FiveM - How To Fix Reshade Not Opening

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hi everyone this is zed with another gta 5 modeling tutorial in this tutorial i'm going to show you how to make reshade work with 5m on the latest update you'll notice when opening 5m reshade no longer works i'm just going to show you how it looks so i have version 5.30 installed and i'm just going to launch up 5m now to show you the issue so reshade 5m is open and i'm pressing the reshade hotkey f12 and it's not working now i'm going to show you how to fix this so if we close down this window and if i go to click on download reshade and click on the installer locate gta5.exe this is not 5m this is the gta 5d exe that's located in your steam apps or epic games or rockstar games launcher depending on which platform you bought gta on mine is rockstar games launcher so it's located here select the gta5.exe click next make sure this one's selected directx 10 11 and as i have reshade already installed it's asking me to modify or uninstall for yourself if it's your first time installing it just click install uh select the preset to install so this is if you have a reset shade preset available to use you can locate it here i'm going to skip this step select the effects package to install if it's your first time installing just click on uncheck it uncheck all and then check all again this will install all shaders that reshade has to offer i'm going to skip this step as i already have them all installed and then click on finish again i'll just show you really quickly when i start 5m as you can see i've installed it reshade and it still will not work so the reason for this if you open up the 5m console by pressing f8 you'll notice that it says up here reshade acknowledge that 5.x has a bug and will lead to game crashes note that no support is provided for this and that you should contact the offer of reshade for assistance i'm going to show you a workaround so in order to do this we need to copy the reshade 5 id and this value here your value is different so i will leave a document attached to this video a download link with this text which i have here this is the file that you need all you need to do is change this value to yours so in my instance it's e63 e1793 so i'm going to change that now e863e1793 okay this file will be in the description as a download link just go ahead and download it if you don't want to copy all of this manually so once you have the id changed just copy all of this and you need to locate the citizenfx.ini and that is located in your 5m application data to get there just first of all let's close down reshape 5m as it needs to be closed and press the start key and type in 5m right click open file location [Music] right click this shortcut open file location and then 5m application data now that we're inside the 5m application data folder scroll down until you find citizenfx.ini just double click it and you now have this all you need to do is copy the file that i've added in the description with your id into the citizenfx.ini just here make sure that the id is yours which it is this is mine save it close this down or minimize it and now launch 5m you should see a download right after you've launched it and then once this launched you should see at the top reshade 5.3 as is now working and if i press f12 it works if you have any questions join my discord the discord link is in the description and i'll also leave the file link in the description all credits go to a user called bannix and i will give his credits in the description as he found this fix thanks for watching and if you want future graphic.5 modern tutorials make sure to subscribe and like this video if it helped peace
Channel: ZED | V-Reloaded
Views: 239,491
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Reshade, FiveM, FiveM Graphics, How to install Reshade FiveM, fivem, fix reshade, reshade not opening, gta 5 modeling tutorial, latest update, make reshade work, reshade hotkey, download reshade, installer, gta5.exe, directx 10 11, shade preset, effects package, game crashes, workaround, copy reshade 5 id, citizenfx.ini, application data, launch 5m, download link
Id: Uht5GempNVE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 17sec (317 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 04 2022
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