How to Install Microsoft SQL Server on Windows 10/11 [ 2024 Update ] SQL Server Management Studio

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[Music] hello everyone I welcome you all to gy  script today in this video I'm going to show you   how to install the latest version of SQL server  on the Windows operating system and after that   I'm also going to show you how to install SS  SMS or SQL Server management studio and Windows   operating system so using ssms you'll get a  graphic user interface where you can you know   write your code so I'm also going to show you  how to create database how to create table how   to Fage you know data from your table all of that  on this video so if you watch the video till the   end I can guarantee you that you'll be learning  a lot of new things so please do watch the video   till the end if you faing issues in Middle you can  always comment in your comment sections I'll try   my best to help you so to install SQL Server you  need to First simply go to your favorite browser   and in that disboard you to just simply search  with SQL Server download and hit enter and you'll   be seeing this SQL Server download as a first link  so you need to click on that link and it going to   redirect to the official site of Microsoft so this  link I'm going to put right in our description so   you can directly use that link to land over to  this site so here you need to scroll down and   you can see that we have we have two option one  is developer another is Express so you to click   on this download button of Express in order  to download our SQL Server installer so let's   click on that link to install it locally on our  system and here need to click on install anyway   and it will ask you for administrative privileges  click on yes and let's minimize our browser and   you can see that our SQL Server 2022 Express  Edition is rightly opened over here so here   I'll be clicking this basic installation and  this is our license agreement you can always   you know read this and click on I accept so this  is where our SQL Server is going to be installed   which is totally fine and here you can see that  download size is 278 MB and this much amount of   free space in need to have on our C drive all  right so just check this two point and just   simply click on install to install it locally on  our system so you need to have active internet   connection right throughout this installation so  you can see it is you know downloading all the   files and installing it locally on our system  so you know let's give some time so we'll come   back and now you can clearly see that our SQL Ser  is rightly installed can see all our connection   string then our SQL Server installed lock folder  then media folder and finally the resource folder   as well so everything is properly set it's time to  install our SS SMS so just you know simply click   on install SS SMS it going to redirect to our  browser so again this link I'm going to also put   in our description you can you know click on this  to land over here or you can also use the link   that I'm providing on our description section so  once you are here you need to just simply scroll   down and you can see that free download for SQL  Server man Studio that is ssms is available to   download just simply click on that and immediately  you'll be seeing that our file is rightly started   downloading I have downloaded it just to save  time so I'll minimize my browser I'll go to my   You Know download directory and here you can see  we have already SS SMS downloaded over here so   just simply double click on the installer in order  to install it locally on our system and here you   need to just simply click on install anyway  and let's minimize is our download trory you   can also close this you know Express Edition  just simp click on close yes and you can see   that our Microsoft SQL Server management studio  with Azure data is rightly opened over here so   this is where our you know SQL Server management  studio is going to be installed which is totally   fine just simply click on install and it will  ask you for administrative privileges click on   yes and there you go you can see it is you know  atly started installing it locally on our system   so you need to have active internet connection  right throughout this installation it going to   PCH some of the files from internet and going to  install it locally on our system you can see it   is rightly started so give some time it will take  significant amount of time about you know probably   10 minutes I would say so give some time once we  are done installing this I'm going to back back   to this video yep so we'll come back and now you  can clearly see that our Microsoft skill server   management studio is you know set up is properly  done so just simp click on close so now that you   know that both our SQL Server management studio  and our SQL Server both are installed it's time   to do some coding so for that first simply go to  search and just simply type over here SS SMS and   immediately you'll be seeing this ssms setup.exe  so that is exe that is not what we are going to   you know click so we are going to click this  SQL Server management Studio 19 which is under   app so just simply open that and you can see SQL  Server M studio is rightly started launching and   it has rightly launched so here I'm going to use  Windows authentication but I have already made   a detailed video about how to use SQL Server  authentication so again that link I'm going to   put right in your description for now you can  use Windows authentication after that also you   can convert it to SQL Server authentication  so already a detailed video on that can just   follow that video right after this video as well  all right not a problem so for now I'm going to   you choose Windows authentication so just simply  click on connect over here and uh you can see that   we are rightly connected with our you know SQL  Server right so here if we expand our database   you can see we have couple of databases system  databases then you know database snapshots and   all so first expand system database you can see we  have all the system databases over here so now the   question is how to create database right so for  that you need to just simply click on this new   query it will you know going to open a new query  window over here and here if you just simply write   some command like create database you know I'm  going to give the database name as example DB   and just simply end with a semicolon and if you  just simply click on execute immediately you'll   be seeing it is rightly started executing  our query our Command is you know completed   successfully you can you know expand this side  so that you have a better visibility right so now   if you just simply again go to you know database  right click and click on refresh can see we have   a example DB rightly created over here right so  here let's you know write some insert query not   insert first create some table so create table  you know employee and that employee table going   to have couple of column so let's give the couple  of column as ID as integer int and and uh other   name will be a name field and it will be a Weare  and we care of 50 all right so after you know just   simply select this and click on execute you can  see comment executed successfully so now it's   time to insert some data on our table so insert  into employee and to column that is ID for name   and after that give value and within values I'm  going to give you know first one as our ID and   then I'm going to write Rohit Sharma so now if you  just you know simply okay so it is showing error   so it this need to be within you know single quote  not double quote so now if you just simply select   this and click on execute immediately can see one  row affected so one data is inserted next data I'm   going to insert you know with at KI and I'm going  to end with code and if I select again you can see   again it got inserted one row affected so now if  I just simply do select store from employee and   just simply select this statement click on execute  you can see that both our data R Sharma and vat K   had properly inserted on our employee debit table  right so here I have started a gy syntax ch chel   so if you're interested can always subscribe  this channel so on this channel I'm going to   regularly post coding related videos so I'm going  to discuss about functions store procedures all   of that and I'm going to post that in geky  syntax channel so please do subscribe this   channel as well that will really motivate me to  make more such videos and I have also started G   vlogging channel so if you're interested you can  also subscribe this channel as well so that's   basically all about this video thank you very  much for watching this video and God bless you all
Channel: Geeky Script
Views: 35,422
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install microsoft sql server management studio, sql server, microsoft sql server, sql server management studio, Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Installation, Install SQL Server 2022 Express, Install SQL Server 2022 Developer, How to install SQL Server 2022, how to install Microsoft SQL Server 2022, install microsoft sql, sql, ms sql, install ms sql, SQL Server, SQL Server 2022, SQL Server Management Studio, Windows 10, Install SQL Server, install ssms, ssms, install sql server
Id: tGqhlV-kaFU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 57sec (537 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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