2024 Updated FiveM Movement Tutorial (How to stutter speedboost)

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going on boys it's your boy felon um I've been requested to make this video so many times now it's a movement tutorial so just prare PR before the video starts not claiming to be the best player or whatever I know I'm not um it's just people have been asking me for the movement um the movement that I do so I'm going to give it to him so yeah I'm not claiming to be a great player blah blah blah but start getting slammed in the comments I know that but yeah I'm going to show you boys how how to move like like the update movement of fire know what a lot of people are requesting especially is is the starter and [ __ ] there there's obviously for all the new G players and stuff a lot of new G players do it a lot of OG players don't like it but just the way the game kind of like Advanced so a lot of people are talking about the St speed boost the stter speed boost is kind of like you know where you where you go M then you're life you know you're doing that Kindle we see I've just got as well so it's not my movement's pretty chopped right now but the only reason I'm wanted to record this video cuz I don't want to play in a moment cuz it's very [ __ ] boring but um yeah I'm going teaching you boys mainly how to start I'm not going to be teaching you how to play ramps and all this how to beat crack and all that [ __ ] cuz you can go find that somewhere else I'm not going to be I'm just strictly here to teach you the movement right so what I what I do is um I Like to Swing crack and then kind of just like kind of bait the person on uh left to kind of Swing when I'm swinging the person left is going to be like here and I'm going to be like I'm going to be over here be boing in and out so what what what person on left thinks I'm doing is I'm trying to kill his teammate like he doesn't know that he doesn't know what his teammate's doing he's got his eyes on me so yeah he'll think his teammates crack so we swing and then and then obviously I know I'm that's what I'm doing I'm only going crack so I can bait person on right and then I go in and I and wait for him to swing so that's kind of like that's what I do on right especially right so in terms of movement obviously I got the keyboard on the screen on the right um you're just going to have to watch what I'm clicking and stuff to kind of get this down if you need to replay the video watch it in slow motion that's all good um that's what I did when especially when I was trying to learn movement and stuff I was you know slowing videos down and watching them how they do it without the keyboard so it was a lot harder so I just kind of just let saw what they were doing with their movement and then kind of like put it in my own sort of like yeah like I hope you know what I understand like I said I'm very bad at explaining [ __ ] but yeah right the start speed boost it kind of let start of this so the reason why you want to start is cuz I see a lot of like these new players or whatever they like to swing their screen around and when you're swinging your screen like this I can't even do it anymore when you're swinging your screen like this you're moving your Crosshair left and right you want your Crosshair still in one spot because the more time you're doing this swinging your screen left and right left and right you've got time like You' got then track their head and it's it's very hard you basically got to hit a click every single time that's what not a lot of people realize they're kind of more interested in speed boosting instead of their aim and it's always aim over aim over movement and that's the way the game works like movement it doesn't matter how good your movement is don't get me wrong it gives you do some Advantage especially when you're against a good player good aim cuz it's hard it's a lot harder for them to track you if you got good movement and you're glitching you know you're snapping and [ __ ] on other people's screens but at the same time it's always movement over aim if you got both of them you're going to be a good player that's why you need to learn how to start and have a good aim and good crossair placement so what I'll do is I'll swing mid and then like that's when you start you know stuttering see like I said I've just I've just I've just got on so my my um my mood is a bit [ __ ] but yeah yeah so you'll notice as well a lot I like to like kind of put my crossair there and there there and there and there and there a lot of people that play left they like to PV roll so they'll PV roll like this they'll keep doing this CU they have a full POV of you without being exposed right so they'll do this but a lot of a lot of the time they come desn so they get desn so the whole time they're doing this on your screen on your right they'll be out here glit but on their screen they're behind the ramp so you'll be decent or sometimes when they do POV Ro they on sometimes when they do POV Ro they'll sit here like they'll do this behind the ramp and literally it gives you like L like I'll show you a clip of like a couple of um like I'll show you I'll put up two clips on the screen right now to show you kind of like how you're pre-firing uh your voll this kid [ __ ] ra you know I'm watching the video back and I didn't really prefire pooll but you kind I hope you kind of get the idea you know you're aiming when you're aiming here and like you get like an inch of the head that pops out and yeah it's just good to kind of do that so I hope you get the idea yeah so yeah you always want to base your cross on where where your opponent's going to be either they're going to be rolling so on the POV run right here for you just want to keep that you you just want to keep that like crossair even swinging crack swing ball yeah you can always you always got to keep your crossair where like your opponents are going to be because there's no point doing this cuz I used to do this and I used to get tapped all the time it because I'm literally like swinging my crossair around and I have to you know I have to snap like I have to snap every single time and try and flick onto the heads so as I was saying you always keep your cross out where they're going to be like they're ever going to be head level like here or they're going to be on POV so I'm mixing between the two so I I'll come mid and I kind of know yeah also um ever since I dropped my CS the other day um or yesterday or whatever I don't know when this video is going out but I just dropped my most recent C just change the game um a lot of people have been talking about this one thing that I do on like when I when I go to the left it's this I accidentally did it one day I accidentally did it one day and I've been rocking with it ever since since I mean I've never actually seen anybody do it I don't know if it gives you any sort of I don't even know what it looks like on other person's screen I'm going to get somebody to come and look and see what it is and then I'll obviously I'll post that POV once I've shown you but it's this I mean it looks really cool and it makes you kind of feel like you're like it makes you feel like you're hella fast like it's that it looks cool but I don't know what it does on anybody else's screen so um I get a p but it's kind of like you just I I do it like only when it's necessary I don't want to like force it so like right here will be I kind of mix in between so I I'll sit here oh I'll mix it in between so I'll kind of like boom boom swing yeah so a lot of people talk about this one St specifically it's like where you throw your gun up so it's like come here throw your gun up go at where you going up if you just look at the keyboard and see how I'm doing it you'll get it yeah it's kind of like as you you left click you left click and you click w at the same time and it cancels it out so w and then right W and then like can't like you know just look at the keyboard like w w and then D so left click WD left click WD yeah so see as I was saying all you got to do is literally just watch the video in like 0.5 and then kind of match my keyboard to my movement and then kind of practice yourself um it depends on how quick of a learner you are I mean when I started learning this it literally took me like a day or two and I went from doing this this this I used to do [ __ ] all the time bro I went from doing that to what I'm doing now basically obviously your movement will improve as time comes you'll see a video you'll learn some new [ __ ] but um yeah like that's that's really like that's all I really have to say really for this is for the people that play on left um I see a lot of people that play left and have zero movement you need to have movement when you're pushing on left so say instance you swing kill one you can't just run forward because their left's going to swing swing from right and just tap you yeah so on left you always want to be moving so like you swing P one and then you just want to start moving cuz guaranteed 100% the person on right the person on their left soon as their teammate dies they're going to be like straight over way coming they're going to swing you so um yeah you always want to be moving if you're running a straight line you're giving them a free kill so you want to swing startop moving just wait wait for him to peek you will you can still obviously yeah to so I'm going give you a tip as well on left and basically win most of your one V2s you just want to swing yours kill yours then you rush me go in ramp stter that's when your teammate on right should be coming he should be he should be pushing right now so as soon as your teammate right you go mid you say oh I've killed mine that's when your teammate should be swinging going mid he should be like kind of going boom boom boom and that's when once he gets to the kind of like the same spot where you are where you mid you're kind of you're kind of just waiting that's when he rushes that side you rush this side and you sandwich him so yeah that's basically how how I win my 1 V2 is like you never want to lose a 1 V2 it's the worst thing ever so what that's what I do so I I'll I'll get to Mid start Speed boosting because I guarantee as soon as you kill as soon as you kill uh right the person on left is going to come over and he's going to you know he's going to try and kill you or whatever so that's when I'll be I'll I'll come to Mid and then I I'll kind of stand here be bo uh stter if you swings he swings you can have kill him or not um if he swings it's a good it's it's kind of good that he swings as well cuz your teammate should be about here so if he he so happens to kill you your teammate can just kill him so um yeah so yeah so yeah like I said you get mid you're mid you just killed yours your teammate starts pushing your teammates like said like like just got have clear coms your teammate says right I'm like pushing I'm H I'm hle that's when you should be you know Bo you just have to literally you just have to wrap him so B yeah yeah that's the video guys obviously if you need any help with anything or I missed anything out that you wanted to know just let me know in Discord uh Discord is G clear it'll be in the description anyway but yeah I appreciate you boys for watching the video and uh yeah
Channel: felon
Views: 14,984
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -cGWtAm-loA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2024
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