How to install SQLite3 on Windows 10/11 [2024 Update] Create Database, Table in SQL | Complete Guide

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hello everyone I welcome you all to G script today  in this video I'm going to show you how to install   the latest version of site and Windows operating  system and after that I'm also going to show you   how you can easily create your database how you  can easily create table all of that on this video   so do watch the video till the end I can guarantee  if you watch the video till theend you'll be   learning a lot of new things about sqlite and  if you face any issues in midle you can always   comment in your comment sections I'll try my best  to help you now to install sqlite you to First   simply go to faite browser and to just simply  search over here sqlite download and hit enter   and immediately you'll be seeing this as  a First Source result so to click on this sqlite   download and it going to redirect to the official  site of sqlite so this link I'm going to put right   in our description so you can directly use that  link to land over to the official site of sqlite   and once you are here you need to just simply  scroll down and as you know we are downloading   it for Windows we are going to scroll down for  Windows if you are using some other operating   system like mac W Linux or Android or whatever  you need to proceed with all those links for   Windows you can see we have this one so that is  for 64bit a bundle of you know Common line tools   for managing our SQL database files all right so  you're going to you know click on this uh link   and it going to immediately start downloading our  you know SQ light I have already downloaded it so   I'll cancel this I'll minimize my browser I'll go  to my download directory and here you can see that   the same sqlite tools is already been downloaded  over here so you just simply right click and you   need to click on extract all to extract all our  files so just simply click on extract and you   can see it is rightly started extracting right  and it is rightly extracted over here so these   are all files that are present on that zip so  let's close this so here is our extracted you   know folder so what I'm going to recommend you is  to rename and make this file name a bit shorter   so just simply right click and you know show more  options and rename so we are going to rename this   and we are going to make it simple to just SQ  light all right that's all so if you go inside   you can see all files are here so you need to  you know just simply cut this folder and to go   to your C drive and and then you to right click  and paste that folder over here whatever you have   downloaded the extracted folder to paste it over  here right and now we need to just simply click   on this address bar just just copy the path  and then to go to the search and just simply   type inv viron and immediately you'll be seeing  the edit the system environment variables over   here so to and know click on this edit the system  environment variables so it will open this system   properties window click on environment variable  then to you know under system variables we have   path over here so to just you know simply click on  path and then click on edit and it will open edit   environment variable window click on new right  click and paste that path over here all right   now just simply click on okay then again okay and  then again okay and you can close this folder now   and now if we just simply go to again search and  just simply search over here with CMD to open our   comment prompt and within our commment prompt  if you just simply type isquite 3 and hit enter   immediately you can see that our latest version  of site version 3. 45.1 is rightly shown so along   with our you know trademark esquite shell is also  open so you can you know just simply type do help   and hit enter and you can see all the commands  for skite is rightly shown over here right you   can see lot of command including you know recover  do quit you know table all of that you can always   you know read this on your free time for now I'm  going to close this I'm going to quickly show you   how you can easily create a new database so just  going to create a new folder give this folder   name as DB I'll go and set that DB folder and I'm  going to just simply type CMD on our address bar   to open our Command Prompt right at this location  and here if I just simply type sqlite 3 demo db.   DB so you're are going to create a database who  whose name will be demo DB and now if we just   simply type do database to unhide that database  you can see that our demod db. DB is properly   created over here right on this DB folder that  we have created you can create a new table here   as well just simply type create table and let's  give the table name as employee and uh let's say   we have a column called ID and that will be of  integer and primary key as well all right so you   just simply type this much so just end the bracket  and give a semicolon and hit enter and you can see   it is properly executed and now if you just simply  type dot tables and hit enter you can see properly   employee table is properly showing over here you  can see the size is also increased to 12 KB and   now let's say you want to see the schema of this  table so just simply type schema then your table   name which is employee and hit enter you can see  the proper schema is showing over here right the   employee which contains a column called ID all  right and similarly you can insert more data   onto your table can fet those data everything  you can do all right so that's basically all   about this video I have also started gy syntax  channel so here regularly I'm posting coding   related videos so please do subscribe our G inex  channel that will really motivate me to make more   such videos and also if you're interested you can  also subscribe our gek vlogging channel so that's   basically all about this video thank you very  much for watching this video and God bless you all
Channel: Geeky Script
Views: 406
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sqlite, sql, database, sqlite tutorial, sqlite3, sqlite database, sqlite installation windows 10, SQLite (Software), embedded SQL, How To Install SQLite3 In Windows 10, How to install SQLite3 on windows 10, how to install sqlite in windows 10, sqlite3 install in windows 10, how to download sqlite3 for windows 10, how to download and install sqlite3, how to install sqlite3, sqlite3 installation windows 10, install sqlite windows, sqlite3 install, setup sqlite on windows
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 21sec (381 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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