How to Install ReShade on FiveM in 2024 - Working Update

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adding Reet to 5m shouldn't be hard at all as you can see we have Reet working here we could play around with the settings and since I don't like making my videos super super long let's go ahead and get started with this tutorial now the first thing you want to do is click on the second link in the description which is going to bring you to of course our written guide on how to download and install Reet now this is an in-depth guide on how to install reate for GTA 5 and even though this is for GTA 5 and not 5m well this guide is still pretty useful because we're going to have to install Reet for GTA 5 before we install it in 5m so yeah if you don't want to read through the guide you're going to scroll down and you're going to click where it says download that is going to redirect you to the reate website you could also search this website up but if you want to get to the right link you can just click on download and then once you're over here you're going to click on download again that is going to redirect you down here where we're going to download rate 6.0.1 in the future when you're watching this maybe there's a new version out there but anyways we're going to go ahead and click download reate 6.0.1 let's go ahead and save that file now let's go ahead and drag and drop that reate installation file into the desktop and to install reate all we have to do now is double click on it that is going to open this menu here where we're going to look for GT GTA 5 run the fat now if your game is not loading like mine right now you could always type GTA V in here and wait for it to load but sometimes it takes extremely long so I'm going to show you how to find GTA 5 if it's not loading up in here right so all you have to do is Click where this browse right and now find the installation folder of your GTA 5 game if you have the game through epic games or steam it doesn't matter we're still able to find it let's say for example that you had it on a steam let's say that this was your GTA V this is not clearly GTA V because I don't have GTA V on Steam I have it on epic games and I'm going to show you to find it in a second but let's say that this was your GTA V game all you have to do is right click on it click where say manage and click where says browse local files and then that is going to open the installation folder of GTA V select this a string of text on the top crl C to copy it and then head back to reate and add it right here if you have the game through epic games all you have to do is head over to library find your GTA V gaming here as you can see I have tons of games my GTA 5 is right here click on the little three dots click where says manage and then click on this little folder that appears right next to it that is going to open the inside installation folder for GTA 5 and then crl C to copy it and then head back to reate and add it in here right here on this search bar go ahead and paste that GTA 5 installation folder and that is going to bring up GTA 5 now if you install GTA 5 through Rockstar launcher I'm still going to leave in the first comment below in the comment section I'm going to pin that comment I'm going to leave the most common installation locations for GTA V in case you can't find it right so let's go ahead and select GTA 5.exe not the play one the GTA 5.exe by itself and then press enter and then click next here on the reate installer click on Direct x 10 11 or 12 click next again and then uncheck all and check everything again to select all the rate presets let's go ahead and click next again and let's wait for this to install now make sure you watch this video Until the End not because I want watch time which I obviously do but because we are going to be doing things until the last second to make sure ret is working on 5m because I know with the new version of reate a lot of people are having some issues and stuff like that and I don't want you struggling okay so once Reet has finished installing go ahead and click where say finish and now you could even delete the installer if you want to get rid of it right click on 5m right if you have it here in your desktop or search for it in your search bar right click on it and then click where it says open file location once you have this folder here go ahead and open the 5m application data I'm going to move this to the side so it doesn't get too confusing and then go ahead and put this on one side of the screen the next thing you want to do is open your installation folder for GTA V now we already had that selected so if you launch a your folder and you paste it in there it's going to put you in the installation folder or you could always head back you know to your lounger of preference and open the installation location of GTA V anyways once you have this folder go ahead and put it on the other side just like so so we have two folders side by side now in the 5m application data I want you to create a new folder called plugins I already have that plugins folder but I'm going to go ahead and delete it so right click click new click folder and type in plugins if you already have the plugins folder then just go ahead and open it whatever the case might be just open that folder and now you're going to copy a couple files from over here into here the first file you're going to copy is the the reshade shaders this folder right here let's go ahead and contr C that folder and paste it in here now you're going to scroll a little bit down and you're going to copy dxgi.dll make sure it's the dll1 because there's another one in here you have to get the dll1 go ahead and contrl c and paste it in here if you don't know which one is the dll one you could always right click that file C where says properties and make sure that it is a dll extension or you could also click where as view show and make sure that file name extensions are showing in order for us to see that DL in there anyways let's go ahead and paste that in here because it didn't paste there we go and now you're going to scroll down in this folder and you're going to select these three files right here reate that ini I rehap log and then rehap preset I again let's go ahead and select those three files crl C and paste those three files over here now that we have these five files on the plugins folder we're going to close out from GTA the installation folder and we're going to minimize this folder we're not going to close it yet because if we have some issues when logging in we're going to have to come back into there and fix something okay let's go ahead and launch 5m now for many of you this is it for many of you you are done and you are finally able to use reate on 5m as you can see my re8 is loading on the top and as you can see if I press home now re8 is already working I could have skipped the tutorial and stuff which I'm not going to do that yet because I'm still not done make sure when you open 5m that you head over to settings click on game and that this first option is disable okay make sure the fix UI lag whatever this is all disabled because if it is enabled reate is going to crash your game so disable that and now okay if you didn't get 5m and re8 working at the same time I want you to press f8 and reading here read what it's the issue right what's the problem that is giv you many times it's just going to tell you what you need to do to fix the issue of reing not working on 5m a lot of the time you're going to have to head back into the 5m data folder that's why I told you not to close it right to this folder and then you're going to head back to the 5m application data and in here you're going to have to change the settings from the citizen effects that I I file so what you're going to do is edit it a notepad and sometimes sometimes only you're going to have to manually add this string of text right here now with the new update of Reade it's already adding it itself to this file in here but many times like I said you might have to add this manually how do you add this well simply head back to 5m and if in your specific case you have to add that text in there it's going to tell you here exactly what you have to paste in this citizen fx. ini folder okay and you're going to create a space in between the text that it's already going to be previously here you're going to paste this in here your ID number is going to be different than mine but the 5m f8 menu will tell you the console in here will tell you what you have to add okay so it's very important that you keep in mind that if that is your case you have to do that in my case it did it automatically but I know for some of the people it might be different let me go ahead and launch a server and show you how to use Reade and as you can see we finally load into this random server I joined just to test the settings if we press the home P key we get this course we could skip the tutorial I don't know if you want to go through the tutorial that's something you could do and in here you could just start adding things you could change you know add a couple things in here something that I like to add is head over to the search bar and type HDR and then I like adding the blooming HDR which kind of makes it look you know a little bit nicer or you could also add this HDR setting you could also play around with the contrast and obviously every single pet that you select in here has more settings that you could change down here you could always scroll down here and change the settings of that a specific preset and you could also head over to settings let's say that you don't want to use the home key because maybe the home key it's an important key in your role playay server you could always change that key in here by clicking next to that key and then pressing whatever key you want to use let's say you want to use the insert the end or whatever other key you want to use I'm going to leave it in the home key because it doesn't really matter for me but you could always change that in here anyways guys that has been everything from me I hope you enjoyed this video on how to add reach 825m if you did don't forget to leave a like and a comment and as always bye-bye
Channel: itzCuba
Views: 390
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install reshade fivem, how to install reshade gta 5 fivem, fivem reshade, how to download reshade fivem, reshade fivem fix, reshade not working fivem, reshade fivem, how to install reshade in fivem, reshade fivem install, installation tutorial for reshade fivem, how to install reshade fivem 2024, how to install reshade for fivem, reshade working fivem, fivem reshade guide, fivem reshade tutorial, install reshade fivem, add reshade, add reshade fivem, reshade to fivem
Id: S8oXBpiib6I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 2sec (482 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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