Spiritual Channeling with Paul Selig | the Mark Groves Podcast

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what you bless blesses you back what you claim the inherent divinity in will move to resonance with you and that's often quite physical through this teaching and also they say what your damn damns your back which is what you put in darkness calls you to the darkness hello and welcome i'm excited to be joined today by paul selig paul is a psychic a teacher an award-winning author of many channel texts a medium a channel and you have a master's degree from yale and i i didn't know this but you served on faculty at nyu for 25 years directing the mfa in creative writing program yeah that was at a different school at goddard college i ran the mfa but yeah i was an academic i'm very excited to have you on because i found your work through aubry marcus and i listened to your channel and i thought okay that's i've never heard anything like this before because i just felt some very deep resonance with your words and then i read the book of mastery and then the book of truth both had an incredible impact on me and the book of truth is actually the words that you and your guide spoken that had me quit drinking had me just come to so many awarenesses i i would say accept so many awarenesses so thank you for your work you're welcome thank you what is the origin story of or have you always been able to channel and and all that kind of stuff no i i was raised sort of an atheist and i was not somebody who put a lot of stock in channeling i think i read half of a seth book when i was in grad school which is many many years ago and i thought it was really interesting but i didn't stick with it i started opening up when i was 25 when i quit drinking actually i'd heard a voice telling me to get my act together and i did and that was you know kind of the first voice of now what is something consistent in my life so i started opening up and i studied a form of energy healing that i had been introduced to and i was volunteering at a center for people who were living with life challenging illnesses in new york city and was the height of the aids epidemic then so there was this need and i found when i had my hands on people's bodies i could hear things for them so and i'm not hearing with my ears it's just like a thought that interrupts all my thoughts that makes no sense to me you know that i don't have context for and as the people that i was working with began to verify the information that i was getting i began to trust it and then i started a little group that met in my apartment in new york for about 18 years really so i sat in a circle for about 18 years and i was more interested in the energy that was coming through when i worked the teachings as we have them now didn't start coming through in lecture form until much later i think i was 48 when i realized they were now lecturing through me in these long passages and once that began then the book started once i became willing to record and then transcribe the lectures they said we have a book to write if you take two weeks we'll do it and that was the first of now 10 books that i think the 10th book is coming out in september and all of the books are just the unedited transcripts of the sessions i mean i don't go back and rewrite them you know we punctuate and we you know transcribe very carefully against the recordings and that's what's what's out in the world so i look at what i do with stenography the psychic stuff came with the channeling work but i didn't really knew i didn't really know what i was able to do until i was doing it and that's this that's the case with all this stuff i made no sense all of a sudden i'm doing something that i didn't understand that i then had to learn to understand so my work as a psychic is they call it a medium for the living i can step into people that i've not met and hear them you know and sometimes begin to resemble them it's a it's a form of clairsentience and clear audience so if you ask about your sister who you're estranged from and i step into your sister i can often hear what the challenge is what the problem is what she's needing i can go to you find out where you're at what you're needing it's like i'm brokering conversations on other levels so when i hear my guides i'm just tuned into their radio station you know when i tune into clients i'm tuned into theirs and i think of myself kind of as a radio and what i do is be in broadcast and listen and interpret when i have to there's no interpretation in the channeling that's all direct stenography spoken stenography because i don't write anything when i work with people individually you know if you show me a tennis racket i'll say i'm seeing a tennis rack and you're saying yeah i play tennis i go okay great you know it's like that it's really interesting i'm curious how you begin to make sense of these things moving through you like these voices i would imagine a lot of people have connection to this type of conversation maybe not able to write like i think it's nuts when i listen to your books that i'm listening to something that is just continuously being spoken that then gets directly transcribed it's it's bananas you know you can actually a lot of from the last books because when the first books were being delivered they were i was recording on cd in the last i don't know six or seven books we moved everything is recorded on video now so a lot of the initial transmissions are up on youtube for later are in the books and you can see how it comes out it's not polite it's not i'm not sitting there in a lotus position oh and this is what you need to do i'm like in it taking the dictation it's a very physical phenomenon i'm hearing phrases you know i hear phrase phrase phrase phrase phrase that when they're all put together they make sense but i don't hear the larger sentence or paragraph i hear it as it's all coming so you know initially i was i was always hearing for other people and initially i was hearing fragments so if i had my hands in your chest and i heard the name arthur i learned to say who's arthur and you might say my father my lover my dog my best friend who died you know it's like that okay so that's how i started to trust it because there would be energy that would move and i was unblocking people that were stuck you know and were holding old stuff that needed to move and in the initial group i was hearing directions for energetic attunements or transfers really so we'd be sitting in it in a circle and i and i would hear you know everybody receive a hand on your forehead and the whole room would go bang it was like beetlejuice you know i'm like what the heck is this and that but it was so physical and tangible and we all felt it and that helped me to trust it and it was all very loving and you know very clear when i had been a very heavy smoker and when i quit smoking at 48 my guide said you gotta you know if you wanna you wanna keep working with you but you're gonna have to deal with this and i did i like quit like the next day and i was a four pack a day guy so it was something but when that was out of my system is when the lectures began and what now how i now work and it's just been a process of my getting out of the way continually and then learning to acclimate to how this works and how to stay clear that's it what do you believe or or feel as the guides messages keep i guess evolving what do you feel about the evolution of it and the message they're really trying to convey well it's funny because i i think they've been very consistent in all of their teachings and i think the very first book that was dictated through me and i think 2009 was published in 2010 it's called i am the word that in some ways i think is the primer for where they're going although i didn't understand it at the time they're really talking about the realization of what they call the divine self or the monad or the true self or the christ itself there's all these different names for it they all mean the same thing with that spark of the divine in us that they say seeks realization as in through us and how this is done is their teaching and it's an energetic teaching about alignment and energetic coherence so they say the world that we're living now is the world that we're in coherence with and it's a world that's very entangled and fraught and polluted by fear and that we're born into that so we grow up expecting it and much of what we see has a basis in fear and we just accept it as it is and they're moving us to a level of vibrational accord they call this place the upper room which is the level of consciousness that's what they call it where fear isn't operative and consequently when you begin to create at that level how you begin to experience a life is very different because it's not so entrenched you know as we have known it in the old way so it's a teaching of realization and manifestation it's not about getting what you want and what you think you should have it's really probably a mystical teaching on i don't like i don't like the you know words like embodiment and ascension are bandied about a lot and i guess that's what they're teaching but it's um this isn't sort of fuzzy new agey feel good stuff necessarily it's challenging work you know and they're they're moving us to a new basis really of operating and they're saying we're all going through this now the entire planet's going through this it's just uncomfortable because we're we're letting go of what we've known of and the new has yet to fully be formed and claimed yeah there's no doubt that it seems like we're in a collective discomfort like the words that really made me face and quit drinking was your body can only alchemize the lowest level of truth you're willing to hold or it's capable of holding and then you go on to discuss is it okay do i say you or do i say the guy right i mean i remember a bit of what they say i don't remember i bet i mean they put quite a few thousand words through yeah um but they went on to say that you essentially like what truce do you know that you're not living and for me that was that i needed alcohol to connect and there is a reference to it's like being a fish in an aquarium who learns about the ocean and then goes back to the aquarium all of these things put together i just realized like you know my personal passion like work about myself has always been as soon as i'm aware of something i have to change it you know it because knowledge if not integrated it doesn't become wisdom really until you integrate it the words that are often repeated throughout it i know who i am in truth i know what i am in truth and i know how i serve in truth even as i say them there's a resonance to them and i'm curious what is it essentially like my interpretation of what continues to be invited of me is is alignment alignment with highest self alignment with highest truth alignment with all these voices that we tend to silence so yeah i'm curious your thoughts on that well it's an attunement i know who i am in truth i know what i am in truth i know how i serve in truth and initially it came through i know who i am what i am how i serve and they added in truth when they were dictating book of truth because they say in truth a lie will not be held in the vibrational field of truth you can't kind of resort to i think what the personality structure would seek to claim which is well i'm an athlete or i'm you know a mother or you know as the basis for being those are ways we might experience ourselves but they're not who we are in truth the claim who i know who i am in truth first of all the guys say knowing is realization to know something is to realize it and it's an invocation and attunement and the guides say all of the attunements are encoded energetically to support a vibrational shift which is why people feel them when they invoke them and when you do them with a group you can the energy goes through the roof and you can do it with a partner and you can claim it for one another i know who you are and truth you can feel the energy as it's worked with so i know who i am i realize who i am and that's not who i am say as mark or the idea of mark i know who i am as the true self or the aspect of that's incarnated as mark to realize its divinity so i know who i am they say is invoked at that level i know what i am i know so who is identity i know what i am is expression and expression as the guides teach it is form so i mean i know what i am is the manifest self that i didn't say that well i know what i am in truth is i know what i am in form how i'm expressed in form i know how i serve is how i'm expressed as the true self who i am what i am an expression in the world it's how i'm serving is by being the true self now when this attunement first came through was in this little group i had in my apartment we were trying to understand it we all kind of got i know who i am we sort of got what that meant because they'd done this whole teaching of the word the energy of the creator in action and they would have us work with that in invocation i know what i am we just sort of figured that meant well in our lives and i know how i serve because we were all living in new york we all thought well that must be what we do for a living you know and it wasn't you know it really wasn't either of those things um people still think the guides will you know take questions i do live streams but people say how i want to know how i serve as if they're looking for an action that they can take and the guides say well the true self knows and the small self the personality itself thinks and the true self and expression is how you serve so when you're expressing at the level of the true self you're already enacted in service by nature of being that doesn't mean you necessarily open up a reiki clinic or you know you become a coach there's a lot of clinics there's a lot of coaches nothing wrong with those things but how you serve is how you show up and how you be in the world and then what you do from that level of consciousness will in likelihood be of service it doesn't matter whether you're a bank teller or a mechanic or you're the crossing guard you know for the school i mean they're all ways of being expressed so it's a claim of embodiment i know who identity what form and service expression and they say and this was interesting too because they began to teach i know what i am in truth as as its own decree because they say we've grown up or been in adherence with a cosmology that says if there is a god it's something up in a cloud somewhere and the gods say well god is all things including your fingernails and the hair on your head and you know everything you see god is all things they say there's one note sung in the entire universe that's in manifestation is everything we see everything's in resonance or tone so what they're doing is they're reclaiming the inherent divinity of form and they say if you don't get that the body is divine and i've struggled with that my whole life how can you truly know the divinity in the tree or the cloud or the ocean do you understand they're all expressions of form and they say once you comprehend i know what i am you can begin to work with it and then that's where you get into alchemy and that's a trip when they first brought the atuman through it at the eslan institute where i was teaching they put everybody out on the lawn and broke them up into teams the ones and the twos and they were claiming i know what you are in truth and then feeling the residual vibration come back to them the guides call it the echo they often teach it in workshops and anytime they and it's a very simple teaching basically what you bless blesses you back what you claim the inherent divinity in will move to resonance with you and that's often quite physical through this teaching and also they say what your damn damns your back which is what you put in darkness calls you to the darkness and that's the thick dense experience we're all having here yeah that seems like such the trap of the human experience you know the othering the polarization the when you realize the responsibility of actually doing that like when you do that you're saying they say that what you're damning damns you so you end up in the same space of what you're creating yeah exactly because that's the level of consciousness that you're claiming another end so if you're aligned to that level of consciousness that's what you get based on the time of year and what's going on in the world i am all about making sure that my immune system is operating at its best i want to make sure that it is in tip-top shape so that whatever it might meet it is able to fight off and so one of the ways i do that is i use organifi immunity it's 100 organic it's got 500 of your recommended daily dose of vitamin c and that vitamin c is sourced from organic cherries it contains the immune boosting power of ginger 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mountain and there's this cave and you walk into the cave and the one person you never want to see again as long as you live is in this cave and you get to walk them out of the cave because you put them there and because you put them they called you there with them and that's it it's a teaching of forgiveness but primarily release it's not about saying okay it was okay that you took all my money and ruined my life not okay it's okay that they're who they are you know they have the right to be you can't extinguish the divinity in another but you can deny it and they say when you deny the divinity which is the inherent spark in another human being you've denied it in yourself and that's the base that's why forgiveness is important as they teach it it's not about condoning poor behavior but it is about liberating yourself from the condemnation because that condemnation anchors you in the lower field that seems to be a common trap like i i just look around and i think for myself too it's so easy to you know in political dialogue or or you know just the conversations of the world today yep it's easy i know too but they also say that you know self-righteousness is always the small self it's always the personality and that that gets me some time they go hey there i'm doing it again you know i mean i'm not perfect i have my biases and i there are things that outrage me and all of that but i also understand that i'm the one who pays really for that and also you don't change a world by damning what you see it's never solved anything what you end up doing unfortunately is reinforcing the very thing you don't want because nothing's transformed that way and they said they said this and i think it was in the book of truth is when they began this teaching they said you know and this was that was published a few years ago now that you know humanity is at a time of reckoning and they talk about basically everything that was buried is going to get seen so they say if you've got a body buried in the basement is going to stink up the whole house there's an excavation in the backyard what might come up is from three months ago or 3 000 years ago and these things don't come up so we get to point fingers at them and blame them or shame them or make them wrong which just sort of keeps them there the reason these things get seen is so that they can be seen and brought to light when something is brought to light it can be healed you understand so it's like when you turn the rock over and all the little squiggly birmini stuff is there they want to scamper from the light they've known themselves in darkness that's what they've known there are aspects of me and of you and of all of us that have been sort of weird in that that need liberation that's how healing occurs and i think it's also happening at a at a global level you know it's not like we just began realizing that racism is is inherently wrong and harmful and deeply destructive but we're faced with it now and we're being faced with a lot of stuff again that has been present that we've not i think collectively been willing to look at transformation of and i think that this is probably profoundly important and necessary and rarely comfortable because who wants to look at their stuff you know or their history or their culture's history you know or how we've treated people and you know all that all that's up well any space that requires that healing but the what you said before like when you reject something or damn it then you can't change it and i think so much of our own past and so much of our own experiences our families or our cultures or whatever it might be we do damn it or reject it or deny it and then inevitably how do you even receive the gifts of the lessons of those places spaces you know i don't know i mean the people always say well you know you can't excuse something you know and i don't know that it's about that i think that the guides say this is how they put it they talk about the upper room which they say is a level of consciousness and they say you can't lift the evil man to the upper room because you have made him evil so you're already aligning to him as evil as the basis and if that's where you're operating from you're in coherence with that it's a teaching of energetic accord the gods used to say and still do a c c o r d or a c h o id is on a piano and they're making a point this is about resonance and vibrational tone so from the upper room if you're holding the higher vibration anyone and anything can be lifted re-seen made new reclaimed this is this this is their language which is actually an energetic act it's not a moral judgment it's not appeasing something it's it's really the re-seeing i mean the idea that if there is a god it favors some over the others according to my guys is completely ludicrous it's not possible you know we're the ones that play those games of favoritism and class and haves and have-nots and what we should aspire to is always not to be like those people who are suffering you know and we create systems that perpetuate suffering and then we we have you know it's like all this stuff this is all our work to do on this plane i suspect you know we're the ones that have to look at what we've created and the guides say everything that was created in fear needs to be re-seen re-known in a higher way and part of what we're going to be experiencing they've been saying this for you know 12 years now [Music] is that the systems that we've come to expect to always be there would also have to be re-seen and re-known and some of them may not fare very well you know whether it be religious structures economic structures you know political structures all of those things because everything has to finally be re-known in a higher way and that's a messy process and i think mostly the stuff that's been hidden in the dark comes flying out and then we look at that and then we get confused but you know like when you clean a house you ever really like deep cleaned your house it looks a lot worse before it gets better you know you start banging on the rugs and all the dust fills the room their dust has always been there now you're just having to look at it and i think we're getting to look at it so that's how i see it beautiful i'm curious where do you like when you talk about the guides and the guides being you know being able to see what's happening here how do they sort of position or where are they from or all that kind of stuff they're only called the guides because my ex years ago when my ex found out i could do this used to say ask the gods this ask the guides that's why they're called the guides the name that they've given when they've given a name i'd say if you wish to call us something you can name it given his melchizedek which is a priesthood and it's an old energy it's an old teaching it's in in both the old and new testaments i don't like getting caught up in names truthfully and there are other times in recent books they've said they've spoken of themselves as the true self and they all may use like the word true self and christ at times interchangeably so that's a level of consciousness and vibration it's not a guy they're teachers you know they say some of us have been informed some of us have not i don't necessarily get that this is an extraterrestrial thing but you know they do talk about us as a species with some frequency you know and they're not informed they say they actually have to lower their vibration to be able to work through me you know i can't hold the vastness of what they are so i'm i've been worked with over years i think to allow what i do to happen but they're sort of operating beyond us but they know us and they say you know at times they've been us and um there used to be a favorite definition of them oh yeah this is what they used to say and i loved it when people would say who who are you they would say we are who you become when you know who you are um i was really lovely and encouraging yeah it's almost like you're tapping into consciousness that doesn't have a label like at that level it's it's actually just collective wisdom and consciousness and direction that you're in a way alchemizing into text for us yeah exactly that's exactly right i mean that's their work you know their language they say is encoded the books are energetic transmissions the language in the books provides an intellectual context for the reader so you don't think you're going nuts but you know when the first book came out there was no press no but no publicist no you know no reviews i mean i think i think i made five thousand dollars for the first book i was very happy to receive it you know i was just shy i was thrilled i mean the guide said after it was written said this is going to be published and it's going to be the first publisher that reads it and don't haggle and that's exactly what happened but when the first book came out people started leaving these reviews on amazon and they were saying i'm reading this book and my body is vibrating i'm reading this book and i'm seeing auras my favorite was i'm reading this book and my husband is changing [Laughter] to everyone listening i'm sure they'll be quite excited about that well it was just you know it would but what people were responding to was that the book was a transmission that they were in a dialogue with at a whole level that was sort of beyond the words and all of the books operate that way according to them and they're consistent so yeah i don't think i think the names are for us you know when people start saying well i'm channeling the this one and then that one and you know i think well okay that's a level and names are useful you know i i like to know my neighbor's name is so i can call out to them across the road if i want to but um the names are are useful but i think we're working with something that's kind of greater when it is consciousness you know it's almost like as humans we have this desire to go back to the like i know who i am but trying to put like mark on the label as opposed to allowing the vastness of no title like guide or there is a resonance too i mean i said that at the very beginning because even every time i say and i remember after reading mastery and then truth and i listened to them pretty much right after the other because i was i was in a i was very i was in it you know i was like right in the zone and when i read those words there is a vibrational sense and how do people though because i'm sure for someone listening they're like i don't even know how to make that connection like words vibration how will i how do you how do people i guess tap more into resonance or more into this space that you're you're speaking of i mean i start what changed my life one of the things that changed my life early on was when i could feel energy and when i studied healing and i'd had a big experience of energy that people said sounded like a kundalini awakening i don't know what it was when i was 25 and it was it was a very physical experience and i started seeing little lights around people after that and that was my being the beginning of the opening and my whole life was gonna fall apart for the next four years so it's a good good news that i had some experiences to give me a little bit of faith to get through that but when i began to be able to feel energy everything changed because you can't refute that i can dismiss what i'm hearing but i can't necessarily dismiss what i was feeling and when i was doing this first group in my apartment and i was an nyu teacher during all these years i wasn't looking to be known for this work i wasn't strategizing my career i was just into it and we all felt the energy and we could all compare notes it helped me to trust it the attunements are palpable for most people so i remember doing a an event in chicago once in the theater and it was like they would just bring a different sort of psychic every week to talk these people these people didn't really know my work but the guides because they always do attuned the entire audience means 300 people they attune them and i and the question is always how many of you can feel this and 300 people raise their hands so it gives you the attunements give people an opportunity for something experiential when they're beginning to have the experience of it they don't have to defer i don't want anybody to defer to me i'm not a teacher i'm not a spiritual teacher i'm not a guru i taught playwriting at nyu for a hundred years and wasn't that was an admin at another college so i don't want that baggage but if you can have your own experience with this then you can move into your own knowing and the guides say when you truly know something there's never a question attached not everybody who reads the books or comes to a workshop feels the energy and i found interestingly enough that those are often the people that are the most sensitive that have developed the most protection because it was hard you know i'm super sensitive i drank too much i smoke four packs a day i'm not eating too much anymore which is amazing because i've done that too most of my life but i'll do anything to buffer my sensitivity and with and then it was useful i checked out in many ways from from what i could do and experience so many people are surprised when this happens how does this happen the guides say it's it's like um the attunements work like coordinates like if you go play a jukebox and you play d4 and it's always going to be led zeppelin you know you play the attunement and you're always going to get the same level of experience actually the experience escalates as you get used to it and it becomes more normal and then it has to accelerate and it often does and that's what's happening as people develop but how does it work i'm going to ask them because it's present they're saying the energy is present in a language and it works beyond time in one of the books the guide said you know if you're reading this book and you um you're confused about anything ask because they said as we're dictating the book through paul we're also with you as you're reading it and then people started writing you know i asked a question on page three it was answered on page four and a lot of people go back and they said you know i'm reading iris is the third time i've read this book it's a completely different book that's amazing well that's what people say i don't read the books you know i do the audio book that's when i really hear the whole thing i just did the audiobook for the book what's coming out next and i was like wow this is really interesting it's really different from the others i was quite excited by much of what they were saying but while the while the dictation is happening i'm just so overloaded the last thing i want to do is hear or read it so i have a really wonderful woman who proofs the transcripts against the recordings and asks me questions but i often don't really sit and read the book until it's ready to come out because um i'm having to do the audio book and that's all so while you're in the transmission are you conscious of the transmission are you more just trying to keep up i'm trying to keep up i'm conscious the less conscious i am the better truthfully i i say it it's like it's like what i do in some ways is like crawl into the back seat of the car and turn the steering over to the guides and i mean they'll often tell me like go read a magazine you know go occupy yourself and the first book they told me to go sit in the outhouse it was really a little mildly mortifying i'll take a magazine and go out to the shed that's what they said and let us continue and um and i'm fine with that but when they're saying something like if i if they're doing a dictation they were to say you know the moon is really made of green cheese i would perk up because i'm hearing it as i'm saying it i'm just not listening carefully i might say wait a minute wait a minute and then i'm like poking my head into the front seat and then they'll say paul is paul is interrupting i've heard that question in the very first book they didn't do that because we was learning how to work together i think at this level so there's one line in the very first book when they the guide saying the very beginning they say this is not a book that's been written before and i piped in mentally i didn't say it aloud what about a course in miracles and the guy said well this is not a course in miracles and they were answering my question but it wound up in the book so without the question people and why are the guides talking about this which is a perfectly reasonable question and in other books well they actually got very good at anticipating my questions before i ask them so now and i think that's because one book got completely restructured because i interrupted so much and then there was a chapter that they intended to write on principles that began you know very well and then somebody made too much noise and i panicked and anyway that's that was um there's a whole chapter where they're i'm they end up talking about my fear and my need to control things which was not meant to be in the but that's they said yes leave it in the book this is going to be yeah because of course it's perfect you know for the person who needs it whatever is there is there but i've kind of learned that now when they say paul has a question they're often and this is only in book dictations because they're very the book dictations they're they come super prepared it's like i'm literally sitting there as if somebody's just feeding me something that's prepared you know it's there's not it's interesting it's a little different than just lecturing which at times feels slightly more slightly more extemporaneous but not always but they'll say now in the books paul paul paul has a question and i'm thinking well i would just i was about to form a question i hadn't quite thought it and then you can tell because they use they're they're saying paul is interrupting and they'll explain my interruption but it's in their language which i find amusing because my language is different so like if they say paul is interrupting what if i and my fellows are going on a journey and and i'm thinking oh really that's what i'm saying but what they are doing is taking the essence of what i would have objected to or was about to try to form this and and give it out in a way that will allow them to continue steering the text and not sort of take it out of their their intention and you know at times they'll take the question and just go right back and it's fine and we include some questions in the books that are asked by students who are present you know for the dictation because all the books are done publicly now either in a small group that i've convened online and that's only because i'm not traveling as i used to be they all used to be dictated in front of audiences of you know at the esl institute or weekend workshops and they'd say at the end of the lecture this is in the text which is how i would know you know i've really appreciated when the questions are included or when your own thoughts are in there because i find often your question or your thought and this is probably because time isn't real and i'm asking it too but i i find it's a question that i have or a clarifying thing that i'm seeking so you do it all in real time on i mean that to i think to anyone listening who's not experienced it it really is quite something i'm curious if um you'd be open to sharing if they have anything to share or if there's an opportunity for people to hear just so they can feel the resonance of it you know once i was doing a book signing this is early on some bookstore in asheville it's really nice bookstore and i just you know i don't usually channel at book signings no i do but in those days i really didn't you just talked and somebody raised their hand and said well the guides come through with a message for us and they said we are not the entertainment i mean a good answer i like it let me see they're saying yes we would like to say two things the idea is if we are the ideas of who you are being alternate are what are being altered now and you're all in participation and you're all in participation too listen whether or not you know it when you believe is always so what you believe is always so is soon to be rendered other is soon to be rendered over your idea of who you have been your idea of who you have been informed by an old status quo and formed by an old status quo is about to be alternate directive the way is about to be altered strategically they're saying in a strategic way we need to question who you have been you're beginning to question who you have been as the new road is appearing for you as the new road is appearing for you this is a requirement for you many of this time this is a requirement for humanity at this time you cannot bonus you have been you cannot go on as you have been and ignore what is before you and ignore what is before you the opportunity here has changed the opportunity here is change and all change must be seen as productive and all change must be seen as productive even the moment even if it doesn't feel that way at the moment you encounter it you encounter it you might have said yes humanity has said yes to a new way being to a new way of being the process has not only begun the process has not only begun it is underway it is underway is that the two things one more thing please one more thing please don't listen to fear don't listen to fear if he was a poor teacher fear is a poor teacher don't navigate your landscape through fear don't navigate your landscape through fear you will fall off the cliff you've come to you will fall off the cliff you have come to which is the action of fear which is the action of fear the action appears claiming more fear the action of fear is to claim more fear do not happen i do not enact upon a period in the same period wow feels very apropos for me and i think probably for everyone listening i don't know i mean people haven't heard me do this before i whisper the words as they come and i repeat you know sometimes it's a mile a minute and it's nuts and i sometimes wish i could sit there elegantly and say the future before you know this is just happening maybe one day but it's been a long time i do it directly sometimes but i do it directly i actually don't remember anything and that's frightening it's just like wow so when you're just lecturing it without the stopping and repeating i just know that i'm speaking i i hear what i'm saying but i don't what i happen the whisper is the transmission the repetition it's always like if you can imagine like ticker tape it's like that one thing the next thing the next thing when it's direct it all becomes sound to me you know there's there was a recordings have done in mexico a few years ago of me channeling and at the end of the lecture i was just making vowel sounds you know i the language just stopped it just became tone it was freaky and there's actually i didn't notice at the time there's a gnostic text um in the gnostic gospels you know where there's a lecture there's a teaching that begins that way and ends with ah oh it's like the same thing i went okay well i guess this is what happens sometimes so i prefer to have a little bit of awareness of what's coming through and i am very i have a i retain a third of it now that's about it of what comes through me when it's direct pretty much this much i'll understand unless i hear it back yeah it's almost like the basis or the breakdown to vowels is like just at the construct of language like it's just touching the edges of language absolutely you know i remember hearing that a book is written in the vibration that it's encoded so you don't even need to understand it yeah the intent of the author i hear is present energetically in every book ever written so it's not just a channel but the channel book is working with the energy in a more conscious way but if you're going to go read wuthering heights or something you're going to move into the energy of the bronte that wrote it you know and that level of consciousness and that imagination i mean it's you know i think we get fed so much now visually and we're told to feel so often by you know how things are or are packaged or addressed that we forget that we can have this whole other experience through ourselves you know without the label or the agenda so books are good for that beautiful well thank you so much for your time and for sharing and i'm curious for everyone listening where can they go get more from you and and the guides well my website's the best place which is just paul selig.com p-a-u-l-s-e-l-i-g-dot-com i do a lot of events a lot of them are online i do a monthly channeled intensive which you know it's two hours a day i just finished while i'm finishing one today actually later today and i do every wednesday almost i'm lecturing so there's an ongoing wednesday class that people can sign up for if they want in live events i'll be at the omega institute in new york in a couple of weeks in june and um costa rica a couple of times in the coming year in maui which is where i live i'll be doing a retreat here next spring and berkeley california i've got and brew north carolina those are both coming up in august so there's opportunities to work with the guides in person and live events and i hear it's just as palpable when you work online too beautiful okay we'll make sure all those links are in the show notes and thanks again for your time appreciate it thank you for having me thanks so much for tuning in to today's episode if this episode resonated with you one of the best ways to support the show is to go subscribe to the 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Channel: Mark Groves
Views: 34,069
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: relationship tips, relationships, dating advice, dating, relationship, relationship advice, dating advice for men, dating advice for women, how to move on, break ups, breakup, heartbreak, love, communication, guys, women, How to date, love advice, dating coach, relationship advice for women, dating tips, relationship problems, fling, relationship coach, breakup advice, tinder, bumble, hinge, tinder tips, online dating, online dating tips, dating app, tinder messages, mark groves
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 16sec (2776 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2022
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