How to INSTANTLY Remove Ums & Uhs from Your Videos & Podcasts

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hey it's pat here um and in this video i'm going to purposefully record the introduction with a bunch of filler words uh and these are things that you don't necessarily want in your final recording for your video um but there are tools out there like this one that i'm about to show you that can completely make it easy for you to literally remove them in just one simple click um so we'll see how this works and i'm also going to show you some other tools and things that this thing has for you to make life editing video and audio easier we'll see how this works hey it's pat here and in this video i'm going to purposefully record the introduction with a bunch of filler words and these are things that you don't necessarily want in your final recording for your video but there are tools out there like this one that i'm about to show you that can completely make it easy for you to literally remove them in just one simple click so we'll see how this works and i'm also going to show you some other tools and things that this thing has for you to make life editing video and audio easier we'll see how this works yes so i've been talking about this tool called descript lately and it's pretty revolutionary in terms of how much time it could save you with your editing and a couple videos ago i shared how you can edit out certain parts of your audio or video by just simply highlighting that part of that transcript hit delete and then everything gets pushed together for you in another video i shared how the tool can also learn your voice you have to approve this but it can learn your voice and then talk after you type something in your own voice and a computer could say those words in my own voice what and it's kind of cool and also scary at the same time anyway i keep finding new reasons to love this tool even more and actually this was brought to my attention by one of you the filler removal feature and you just saw it happen in real time and i'm going to show you one more time and some other tricks around it so you can make sure you get it right if you use descript for your editing do you want to do that the link will be in the description below so i'm actually going to undo the work that we just did there are the ums again you can see them here now after you record it'll detect the fillers for you and you can like i did before just go to the bottom right hand corner and hit remove and it'll do it for you but i like to do it this way instead when i see the um's underlined or the oz underline there i can right click on it and hit remove filler words and then what will happen is you'll see all the ones that it is about to take out or that are in question you'll see here so there might be some times when you want to keep them in or it's not a filler word it's detecting it and you can keep it in for all of these however i'm going to hit apply to all and there you go so now it's all gone and again like i said you heard me in the very beginning put those filler words in and now they're not there anymore hey it's pat here and in this video i'm going to purposefully what's really nice is this smooshes everything together and creates what's called a jump cut when i used to edit my videos this is exactly how i would do it i would take out the filler words or take any mistakes out or any weird awkward pauses and just smoosh everything together and it would sound nice and clean and yes i do jump around in the frame a little bit but it's nothing that's going to be too distracting and it's actually something that's a lot more engaging for a viewer on youtube especially let's try this again i'll do it one more time for you i'm gonna hit here start camera recording hello we can see me all right i'm gonna hit record and then we will go it records mirrored and then it kind of shoots out regular hey it's pat here um i'm not quite sure what i'm going to say but i would imagine that after i take all these fillers out it's going to be a lot faster and cleaner [Music] i don't know what's going to do at the end there with the mm-hmm but we'll see so i'm just going to hit play actually i'm going to just remove these fillers right here 5 filler words detected remove and let's hit play pat here i'm not quite sure what i'm going to say but i would imagine that after i take all these fillers out it's going to be a lot faster and cleaner okay so that's kind of cool i think i spoke a little too early but this is an amazing tool because the ums and the uh especially if there are too many can definitely be a distraction i would still not just completely rely on this because then you're not going to improve but at the same time it's just a nice tool to have in case you want to remove those fillers so you know there's debate on both sides hey this does this for you why even worry about it well i think it's important because in real life when you're talking especially if you're on stage you don't have the benefit of a tool like this to use but for audio and video that we're publishing online yeah it's kind of nice now there's some other fun things that i learned about this tool that i didn't even know was possible until i just started messing around with it even more so what i'm going to do is i'm actually going to highlight this sentence here and these are things you don't want in your final recording for your video then i'm going to hit the plus sign and hit down here i'm going to go to title so now what this does is it allows me to add text on top of the video and i know exactly where this text is going to go and i don't have to adjust it sort of too much because it's going to be on top of the text that i highlighted so for this text i'm going to type filler words aren't so great exclamation point let's uh make this font a little bit smaller so it's in one line then i'm going to remove the stroke color and i'm just going to place this maybe down here filler words aren't so great so now if i rewind a little bit and i go to this timeline area here let's just hit play with a bunch of filler words and these are things that you don't necessarily want in your final recording for your video see the texture showed up now i can even play around with it a little bit more let's move this up a little bit and now if i come here you see this white little line here this is the fade so i can move this over and let's put it there let's do half a second about and let's do the same thing on the other end of this and i'm going to play actually let's just play from i'm going to i'm going to purposefully record the introduction with a bunch of filler words and these are things that you don't necessarily want in your final recording for your video so that's pretty cool you just saw the text pop in which is really neat so now i'm going to add a video now the video is not going to make sense it's just one that i had handy it's from a pokemon channel that i have but i'm going to highlight another piece of text here let's do it i'm about to show you that can completely make it easy for you to literally remove them in just one simple click right so i highlighted that and i'm going to drop the video right on that track so the video is processing but as you can see it starts right where i put it i can move it around a little bit if i want to i can change it here left right but let's do it here okay where does it end ends there let's fade it in here we go and let's fade it out this is going to look really strange because again it's pokemon now there is audio here i can see it already but if i go to the clip properties i can actually turn the volume all the way down or simply just hit m for mute if i hit s then that means it would be solo and that would be the only thing you would hear you wouldn't hear my voice anymore so m for mute for this particular movie file here let's actually go back to before the text and then the video pops into into play and in this video i'm going to purposefully record the introduction with a bunch of filler words and these are things that you don't necessarily want in your final recording for your video but there are tools out there like this one that i'm about to show you that can completely make it easy for you to literally remove them in just one simple click so we'll see how this see there go it came in it didn't make sense because it was a charmander hashtag pokemon but it does make sense in terms of how simple it is to use i dragged and dropped it in after highlighting the part of the video on the transcript that i wanted that to show up so if you imagine recording once on your face removing all the fillers and then decorating your video with state changes pattern interrupts video text pictures popping up they don't have to take up full screen too for example if i went into this video and clicked on the sides here i could have it show up let me click on the bottom there there we go i can have it show up in the corner almost like a little news thing so let's see what happens if we start there that's processing but as you can see it plays in the upper left hand corner now and i can move it around quite simply so again you shoot an entire video of just your face that becomes essentially your a-roll then you can add on different layers some text some videos some audio even some music images to enhance the video you can easily chop out the mistakes you can move things forward much much faster and you can get things done much much easier this works for your podcast as well obviously you won't need video for that but if you want to take out the filler words if you want to add new pieces in and also have the transcript available it's pretty cool i'm just very happy that i found this because anytime i could save myself time and save you time i feel like that's a big win if you go to patflynn.comscript you'll check out the link give it a shot it can save you some time it can also record what's on your screen as well which is pretty amazing so just a lot of other things that are kind of taking up all the other tools that i have putting them all in one i hope you give it a shot give it a try and check out some of my other videos over here where i can show you some of the other fun things that this tool can do for you got a lot of stuff coming your way to help you with your content and your productivity hit subscribe if you haven't already and peace out there's the next video right there
Channel: Pat Flynn
Views: 51,278
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pat flynn, smart passive income, spi, descript, descript video editing, descript audio editing, how to edit audio, how to edit video, podcast editing tool, video editing tool, how to remove ums, how to remove ums from video, how to remove ums from podcast, how to remove ums from audio, content creation
Id: M5d36X0OqS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 46sec (586 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 22 2021
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