How To Install The Wax Ring or Danco Perfect Seal On Your Toilet Flange Explained In Detail

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let's get that toilet mounted right [Music] hey this is john young here today we're going to be talking about wax rings and toilets now a lot of you have replaced a toilet or are thinking about replacing a toilet and the wax ring which this is one i'm going to just set this up back on the back here is part of a toilet replacement installation what have you and basically what this is is a little i'm going to kind of peel it away a little bit so you can just see it a bit better it is literally a soft wax and it has a little plastic kind of a funnel for like a better way to describe it this little funnel down here fits in to what is typically mounted on the floor of your bathroom so what happens is that the wax ring will fit on onto this little flange and then the toilet will get screwed into the flange on top now this little this little flange let me show you this little flange now when you're dealing with toilets let's back up to a sink a sink typically has the drain we'll just pretend this is the drain then it comes down under the sink and then there is a little trap a little u-shape where it comes down and it comes back up and then goes out that little trap is what basically keeps the stink from happening in you know coming back up through the sewage lines in the toilet you don't have that typically you've got this flange and this flange could be sitting could be sitting on wood it could be recessed in concrete depending upon what your floor material is and sometimes even in some cases it's up on a little pedestal because you're on concrete below it and they need to come down and have a spot for the the liquids to go down and then head to the sewage system so on a toilet or stool you're not going to have a trap anywhere so really the biggest part of the toilet is to make sure you can get all the waste and such down in here because it's less likely that it plugs in here it is possible if you're not using enough water too much toilet paper and if you manage to get toilet paper in here it can plug up but most of the time it doesn't so just something to keep in mind is that the toilet's very seldom plug here and beyond unless there's been like a lot of greases that have been somehow gotten into the line that has that happens quite a bit or if you have people who are putting down the wet wipes you know the flushable wet wipes don't dissolve quick enough and they can get hung up in these these pipes anyway this is the bracket and that bracket will have the and you see that there's a little uh plate in here this is when it's a new bracket this little piece of plastic right here is in there and that's a pop-out so we could put this all together connect all the sewage lines we're not gonna have sewer gas coming up until we're ready to install the toilet so this was your first time of installing a toilet and you run into this what you're going to end up having to do is once you're ready to go the toilet has been assembled the tank is put on what have you then you'd pop this out carefully break it out and take the pieces out then you put your wax ring on and then the toilet mounts and then off you go now that's one way to do it now another way we've talked about this before is using the perfect seal from danko so let's take a look at that now the perfect seal from danco is a is another variation of a wax ring and it has little kind of rubber sides and let's take a look at the bottom of the toilet you can see how the little blue part will kind of fit around the little bottom on the bottom of the toilet and then it will compress down and if you take a look at it you'll see that that little kind of funnel on the toilet is is flush with the bottom of the toilet so then what we need is when our perfect seal goes on there it will go onto this the toilet and that little piece will fit down in here the blue part will kind of go around and seal up to it then it will the weight of the toilet will actually compress all of this and lo and behold there is a wax ring yet in here so this inside will push down into our little flange the wax ring will uh make everything kind of fill the gaps and such so we will have a nice seal and then we can you know the weight of the toilet and it will be something that this toilet will seal up and it'll give a little flexibility one of the problems with wax rings a traditional wax ring is let me grab it again is once it's compressed and sealed let's say you've been on toilets where they've been a little wiggle because they just for whatever reason had a little wiggle the wax ring once it's compressed it doesn't bounce back the perfect seal will flex a little bit so if there is a little bit of a wiggle with the toilet the perfect seal is going to follow the toilet it's going to have a little bit of give and it'll keep that compression onto the toilet so you're going to have less less chance of having sewer gas or or liquids escape from this so definitely a neat idea now let's get back to this little flange here you see that there are the little grooves around here and when you get a new wax ring let's grab the box here they are going to be typically there are new bolts and such with that and what happens is that those little bolts go in the holes on the flange and you can replace those let's just show you this the bolts for a toilet flange have kind of a little oblong head and i'm going to have you take a look at the bottom so this bolt can go in here and then it can come in to the groove and you can see that it can get into the groove and it won't come out of the groove but it won't turn so it's caught here this will allow us to go and this will be in the floor and you'll have one of these on either side and you can put the bolt in move it into its position where you need to be on each side of the toilet you've got the bolts there and because the floor is here pressed up against the bottom it's going to hold the bolt up like so that way when you put the nut on you start turning it it's going to catch on the flange and as you tighten it up it will pull up and everything should be able to snug down very well once this has been glued and attached and such it becomes a fairly fairly secure mounting plate if this is going into wood they would have run some larger screws into the wood the wood floor if it's on concrete they would have probably had this and poured the concrete and the concrete would probably be up to um ideally what happens if you're doing poor concrete is you take masking tape to tape off the back so it's not going to have some concrete come into the back of it you tape the top of it so it protects this from concrete and then you pour your concrete do everything and then you can pull the tape off and you've got your grooves here that are still good enough to get this in there and you've got a nice clean surface because you've covered it and protected it that's when you're doing concrete most of the time it's going to be wood that's what you have if you've got a bathroom that was a wood but they have poured some some levelers some concrete leveler which is a very kind of a liquidy concrete they pour down and it kind of finds the low spots to even a floral sometimes you'll have it where it wasn't even in this area and this may be at a little bit of angle that's where you you've got to have you might end up having to have some shims on a toilet to get it set because this will tighten up but maybe the toilet is going to need a little help with a shim there are plastic shims out there that do this and they're designed for that i'll put a link in the description of what those are but ideally this is hopefully flat and everything will you know it'll be level not all the time sometimes there's a little bit of an angle that's where our good friend the perfect seal here will give us a little bit more forgiveness because i can have my my nuts here that come up through and i can actually clamp the perfect seal into position then i just have to get the toilet over and get that little that little uh kind of out spot that little out funnel from the toilet right in there and tighten it all up and everything is good to go so what's the best one to use uh wax ring is the most inexpensive one the perfect seal is gonna give you a little more forgiveness of that are there times are you going to use both well this has a wax ring built into it but there are times where some people have had to use two wax rings for whatever reason if the the bracket was too low the toilet was too high i have heard and seen spots where they have had to use two wax rings so basically that little little spot that fed into one feeds into the second one so there would be two wax rings on top of each other typically where you maybe see that is if one of them was compressed down and the toilet had to be taken off and they come back and they're like you know i could it's low enough i'm going to throw a second wax ring on and put it all together i've seen that happen is it recommended no i wouldn't recommend that unless of course you need to have a super high one and they do make extra large wax rings which would be a better option or you go with something like the perfect seal and you've got it all done in one one fell swoop with that so just a little tips and ideas and such when it comes to dealing with toilets and wax rings we're going to be doing more toilet videos here so you guys can kind of answer some of those questions that you have and if you do have questions put those in the comments because that helps me to know what kind of videos that you guys would like us to see like to see me do in the future which questions you'd like to have answered this is john young thank you for watching for more tips and how-to videos go to weekend
Channel: The Weekend Handyman
Views: 147,589
Rating: 4.8116541 out of 5
Keywords: toilet, wax, ring, how to, perfect, seal, danco, replacement, flange
Id: h6mEUqj6C9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 16sec (556 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 26 2021
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