How to JUNGLE in SMITE | Grandmasters Role Guide

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In this video I'm going to cover ten tips that will help you become a better jungler. Jungle is my main role and I have thousands of hours playing it. I wanted to make this video because a lot of the jungle guides out there right now are outdated or super long. The information in this video can be applied to all seasons and is not meta dependent. Whether you are new to the role or already an experienced jungler, there is something for you to learn from this video. This first tip is my favorite and will seriously help you play better. Mute anyone and everyone that is annoying or toxic. In the jungle, you are going to take a lot of blame ESPECIALLY in lower elo. Even if you think something WAS your fault, muting people will help you focus on YOUR gameplay, which is the key to learning and improving. Number 2, timing - Timing is key in the jungle. Good timing will help you stay ahead of the enemy and put pressure on them. Ideally you want to be at your camps as they are spawning so that you are farming efficiently, and the enemy can't invade. You should also be aware of the enemy's jungle timers and look for opportunities to steal them, which is a great way to give your team an advantage. The next tip is to not overcommit when you’re trying to help a losing lane. Contrary to every bronze players belief it is actually not the jungler's job to save someone whose been solod 3 times in the first 4 minutes of the match. By trying to help them you might end up putting yourself behind which will just make things worse. If an enemy laner is fed it is probably a better idea to spend your time and resources getting your other lanes ahead so that they can help you deal with the raid boss later. This doesn't mean you should never help someone whose behind, and of course things can change situationally, but it's good to understand when something is a lost cause. Tip 4 is to make sure you are maintaining a balance between farming and ganking. Newer junglers often tend to spend too much time looking for ganks, which can cause them to fall behind. It is also bad to focus entirely on farming, and you need to look for opportunities to put the enemy behind. This is a pretty complex topic, and I don't want to take too much time explaining it in this video. I'd be happy to make a video that covers when and how to gank in further detail so if that’s something you'd like to see let me know in the comments. Five, Map awareness - One of the most important aspects of playing jungle is having good map awareness. Make sure you keep track of enemy gods and their positions, as well as buff timers. Knowing where the enemy is and what they're doing will allow you to make informed decisions and increase your chances of success. number 6, Itemization - Itemization is crucial in Smite, and this is especially true for junglers. Make sure you frequently check the enemy's builds so you don't get caught without percent pen while their mid laner builds a surprise breastplate. It might even be a good idea for YOU to go defense in some situations, like if their only magical damage is the support. Tip number 7, communication - Communication is esssential in smite. Make sure you're keeping your team informed of your movements, and potential objectives. Let them know if an enemy uses their relics or ultimate. Good communication will help you coordinate ganks and objectives with your team, increasing your chances of success. Next up we have Wards - As a jungler part of your job is to help control vision on the map. You are going to be roaming a lot which allows you to put wards in places your laners can't conveniently access. Wards help you keep track of enemy positions and jungle timers, and can help your teammates avoid ganks. nine, Teamfights - The junglers traditional job in teamfights is to focus down key targets like the ADC or mage. Try to avoid being seen, and let one of your tanks start the fight before you go in. This will help draw their attention and maybe some abilities away from you and make your job a lot easier. I could make a whole video about how junglers should play in teamfights so let me know if you want to see that. Finally, the most important tip for becoming a better jungler is to practice. Experiment with different junglers and strategies. The more you play, the better youll get. I also recommend watching high ranked junglers play so you can learn their pathing and decision making. And thats it. If you enjoyed this video please like and subscribe. Let me know in the comments if you want me to cover the other roles, and which ones youd like to see first. Also, I am going to start streaming my ranked climb back to GM on twitch so if that’s something you want to see go follow me there.
Channel: LemTM
Views: 39,874
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Id: NHWT2pXCiu4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 17sec (257 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 08 2023
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