How To Join Elite/Specific Army Units

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what is going on guys so the other day I was asked if I can make a video on how to join specific elite units in the army and yes that's that's what this is so this video is probably not going to be too long but if you're interested in joining a specific unit in the army specifically then this video is for you and I'm gonna go over if it's even possible or how likely it is to actually join some of these specific units and maybe what some of your best options could be if you're looking to join like the 75th Ranger Regiment or you want to be in like a Special Forces Group or something that's very simple that's very straight forward if you want to be in a 7th Ranger Regiment then get an option for any contract in your contract and then make it through wraps and get selected and all that if you don't do that then you can still apply later on you can go and talk to us and to the Ranger Regiment recruiter like a specific 75th recruiter and you can go that route and apply and if you make it through wraps again then you're gonna be in that unit same thing with Special Forces if you want to go Special Forces you're gonna get like an 18 x-ray contract and then if you make it to the selection process you're gonna miss those forces in one of their units but if you're looking to being like the 82nd airborne or the hundred and first division which is the question that I was asked is how to joint into one of those two then it's gonna be a little bit more tricky or maybe there's you know a duty station near you that has a specific unit that I don't know maybe has one of your friends in or something and you want to join into that specific unit how are you gonna go about doing that I hate to break it to you but it's not possible to guarantee what unit you are going to be in whenever you join the army it's just not possible for active duty if you are a reservists you select all this stuff is a totally different process but if you're going active duty and you want to join the hundred and first Airborne if you want to do in the 82nd airborne some other miscellaneous units somewhere or maybe you want to join the 1st Infantry Division big red one is the like nickname or whatever if you've ever heard of that so there's some specific unit out there you cannot guarantee that but there are things that you can do to give yourself the best chance to go about joining a specific unit and before I go into that I do want to talk about another situation that would give you a pretty good possibility of going into a specific unit if that's all you care about and you also care about going to a specific duty station maybe you want to join a specific unit because for whatever reason like it sits near home or whatever maybe that unit is your friend's own unit maybe you want to be on the same duty station there is an option option 18 for an enlistment contract which guarantees a duty station your first duty station that you go to there is that option that is rarely taken rarely talked about I knew this might have been a thing and I did do some of my own research search and some regulations and stuff so I am gonna put the regulations that I found the option 18 contract as a possibility it is as far as I know as far as that most recent 2018 regulation that I found it is still something that you can do the only thing with this is though you're going to only guarantee your first duty assignment you're not going to guarantee in a MOS so if you don't care about your mo s but you SuperDuper care about the duty station that you go to then this could be a possibility for you just be aware that this the mo s that you get is gonna be needs of the army is probably not going to be one of the greatest is probably not going to be something that you really really like so this is kind of like a last resort type deal but just be aware that that is something that is out there that not that many people know about now as far as giving yourself the best chance to join some of these elite units if you want to join an airborne unit then you're gonna have to get airborne in your contract if you don't get airborne contract in your contract you're going to have to just hope and pray that you get assigned to that unit and then you're you're good to go but if you do have airborne in your contract then you're going to get assigned to an airborne unit and if you're like an airborne infantry soldier for example then nine times I change join the 82nd Airborne Division the 101st is like an air assault unit you're not going to get Air Assault and your enlistment contract so the best way to go about joining the hundred and first is cross your fingers and hope that you actually get that opportunity so there are going to be MOS azure different options that you can pick so if you do like the option for contract where you get airborne in your contract you know you have a pretty good possibility of going to the 82nd airborne or at least some other airborne unit a good possibility going to 101st if you get that in your contract if you don't get airborne in your contract then you can just go ahead and cross off the airborne units off your list that you want to go to and if you do happen to get assigned to one of those then that's just pure luck and if you want to increase your chances of joining one of those specific units then your MOS is going to have a factor so if you have just some generic support MOS or whatever then if you want to join a melete unit then it's a little bit less likely but if you want to go infantry everyone like I said you're really likely you're probably gonna go to the 82nd airborne really just some combat MOS and airborne then that's a pretty likely situation for you I'm not saying that it's like 80% likely I'm just saying when you're going from like a 5% chance it just happens to be super lucky and get the unit that you want versus like a 40% chance or something so just keep in mind it's not a guarantee whatsoever now if you're sitting there thinking well okay maybe I don't actually join in the specific you know unit that I want to be in initially what about you know later on can I transfer to that unit that I want to go to now unless you're talking about Special Forces or the 75th Ranger Regiment the answer is essentially no and I'm thinking about making a video on the process of switching units if you're active duty like when is that something that you're actually going to be able to do because 99.99% of the time you are not going to be able to switch units if you're active duty whereas if you're a reservist or a National Guard you can switch units whenever you want you don't have to have a reason like you would if you were active duty so if you really really really really wanted to join the one hundred and first Airborne for some reason and you join another unit and you just like okay well maybe I can transfer the likelihood of that happening is very very low you find some way to get to go to Air Assault school it's not super difficult to go to from what I understand I've never gone to it but from what I understand it's not super difficult to go to if you have like an airborne unit or something or especially if you were to go into an air assault unit for example that's gonna be pretty easy to get but you're gonna have to do that and then actually communicate to the unit that you want to go to you're gonna have to have the MOS the skills the rank that that unit needs there needs to be a vacancy slot and then simultaneously your unit would have to like have a surplus of your rank in your MOS and not really need you to let you go and that may sound like it's a possibility but it's actually like very slim slim slim slim to none that it's gonna happen so that's gonna be here for this video on how to join specific elite units in the army it's it's next to impossible if you actually don't get it your first go-around it's just luck really at the end of the day if you don't do one of those things that I talked about to put yourself in the position to being one of those units it's just gonna be luck at the end of the day so keep that in mind but that is if there's video hope you guys enjoyed it if you did hit that like button that'll be awesome to stick around some more of my videos hit that subscribe button that will be even better follow me on Instagram and snapchat if you haven't already hope you guys have an amazing freaking day and I'll see y'all a little later [Music]
Channel: Matt Ward
Views: 64,401
Rating: 4.9449091 out of 5
Keywords: Matt Ward, Matthew Ward, go army, Army Vlogs, army college, Army Recruiter, Army, Military Education, Army Education, Army Reserves, So you decided to join the army, What is the army like, Army Training, 82nd airborne, 82nd airborne division, 101st airborne division, army mountain division, army mountain warfare school, 75th ranger regiment, army special forces, army special forces selection, army infantry training, us army 1st infantry division, army 1st infantry division
Id: TTGYG3jLreg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 15sec (495 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 25 2020
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