How To Install ReShade On FiveM - Full Guide

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in this video I'll walk you through the process of installing reshade in 5m for the best gaming experience first I'll demonstrate on how to install and unblock reate in 5m then I'll provide you with three fantastic presets that will work with nvy quantv and autographic modifications to enhance your gaming experience and finally I'll guide you through customizing and fine-tuning the appearance as well as saving and editing a preset so let's dive in the world of graphic modifications and take your gaming experience to a whole new level so without further Ado let's get started I will leave a link in the description that will lead you towards my Discord server go ahead and join Discord after you verify yourself you can go ahead scroll down to links and resources go to the Post called 5m graphics and we're going to go to Post Number Four here we'll have some links that we will be visiting today uh besides that we also have an installation service for anyone that's lazy you can pick a package and we will install remotely going back to links and resources let's go ahead and visit link number one that's going to be this right here you can click download and download right here it will download reciate force uh part number two we're going to come back to that that's the unblock 5m uh and then we have the presets that I mentioned before these presets will each work with either Quant V andv or with or without any graphic modifications installed so you have plenty of options right here let's go ahead and download them it's not necessary for you to download them if you already have something that's totally fine um it is currently block as you can see I don't know why I just uploaded them to Discord myself of course download this on your own risk these are my own files by the way uh download and download so I just saved them in reciate uh in 5m and exported them to Discord okay let's go ahead and grab our downloaded files and our 5m application data folder so we have the files we just downloaded I'm going to show you how to open up your 5m application data folder go ahead and search for 5m right click on it and click on open file location it will pop up a folder where you can again right click on it and click on open file location here you'll double click on 5m application data it will open up this folder and this this is where we will be installing some files the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to open up the reate setup file double click on it after you open it make sure you Cho choose your right uh Grand Theft Auto game data folder if you don't know where that is I'm going to quickly show you you can just open up steam if you're using steam go to library right click on grand theft auto click click on manage and browse local files it will open up the location as you see it this will be your location and this is the location you can find right here you can either just copy it copy go here and paste it hit enter and then you're going to click on this file right here as you can see um and then we're going to click on next make sure to click on Direct x 11 uh 10 11 or 12 hit next here you can just skip everything hit next again uncheck and check all and hit next now it's going to download and the files and install reshade in GTA so not in 5m yet we're going to get to that part in a bit hold on so that's finished and the next thing that we're going to do is we're going to actually open up our Grand Theft Auto main directory folder again that was very easy to do that just as how I do it there we go and we're going to go ahead and copy a few files here to our 5m application data folder we're going to right click here and we're going to go ahead and create a new folder we're going to call it the plugins folder and we're going to open it up here we're going to go ahead and select a few files that I select that's going to be this one right here scroll down you're going to select this [Music] one correction not this one right here go down until you see this right here and this and this don't worry I'm going to zoom in in a bit and you will see what I mean and how many files these are exactly so it's going to be five files and let me zoom in for y'all going to be these five files and a folder so we're ready for the next step and that's the start up 5m we're not there yet but I am going to quickly show you some things we need to change but before we do all that let's go ahead and copy our presets right here so we have them ready you can actually just make a folder also in here that uh maybe will be easier to keep all your [Music] presets and name it Reade preset and just drag those three files and any other files that you may have right there I don't know where I moved it let me go ahead and fix that and drag it right here there we go now let's start up 5m quickly 5m is started up the first thing that you want to do is you want to go to settings and uncheck this right here okay you have to uncheck it or reshade will not work uncheck it not like this but like this can close that then we will hit f8 and as you can see it is currently blocked this is what I mentioned in the beginning of the video I'm going to show you how how to unblock this so what will you need first of all you need your ID code mine will be right here which you it will say something else all you need to do is just to type in your ID code like I am typing in mine right here after you copied it we're going to go ahead and close up the game uh currently it is not working so it is blocked again we're going to close it up and then we're going to go a folder back we're going to go to this citizen fx. file and we're going to open it up it opens up this folder this file right here now let's hop over back to Discord and here is where line number two comes uh in place let me just paste that number so I don't forget we're going to change this into this let's just copy the whole line as I do uh let me zoom in for you guys so you're going to copy this right here copy that copy text go back and I'm just going to put it we're going to select this code the ID code and we're going to just change it right here exactly like how I do okay I'm going to show it even better in the text document maybe this is not totally clear let's get back here what you're going to do is you'll have to place an enter right here like I do and just paste it this is how you want it to be exactly this even though it didn't look so good and Discord this is how it should be okay you just copy it place your ID and that's it you can go ahead and close it and launch 5m again and now it will work it's that easy where's 5m let's go ahead and see if it's working I'm excited and let's get this uh video finished up quickly and there you go it's loading up so in game you can press the home button it will open up reciate you can click on skip tutorial and go ahead head uh click on settings the first thing that I'm going to show you is how to change the home button because that will conflict with other things in 5m servers most of them at least the ones that I play in and I will change it to end and you can hit escape to save and now it will be the end key press the key that you set it and go to home here you can go ahead and go to the folder that you created called reset reate preset and click one of the presets that I provided as you can see it will change instantly again uh this one for instance is for nve but you can use it like this too cuz you see the changes are pretty nice and here you go for quantv and here is for with or without any graphic modifications uh it is currently nighttime so here this you will see the most difference with this one because this one won't work oh damn what the hell is that uh uh this one will work with any with or without a graphic modifications uh besides that let me quickly show you how to change edit and uh save a preset so if we want to remove something here it's easily done as you can see blooming but what we also can do is we can edit the categories let's go here if you want to add this or increase or decrease it it's very easily to do so and you can save it it will save it instantly you can also create a new one uh create a new name that's how easy you do that and lastly if you want to switch over to other presets you just double click on it right here and that being said we are coming to an end of this video I hope you enjoyed it I hope you saw the value in it please if so do let me know in the comment section thank you all for watching and have a great evening and enjoy your game experience goodbye
Channel: ZinoVision
Views: 79,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Install Reshade For FiveM (2023) | Installation Tutorial For Reshade FiveM, fivem reshade, reshade fivem, how to install reshade fivem, how to install reshade gta 5 fivem, reshade, fivem, fix reshade, reshade fivem fix, how to install reshade, fivem tutorial, how to fix reshade not opening, my reshade doesnt show up, reshade not working fivem, How To Install ReShade On FiveM - Full Guide + FREE Presets, reshade preset nve, reshade preset quantv free, reshade preset nve free
Id: hJWI_syuVtM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 2sec (602 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 15 2023
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