The Correct Height of a Toilet Flange

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hello from centering products we'd like to show you the correct way to install a toilet flange variation of toilet flanges in industry from metal to PPC to cast-iron to let bends copper copper flanges but we'll just pick one for now we're gonna start out with regular metal flange with PVC in the middle first thing you want to do is remember that all toilet flanges should always be installed on top of the finished floor so whatever your flooring is whether it be wood floors tiles porcelain marble any kind of flooring you need to have this is hold on top of the finish floor we're gonna use as an example the display we have in front of us this would be a wood floor that we have simulated here we're just going to show you that when this is a stall this should be installed on top of the wood floor and we would take it we put it down on top of here and then we'd screw it to the floor after we line up the Johnny bolt locations and the plumber would connect from there the problem you have is that the toilet flanges are always installed on the subfloor the reason being the finished floor is not installed at the time the plumbing is being done on the house so about 90% of all the homes in United States are too low I'll show you an example over here if I remove this you'll find out there's a subfloor down below that's subfloor right there is anywhere from a half inch to 3/4 inches below the finished floor so now we have to figure out how are we going to solve that problem because now you're gonna take this you're gonna find that on a job that the plumbers install the flange the flange is low because now the finished floor is installed so we have to come up with a solution for that and the solution has to be watertight gas tight and code proof so the next thing you want to do is determine what kind of flange is on the floor so here we have an example this would be the metal flange with a PVC inside this would be a PVC flange and this over here you can see it this would be a lead Bend this is an actual brass ring and a leg Bend this is how it looks this is what's underneath your toilet you have an older style house now this brass ring left end installed on the subfloor this over here we're going to remove the spacers and we're gonna put this down on the subfloor same over here and now everything is it sold as it would be when somebody builds a brand new house they're all installed on the subfloor every one of these problems we can solve with a separate toilet flange extender system okay so the first thing we're gonna show you on a double flange with a PVC inside the flange this flange is actually in good shape it's not bent it's not corrode it's not rusty I mean flange whether it be metal or PVC either one of those if it's in good shape it's not bent the first thing you're gonna do is put the gasket on top of it the gasket comes in our kit the next thing you'll do is you'll select any one of our four spaces we have four different size spacers eighth quarter 1/2 and 3/4 any one of these will match the finished lure thickness you select one that gets you close to the finished floor so in this case here looks like we need 1/4 spacer that quarter inch spacer also has what's called layout marks the layout marks are three o'clock and 9 o'clock so when you install this basically you want to make sure that the layout marks are the same measurement off the back wall so imagine this being in the back wall of the photo you measure the same distance here at 3 o'clock and the same distance over here at 9 o'clock you put a mark on the floor and you make sure that that layout arrow is in that location next you'll take the extender of the yellow extender you're going to push it down through the gasket lining up the narrow end of the Johnny bolt slot over the layout hour push it down and then you're just going to take it you're going to screw it to the floor with our stainless steel self drilling screws these will go through the existing flange down into the floor and you're done use all standard Johnny ball standard wax ring and go ahead and set get to it
Channel: Set-Rite Toilet Flange Extender Kit
Views: 2,310,760
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8wCUoQGR39g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 11sec (251 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2016
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