How to Install PostgreSQL 16 on Windows 11 [ 2023 Update ] Complete guide | pgAdmin 4

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hello everyone I will come here to my Channel  today I'm going to show you how to install post   grayskill on Windows operating system and after  that I am also going to demonstrate how we can   easily create database predictable how you can  easily write some queries to fetch some data from   our database so I am going to show you all of that  on this video so this video going to be a bit long   so I'll be recommending you do watch the video  till the end and if you face any issues in middle   or if you have any queries please put a comment in  your comment sections I'll try my best to help you   and if this video is really helping you then also  please do comment that really encourage me to make   more such videos and if you like this video please  give it a like and also don't forget to subscribe   our Channel so without any delay let's start that  video now to install postgresql you need to First   simply go to favorite browser and in that this  board it will just simply search with post Gray   SQL download and hit enter and this will  show you this www dot   as our first search result so here it is  a simple click on this download pose SQL and it's going to redirect to the official site  of pose SQL so here you can see that our latest   version of postgresql that is version  16 is released on 14th of September 2023   so if you are watching this video much  later then also it's totally fine the   instructions that I'm going to show you on  this video will be pretty much same and if   there is any major differences then I'll  be you know again going to make a video   so don't worry okay so for now what you need  to do is you need to just simply click on   this Windows as I am going to show it for Windows  so if you are using some other operating system   like Linux Mac quiz then you need to proceed  with all these links for Windows I am going to   click on this windows and this link I am going  to put right in our description so you can use   that link as well to land over this site all  right so once you are here you can see that we   have all these different versions available to  download so what I am going to do is I am going   to download the latest one so for that you  need to click on this download the installer and when you click on that it's going to redirect  to the official site of download of a postgay SQL   so here we have the latest version 16 available  so again these are all different operating system   for Windows I am going to select this one  and it going to start downloading our Pros   guess where in a few seconds so here you can  see that our download has readily begun now   I have already downloaded it so I'll cancel it  I'll minimize my browser I'll go to my download   directory and here you can see that same file is  already been downloaded over here and the file   size is 391 MB all right so now to install  just simply double click on the installer   and it's going to ask you for administrative  privileges just simply click on yes and let's minimize our download drip tree [Music]   and you can see that our Pro skill setup  is rightly open so this is our installation   wizard you need to just simply click on next over  here and it's going to show you this installation   directory so on our C program files we're going  to create this postgresql folder and they're going   to you know give that version that is version 16  folder and inside that they're going to install   all our files so if you want to change you can  click on this browse button and you can change   this location but I'm going to keep this  default and I'll just simply click on next   so here you can see that these are all all the  component that they're going to install so that   includes a pro skill server then PG admin 4  so this PG admin 4 will give you a you know a   graphic user interface so there we can code so I'm  going to show you all of that on this video itself   so you know continue watching this video and they  also going to install the stack Builder so this   tag Builder will help to install you know some  other drivers and all those stuff so I I'll just   quickly give an overview on that in later part of  the video and the third thing is this command line   tools all right so I will be recommending you  to keep everything checked do not do anything   just simply click on next and this is going to be  our data directory so again that same location so   after uh version 16 they're going to create this  data directory and they I'm going to you know   put our data there okay so just simply click on  next and this is the important part you need to   give a password so you need to you know remember  this password whatever you are typing so you need   to use the same password for logging in into our  database so this is fine click on next and again   this is another important part so this port number  5432 so this is very useful uh you know while you   are going to connect your front-end code with  the back end code so that time this port number   is very important so you can you know keep a note  of this port number just simply click on next now and I'm going to use a default local so this is  going to be our new database cluster which is   fine and click on next so so these are all that  they're going to install fine click on next and   it's ready to be installed click on next and  you can see our installation has rightly began   so this installing will take some time you know  about three to four minute I would say so after   that I'm going to again coming back to this video  yep so we'll come back I now then clearly see that   our post K square is ready installed so these  you know took some time about 15 to 20 minutes   I'd say so if you see that it is taking a  bit longer time don't worry it is actually   doing its job okay so fine so after it's get  successfully installed you'll be able to see   the screen so here they have already selected this  tag build option which is fine I am going to show   you a bit about stack builder in the coming  part so for now just simply click on finish   and it will open this tag Builder because  that option was selected right so here you   can you know select uh this postgresql version  16 on Port 5432 and you can click on next and here you can see that we have lot many options  so mostly we use stack builder for you know   installing drivers so here if we expand this  database driver you can see we have this drivers   available like psql odbc psql odbc for version  64 bit and all okay so this is a bit you know   on the higher side so when you are connecting  your front end code with your back end so there   you need to establish that database connection  so for that you need drivers so these are all   uh that sort of drivers okay and database server  is already installed so if you expand this you   can see this server is already installed so that  is also fine if you want to you know downgrade it   to some older version so here is the option to  downgrade the database server okay so you can   do all that in stack Builder Okay I I I'll not  go to much deeper into this so I'll just simply   cancel this tag builder for now so main thing is  installing postgres value so which is done and it   has also installed PG admin so let's go to search  icon and just simply type over here PG admin   and when you type that you'll be able to  see this PG admin 4 so let's click on that   and you can see that our PG admin  4 is rightly started launching   and you can see that our PG admin 4 is rightly  launched over here so let's maximize it so this   is the interface of our PG admin Force as  I have told you uh during installation that   a PG admin 4 will basically give you a you  know graphic user interface or GUI interface   so this is our interface of PG admin 4 you can  expand these servers so when you ex click on   expand it will ask you that password so  remember that password that we have set   during installation so I'm going to use that  same password and I'm going to click on OK   so when you do that you can see  that it is rightly connected now   so here is a post case SQL Server 16 and here  is our database so let's expand our database   so we have this postgresql database which comes  with the installation okay so to create a new   database you need to click on this database then  right click and into you know hover over this   create and you'll be able to see this database so  just simply click on that and it will open this   create database window so here I need to give a  database name so I'm going to give the database   name as testdb okay and all other things are fine  if you want to you know Set uh the encoding style   or the security so you can do all of that here  and here you will be our script so which will be   you know actually running in the back end so you  know just simply click on Save and it's going to   you know create a database so here you can see  we have a test TV now created successfully right   so here you have lot many options like triggers  and all so triggers are a bit uh you know on the   higher side so if you want you know videos on  you know SQL then please put a comment in our   comment sections I'll try my best to make more  videos on SQL as well so there I'm going to you   know discuss about PL SQL triggers functions store  procedure and all those things so if you need you   can comment all right so for now what I'm going to  show you is this schemas so if we expand this you   will be able to see this public and on that public  here you can see we have tables so you need to uh   so if you expand this table right now you can see  we don't have any tables right so how to create   table so just simply you know right click on  tables and hover over create and click on table so   this will you know open this create table window  so here let's give the table name as employee   and you know this table space and all are fine so  just simply switch over this column and here you   can add column so you need to click on this plus  icon and here you can give your column so let's   give the column as ID and it will be of integer  type and let's get one more in a column so let's   give the column name as a full name and it will  be character all right so now it is fine you can   set the length to 50 characters all right so just  simply click on Save and it's going to you know   create our table so here you can see under tables  we have now a employee table so if we expand this   you can see that uh our table is successfully  created and if we expand a column you can see   those two column that we have created ID and full  name is successfully created over here alright so   if you want to you know write your own script to  create tables that you also you can do you can   just simply you need to click on this test DB your  database name basically and then you need to click   on this query tool so when you click on that it's  going to open this you know query window over here so here you can write your own script  all right and I'll go to this employee and I'll hover over the scripts to write a  insert script so when you click on that it's   going to you know again open a query window  so giving a template of our insert statement   so here well let's give a couple of values  so one will be our ID and name will be our   hello Rahul dravid so I am just  giving one name I'll just simply   select this and I'll click on this  run button and it's going to run this Rahul will be within the single code  this round rabbit name field all right so   you can you know select this again and click  on run button and you can see that our query   returns successfully so it is you know  successfully inserted on what table so   similar way let's insert one word value  like to and if the name as Rohit Sharma and select this and execute and you can see it  has again successfully executed so now you   hover over employee again right click go to  scrape and this time write a select script   so the again this will give you a select script  query window so you can see select ID full name   so fine just simply execute this from our employ  table and you can see those couple of entries that   we have done previously Rahul David and Rohit  Sharma are rightly inserted or notable employee   okay and you can easily retrieval that so in this  way I can easily install latest version of post   gate SQL that is version 16 on Windows operating  system and after that I have also shown you how to   use this you know PG admin graphic user interface  to you know insert database creatable column how   to write queries how to fetch and all that so if  you need more tutorials please put in your comment   sections I'll try my best to make more tutorials  and don't forget to like share and subscribe that   really help me to make more such videos and also I  am looking forward to create one vlogging channel   so it will be by the name geekyscript vlogs so do  subscribe that channel as well so that's basically   all about this video thank you very much for  watching this video and God bless you all thank you
Channel: Geeky Script
Views: 46,345
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: postgresql, pgadmin, what is postgresql, postgresql tutorial, history of postgresql, Database, Commands, Install PostgreSQL 16, pgAdmin 4, How to Install PostgreSQL 16, pgAdmin 4 on Windows 11, PostgreSQL administration tool, how to install postgresql in windows 11, postgresql installation windows 11, pgadmin 4 installation windows, how to use postgresql, postgres tutorial, postgresql create database, postgresql 16, postgres, postgresql performance, postgresql tutorial for beginners
Id: WxBfnGH3FsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2023
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