How to install DB Browser for SQLite on Windows 10/11 [ 2024 Update ] Create Database, Table in SQL

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hello everyone I welcome you all to geky script  today I'm going to show you how to install the   latest version of DB browser for sqlite and  Windows operating system and after that I'm   also going to show you how you can easily  create your database how to create your   table how to insert data then how to F data all  of these in this video so this video going to be   a bit long but I can guarantee if you watch the  video till the end you'll be learning a lot of   new things and if you still face any issues  in Middle you can comment in your comment   sections I'll try my best to help you now in my  previous video I have showed you how to install   sqlite so sqlite will give you like a shell  kind of environment so on our Command Prompt   you need to create your database insert table  and all of that you need to do within command   prompt but this DB browser will give you a  GUI or graphic user interface so let's dive   in into our video and see how you can use  DB browser to create database table and all   that all right so for that first you to go to F  browser and to just simply search over here DB browser for sqlite and hit enter and immediately  you'll be seeing this sqlite browser. org as a   for Source result so you need to click on this  download link and when you click on that it's   going to redirect official site of sqlite browser.  org so this link I'm going to put right in our   description and once you are here you can see we  have this download section right so you can always   sponsor them by just contributing to patreon  all right and here you can see we have this   DB browser available for Windows right so you can  see we we have this third one that is DB browser   for sqlite standard installer for 64bit so I'll  click on that and it going to start downloading   our sqlite you can see if you're using some other  operating system like Mac or Linux you can always   you know scroll down and you can download your  respective software so you can see our DB browser   is already downloaded now let's minimize our  browser go to our download directory and you can   see that our DB browser for SQ light is rightly  downloaded over here so let's double click on the   installer in order to install it locally on your  system and here you need to just simply click on   install anywhere so you can see it is preparing  to install so welcome to D browser for site so   let's minimize our download directory so here you  need to just simp click on next so this is our   license agreement you can always read this and  then accept the license agreement and click on   next so here we we are installing DB browser  SQL light so I am going to check both these   two option both desktop and program menu and  click on next so this is what they're going to   install and this is where it going to install  that is on sa program files they're going to   create theb brows of sqlite folder all right  everything is fine just simply click on next and see see is it ready to be install  just simp click on install and there   you go it will ask you for administrative  privileges click on yes and you can see our   installation is rightly began so let's wait  for a couple of minute and you can see it   is in rightly installed our desktop shortcut  is also created over here so let's first you   know simply click on finish and double click  on our DB browser to you know start working on it and you can see that our DB browser of for  sqlite is rightly open so let's first maximize   it so this is the interface of our DB browser  for site so you can see we have this new database   button over here then open database so you have  already created one database you can always click   on this open database and then to browse that you  know database file that DB or SQL file whatever   file you have created so that file you can always  browse if you have previously created any database   or if you are you know brand new to this and you  want to create a new database in that case you   need to click on this new database button over  here and it will open this window so let's you   know go to our desktop and save one file so one  database let's say we are creating as you know   like let's say demo DB all right so just simp  click on save so on our desktop it's going to   create One demod db. DB file within our desktop  and it will ask you to give a table name let's   give the table name as you know employee so let's  something like give only EMP all right so you can   see create table EMP and we need to provide column  right so here is our column so you need to click   on this add and then to provide your column name  so I'm going to give the column name as ID and   uh type I'll keep it integer this you know not  null then primary key Auto increment then unique   everything I'm going to select all right and then  again I'm going to create another column so this   column name maybe I'm giving name and I'm going  to change that with text all right so this thing   I'm going to keep it default so I I'm only going  to make that ID as a primary key and name field   will be just a text type all right you can see the  corresponding you know SQL you know create table   statement here as well right so just you simply  click on okay and you can see that you know under   tables we have EMP table rightly created over here  if you click on this expand you can see the column   name here as well ID and name right but now the  question is how to insert data right so for that   you need to switch to this browse Tab and then  you need to click on this plus icon and you can   see that one is rightly generated we have created  Auto increment right but the name field let's give   the name field something like Rohit all right you  can always click on this plus again icon so Auto   incremented to two and let's this time give some  name like fly all right so you can see it is you   know properly inserted now so you can click on  Save project so you can save the file again on   desktop on save so our file is also Sav so next  time when you are again you know uh logging into   DB browser you'll get this file all right so  now let's say how to execute the data right   whatever you have inserted so switch to this  SQL you know execute SQL Tab and just simply   type select store from our table name which is  EMP so you just simply write this much and click   on this run button and you can see the output  coming here on our console right one is Rohit   and two is Ki and here also you can see that  our execution finished without any errors all   right so in this way you can easily create your  database you can easily create your table you can   easily insert data you can easily you know write  some queries to F all those data within you know   our DB browser for skite so all these things you  can do so that's basically all about this video   I have also started gy syntax channel so here  regularly I'm posting coding related videos so   please do sub our gy syex Channel as well and  also I have started [ __ ] vlogging channel so   if you're interested you can also subscribe our  gy script vlogging channel so that's basically   all about this video thank you very much  for watching this video and God bless you all and
Channel: Geeky Script
Views: 1,149
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sql, sqlite, DB Browser for SQLite, database, db browser, db browser sqlite, sql tutorial, learn sql, sql for beginners, How to Install DB Browser for SQLite in Windows, How to Open Database, Install DB Browser for SQLite, Download DB Browser for SQLite, How to Setup SQLite Database, Create Database in DB Browser, Install DB Browser for SQLite in Windows, Install SQLite DB Browser, db browser for sqlite, db browser for sqlite windows, how to install db browser for sqlite, mysql
Id: o8d38cGb7vY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 1sec (481 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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