How to Defeat Fear - Sunday Service

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you may be seated [Applause] if you have your bibles go with me to the book of isaiah chapter 60 verses one through three or four we'll just kind of keep reading here uh i'm going to take the month of december and we're going to we're going to we're going to deal with the spirit of fear uh because i just don't think people are seeing they're just not seeing what's happening right now it's happening right in front of your face and the bible talks about how the antichrist the person the antichrist will show up one day and he'll deceive so many people and i see how that's happening right now and i'm talking about the deception that satan is throwing on people where fear is concerned our world is inundated with a bunch of people just all the stuff you hear about the shootings and people that are doing those people are full of fear fear is is a foundation by which darkness is released and darkness tries to make suggestions and control your mind and people are doing things and then after they do it they don't even understand what they did why they did what they did there are things going on with with church people not recognizing what what the what pandemic has done and so when the pandemic came and the churches all closed down nobody got the significance of what just happened a voice of unity was disrupted a sound that could be produced only when we would come together was taken away and then thank god for the technology that we use and people could still get involved in church and do some things but that now that doesn't there are people who still have not figured out how to make it back to church and they used to be on the stream but they're even they're not even on the stream anymore fear that comes through the television and the social media and we don't even get it because we have been deceived that fear is normal and fear is natural and it is not and when you give place to it and compromise with it and tolerate it just long enough for it to develop a foothold in your life well i have a fear of being getting in elevators and oh well that's okay just as long it'll come in in any way you let it come in but once it comes in just a little bit oh a little bit of fear won't hurt you that's just like saying a little bit of adultery won't hurt you or a little bit of murder won't hurt you and there's a great deception that's going on worldwide and christian people have caught themselves up in this deception even he says if it were possible that the very elect would be deceived as i began to pray about 2022 i didn't quite know how to articulate what i saw and which is why i'm starting it now because i can't do it in one message at nighttime but 2022 will be uh it has already started it is a it's going to be a year of intense darkness on people and the world but fear not there'll always be a light spotted somewhere in the darkness let me read you this prophetic word by the the prophet isaiah and you look at it with me i'm still trying to articulate what i'm what i'm about to teach you and i mean i get to it but i trust god i trust god that you and others are going to be delivered i just don't know i would just i would just rather go home and be in heaven than have my life tormented by fear and i know some people don't feel that way there's there's a solution to fear but it involves the word of god so a lot of people are not interested in that solution because it involves the word of god and sometimes we look for other solutions where there are other ways but honey there there's come in a time right now in this life we've create we are in such darkness the only antidote the only uh vaccine since that's a big word now the only vaccine against darkness is the word of the living god the light of god that's right and you ain't going to need a booster when you get this [Applause] all right now listen to this carefully now here's what here's what he prophesies now before i read this the word arise i thought that was interesting that word literally means to change your posture or change your position so if i'm in this particular posture to arise would mean for me to change my posture and position so what's your posture what's your posture the first thing he says here is the answer he says arise change your posture in position now it's going to show you later that he's talking about arise out of darkness changing in order to get out of darkness there's got to be a change of posture and position arise shine for thy light is come i want to simplify this very just just make sure you understand it the light that every time i say light i want you to think about the word of god in fact i want to go deeper than that i want you to think about god the bible says god is light arise shine for thy light is come and the glory of the lord has risen upon you verse 2 for behold the darkness shall cover the earth now he's not talking about nighttime shall cover the earth darkness is everything that is in opposition to the light darkness is everything that opposes the word of god that's the darkness he's talking about he's talking about a way of thinking that opposes the word of god a way of doing that opposes the word of god a way of governing that opposes the word of god every any anything that stands in opposition to god and his word is darkness and he says the darkness shall cover the earth the whole earth not just this country but darkness shall cover the world opposition against god and his word shall cover the earth we're there when's the last time you took a look at the whole world they hate god they hate the bible there's a constant attack to try to pull people who used to believe in god or who still believe in god away from him it's worldwide that's the darkness behold the darkness shall cover the earth it shall cover the earth now remember there's another prophecy that says that the glory of god shall cover the earth like the waters the sea so you gotta please understand something darkness will not win [Music] but this prophecy will come to pass and has come to pass the darkness shall cover the earth now watch this and gross darkness the people the only way it can cover the earth is got to cover the people you know what it's like to have a person that's in darkness he is a person his way of thinking his way of doing his way of living is in total contradiction to the word of god why it may be because he don't know it because when you when you come against the church so much and you beat it up so bad and you build a a way of thinking that says don't need church don't work church not interested in church all church does is your own people then what happens is you you step away from the light that should be a part of church or or the bible so you're not getting any word you're not getting any understanding of any word no light you don't know what the word says about how you should live how you should treat people you don't know what the word says about how you should think you know what you don't know what the word says how about how you could should conduct yourself none of that is in is in your life you don't know it you're not being trained up the bible says train up a child in the way that he should go that's over the bible's an enemy the light has become the enemy now imagine life with no light the light's the enemy the bible says that he says the sad part about it is that the light will come with the darkness but people will choose the darkness rather than the light and people have chosen darkness rather than light i don't want to hear what the bible has to say i don't want to hear about no preacher and we formed these these things about the light and their lives because they all came from the devil and he can't do nothing but lie if you wake up in the morning and the devil say this is going to be a good day it's a lie prepare for the worst day of your life do you understand darkness pump through television darkness pump through social media and hey there's a new type of thing getting ready to come where now instead of you reading it now you can be a part of the technology and enter into the darkness and stay there a type of reality that's a virtual reality that if you thought the social media caught people's lives this thing that is about to break open is going to be so demonic that things that are going to happen you are you're going to think how did it happen and it's right before your face but you don't know no light so you don't pay no attention to the artificial stuff that's coming up right now gross darkness the people it even has you as a christian you who know god questioning the things you at one time knew were the truth and now you even question the things that you knew because society and the norms and values are so big that darkness has convinced you that something's wrong with you and so now if you'll notice everybody uses this phrase my truth and when you talk about my truth it's really your deception but to feel better about your deception you call it your truth there's and then you've got everybody's truth everybody trying to live their own truth when it's not your truth at all it's destruction and darkness and deception that you have bought and you live out your truth and feel better about being so deceived and convinced yourself that this thing your mama said was wrong is now your truth gross darkness on the people kids going to school shooting folks and they got to stare in their eye and you're trying to figure out what's going on with them and afterwards you talk to them they say i don't even know why i did that because darkness is now available to guide you lead you be your religion be your god control you at your will and you know what leads people to darkness fear fear there's some people in darkness that are bidding the church is over with it's done it's over we've destroyed it and they're applauding but i got news for you baby when i fall i shall arise you're never going to be able to defeat the church of jesus christ because in the middle of the darkness there's always going to be some light and light will arise and it'll shine and the glory of the lord will appear you're never going to extinguish this light [Music] darkness everywhere you feel like the fool for standing for something that the bible says you now walk in shame of your relationship with jesus you now keep coming up with a thousand excuses to blame god or somebody for your your situation in life and the problem with playing the blame game is the blame game just continues to indicate that you still have not accepted responsibility for what you have done you keep blaming folks it's the key anytime you say something somebody and they start blaming oh the problem is is you won't accept responsibility for your own actions hey brother how you doing haven't seen your church in a while oh i don't go to your church in a moment why won't oh what happened what happened well such and so such-and-such is going to do yeah but i didn't do that why you why you stopped going to church oh oh oh you're being governed by darkness see because you darkness will feed you excuses so it can protect itself do y'all see what's going on so what happens when at one time you were in the light but for two years you're not in the light you won't read the word no more you don't listen to sermons no more you don't make no confessions no more you don't pray no more you don't meditate in the word no more you ain't got time listen no church music that's what you call it church music you boast and brag about uh why you left the church and try to recruit other people over to your darkness as if you should be congratulated you just was in the wrong church don't make every church look like your experience there's some churches i wouldn't go to but i'm not going to lead jesus over over a bunch of clowns that did what they did at the church i'm gonna find me another place there's got to be a a a good one somewhere darkness gross darkness the people but now that word but three letters awesome that word but is going to erase everything that was said before it darkness shall cover the earth gross darkness of people but you can zero all that out because god says i'm getting ready to change everything that just said let's look at the other side of this but but the lord shall arise upon you and his glory shall be seen upon you i prophesied to your world changes get ready god's getting ready to to change his position on you god's getting ready to get on you like you ain't had him on you god's getting ready to get in your household like it ain't been in your household he getting ready to get on your mouth like it ain't been on your mouth he getting ready to get on your words and give you words like you never had he's getting ready to reposition himself on you and the glory of the lord is gonna be singing on you and you're gonna walk into places and people gonna say what just happened the atmosphere is gonna change because somebody with the glory just walked in that place hallelujah lion mercer almost did a two and a half off the stage go rabbi talaba [Applause] glory to god i tell you darkness is never going to win i tell you darkness is never going to be greater than the light i tell you the light is getting ready to shine in the middle of all of the darkness and all of the deception and all of the wickedness the lord jesus christ which is my light and he said and you are the light of the world glory to god glory to god all this stuff is coming but i'm saying it now i'm trying to get you ready now fear not people just dark their darkness is even fine their darkness is even [Music] infecting how people drive you know when you get your car you got to ask the lord to be with you because people people driving crazy have you noticed the number of sirens going off lately in your neighborhood it's crazy i think there's been a shooting every day this week darkness but that's what happens when you divorce the light that's what happens when you got no time for no word no more somehow the darkness has convinced you that you don't need no word you don't need no scripture you don't need to listen to no preacher you don't need to go to no church and it trickles on down you don't need no paper to be married it ain't about the paper it's about the commitment it's about the covenant thank you so smart well been here all this long and all of a sudden your genius self just rolls up with a dark idea and so what's happening sunday mornings which was at one time designated for god has been robbed football has stolen sunday mornings soccer at the park has stolen sunday mornings sleeping at home and sleeping in is the right day to do it because i ain't got nothing else to do has stolen sunday morning a dark way of thinking and boy the technology that is about to be made available for those people who are already in darkness [Music] is going to be designed to try to steal your identity to steal your ability to interact with real people and you can't even see what's coming you so focused on the pandemic that you don't forgot about the god who can overcome every pendant you can't even see god you're so focused on the next variant you can't even see god but there was a time when diabetes hit your body there was a time when cancer hits your body there was a time when a headache hit your body there was a time when leukemia hit your body that the first thing you did is said in god i trust i'm gonna believe the healer oh i trust god to heal me but you don't even do that no mo if you think you ain't you ain't at this point yet invited god to come in to handle whatever might concern you i'm not going to live my life in fear amen and i'm not going to live my life in darkness and i'll preach this way if just three people left because there's always be some light coming out of this dawn [Applause] yeah pass the butt get your butt out the way so the light can come in you've trusted god all these years to keep you safe to deliver you to take care of you and you ain't had nothing to say to him since you've been operating in the fear that has been broadcasted to your attention over the last two and almost two and two and a half years and some people have not recovered yet and some of them won't and some of them gone i gotta trust god i gotta trust god you do whatever you're gonna do i'm gonna stick with him i'm gonna stick with him i'm gonna stick with him long enough for this prophecy prophecy to come to pass arise shine you're gonna hear that one day around the end of 2022 now arise shine now there's going to be some hellish stuff that's going to take place but hold on until you hear that command arise shine [Music] [Applause] but as long as you're in the light the darkness won't be able to comprehend i'm going to stay in the light i got to be careful about this because i don't want i'm not preaching no fear to you i'm just telling you this is going to come to pass now watch this verse 3. and the gentiles now in that time the gentiles were not a part of the covenant so there would be a class of sinners and the gentiles shall come to thy light look whatever but you see what you're getting ready to do he said i'm gonna have people not in the covenant come come to your life look at that there's a soul-winning plan that god's got ready since they're not reading the bible they bump into your light your love your kindness your consideration that's why you can't be a hypocrite in these last days because your hypocrisy might drive away something that your light was supposed to drop and so yeah people acting rude at the grocery store just step aside and say god bless you sweetheart we love you and the lighter drum oh i'm so sorry i apologize well do you know jesus as your lord and savior i used to come on baby let's rededicate ourselves to the lord the light the light shall come and the gentiles are going to come to your light your love your confidence your joy all the things that we have as christians is gonna be attractive your laughter is gonna be attractive you know the darkness eventually makes a person miserable but they don't know what to do they're not happy so they have to act like it because social media has taught them how to look like everything okay take an instagram photo and everything look good on instagram but if you go behind the camera phone you see sad stressed disgusted people who've lost their identity and don't know what they're supposed to be doing but the light's going to come out of you and it's going to draw the gentiles and kings will come to the brightness of the rising there will be people who are in political places of power that will see your light and come to it number four look at us verse four he says so lift up your eyes around about and see all they gather themselves together they come to thee your son shall come from far and your daughter shall be nursed at thy side some of you have children that just don't want to have nothing to do with you that's going to change the light of god's glorious gospel gone drawn you know everybody going to california so i say california they're going to draw them from california they're going to draw them from the east coast west coast from italy they're going to come something's just going to happen on the inside of them by the holy ghost [Applause] verse 5 and watch what is going to happen then you shall see and you're going to flow together and your heart shall fear or reverence and be enlarged watch what else is going to happen because the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee that's a prophetic word about the wealth of the wicked it's going to be transferred into the hands of righteous people the abundance of the sea shall be converted unto thee and the forces look at that word forces i believe it's translated wealth and the forces or the wealth of the gentiles watch this shall come unto thee the lord spoke to me and he said start confessing i believe i've received the wealth of the wicked into my hands right now somebody everybody say that i believe i receive the wealth of the wicked into my hands right now it's all throughout the bible that's one of the last events that's going to happen somebody said god i never did that before you better go read your bible israel is being delivered out of egypt being delivered out of slavery and they're walking out with the wealth of the egyptians and one day god transferred it in their hand why do you think pharaoh came after them he's trying to get his money back i'm telling you look at james chapter five he says there's come at a time where the rich man is gonna reap and how for the miseries that shall come upon him he says that that the wicked will gather it up but the jest will put it on i don't believe that yeah because you've been in the darkness where this is concerned now all of that about darkness starts with one thing fear fear go to second timothy chapter one and verse seven second timothy chapter one and verse seven fear okay i don't agree what you just said i don't appreciate you saying that whatever let's see what the word has to say i don't care not about what you agree with don't agree with whether you like me whether you're gonna come back here no more that's all garbage now i don't care not about that joke no more you talk about somebody free i'm the freest you ever like you lay eyes on i don't care nothing about none of that because i don't figure it out the devil is a master slanderer i don't care i said negro dinner [Applause] well that's what i am i am 100 grade a negro [Applause] no we're black in americans well you was a negro before you was a black american [Applause] now my white members don't feel uncomfortable it's cool i'll get to you after a while don't worry about it i'm an equal opportunity preacher [Applause] but i haven't figure that out what kind of fool am i to keep going to social media and letting somebody's comments mess my day up it's one thing if i could get to them but i can't even get to them so why would i open myself up to that why would i open myself up to news every day when i know it's just become a 90 bad news it's like you doing it to yourself hey how you doing well i'm i'm i'm i'm i'm i don't know i'm just i just don't feel good well what you've been doing well i've been watching cnn all day oh okay well is it is it a sin for us to be informed no see there you go again trying to make an excuse for your issues you know good and well listen my kids used to say stay out the comment section if you go stay at the comment section cause you have 6 000 good comments but that one that one comment that called you fat and you're like who you calling fat and the one that talked about your mama you look i gotta cut you now but you don't know who to cut why would you keep putting yourself through that so part of this you got to look at you why you keep putting yourself through that it's like being in a toxic relationship and you keep going back and he keeps using you and you keep going back and i say why you keep going that he's just so fine fine it's killing you why do you keep going back that's darkness you can't even think clear you're being abused why are you running back to it well because i ain't got no i ain't got nowhere else to go hush that's darkness giving you an excuse i'd rather be on the bridge than to keep going back and get abused and beat up y'all just don't understand no no no no it's not us who have an understanding problem it's the people with darkness that don't have to understand you've been talking to a dark people who've been parted unto you dark information and dark wisdom and now you dark i'm gonna tell you do a test do a test there's some people you know that when they was in church and they was in the word their whole complexion was different if they hadn't been in the world in over three years go look at them now look go look at them now because there's something that happens the word will make you look younger the word there's there's a complexion that comes with the word that disappears when you're not near that word i ain't lying i'll tell you what my finishing i'll never come back here [Applause] see you looking for gold you want to go to a dark church with some a dark pastor when they're saying dark songs gone with your dog self but you're not gonna be dark and lovely [Applause] y'all pray for me i'm out here [Applause] i'm trying to get back to the boat i'm out here i'm already out here i'm trying to reel it back in somebody says hold on pat you bout to cut hold up hold up if i ever slip up and cuss why i'm preaching you know what i'm saying i'm just human god not through with me yet god has not given us [Applause] the spirit of fear all right now stop for a moment fear does not come from god amen not in any measure not in any kind fear does not come from god now i know you hear the experts and the psychologists and and even some preachers say well you know it's normal to have some fear you know you have some phobias now i don't claim to be totally absent from fear confronting me but i'm not going to ever go and say fear is natural and fear is normal because fear is not natural and fear is not normal and all of the phobia of fear those are all of the accepting excuses to tolerate fear fear is not normal fear is not natural but it is tolerated it's tolerated in non-offensive ways it's all right that you have fear because we're all humans and and and there's some kind of fear and that may be true but with this knowledge my objective is to receive what he said he has not given me the spirit of fear so i'm not gonna ever accept it as something that's natural and normal i'm gonna always be putting up a fight against it because if i don't fight against it then it will very comfortably find a place in my life and begin to progress and change a little dot but then i leave it there and say it's okay turns into a tumor yes i'm not going to tolerate something that god did not give why would i tolerate something he didn't give now you could probably go on the internet and find all of everybody else that's telling you that you know it's it's fine to be afraid of flying it's okay to be afraid of heights it's okay to be afraid of it but i always con confront those things i i had this fear of standing next to the grand canyon if you've ever been to the grand canyon it's like if you flip god told me to turn my back to the cliff i looked deaf i said let's walk up a two three four steps i don't know him he might get demon possess real quick and try to push me off the cliff i don't know him i just met this man so part of the way to deal with that is hiking and walking through canyons i'm gonna constantly be fighting against it actively fighting against it that's what the word resist means it means to actively fight against and so i'm not saying that one day you're going to wake up and be completely free from fear what i'm saying is always be actively fighting against it don't get comfortable and tolerate fear because whatever fear you put up with [Music] is going to affect your faith as far as its power to impact your life it's not natural it's not natural i remember my grandson when he was little aaron praise god who by the way graduated from college yesterday amen when aaron was a little boy and them big snap turtles will come out of the uh pond everyone's getting that hang on go get that turtle and put them back in the pond walk out there pick turtle up put him in the pond sit back there let's get him down now at 20 something years old aaron go get the turtle hey put my hand on that turtle what what what happened it wasn't there fear is something that comes from the outside in and not necessarily from the events and things that you deal with it may be something that's spoken it may be of the words of the enemy that spoke something to your heart i used to be afraid of flying so i took flying lessons i went to flight school i said well i'm not going to be all my life if i got to go across the world i got to deal with this i got to actively fight against this i started off flying in a cessna 152 then 172 and slow single lanes in the airplane training plane slow that thing was so slow when i was going to reach out to i was nodding and the instructor said i know you're not falling asleep over there in the seat i said well you need to make this plane you know faster and part of the training was to do a stall that's where you go up at a certain altitude and then you you pull the nose up and the engine turns off i said say say what but you you can't you can't go on in your training unless you do this slow so my day came when i did that stall i'm not sure if taffy went with me or not but i remember you tapping out on one on one of the flights with me she said i trust you baby as safe as you are driving the car i know you real safe and she was right when i did the checks i did it twice if anything felt a little loose y'all need to check this loose now i don't know what to do but it do something a little loose tighten it up man i went back on that stall the nose went up that plank you had to maintain the angle of attack and my heart was like and he said that that got the instructor said trust the laws [Music] come on anything came in the corner yeah can we land can we land ain't got no no fear flying no more none i had to actively fight against it i'm not gonna just let it stay there in comfort don't let any fear in your life remain in comfort let that thing know i'm not tolerating you i got to deal with you because if i don't deal with you you will become the root to something else that that may be a lot worse than this right here it may be much much worse than than height i gotta deal with you i can't let you stay there it's kind of like you got a foothold in my life i gotta deal with you [Music] fear of being rejected you got to go deal with it you're a single man you're scared of being rejected you just to get delivered from fear you go up to hi how are you doing my name is you know ralph and i'd like to take you for a coffee over you know at starbucks and she look at you what what what what you saying what your name is again ralph oh you proper ralph and then she says ralph and ralph like oh and she said sure i'll go with you and now you're you're actively fighting against that fear but you're not going to sit there and tolerate it say this out loud fear tolerated is faith contaminated fear wants to disrupt and contaminate your faith like god has to have faith in order to bring his words to pass satan has to have fear in order to bring his words to pass and job said be careful the thing i fear the most has come upon me and you don't think it's a big deal especially in the time of a pandemic you don't think that that's a big deal you don't think satan is having a field day within in imparting fear into people now you can be wise that's one thing but being fearful oh that's another thing that's another thing now watch this very carefully here the world would have you to believe it's normal and a part of life but there's nothing natural or normal about fear it should never be tolerated on any level in fact i'll go so far as to say that fear is a cancer that is affecting people from all walks of life fear is a spiritual force god has not given us the spirit of fear fear is a spiritual force but it has been reduced down to a psychological thing an emotional thing and while it does reside in your emotions it is a it is a spiritual thing a spiritual force that is designed by the enemy to steal kill and destroy it is a spiritual force like faith is a force fear is a force like faith is designed to give you abundance and a good life and health and healing fear is designed to open the door for stealing and killing and destroying fear is not normal fear is not natural fear is something that people have learned to tolerate and the more fear you put up with the more darkness you allow entrance into your your life by developing in the love of god this is the only way to deal with this and i'm sharing notes out of my book on overcoming fear that i wrote what 15 years ago perfect timing now sometimes god will give you answers for things that hadn't come yet real quick and we'll get to it in detail so how do i defeat fear bible says perfect love casteth out all fear now if fear is something that's supposed to be natural and fear is something that's supposed to be normal then why did he give us the antidote to casting it out if it was okay to have it and to tolerate it why would he even have that scripture in first john where he says perfect love casts out all fear what is he talking about he's talk is he talking about you loving perfectly no because you can't love perfectly so if we don't know what perfect love is we won't know how to cast out fear [Music] careful she kicked your lip but they did yeah yeah yeah listen to me give me your 100 total attention there is a battle going on for your focus everybody say focus why does god want you to confess his word get focused on him why does he want you to pray get focused on him why do you want you to come to church and hear the word get focused on him without focus on the things of god there will be no transformation but so likewise satan is after your focus what are you focused on the problem or the answer god or satan the good news of the gospel of the bad news of the media what are you focused on the whole thing is about focus you think you're confessing a word to make you a good christian you're making confession of the world cause it brings you into focus you meditate on the word cause it brings you into focus you pray because it brings you into focus you sing songs that glorify god because it brings you into focus what happens when you stop doing all that then you are going to be focused on the opposition to those things you're focused on the bad news of the day you're focused on your problems your focus on what you don't have your focus on the fears of your life focus is like the adapter that's going to either turn on the things of god or the things of satan but he's after your focus focus will either transform you into the things of god focus will either transform you into light or focus will either transform you into darkness what are you focused on you can tell just go on with half of you you are on that phone so much and your focus is everybody else's business well pastored are you old-fashioned it ain't got nothing to do with the old-fashioned it's got something to do with the new technology and ways of destroying your life i'm not saying you can't engage in technology but you got to know how to use it you can anything can be used the wrong way and stuff will hurt you the wrong way if you plug in certain things in the wrong socket you can hurt yourself so i'm not talking about avoid new technology but don't allow it to be governed by wrong focus what's your focus hey man you made your confessions today i don't feel like doing that god dawg but you you let's see what you didn't say it all day i wish i could have a real real so we can just check your day out look at what you have made time for how many times you say it i don't feel good how many times you say i don't like to how many times how many times have you released a law which we're going to talk about in a moment hopefully but probably not because i'm running out of time you've released you keep releasing something you keep giving authority you're making choices to where you're going to put your focus the difference between me and you and you and somebody else is where are you putting your focus what are you focusing on what was your focus this morning what would be your focus after we dismissed today what's going to be your focus tomorrow and you'll do all the things that'll bring you into focus you'll say all the things that'll bring you into focus you'll watch all the things bring your focus well the bible don't say nothing about no focus he said attend to my word focus but we're attending to something else you're giving your attention whatever you attend to the most that's what you're to see in your life if you attend to the things of darkness you're going to see fear in your life and darkness you attend to the things of faith and god you're going to see those things in your life but you you just darkness to tell you i don't believe that you don't believe nothing you don't even believe in yourself darkness has even trained you to not even believe in yourself well you know they don't like you don't talk about you you know you ain't gonna say good things about you when you die when when i'm dead i don't care i'm dead i ain't even here you what [Music] well who gonna pass the church i don't know i'm gone you see we think about those little bitty dumb stupid things and darkness says don't pay no attention to the light don't pay no attention to the correlation to having them don't pay no attention he gonna always satan is a liar and king of slander and you got to know god for yourself you ought to know when somebody is a god and when somebody's not and if you don't i feel sorry for you you're just going to set yourself up all kinds of ways people going to be able to come to you and tell you anything oh hallelujah i'm from god allah and you'll get that house that i followed you last saturday you were looking at for last hour here you'll get it why is it that we fall for schemes and stupid stuff childish things when i was a child i spoke as a child i was like a child but when i put away childish things and some of us have been saved for 20 years and we're still thinking and acting like children children i don't want to hear this i don't care i love you but i'm going to preach it not because you want to hear it cause god told me to preach it and i'm going to keep preaching until he tells me shut up about preaching it i'm coming for your darkness i'm shining the light in the darkness and i'm telling you right now whenever a little light shines it penetrates that darkness and i know i'm penetrating some darkness in your head right now you wish you was on stream today so you can turn me off [Music] how do i overcome this fear this this is such a revelation to me by focusing more on god's love for me i overcome that fear that comes from the devil fear the very bottom line to fear is satan wants you to be afraid that what god promised you in the light won't come to pass i'm afraid to believe what god said about my identity i'm i'm afraid to believe that god will preserve me so i'll move into self-preservation it always goes into self when you don't believe god and selfishness is a key characteristic of the devil it's always it moves away from god to self i believe god loves me and every time something comes up i believe god loves me and sickness is my body oh i believe god loves me therefore i believe the promise of healing a need comes up i believe god loves me therefore i believe he'll provide all of my needs according to his riches in glory i believe god loves me therefore i believe i can overcome this temptation i believe it's all focusing on the love of god but the fear factor says what if what god promised won't come to pass i'm afraid that what i have read won't happen i'm afraid that it's not true or it has come from all the reports about all the cults and all the stuff that happened everywhere else and even maybe some stuff you saw growing up or stuff like that and it's like but what if this won't happen the greatest fear that satan can put on us is to be afraid that what god promised won't count won't happen how to overcome fear god i believe you love me therefore i believe you'll do what you said and then that thought comes into mind now god don't love you after what you said god i know you love me shut up liar god i know you love me therefore i have what you promised me that's how you fight fear but people are not interested in fighting fear that way they want to go to their psychiatrist and let him give them a couple of techniques oh you're just spending your money and wasting it because it ain't gonna work been there done that won't work but i guarantee you in the worst pits of my life when i open my mouth and rehearse god loves me and i know it god loves me and i know it man it kept that fear at bay it kept trying to come but i kept showing up god loves me and i know it and you won't ever know what i'm telling you right now until in your worst moments when you're trying to think of all of these useless scriptures and please forgive me the scriptures are not useless i'm saying that you're trying to you're trying let me see it like jesus said jesus said you know the scriptures but all those scriptures point towards me so he said at the end of the day you can have knowledge of the scriptures but if they don't lead you to me you just got knowledge of scriptures and still don't know me he says but these scriptures speak of me [Music] that's what i meant by that they're not useless because they lead us to him but you know some people get dumb deep and they want to start pretending like they're authentic and they're not they're scared and i'm not gonna look for a bunch of squishy scriptures to quote i'm just gonna simply say i believe you love me i know you love me i receive your love for me thank you for loving me and in the midst of a ditch you don't know how to get out in the midst of a ditch there's no ladders in the midst of the ditch it's dark i was in rome and i had a chance to go by the jail that they kept the apostle paul in and it was literally a hole and i asked the guy if he would close the door so i can get an idea of what it was like and it was thick darkness that only was moved when they removed the top of it to put his food in there and i can imagine in the middle of that darkness god i believe you love me how do you say that you think you only say that when everything's going good in the middle of the pit in the pits of your life you trying to be religious and you're trying to be scripturally correct and show off in the middle of the pits of your life here's one thing you've got to know [Applause] god loves me and i know it therefore i know god will deliver me therefore i know he'll set me free how great thou art and that's the light shining in the darkness and that's how you actively fight against and withstand fear and darkness through this love i believe god loves me that's all i got but that's all i'll ever need because if a church fails to understand that that pastor and all of its administration has failed that church if all i could teach you is the five steps to biblical prosperity i have failed if you don't know that jesus is your prosperity and your healing and your deliverance and your faith is your faith [Applause] in him we move in him we breathe in him we have our very being i'm not gonna i'm not gonna be moved this thing's coming to a close the darkness is all over the earth and the darkness is all on the people but it ain't over yet the light is about to shine through you it's about shine through you and so that's what this month is going to be about merry christmas you're going to be learning about your victory over fear and how to stay out of the dark and if you should find yourself walking in the dark turn on the light glory to god all is well may god's blessings shine so greatly amongst you and your family may you not listen to the satan that lies but listen to the god who cannot lie god cannot lie so everything god says is the truth if god were to say that there's a purple dog got by your trash can you say i never seen a purple dog before you better believe it he just said it but if satan says it you just ought to just go and get college park with him he's a lie because he's the father of life he lies out of his character and that's what we'll talk about next week how important it is to understand the nature of god and the nature of satan then you'll know how important it is to believe what comes from god and not to believe what comes from satan amen y'all good yeah are are you are you going to be prepared you ready for what's getting ready to come how many of y'all planning on staying with the light i'm staying with the light i'm staying with the light i'm gonna let it shine [Music] and don't you dare saying that this little light of mine that's the problem you just kept it so little it can't be big you ain't got no little light ain't nothing from god little this big light of mine i'm gonna let it shine now father i give you praise i give you praise [Music] for this is the day that i have declared unto you my intentions that are to come for you not to walk in this fear that many have deceived you but now is the time for you to step away from the dangers from which all this has come for you indeed are the light of this world and i've not placed you here to be hidden by any circumstances situation therefore i will begin to confirm this word through signs and wonders stick with me saith the lord and we'll begin to travel together and you'll begin to understand me more personally [Music] and the days of heaven on the earth shall surely be yours so begin to rejoice for the light that you walk in and prepare yourself to be great lights in the lives of others [Music] for i will invade your space saith the spirit of god and you will know me personally as we move together and flow together and see change together i declare that all is well in your house and with that situation of torment and regret i remove it now saith the lord for it it's time for you to go forward from that old place and come and walk with me to this new place for i am i am your god and i'll not leave you i promise i wouldn't so let's walk together and these are about to be glorious days that we will [Music] and again i declare over and over again all is well [Music] in jesus name come on put your hands together and give the lord a big handcrafted praise hallelujah hallelujah now if you're joining us by streaming if you're here in the dome today and you've never made jesus the lord of your life you've been in darkness for a long time maybe some of this stuff shocked you when you heard it it's time for you to get saved it's time for you to come out of darkness into that marvelous light i'm going to pray this simple prayer and if you repeat after me seated in your seat today and sitting in your living room today you can be saved today and it can be secure [Music] let's pray repeat after me heavenly father i realize that i'm a sinner but right now i repent of all my sins i accept the free gift of forgiveness jesus i need a savior i invite you into my heart to be my savior thank you lord for saving me and by faith i declare that i am saved in jesus name amen now if you're over the stream if you just prayed this prayer of salvation with me text the key word i'm saved that's oneword51555 provide your name and email address and we'll send you a free ebook as a gift to you today if you're here today and you prayed that prayer with me i want you to hold on for a moment because i'm going to invite you down to the altar and we're going to celebrate with you let's go ahead and conclude our worship today with our giving you know amen celebrate that celebrate that amen [Applause] i i i i am uh i'm moving from dreams to visions i'm having these things that are going on with me that are are kind of new to my life in the fact that it's happening so often and one of the things i i note is that my christianity and my willingness to give go hand in hand i'm a giver because that's what i do as a christian and then i'm a christian because i'm a giver because god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son the most valuable thing heaven had to offer and he he gives it and i finally found the joy consistent joy of giving and giving to god and pray that god will give you the joy of giving giving to his kingdom without all of the stuff that's going on with the hesitancy that comes during this time it's a time of worshiping god not giving so that we can get god to do something for us but god's already made a decision to do anything we need but we give today to celebrate his love and celebrate all that he's done even to celebrate the change that's going on in our lives we're giving at this time let's prepare our gifts to bring before him if you're giving and you want an offering envelope if you'll lift your hands up the ushers will give you an offering envelope those of you who are at home there are four ways to give on the screen including a qr code you can go to world changers space in the amount seven four four eight three it's there the phone number is there um the address for other mail is there and the website address is there as well you can use paypal if you have it if it'll be easier for you or you can go to that qr code that's on your screen on the stream and that'll take you directly to the text to give there's a qr code that we have here for those of you who want to hit it or there's a qr code out in the lobby and soon we're going to have the information that's ready to not only help people to catch up with technology but uh to do some amazing things because our bookstore is going to be a digital bookstore it's like nothing you have never seen but i am i refuse to stay behind i ain't staying behind cause i ain't never seen it done like that before we're moving forward to do what we believe god's instructing us to do to prepare for a great harvest of souls a great harvest of soul that'll come by your hands i believe that with all my heart praise god amen it's a good day it's a good day to be alive and it's a good day for you to be happy it's a good day for you to cut the cords of the things that have been bothering you and the joy of the lord be your strength throughout this day this ladies and gentlemen i know it's going to be blue skies today or not but it's going to be a great day for you today so enjoy every bit of it enjoy every bit of it you have been exposed for an hour to the light and that light is impacting every dark corner of your life amen ulcers let's go ahead and receive the envelopes and [Music] those of you who are given through use of your technology go ahead and get that i'll see if we can uh figure out a way so you can if you don't have a copy of this book on overcoming fear you need to get it it'll it'll have even more information that's in it and it'll be a blessing to you those of you who are online and you become you want to become an e-member today we want to give you that opportunity as well but every person that's here today and god has spoken to your heart to be a part of this fellowship i want you to get this i want to be your pastor i'm not the guy that's like saying and i'll go somewhere i want to be your pastor at least i want to try to be your pastor and uh if you'll give tap into an opportunity man we'll we'll teach you and get you ready for heaven and get you ready to live eternal life with jesus christ amen but uh i believe that god summons and he puts it on your heart for families to be a part of church i don't think it just happens because you like the song or oh i like the screens no that ain't why you do that you want to get where god's calling you to be and so at this time if if you believe that god has called you to be a member of world changers church international would you please get your personal belongings and come on down front we want to pray with you and believe god with you and those of you who prayed that prayer of salvation if you'll come on down right now as well we want to welcome you to the altar the altar call the altar is open we want you to come and be a part of what we're doing if you're interested in becoming an e-member you can go to the web where you can go to and click join at the top of the page or you can use your text and you can text join wcci that's all one word to 51555 and we will send you all the benefits of e-membership including receiving today's sermon notes in your inbox access to the e-church facebook community group and access to our virtual conferences and private e-seminars welcome to all of you who have become eve members today in jesus name amen hallelujah praise god father i declare all is well with those who've come to this altar there will be such an amazing change and that we can only give you the glory for it now bless their time here bless their life as a christian and we just give you praise for it in jesus name we pray amen at this time if you'll turn this way and follow this gentleman to the prayer room they're going to give you some information and gather some information from you and we believe that the best is yet to come in jesus name amen the best is yet to come congregation if you'll stand for the final blessing [Music] amen may the grace and mercy of the lord jesus christ be very apparent in your life may the wisdom of god explode in many ways and that you will lack nothing where god's wisdom is concerned may you have confidence in your salvation and the righteousness which comes because of our faith in jesus christ i plead the blood over your life and over the life of your family i thank god for the angels that watch over you and protect you i thank god that his favor has gone ahead of you to divinely arrange things on your behalf before you even arrive and now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the almighty god be glory majesty dominion and power both now and forever and everybody said amen god bless you everybody have a great day
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 232,185
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: OEE9K74prs4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 8sec (4688 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 05 2021
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