How Install PostgreSQL 16 on windows 11 [2023 Update] | PostgreSQL with PGAdmin 4

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so let's see how we can install post SQL 16 and how we can create a database first go to your browser and type postc SQL now this is the first link click on post csql org I'll have the link in the description you can directly click the link now once this is open you will see all this stuff so you can just click on download and you will see installers and packages for all these OS so right now I'm on windows so I'll click on Windows you can choose according to your OS now if you go down as you can see the versions and post 16 is the latest so now you can click on this download the installer and go down and click on this 16.1 next to Windows and now your download has started so let's wait for a few seconds and after this download is complete we will see how we can install post SQL and create create the database as you can see my post SQL is downloaded now click on open file or just open your downloads folder and double click to open the installer so as you can see now the installer is open just click on next and this is where your files will be installed if you want to change it you can just click on this button and you can install it in any other directory but I suggest you install in the default directory click next now these are the tools and stuff that will be installed we definitely need post SQL Server because if without the server post is not installed and we need PG admin for because we need a GUI tool to create database view database and all that stuff if you don't install PGM 4 you'll have to do all that by command line and the stack Builder is uh if you want to later on install another tool and other drivers so and this is the command line tools so you either use command line or GUI to do actions on your post SQL Server now for now I'll just keep all of these four selected because it is a hassle to later on download and install all this any of this stuff click next and this is where the data of your databases will be stored inside the post SQL folder inside the version number inside the data folder okay hit next now and this is the password that you are are creating for your servers admin so I'll just type uh the password Here make sure you remember the password and you don't forget the password because this is the password for super admin hit next and this is the default Port you can change it if you want but uh this is the default one so it is easier to remember or also easier to find figure out if you forget the port number hit next and hit next again and this is the details that will be used for installation if you want you can uh go over all these details again and hit next and finally we are ready to install the server just click next and the installation will start so finally after a long time the download or sorry the installation has completed now you are seeing this option that uh you want to uh do this so for now I'll just click finish oh sorry don't click finish because uh if you not click finish uh this tag Builder will open just uncheck this so that you don't opens tag Builder now just click finish and now you can press windows and type PG admin and you will see this for PG admin 4 open this and now as you can see your PG admin is opening up this PG admin is the GGI tool that helps you uh open databases and create databases see the data inside the databases and all that stuff so let's wait till this is open now you'll see this here if you click on this as you can see uh you are seeing these two things I already had host SQL 15 installed so uh you can uh just ignore this and this is the one that you are interested in so what you can do is right click this and click register uh not register click on connect server and now here you need to use the password that you created while you are installing post qu so enter your password click on save password so that you don't have to enter again when you connect to this database again click okay now as you can see we are connected to our post SQL Server so if you click on this databases this Arrow next to the databases you'll see that you already have just one database here that is the default post SQL database so let's see how we can create a database now so you can right click on this databases and click on create database and I'll just give it name testore DB and these are the other details for now I'll not go into this details and I'll just click save and our database is created so as you can see the database is already created and there are the stuff here extensions triggers and all this stuff so now you can just do these operations here to with the database okay so now to go into all these details we'll be a bit out of the scope scope of this tutorial so this is how you can install uh post SQL and create databases if you have any questions let me know in the comments below
Channel: The Code City
Views: 1,793
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install postgresql and pgadmin4 on windows 10, install postgresql, postgresql windows, how to install postgreSQL 16, how to install postgresql 16 on windows, postgresql install on windows 11, postgresql install on windows 10
Id: O4XHeziVO78
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 28sec (328 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 12 2023
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