software that has not been updated can't do it don't get your thinking in line with the software that has not been updated with the word of God and that's why it's important to get in that word of God and download that word you know I don't know how this necessarily works but maybe some of you taking people do I don't know if you erase the software or you're a racing software and you have to put in some new inputs right erase it and then put some new inputs in and that's basically what we have to do now so a mine controlled by the Flesh and the senses of an unrenewed software is going to be carnal it's going to be carnal it's going to be now now let's let's let's work with that word uh for a moment because I mean when I was growing up and I heard these little terms like over spiritualized and nobody took the time explained that this thought assumed that I knew what it mean meant but they didn't know what it meant so they couldn't tell me what it meant so we just all kind of gathered around there so what does it mean to be carnal uh carnivus is a term that it it talks about meat eaters or meat head and that's what happens when your mind is not renewed it's just physical it's meaty but the term carnal literally means of the five senses of the five senses a carnal mind is going to be a mind that says that's true based on what my senses dictate to me so a carnal mind says I believe what I can feel I believe what I can touch I believe what I can smell I believe what I can see I believe what I can taste now are are those things evil no the the senses God gave to you as a gift so that you can enjoy this physical world and uh you know to be able to touch something to know it's hot that's a blessing or you sit there and lean on a hot thing and get up and all your elbow will burn off you don't even know it that's a blessing so one of the things you you need to understand is yes he gave me those senses to enjoy to help me to walk through life to help me to uh navigate through a natural physical world however he never designed the system for your senses to govern your life they were supposed to work only to a certain place you you don't allow your senses to govern your life Faith now is going to call things that be not as though they were senses are going to call things just like I can feel it and touch it and all that other kind of stuff so you got to know how far to go with letting your senses tell you stuff and make sure your senses don't try to let your senses govern your whole life you want to allow the faith of God and and and by grace to govern your whole life but not your senses and that's the problem people say you know I say well you know I believe you're healed and you say well I don't feel healed okay well hold on a minute now when does faith kick in or somebody says they get up and they finish praying and they say boy I really feel like God heard me today well wait a minute when you pray by faith God heard you whether you felt like he did or not if you follow what I'm saying so you don't want a carnal mind because you don't want your carnal mind to shift over into a place where it doesn't need to be and it doesn't need to be in the place where it's trying to govern your life where the word of God is concerned that carnality and the promises of God they don't mix it requires faith to take possession of everything that Grace has made Available to You Grace has made you righteous and and whole and redeemed and healed and all the finished works of Jesus that was given to us by grace those things can only be taken possession of by faith all right Faith takes possession of everything that Grace is made available you won't be able to take possession of what Grace has made available by your senses not by your senses now your senses can enjoy your faith taking possessions of what Grace has already made available to you you'll see your senses will Shone up in joy that moment of exaltation oh yes amen I mean you will cry you'll give the Lord praise and all that kind of stuff but they won't get you there you don't want to live life with carnality you don't want to live life with a carnal mind with carnal thinking carnal thinking says I felt like God was with me today that's going to mess you up because you don't do you don't do God you don't have a relationship with God based on your senses or your carnality your carnality you should not add legitimacy to what faith which you have to have by faith of Jesus Christ y'all got this okay good because I'm like I don't know any more ways to try to to try to try to get that to you now look at Romans 8 verse four through eight in the NLT because your choices determine your destiny we talked about that last week the power of your choice your choices determine your destiny your choices determine your destiny you are a free moral agent that is a that is something that God has freely given to to every man you you have a right to a freedom of choice and I don't know when the world realizes that God gave every human being this wonderful free gift a a gift to decide a free will that's a gift of God a free will now whether you use it right or wrong that's that's uh that's your right the right of every human being to make his own choice whether it's right or wrong a choice but you they can say well you better not do that or you're going to jail and you're still going to do it and you're going to jail and you knew you were going to go to jail before you did it that's the choice you make and there are rules and laws and stuff to deal with people who won't choose right even the Bible says choose life or he says I place before you what a blessing and a curse and then he says if you're too dumb to know what to choose let me give you a hint choose life all right but he's he didn't take your right to choose death that's a basic human right and most of the world can't even see that people are trying to take from you a basic human right that God gave every human I know what y'all thinking I ain't getting involved in that this is the this is the original issue right here the original issue right here is your basic human right that came to you from God not from the Constitution from God he gave every human around the world to to to to have the freedom to make a choice and he knew people were going to choose wrong and and a lot of times people choose not to believe him and the result says hell but God says I am not willing that any should perish but they may have eternal life so God wants everybody to have it God don't want nobody to perish God don't want nobody to have eternal life the Bible says he didn't come into the world to condemn the world but but that the world through him might be saved he don't want another that but he also know man is is very interesting man has a freedom to choose Adam and Eve had a freedom a right to choose whether to obey God and eat and not eat the fruit or to eat it they ate it thank you I know you want to bust them in the face why you eat the fruit man look at all the stuff we got to go through because you you home couldn't you make a peanut butter and jelly sandwich why you got to eat the fruit in fact here's the thing that's that I I think a lot of people don't get here's what God told Adam and Eve you can eat them all the fruit of the trees in the garden except for this this one now how many different fruit you think might have been in that Garden the sin was not eating of all all of the other ones Satan came and zeroed in that one made a bad decision still did not Rob Mankind from the right to make a decision steal your human right your basic human right as a human being to make a decision well if you make the wrong one there are consequences what if you made the right one they're great consequences right or wrong you you got to decide what you want but then there are people who have been assigned by God to protect people who make the right decision from people who make the wrong decisions sequences yeah you might end up in jail you might end up getting shot you might die you might there are consequences well I tell you what but I'm gonna eat McDonald's three times a day that is your human right now we ain't gonna see you too long cause you're gonna die you can't eat all that stuff and and you know none against McDonald's but if you eat any fast food I mean you know foreign Big Mac Quarter Pounder french fries strawberry shake I love McDonald's don't you love McDonald's what's wrong with you you can't eat wrong and expect to live long you can eat wrong if you choose to if you if you don't choose who you can that's why I can't be I can't make people you know eat what I eat because half the time I'm I'm eating what I eat and I don't want what I'm eating I really eat what you eat I don't want that I ate some lentils today what is that I was mad eating McDonald's my imagination wasn't working real good I'm supposed to use my imagination and turn it into ground beef it wasn't changing it just wasn't changing for dessert some for me for dessert is a nice picture of apple pie how many y'all had apple pie Sunday after church uh come on I know some of y'all cause some of y'all tell me boy I sure would think about that problem when you talk about to happen and butter become ice cream we're good for you but what I'm saying is it's it's your human right I can't change that nobody can change that and consequently nobody can because every time they try to prohibit something people find a way to do it anyway you remember the alcohol prohibition they had Stills all over the woods everybody I think my great-granddaughter might have a steal they had everybody had everybody that was more liquor available than ever every time you try to prohibit something it it irritates people especially when they're you know that's my human right how you think you're gonna tip and they will find a way to do it as soon as you say you can't there's several people working on a way you can you ain't did nothing you think you're gonna did something you ain't did nothing so let me go ahead and leave that alone for you know and what you understand when I say it right all hearts and Minds clear yeah we good all right now so here's what he said he did this so that the just requirements of the law would be fully satisfied for us who no longer follow our sinful nature but instead we follow the spirit isn't that interesting we no longer follow our sinful nature because of what Jesus did we now can follow the spirit those who are dominated by the sinful nature think about sinful things all right but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the spirit here's my desire I want to be controlled by the spirit I want to live a spirit-led life I want the Holy Spirit talking to me when I'm not reading the word and I want the Holy Spirit to talk to me while I'm reading the word we have got to gravitate towards this truth that the Holy Spirit was sent to lead and to guide Our Lives you don't have to do this alone the holy spirit will show you what's right he'll show you what's wrong he'll show you who to marry who not to marry he'll show you where to go how long to stay there he is your unseen partner that will bring great success into your life he'll even show you things to come and do a Joseph with you and say get ready and prepare for this please don't ignore the holy spirit let your life be controlled by the Holy Spirit we grew up or at least I grew up thinking that the Holy Spirit was like a manifestation of a fit in church I didn't know he did anything else but make people jump uh run fall out spit Shake Rattle and Roll I thought that was the Holy Spirit and when I saw some of that I'm like I don't think I want the Holy Spirit especially when they used to some of y'all might know this you remember when they used to Tarry at the altar in certain in certain denominations you would get an altar and you would have to tarry in some cases all night long to get speaking in tongues and if you didn't get it they would yeah I guess pour all along you'll lay hands on you slap you whatever you know you said got a devil in you need to cast The Devil out and it's like wow and I thought that for a long time until I got you know I I updated I updated some things and I found out wow the Holy Spirit was sent to be my guide and my comforter and my leader and give me Revelation and show me things to come it's like my unseen partner this is not probably a good way to describe it but he's my ride or die it's like I gotta have him and a lot of you won't activate your relationship with the holy spirit it's like you got the most powerful thing in the world the presence of the Holy Spirit who will speak inwardly out not outward in but you can hear him from the inside but you do need to spend some time making a distinction between the voice of your consciousness and the voice of the Holy Spirit and if you just take some time to do that and what I mean by that you need to make a distinction between when you're hearing something inwardly is that you is that your conscious mind talking to you versus the Holy Spirit saying something and that's him so the more time you spend in the word and the more time you spend meditating in the word Fellowship in the Holy Spirit then his voice the clarity begins to get better and you start hearing him with Clarity and you can see the very distinction in fact you'll start carrying on a conversation with the inward voice of your conscious and the Holy Spirit so without even opening your mouth there's there's conversation and fellowship going on between the voice of your conscience and the voice of the Holy Spirit Hallelujah and your conscience is like saying should I do this and the Holy Spirit say well now think about what we talked about last night when you were talking about this yes and then you'll you'll hear him here's here's when you know you heard from Holy Spirit when you hear the Holy Spirit he gonna say something that's so much smarter than you and you're like man that's good and you can have that that's when you have gotten to a place in your fellowship with the Holy Spirit where no matter what you're doing there there is kononia that's taken place a give and a receiving relationship between you and the Holy Spirit and basically what all you give is praise man and Thanksgiving and glory and he's just imparting things on the inside of you so then when you release that whether it's on a job or a relationship people are looking at you like you're smart and you're like dude I just learned that the Holy Spirit just told me that or in a relationship or you're a husband or a wife and the spirit of God says now when you go home I want you to do this I want you to say that or maybe you're in another room I just want you to go in there and just hug and and I just he'll tell you exactly what to do and it's not that you it's the Holy Spirit that's bringing that to you I'm asking you to cultivate that relationship cultivate that really maybe that ought to be a good series to talk about the person of the Holy Spirit and how he wants to have relationship with us the Bible said my sheep that's us hear my voice he says I know them the question is do you know him so you can have that relationship with him and that's going to lead you to some super super Dynamic things in this physical world and people asking how did you do that how did you know that and you'll say because I have a relationship with the Holy Spirit I start my day with him I end my day with him so help me man if you you need to try this dude it's like before my head hits the pillow I say this I say Lord as as my head hits the pillow it will hit the pillow in peace and my sleep will be sweet and you know what it's it's shown up sweet it's Sean I can tell by my body now what time it is sweet I'll sleep deep and I figured well if I don't slept deep and I'm resting I ain't got to look at the clock to determine when they get up I always seem to get up in enough time to spend time with him I think he might be like come on get up man let's talk amen and it's a lot easier to hear from the Holy Spirit when all Devil's asleep so your choices determine your destiny in life and then finally First Corinthians chapter 10 and verse 13. so what's the way out what's the way out way out of everything I don't I don't know where a lot of you may be tonight but there's a way out of whatever you're in there's a way out in whatever year and life God wants it for you to be full of joy and happiness even in this crazy time he can show you how to live it and live it more abundantly to the full until it overflows there's going to be some adjustments that you're going to make but they're going to be good man uh look at this verse 13 and the let's look at this in the NLT and I'll close up here you get anything out of this tonight [Applause] Bible study is like just really it's line by line you just kind of get it you understand um because Sunday I was just yelling for no reason just hollering I'm like you know turn to the book I'm like just just turn to the book why you screaming I do that when they get excited I'm like I was just so excited to howling the whole time I asked I told my wife I said man I just hollering just hollering it's exciting the Temptation in your life are no no different from what others experience so the pressures temptation is pressure applied to your flesh you're not the only one so don't ever ever think that your situation is the only situation and that you're the only one going through a situation okay he says uh your Temptation in your life are no different from what other experience and God is faithful I love that part he says whatever Temptation you're going through God is faithful faithful for what to get you out of this thing all right or to teach you in the midst of this thing I'm learning not to so quickly try to run away from pressure sometimes I'm thinking you know there can be growth under pressure what do you want me to get out of this what do you want me to learn out of this and sometimes it goes for like weeks and maybe months and maybe close to a year or after that but I always look back and say oh that's what you wanted me to get out of that and it wasn't that I didn't get it quick it's just I needed to maintain sometimes oh God I never leave you you know how long does that last will you leave him if what you want doesn't occur quickly are you willing to stick with him no longer no matter how long you got to go through a thing he said but God is faithful he will not allow the temptation to be more than you can stand he's been so faithful to that the pressure applied to your life although it's uncomfortable it's irritating it's hurtful it's painful he won't allow you to to to be tempted with more than you can stand boy am I a witness to that he will not allow you to be tempted above that which you can stand he says when you are tempted he will show you a way out so you can endure it he'll show you a way out so you can undo it that's the power of the Holy Spirit working in your life while you're enduring and you're sticking with a faithful God he's already got the way he had the way of Escape before the pressure came on you he knows a way out he knows an escape hatch if you shouldn't eat it but believe me if you're going through that pressure obviously he believes that you can go through it and come out successfully amen it's going to be about our mindset if we set our mind we will set our lives in Jesus name amen praise God I'm done with that father we thank you for our time tonight we we so ask that this this word becomes a reality in our lives something that we walk through and understand and then all by getting good understanding allow this understanding to to propel us into the deeper things of you we we so appreciate you and we give you praise and we give you honor and glory for who you are Satan you are bound we know your operation we know your method of attack and now our mind is tamed and cultivated for whatever you bring we already claim victory over it right now we are not trying to get Victory Jesus you got the victory for us we go from Victory to Victory amen we have the victory right now in Jesus name amen praise the Lord hey if you're not born again would you just stick around just for a little moment I want you to pray this prayer with me over line and if you're here just a uh you know an opportunity to make sure you're where you need to be repeat after me Heavenly Father I realize that I'm a sinner but right now I Repent of all my sins I received the free gift of forgiveness I believe in you Jesus I believe in what you've done for me coming to my heart be my Lord and my savior I declare by faith that I am saved thank you Lord for saving me in Jesus name amen now you are a born-again Christian on your way to heaven if you were to die right now you would go straight to heaven because you have made the greatest decision in life now that you're born again renew your mind when you update the software amen praise God well let's go ahead and worship god with our gifts and it is an opportunity to give we get to give we get to give God a gift amen and um I think the attitude is right around here we we give cheerfully we give out of a cheerful heart uh and that's a cool thing amen ushers uh guys if anybody needs an envelope you can raise your hand if you're using your phones to give your text uh phones to give you your phones to give through the text or whatever your technology you can use it amen if you want to stick with what we've always done get an offering envelope that ain't no shade to nobody I mean you know we we we're we're constantly looking for ways to serve people wherever they are where if they're here or if they're at home wherever they are and uh all is well all is well amen I'm gonna ask one of our ministers to come up and finish this up and we love you guys have an amazing rest of the week and I'll see you on Sunday okay [Applause] [Music] amen amen if everyone has their uh envelope if you would lift up your offering as we pray over it dear Lord we just come to you today thanking you for this Sea Lord we know that you provide all our needs and you are taking care of us each and every day we trust you and we worship you out of our heart with this seed here and we bless it and we thank you that you will multiply this Seed song in Jesus name and by his blood amen us as you may receive the offer after you give your offering would you please stand as we get ready to dismiss you know the Bible says for God has not given us a spirit of fear but a power and of love and of a sound mind the enemy will never stop attacking but we have to rest in the finished works of Jesus Christ we have the power we have the Holy Spirit we are God's children and he loves us all deeply individually you and your family so rest in that rest in the finished works of Jesus Christ and know that he has your back each and every day dear Lord I just thank you today for those here and those on the stream thank you for safe travels home Lord I Thank you for leading our path and guiding us each and every day that we feel your love your peace your joy your strength every step that we take every breath that we take and we thank you for it and it's in Jesus name and God's blood amen you all have a blessed night you asked and we answered we know there are friends of the ministry who prefer CDs and DVDs but for those of you who find the digital versions of messages better fit your life Creflo and Taffy dollars message series are now available as digital downloads in the cywe store log on to cywe today to see the whole catalog of new and re-release messages that can be downloaded to any device for easy and convenient listening [Music] I'm a world changer changing the world everywhere [Music] [Music] [Music] more that came here [Music] [Music]
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 116,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: qc-4iWf3wsQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 45sec (3225 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 22 2022
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