How to Kill KILLA Easily - Spawns, Pathing, Kits & Killing - Escape From Tarkov

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i don't know if you've ever been on interchange having a good time just going shopping and all of a sudden this three stripe monster comes power sliding through on one knee and puts you in the dumpster the thing is killer can be one of the most difficult bosses in escape from tarkov so whether you need to kill him for jaeger or simply just want to learn how to tackle him next time you're there stick around and find out some of the tips and tricks that i've learnt in the years of killing this guy before we get into the video today i do want to remind you i do stream on twitch if you have any questions about this video or want to catch me live killing killer so i think the best place to start with killer is his guns the first gun is the ak with t45m and you can see the pp19 with 6.3 or luger but his iconic weapon and the weapon you probably heard the most is the rpk16 this thing can come packing with either bt bs or 7n39 at golnnick which is definitely the most lucrative but also the most dangerous gun for him to have and probably the gun that will put you down the quickest if you make any mistakes killer also actually has a variety of awesome key cards that can spawn in his pockets from red violet green blue black yellow 21ws a hashtag 11 sr and also labs access cards now all of these are worth an absolute fortune and the most common would definitely be the labs access card but if you manage to kill killer and get out with the key card you can make up to about 300 000 rubles for a found and raid key card so obviously that's easy money and if you're in here and you kill him it's just a nice extra touch for the amount of money that you can make in other ways part of what makes killer so hard to kill is the fact he has 890 hp or more importantly the fact that he has a whopping 125 extra hp on his chest for a total of 210 his head also has 70 health comparative to a normal pmc at 35 meaning that his head effectively has double the hp this means that he can take two shots of one of the most powerful guns in the game the 338 lapor magnum ap on top of that his iconic three stripe helmet is also level six on the face plate making him very hard to kill in this area but his weakness or his achilles heel is the fact that the top of his helmet is level four another reason he's so damn tanky is the fact that he's wearing level 5 6b13m or killer armor and this armor is actually incredibly good at 60 durability with incredible material type being the ultra highway polyethylene and part of the reason that he takes so many rounds when killing killer penetration power is the most important thing you can do when choosing your ammo i would say 45 at the lowest 50 plus recommended and rounds with 60 plus are definitely guaranteed for killing him i would make some recommendations like m61 and smb but let's look at some of the guns that i would consider using the first one is obviously the rpk16 his iconic weapon not only does it conceal the fact that you know you're fighting killer at early in a raid and also stops people from wanting to get involved but it's also an incredibly cheap and effective gun if you use a goal nick or bs you can actually put him down quite quickly another really really good gun for killing killer is m61 in the mdr 7.62 by 51 variant the biggest problem with this gun however is limited mag size at 20 round mags you actually have to hit the whole mag especially in the chest or head if you miss any shots he will kill you you can also use guns like the kel-tec rfb or the vapor hunter which shoot m61 which are incredibly cheap and a good viable option other guns like the chris vector are really good for taking him down in cqb but you have to use 45 acp ap or 7n31 if you want the best results that being said if you do go for his legs with rip ammo that's just as effective but you can't afford to miss that leg if you do use the 45 acp ap variant with the 30 round mags you can't afford to miss you have to put as many rounds as possible onto his chest or he will kill you a basic rule of thumb is i like to use 545 guns when killing killer now obviously this is personal preference but i believe a lot of the time when he has the rpk it's just a nice excuse to steal his mags and use those instead now obviously he does run bt at times which isn't the best but that can actually be used to your advantage if you are heavily armoured you can survive a lot of rounds of bt especially the level 6 armor some other gun recommendations would be things like the svds which is an amazing weapon especially when it's paired with snb which is a high pen and also just enough flesh to one shot him in the head as well as m61 being very similar in this case the 7.62 aks are also incredibly good as the akm and 103s as the 7.62 bp has 47 pen which isn't the best but a decent amount of flesh that will put him down especially if you are using drum mags you know let's say you have 150 in the vest and then a couple 50s in your secure container all right so let's have a quick look at that map to see where killer can actually move to and those red lines indicate where his possible parts can be but the most important fact is that he spawns between some boxes in front of kiba and unless he is agroed will stay near that vicinity until you actually aggro him or come within vicinity and then the closest person within vicinity he will most likely move to them aggressively in a direction now killer's spawn chance is actually 38 and i've been hunting killer 100 times for that added ass track suit and it's been really difficult because sometimes i can go a couple hours without seeing him but if you are gonna see killer especially if you're the first person in he actually spawns directly next to this pole between these boxes in front of kiba usually he will actually move directly towards this truck and sit directly next to this wheel and go crouched if you guys are enjoying this video so far feel free to subscribe i will be working on videos just like this for other bosses so let me know in the comments down below which one you'd like to see next and i may consider it but honestly guys right next to this wheel is one of the most common spots i've actually found killer in all of my experiences he likes to move from here to inside brutal and a few other different spots so that's not guaranteeing that he's going to be there but if you're one of the first people to rock up into the raid especially the first one to enter the mall and he is there he'll most likely be there understand that if someone else has come before you he can aggro to anywhere including towards the second floor if you do piss him off he will come running up those escalators and put you in the bin one of the most common spots to fight killer is from the ramp and this is actually one of the first things i would recommend going to early push up to these boxes and check the sandbags and also generic on your right to make sure he hasn't been aggroed using these boxes as cover i'll quickly peek the tire of that truck where he likes to hang out all the time now this is actually the most common spot to find killer in any raid and one of the first things you should check in raid and that doesn't mean he's always going to be exactly here but it is one of the most common if he's not exactly there check some of the stores nearby like generic but i also wanted to point out that generic is one of his spots that he only ever really goes to if someone has pissed him off or he's charged in to kill someone you'll have a look at this perfect example of me running up the ramp and then hitting him about seven times now i hit killer a few times here and i pushed into generic to make a final stand but you can see his aggressive ai comes running straight into generic and power slides on one knee to put me in the bin now this is because his aggressive ai is what puts him around the map so wherever you aggro him to an example would be if you're in rasmus in one of the stores behind me and he's standing here he may actually run into attic and crouch behind these boxes or he may actually push to that sandbag i talked about earlier with that being said one of the most common spots that killer will actually move to directly off a spawn without aggro will be inside brutal or just in front of it whether he's in front of the glass standing right here behind this barricade or is simply in here to the right or in hard left or sometimes in the very back corner brutal is one of the most common spots to find killer and one of my first priorities however brutal is one of the most common spots to find players who are also hunting killer because they know how high the chance is for him to be in there so a lot of the time if you rock up even slightly late you will get into a massive fight and find that someone else has actually beaten you to the punch now this is really annoying but you have to be the quickest to the mall and the quickest to kill him because it is a competition and if you've gone into raids looking for that jager kill and wondering why it's so hard to find him that's because so many people are trying to kill him so be wary of pushing into brutal late into raid especially if you got one of the bad spawns i wouldn't even bother because people like to camp in here looking for killer or waiting for more players with brutal out of the way let's talk about national one of the stores before it now if someone at the front of the mall has agro killer he likes to stand directly here near these curtains and i found him actually a couple times standing here with that being said if you happen to be at the front of the mall pushing towards brutal to try and get in and you stand near national this is why he'll aggro here he'll usually come running directly at you because he can sense you especially if he is on the outside of brutal i guess it's also in the name but killer is incredibly aggressive and will push you at any given chance so your reaction times if he pushes you have to be on point and you have to hit your shots as fast as possible if you want to survive another spot to find killer is opposite national in a store called viking now this actually used to be one of the most common spots to find killer however i rarely find him anymore especially in this area or near mantis but that doesn't mean he has a zero percent chance to be in mantis it's just that unless he is aggro towards this area he will not be here and i haven't actually found him here that often also a cheeky little fact a lot of people don't know is if you've looked everywhere for killer and you assume you heard an rpk and you feel like in your gut he is there opening kiba actually starts an alarm and that alarm will actually cause killer to come towards brutal or just in front of kiba and i actually didn't think killer was in the raid until i opened kiba and then i found that he was camping me when i came outside because he came running down from the escalators outside so if you are really desperate and you're late in raid or early in raid and you've checked everywhere and you don't think he's here sometimes opening kiba if the power is on is a good idea so let's talk kits you're going to be noticing that i'm wearing a very low level level 4 armor the 6v3 tm and that is because this is one of the most efficient kits to farm killer and i'll usually have the rest of the mags in my secure container and i will always carry an sj6 which is one of the blue stems and allows me to run for a lot longer let's look at a scenario here where i spawn in and i want to kill killer the first thing that i'll do is i'll pump that sj6 what this does is give me more stamina and better stamina recovery and the first thing on my agenda is to get towards that ramp as fast as possible now there are other spawns that can beat me here but the first thing i'm going to do is push up the ramp and check that common keeper spawn now i know because i haven't heard any shots that i'm the first one in and the first thing that i'll do is jump on the body search his pockets toss my vest wear his armor even if it's zeroed search the rig toss the smoke grenades and head out of there now to do this as fast as possible is the most efficient way to do it basically you want to be in and out before anyone else rocks up now obviously not every spawn gives you the opportunity to do this but the first thing i'll do after i've killed killer and i get a good spawn is head straight for holland fence as it's one of the best extracts to get out quickly however you can't use the bag when using this extract another good way is to head directly through goshen and i'll show you guys a little cheeky parkour trick but honestly guys that being said you want to be the first person in the mall and you want to be the first person out if he's not there if you want to do this efficiently when you're on top of the shipping crate you can jump onto the barbed wire and then hold a to hug the wall while running along the edge run along the edge until you're on top of this red crate and then you can drop down to hole in fence this is one of the most efficient ways to get in and out quickly and farm killer effectively hey guys that's it for this video if you enjoyed this in any single way consider subscribing i'll be working on this guide for other bosses so if you enjoyed it feel free to come back in the future thanks so much for watching to the very end and as always we'll see you on the next one [Music] hmm [Music] you
Channel: VoX_E
Views: 70,145
Rating: 4.9205165 out of 5
Keywords: escape from tarkov guide, tarkov killa, escape from tarkov killa, killa guide, killa farming, killa guide 12.9, killa guide tarkov, how to kill killa tarkov, how to kill killa 100 times, how to kill killa easy, how to kill killa fast, how to kill killa 2021, killa tarkov, killa tarkov guide, killa tarkov quest, tarkov killa farming, killa eft health, eft killa guide, eft killa loot, eft killa compilation, eft killa location, eft killa quest, jaeger killa quest
Id: XRKTAnj55I0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 5sec (785 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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