How to install Spring Tool Suite STS on Windows 10/11 [ 2024 Update ] Demo Spring Boot Framework

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hello everyone I welcome you all to G script  today I'm going to show you how to install the   latest version of spring tool shoot that is STS  version 4 and Windows operating system and after   that I'm also going to show you how you can easily  create a simple spring project within our STS so   to watch the video till the end I can guarantee  if you watch the video till the end you'll be   learning a lot of new things and if you still  face any issues in Middle you can always comment   in your comment sections I'll try my best to help  you now to install spring tool shoot first thing   is you need to download Java so in my previous  videos I have already showed you how to install   Java so please do install Java before installing  STS so once we have Java installed it's time to   install our spring tool shoot so for that first  you need to go to favorite browser and to just   PR search over here SDS download and hit enter  and immediately you'll be seeing this tool Das   spring so basically so you need to open  that link and you'll be immediately landed over   to the official site of spring ./ tools so here  you to scroll down and you can see that we have   in know latest version of spring tool shot version  4 for eclipse is available that is version 4.2 1.1   so this is for Windows if you're using some other  operating system like lenux or Mac W you need to   proceed with all these links so I'm going to click  on this for Windows you can see it is rightly   started downloading our spring tool shoot so if  you want to you know use sping tool shoot for   Thea so that also you can do and also similarly if  you want to use it for visual studio code so that   also you can do so this comes up with a you know  extension so you can see it is showing the spring   boot extension pack so you know you can install  extension pack as well for visual studio code so   if you need a video for that I can you know make  that video so you need to put that comment in your   comment section that whether you need a video for  visual studio code as well like how to use spring   boot project uh within Visual Studio code I I I'll  be making that video as well but for now I'm going   to use this STS tool I have already downloaded it  so I'll cancel this I'll minimize my browser I'll   go to my download directory and you can see that  already spring tool shoot version 4.21 is already   downloaded over here and the file size is 688 MB  all right so so this is what you need to download   So once you have you need to just simply double  click on the installer and it going to start   extracting our you know spring tool shoot over  here you can see currently we are just 15% done so   it is and extracting all files within this folder  so now let's wait for a couple of minutes so we'll   come back and you can see that our STS tool is  rightly extracted over here so if you go inside   that folder you can see all files and folders are  rightly over here so what you need to do is you   need to go our directory back and need to rename  this folder so I'm going to I know uh click on   show more options and I'm going to rename this  to something a little short like I'll remove the   release so I'll only keep STS and then the version  all right so after renaming this you need to you   know cut this folder and need to you know past  that folder on our C drive so I'm going to you   know uh past that downloaded or extracted folder  STS folder within our C drive and you can see it   is rightly you know extracted over here so if you  go inside you can see again all files and folders   so from here here you can see we have a you know  tool called STS or spring tool shoot for version   so you need to you know just simply you know  create a shortcut over here so again go to show   Moree option and create a shortcut so you know  click on the send to uh desktop create shortcut   so after that you'll be able to see you know a  shortcut is lying over your desktop all right so   you just simply double click on the shortcut  to launch our spring tool sh you can see it   is rightly started launching and you can see that  it is lightly launch and it is asking to select a   directory as our workpace so you know it has given  a quite a long you know folder so again I'm going   to you know short shorten this to something like  in workspace Dash STS only right so workspace STS   spring tool shoot all right so everything is fine  now you can just you know simply click on launch   so it going to automatically going to create that  folder and going to you know open that workspace   within our spring tool shoot and you can see it is  rightly started launching and you can see that our   spring tool shoot version 4 is rightly opened over  here so let's first maximize this so this is the   interface of our sts4 so in our previous videos I  have already showed you how to install Eclipse so   if you have used Eclipse previously then you might  be familiar with this interface right so here we   have a package Explorer so here all the projects  that we are going to create will be lying over   here and here we have the in output section then  problem sections and all that all right so you   can always you know click on this create a new  spring starter project to you know open this new   spring start a project window or you can also go  to file and you know hover over new and you can   also click on this you know spring startup project  from here as well all right so that will also open   the same window so here you need to give a project  name so I'm going to give the project name as you   know hello world and you know I'm going to uh  Java version you can see uh we have version 17   and 21 also so I'm going to use 17 the LTS version  the project type it it is you currently selected   as Gradle groovy if you want to you know code in  cotlin or if you want to switch to mavin you can   always do that I'll switch to mavin which is the  like the most popular one generally developers   use and group uh I'm going to change this to you  know our project name itself so instead of example   I'm going to give hello world over here all right  so similarly you know artifact will be also same   hello world version will be 001 we are starting  so our version is one right and description demo   project for spring boat and package name let's  you know change this demo with Hello World here   as well all right yeah so packaging will be  J and language is Java again if you want to   you know code in cotl or groovy you can select  from this drop down all right so everything is   fine now just simply click on next so here is the  most important part so we need to select some of   the dependencies so whatever dependencies that you  are going to have on your project that is what you   need to select it from here so you might be you  know using uh if you expand the this you know SQL   you can see we have this jdbc API then you know  spring data jpa then spring data jdbc so if you   want to create a spring project who have a jdbc  support so so for that you need to you know select   this spring data jdbc so you can always hover over  each of the item and you can see the details like   you you can also navigate to guide and reference  and all that you can do all right so I'm going to   select the jdbc API then I'm going to also select  J spring data jdbc all right so if you are into   no SQL so for that you can see we have a no scale  over here so if you expand this you can see all   the related you know packages for you know mongodb  with connection with mongodb and all that you can   see already all drivers are already available over  here right so you can you know select as per your   requirement so for now I'm going to select these  two for the SQL and also I'm going to expand this   web and I'm going to select this spring web  all right so normally along with the project   we also give something for testing right so if  you expand testing can see we again have lot of   packages already available right so that also you  can select so everything is fine you can always   you know spend some time about this dependences  whatever you need you can always you know choose   from this drop down so all other things I'm going  to keep this as default and the only thing that I   I I I forgot to check is this MySQL driver so I'm  going to use you know proper relational database   I'm going to select MySQL driver and then I'm  going to click on finish so immediately you'll   be seeing it is you know started importing all  the files from internet so if you click on this   icon you can see it is you know downloading mavin  dependencies from internet and going to create our   project so to have active internet connection  right throughout the this installation and it   will take some time you know about a couple of  minutes after that I'm going to come back to this video so welcome back and you can see that  our project is rightly created our hello world   Spring boot project so you can always click on  this expand icon and you can see all files and   folders directly over here you can see our resarch  the main folders so if you again expand this you   can see that package that we have created com.  example. world so if you expand this again you   can see that hello world application. Java file is  rightly they have created by default so if you C   click on that you can see the file over here so  our main method right and we have an annotation   here as well that is our springboard application  right so similarly if we expand the test you know   Library so so you can see we have again have a  package and here is our you know test class if   you click on that you can see spring boot test  annotation and here we should be writing our   testing code all right yeah so if uh you can also  expand our library so G Library can see we have   these libraries right and you can also expand our  mavin dependencies you can see all dependencies   that we are have on this project is rightly over  here so you can see you know MyQ connector we have   you know uh added that as a as a driver right so  that that's what you can see you can see spring   boot libraries you know all that and along with  that the most important part is the Tom cat so   that so that Tom Cat server is also it comes  with a spring boot project so that's like a   good thing you don't need to you know separately  install any uh server so Tom cut will come along   with the project itself all right so everything  is properly set you can always you know click   on uh basically right click on the project and  you can in hover over run as and you can click   on this spring boot app from here as well so if  you click on that you can see it is and asking to   give Windows security some permission so click  on allow and for open jdk platform binary also   click on allow and there you go you can see that  our project is rightly started so you can see our   spring boot is successfully installed version  3.2.3 everything is properly done and here also   you can see that our tom cat is you know properly  initialized over here right in our port 8080 all   right so in this we install spring tool shoot  and we can create a h World project within our   spring tool shoot please do comment in our comment  sections if you need more videos on Spring related   projects I'll be happy to make most such videos  and please do subscribe our geeky syntax channel   so here regularly I'm posting coding related video  so please do subscribe our geeky syntax Channel as   well and also if you're interested you can also  subscribe our geeky skp vlogging channel so that   is basically all about this video thank you very  much for watching this video and God bless you all
Channel: Geeky Script
Views: 5,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spring boot, spring framework, spring setup, spring framework tutorial, spring setup in eclipse, spring boot tutorial, java, spring, spring boot tutorial for beginners, how to install spring tool suite in windows 10, setup spring tool suite, sts, spring tool suite 4, spring tools 4, install sts 4, how to install sts, spring tool suite, download sts 4, download spring tool suite, what is spring tool suite, install spring tool suite, spring tools 4 for eclipse, spring boot course
Id: Izsb9t7ySe0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 12sec (732 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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