Why MORNING PRAYER Is Life Changing For Your Walk With GOD!

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welcome to Raised to deliver podcast  with Vladimir Savchuk with episode 26   and today we're going to talk about starting  morning prayers or five reasons to having   a morning prayer now i understand there's a lot  of people that are very different some people   are night owls some people are morning people  and um i'm a more of a morning person as you   probably if you ever listen to my messages you  probably have kind of heard my mention of that   my pastor is really the one that inspired prayers  in the morning in my personal life when i was a   teenager i started that very early an hour before  going to school before going to high school and   that continued all through my high school years  i made it even promise to God if he gives me a   car i'll start going to morning prayers and then  i got the car and of course i didn't go to morning   prayer until i got pulled over and so then i  repented and started going to morning prayers and   uh sometime later in my life um it the prayer  in the morning really took the back seat and   i kind of did not make it a huge priority  and as a result of that you know i struggled   spiritually the ministry struggled i  really believe there's a connection to that   and a friend one friend of mine stayed in my  house one time and he gave me this book it's   not a christian book i think it's a self-help  book called Morning Miracle or Miracle Morning   something like that deals pretty much with how a  lot of successful people wake up very early in the   morning and so as i was reading that book honestly  i got provoked to jealousy with the fact that   most of people who are leading large companies and  who are making great things happen in the world   are extremely early people they wake up early and  they're not sleep deprived but they're just very   you know conscious about being as productive  and as creative in the early times of the   morning and that sparked that desire would take me  honestly to start going back to morning prayer and   step by step some of you heard the story we  had a church that was renting our facility   and this church would come at five o'clock in the  morning to have their morning prayer now they were   renting our facility they didn't own the facility  we didn't have morning prayers at that time and i   remember one time i didn't couldn't sleep at  um and so i decided to go to church to pray   and i come to church very early and i see these  you know elderly people Spanish they are playing   um cassette tapes at the time they still had  like cassette tapes playing cassette tapes   like some kind of a stereo on the stage and  crying to God and praying and i was very   frustrated because i don't remember ever giving  them permission to use our church in the mornings   they were only supposed to use our church  on Sunday in the evening and that's it   and so i'm standing there you know kind of  upset because they're they're there praying   and they're there um you know worshiping God  at five in the morning and at the same time as   i'm about to give them a little speech you know  landlord speech you know that hey you guys are   not supposed to be doing that the Lord convicts me  and the Lord really started to remind me of how i   used to do that and he said you know these people  are doing that and you know you stop doing that   my house is supposed to be a house of prayer and  you know you're lazy that's why you're not doing   early prayers in the morning and man i got so  convicted i never gave them that speech about   them doing it you know the wrong way and etc but  i was really convicted and i said Lord you know   give me give me a little bit of time i'm going  to come back to it and and that became honestly   kind of a personal prayer revival for me to start  coming back to prayers by myself there was nobody   else there and then we started to bring it to  the church we started to open you know every   Wednesday for the church to come for prayer  and then we've opened it every day and now   it's been at least i think five years i honestly  lost the count of how many years we have had it   already where five o'clock in the morning Monday  through Friday the church doors open for prayer   and different people come and open it use i used  to be doing it for a very long time now we have   other people doing that and so and i would say  really that's been the one of the strongest keys   to seeing personal revival in my life  is through sustaining morning prayer   now i'm currently reading a book um called Teach  us to Pray by Cory Russell now i haven't met Cory   Russell personally he's actually coming in a few  months to Hungry Gen and i'm really excited to   hear him preach but i've heard of him and he's  the leader of the upper room right now and then   he was a leader in the ihop prayer movement  seems like he's a great man of prayer from   what i'm reading and what i'm understanding and  and i'm actually going to mention five reasons he   gave for morning prayer i would highly encourage  you this is not he didn't ask me to do this but   i highly encourage you to get this book buy this  book download this book teach us to pray it will   really rekindle your prayer life there's a lot of  books on prayer that have been a great blessing   in my life but this is one of them that's  been a great blessing honestly it rekindled   my passion even for morning prayers though i  come every you know every week for prayer and   keep my morning prayers you know very early but  i'm going to mention um five reasons for morning   prayers from him the first one is my prayer  life has been formed in the early morning prayer   and honestly i would agree exactly the same  with mine my prayer life has been fashioned   through early morning prayer my  alarm clock goes off at you know 4 :45   my coffee machine automatically starts at 4 40  the time that i'm not fasting and um and by five   o'clock you know i'm in church and that's been  my kind of a lifestyle for for many years now   and my prayer life has been established through  that number two he mentions early prayer saved   me from stupid decisions after 10 pm because  i've made many stupid decisions after 10 pm   i couldn't agree more for you to have an early  prayer lifestyle you're going to have to go to   sleep around 10 o'clock most of us will make  stupid decisions after 10 o'clock we will have   conversations with people we shouldn't have we  will watch things we shouldn't watch we will   spend time especially if you're a single person  there's a lot of fornication that can happen   a lot of sin if you're spending a lot of time  on your phone you can look at things that you   should not been looking and so if you really make  a priority to spend time with god in the morning   you will see how a lot of foolish things that  happen after 10 pm you will avoid number three   early morning prayer has increased  the spirit of revelation in my life   i've seen the similar thing in my life where one  of the things that i do in my prayer is i also mix   prayer with the word of God so i read through  the scriptures and then i pray the scriptures   a lot of times it starts like this when i come in  and i spend you know 15 20 minutes just in prayer   and confessing my sin or worship or whatever  that you know that's kind of coming from a   day before that's on my heart and then i read  the scriptures i read i read until God speaks   the moment i read and it hits me like  something just kind of i read until God speaks   i read until something just hits me the moment  God God's word speaks i stop reading and then i   start praying that thing i start praying through  the word of God and that could take you know 30   minutes it could take 20 minutes it could take  five minutes and then i go back to reading and   i don't read a lot actually in fact last year was  the one of the first years that i did not finish   my one year bible reading plan in the whole  year i try to digest more of the bible   because a lot of times and i'm all for reading  three chapters a day or five chapters a day   that's all good and i've done it for many many  many years but i'm at the point of my life right   now i really want to be fed by God's word i don't  want to just feed God's word i want to be fed by   God's word so one of the things that happens is  that i try to digest it i read until he speaks and   then i pray through what he speaks and i write  things down of what he speaks for me not for   the church not for you guys for for me to share  with with other people but for me what he speaks   and sometimes i can't get through half of the  chapter because the spirit of revelation comes   upon a life of prayer and i've seen this to  be so true in my life as Cory Russell shares   that spirit of revelation will fall upon a morning  prayer a life of prayer number four early morning   prayer recalibrates me to his loving kindness  and that's so true when you begin to spend time   with God you begin to be recalibrated to  his love you begin to be recalibrated you   know contrary to popular opinion where sometimes  people feel like all those people who pray a lot   you know they don't know that God loves them and  you don't need to pray because you know everything   is already in God and you know like those people  they just seem to earn God's love that's not true   you can't live a sustainable life of prayer if  you're always trying to earn God's love instead   of living out of God's love you might come  to prayer because you need to be touched by   him but i'm going to tell you one thing when you  continuously come he recalibrates your heart he   re renews resets you toward his love he begins  to remind you of how much he enjoys your presence   some of you heard of the revelation that i had  when you know i was coming to get God's presence   and then God gave me this revelation of how he  wants my presence and how he doesn't just want me   to come so i can get his presence he wants me to  come so that he can get my presence and that was a   mind-blowing revelation that changed and pretty  much gave a fuel for sustainable morning prayer   lifestyle for me number five early morning  prayer is a sacrifice it's true early prayer is   a sacrifice it's a it's not easy it's it's beating  laziness it's battling with the blankets it's um   and a lot of people you know not realizing is that  if you want to have a fire on the altar you got to   put a sacrifice and when Abraham and Cory Russell  uses the example of Abraham when he offered   a sacrifice he did it very early in the morning  Jesus would wake up before anybody and he would go   to the silent desert and he would spend time with  his father you know you see many men in the bible   women in the bible they would go very early in  the morning and they will seek the Lord's face   and so if it's not a habit this is not to impose  it on you but i would like to give you a challenge   to develop it's a habit you can develop many  great men and women of God have had this habit   anchored and it anchors them in their walk with  the Lord i understand there's a lot of people that   have this kind of a very fluid relationship with  god you kind of talk with God all the time and   maybe you're like man i just like me and Jesus are  just like all the time and that's good God bless   you but it's good to have a place and a time that  you spend time with the Lord before the noise of   the world before appointments before emails before  notifications text messages responsibilities that   you anchor yourself in time with God whether it's  30 minutes whether it's 15 minutes whether it's an   hour how much time you have to give God will take  that time and remember for those of you who feel   like that oh prayer takes time prayer saves time  if you spend time with God regularly consistently   daily you will see that God will give you wisdom  to maintain the rest to manage the rest of the   time that you maybe wouldn't be able to do it  without his help so i would like to encourage you   to make a morning prayer a priority in your  life can make it consistent if you've never   been consistent i just in the name of Jesus break  that spirit of consistency inconsistency over your   life and i pray that you will begin to make it  consistent you know to do that i would like to   encourage you with few practical things one  of them is in order to consistently have a   morning prayer go to sleep a little bit earlier  sacrifice doesn't start in the morning prayer   when you wake up it starts with sacrificing  movies tv shows browsing through the phone   hangouts and you may say oh but i really  want to spend time with people that's good   you can do that up to 9 30 or 10 o'clock  and then after that you have to get ready   to spend time with your King your morning  prayer doesn't start in the morning it starts   the night before if you stay up late i can assure  you you're probably not doing meaningful things   you're doing meaningless stuff and then you're  not energetic and awake to spend time with God   so i would encourage you to go to sleep earlier  that's where your sacrifice starts secondly is be   reasonable you know some people like oh i'm gonna  wake up at three o'clock in the morning you know   that's cool and stuff it's radical but that's not  gonna last so do something that is reasonable the   bible says to give your body to the Lord  as a living sacrifice a reasonable service   with me i started at six o'clock first and then  you know i brought it back to five o'clock and   i've been consistent with five o'clock for you  know for a very long time and so do something that   is not radical but reasonable and sustainable and  my other encouragement is bring god's word into   your prayer instead of your phone now some people  read their bible on their phones and that's fine   but if you are able to bring a physical bible and  leave your phone in the car or somewhere else it's   better to do that and if something comes to  your mind of the things that you need to do   write it down so that you can then take care of it  instead of allowing yourself to be distracted and   start taking care of that i get so many ideas  during my morning prayer you have no idea and so   i have a reminder list on my ipad and i just type  them in my reminder list otherwise i'm going to   try to remember all of those things throughout  the day and some of those ideas are from God   and but there also could be a distraction if i  don't mentally remove them from my mind and put   them on a reminder list and the last thing is  that remove as much of distraction as you can   now it's not distraction honestly is always going  to be a temptation of morning prayer but if you   can remove as much of that as possible maybe  muting notifications muting notifications for   all your apps or if you are able to not even bring  your phone to prayer and leave it somewhere else   in the other room or in the car if you're coming  to morning prayer at your church but remove as   much notifications and as much of distraction as  you can Jesus says if you come to the secret place   close the door behind you and that door speaks of  distractions as you close the door of distraction   God will open the windows of heaven so i just  pray that God will encourage you that this was   encouraging to you if you are not having a morning  prayer to start it if you gave up on it to resume   it and if you are doing a morning prayer to keep  on doing it thank you for watching to this episode   or listening to this episode i hope it was a  blessing to you it would mean a lot to me if you   would leave a review on where you're consuming and  subscribe to this podcast as i strive to bring you   different content every single week and also share  it with your friends and if you don't know yet all   of my content is available for free on my website  vladimirsavchuk.com all the sermons books to   download and ebooks reading plans and so many  other things as well as i have vlad school which   where i release online courses free of charge to  people everywhere and you can take those courses   and go through them at your own pace if this  ministry was a blessing to you would you consider   becoming a monthly partner so you can help me to  do more what i'm doing and take it even further   for the kingdom's sake thank you for doing  that for those of you who are the partners   and who are supporters it means the world  to me and remember you will raise to deliver!
Channel: Vlad Savchuk
Views: 586,966
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Keywords: vladimir savchuk, hungry generation, vlad savchuk, good news church, pastor vlad, tri-cities wa pasco, sermons by vlad, messages by pastor vlad, deliverance, healing, supernatural, sermon on fire, messages, sermons, prayer changes things, prayer and faith, sermons on trusting god, sermons on relationships, sermons on faith, deliverance prayer, sermons on prayer, war room prayer, prayer room, isaiah saldivar, christianity
Id: K5oaYQehoSM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 41sec (1001 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 27 2021
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