How to install MySQL on Windows 10/11 [ 2024 Update ] MySQL Server & MySQL Workbench Complete guide

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hello everyone I welcome you all to geeky script  first of all a very happy New Year to all of you   today in this video I'm going to show you how to  install MySQL server along with mySQL workbench   so I'm going to also show you how you can easily  write some queries how to create table you know   all of that in this video so this video going  to be a bit long but I can promise you that at   the end of the video you'll be able to learn  a lot of new things so you know do watch the   video till the end if you face any issues in  Middle you can put a comment in your comment   SS I'll try my best to help you and I have also  started a couple of YouTube channel so in geeky   syntax I'll be posting regularly some coding and  programming videos so if you're interested you   can always subscribe this channel so that will you  know motivate me even to make more videos and also   I have started one vlogging Channel geky scpt  Vlogs so I I was recently in Kashmir so I have   posted one video so if you're interested you can  also subscribe this geky script blog channel as   well all right I'll be putting both the links in  our descript description so now for MySQL server   you need to just simply go to a new tab and just  simply type over here MySQL download and hit enter   and this will show you this MyQ downloads link  so you need to click on this link and it going   to redirect to the official site of MySQL so here  you need to just simply scroll down and you'll be   getting this MySQL Community GPL downloads so to  open that and when you click on that it going to   redirect to this MySQL Community downloads so  here you need to click on this MySQL installer   for Windows so when you click on that it going  to again redirect to this myc community download   Windows installer so Windows installer so this  link I'm going to put right in our description   so you can directly use that link to land over  this site and here you can see that the current   version is version 8.2.3 5 and we are using it for  Microsoft uh Windows operating system right so it   is MSI installer so here when you come you'll be  able to see that you have two option one is this   2.1 megabyte and that is 288.2 megab so what I'm  going to recommend you is to download this one   so which is MySQL install a uh Community version  all right not the web Community one so you need to   install this one so download this and it going to  show you this page here need to click on no thanks   just start my download and it going to start  downloading our MySQL server all right I have   already downloaded it so I'll just simply you know  cancel this I'll minimize my browser I'll go to my   download directory and you can see that the same  MyQ Community version is already been downloaded   over here so you to just simply double click  on it to in order to install it locally on our   system and it going to ask you for administrative  privileges just simp click on yes and there you   go so it is rightly started installing let's  first minimize our download directory and it   will again ask you for administrative privileges  just simp click on yes and you can see that our   MySQL installer 1.6 is rightly started launching  and here is our MySQL installer so here you can   see that we have some radio buttons so you need  to select this custom installation so you need   to select this radio button and you need to click  on next so here uh under select products you can   see that we have have some products so you need  to expand this MySQL servers then again expand   this you know until you get MySQL server 8.2.3  5 and then you to click on this Arrow so when   you click on that it it will show you on products  to be installed similarly you need to also expand   our applications as you expand our application it  will show you MySQL workbench so MySQL workbench   will basically give you a GUI interface or graphic  user interface so you need to select this click on   this Arrow to move it under the product to be  installed all right and for MyQ Shale also if   you want you can again you know do the same  thing like select this and then you can put   that under product to be installed so if you want  you can do that I'll not going to drag shell over   there because I I'll show you my in within  my SK workbench itself how you can you know   write queries how to create table databases and  all that I'm not going to use my S shell but if   you recard you can always put a comment in your  comment sessions I'll be making a video on that   as well all right so for now I am going to select  only my SQL server and my SQL workbench and then   I'll just going to Simply click on next so you can  see that these two are the products that we are   going to install so just simply click on execute  and it going to start you know installing it so   now let's wait for a couple of minutes so we'll  come back and now as you can see that our myql   server and MyQ workbench all you know status is  complete so it is installed just simply click on   next over here and now it's time to configure  so it's telling ready to configure click on next so here you can see that our TCP IP then the  port is 36 so this is very important so this is   the port that uh we use to communicate with our  MySQL server all right so remember this port and   uh all other thing you can keep this default  this name pipe name and the you know shared   memory name all in MySQL you can remember this  you will not need these are advanced stuff all   right so only thing that will need is the port  number so remember the port number for now and   click on next and now it's telling that use a  strong password which is fine just simply click   on next so let's give the password over here so  I'll give one password and and I'll repeat that   same password over here I'll simply click on  next password is weak which is fine and here   you can see that our Windows service name going  to be MyQ so this service you know they're going   to install it so you know Services right uh  Windows services so among all the service   there are going to be one MySQL server Service  as well all right and it will start MySQL server   at the system startup so our system going to  automatically start that service all right so   it's not a manual uh startup all right so yeah so  keep this default and uh run Windows Service as   standard system account which is also fine just  simp click on next and it is telling yes Grant   full access to user running the windows service  is applicable and administrative group only so   as I just told you it is uh you can just leave  it for the windows uh you know automatic windows   service just simply click on next and it's time to  execute so once you click on execute it going to   start executing all the steps so again you can  see it is initial initializing the database so   it might take some time so let's wait for some  time so wec come back once again guys so now I   can see that our configuration for my SQL Server  8.2.3 5 was successful so you can just simply   click on finish over here and uh you can just  simply click on next now so now that start myql   workbench after setup is rightly selected just  cck on finish to launch our my squill uh you know workbench and you can see that our my Skol  workbench is rightly opened over here so   let's you know click on this local of MySQL 80  so here you need to repeat that same password   so whatever password you have given during  installation and to give that same password   click on save password inv VA so that you don't  need to you know type the same password again   and again and click on okay and it going to start  you know uh launching our myc workbench so there   you go you can see it is now properly opened  right so our query window is also opened so   this is the interface of our my school workbench  so you can you know drag this right up there and   here you can you know start writing your code  so the first thing that I'm going to do is I'm   going to create a database first so I'm going  to write create database and I'm going to give   the name uh database name as players and I'm  going to end with a colum I'm going to select   this and click on this you know um lighting  icon and you can see that our create database   players is successfully executed so our players  DB is created so let's create a table so create   table cricketers and then you need to provide  you know bracket and within bracket you need to   provide the columns name let's give the column  uh column name as player ID and I'm going to   give the data type as in and next column  probably I'll give name and I'll give v c and I'll give probably 255 all right so only  I I'm going to keep only these two you know   column player ID and just a player name so I'm  going to select this and click on this liting   icon and you can see that it is showing some  error so error is no database selected so fine   you need to give a players name I mean database  name so players. cricketer us now if you select   and click on the Run button can see that our  table is now created right so now it's time to   insert you know some data in our table so insert  into you know players. cricketer then we need to   provide the column name which is player ID comma  name and then values and let's give the value you   know as first will be one and let's give a  player name we give nit Sharma and I'll just   simply end with a colon and I'm going to select  this and I'm going to click on this liting icon   again and you can see one row affected so  one data is inserted similarly if you want   to insert one more so you can just simply select  and click on you know uh just repeat the same and   let's give the player name as v. all right and  you can select this and you can click on this   lighting icon you can see it is you know properly  inserted you can do select star from players do creators and with colon and you can again  select this and you can see the output right   Rohit Sharma and V K is coming up up up there so  here you can see there is one you know error it   is showing so that is because you have haven't  end semicolon so once you do that you can see   that error is no longer there right and when  you do select start from players. cricketers   you can see the output coming properly so in this  way you can easily install my schol server and   my schol workbench on a Windows in system after  that I have also shown you how to create tables   how to create database how to insert data into a  table how to F all the details from your table so   if you need more videos on MySQL server or SQL  basically you can put a comment in our comment   sections I'll try my best to make more such  videos and as I have told you I have started   these two channel so in geky syntax probably  will get more videos on my SLL so you know   do subscribe this channel and also this is my  vlogging Channel if you're interested you can   also subscribe this channel as well so that's  basically all about this video thank you very   much for watching this video please do like  share and subscribe that will really help me   to make more such videos thank you very much  for watching this video and God bless you all
Channel: Geeky Script
Views: 164,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mysql, mysql database, mysql tutorial, mysql workbench, mysql tutorial for beginners, how to install mysql on windows 10, install mysql on windows 11, how to install mysql, mysql workbench installation on windows 11, install mysql, mysql download and install windows 11, mysql server installation windows 10, mysql 8.0.35, how to install mysql in windows 11, mysql install, how to install mysql workbench on windows 10, How to install MySQL 8.0.35 Server and Workbench on Windows 11
Id: BxdSUGBs0gM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 04 2024
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