How to Install DaVinci Resolve for windows 10/11 [ 2024 Update ] Complete Step-by-Step Guide

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hello everyone I welcome you all to gek script  today I'm going to show you how to install the   latest version of D resolve on Windows operating  system and after that I'm also going to show you   how you can easily use our ding dissolve Video  Editor to edit any videos so do watch the video   till the end I can guarantee you this video  going to be very informative for you and if   you face any issues in Middle can always comment  in your comment sections I'll try my best to help   you now to install D dissolve we need to First  simply go to favorite browser I to just simply   search over here the wici resolve download and  hit enter and immediately you'll be seeing this   is the VCI resolve 18 as a for Source link so to  click on this www. Blackmagic so once   you click on that it going to redirect to the  official site of thein resolve so this link I'm   going to put right in your description so you  can directly use that link to land over over   here and you can see that our latest version  of theci resolve is thei resolve 18 all right   so you to scroll down and you'll be able to see  the resolve 18 over here so you can see we have   this download button so to click on this and  it will show you this down resolve 18.6 version   which is latest version at the time of making  of the video so if you are watching this video   much lat maybe you'll be seeing version you know  18.7 or even version 19 so you know if I see any   major difference on the installation steps  then I'm surely going to make another video   but for now you can totally trust this video so  we can see that our Darin resolve 18.6 is there   and then DCI resolve studio is also there the  dingi resol studio is a paid one so they have   you know more features including you know Ai and  all but this D resolve is a up cost all right so   you can use it for both Mac windows Linux and  all these operating system so you can see all   these links is also available over here so you to  click on uh this windows and it's going to show   you this form so you need to fill your details  so you know fill your first name last name your   company email ID you know uh phone number your  country your state city and know all of that   you need to you know put over here you need to  put your PIN code as well and then you need to   and after register then you need to download  all right so I have already downloaded it so   un necessarily I not going to you know fill the  form and you know waste time so if you go to my   download directory you can see already that same  version is downloaded over here and the file size   is you can see 2 GB right so you need to have  like that much amount of bandwidth to download   the entire file so the file will be a zip file  so you to right click and it to extract this you   know on Tu over here so let see our extract ction  is rightly began so let's extract it over here so   you can see that our file is rightly extracted  and here is our exe so you know this within   this extracted folder we have the exe lying over  here right so to double click on the installer in   order to install ding resolve on Windows operating  system so you can see that it is slightly started   extracting our ding disolve so let's wait for  a couple of minutes and you can see it is atly   extracted and it will ask you for administrative  privileges click on yes and there you go the res   installer is rightly opened over here so let's  first minimize our uh download directory so   here you can see that our installation wizard  is directly open so it going to install all   these you know libraries packages everything  so you to keep this default and click on install so it going to install our Microsoft  Visual C++ 2013 redistributable version and then   it going to install thei control panels so let's  wait for some time and after that it will show you   welcome to dingi resolve set of wizard so just you  know simp click on next over here so these are our   license agreement you need to accept the license  agreement and then you to click on next so this is   where our D resolver is going to be installed you  can keep this default or if you want to change it   to some other locations so that also you can do  you need to just simp click on change I need to   browse that folder over here but I'm going to  keep this default over here I'll click on next   so see is ready to be install click on install  and there you go you can see our installation   is rightly began right so it will take some time  know about 5 minute I would say you can you know   grab some tea or coffee whichever you like and  then you can again come back to this video yep   so we'll come back and now and clearly see that  our ding isol with success y installed so you can   just simp click on finish over here so you can see  also our desktop shortcut is created over here and   it is telling to complete the installation you  must res restart your system so now let's click   on yes and restart our system and after that I'm  going to again back to this video so welcome back   once again guys so I have successfully restarted  my system and again we are back to our windows so   you know let's double click on the shortcut to  launch our T in resolve and you can see that D   resolve is rly launch so you can always read  more about all these features you can always   click on learn mode to learn more about all the  different features that D resolve will you know   give us so you can always read that for now  I'll just simply click on continue over here   so great you are almost there you can always you  know click on quick setup to learn and know all   the basic steps don't worry I'm going to show you  all of that on this video so I'll going to click   on Skip and start now so so that will directly  launch our D in resolve so you can see our D in   resolve 18.6 version is rightly started launching  so it will ask you to give this permission so you   need to click on allow over here and can see  that our D resolve is rightly opened over here   and this is the interface of our D resolve all  right so here in the bottom if you see we have   you know all these different menus so we have  a media then we have a cut and then we have   edit fusion color Fair light and then we have  a deliver right so now I'm going to switch to   this edit part and then I'm going to right click  over here and then I'm going to click on import   media so you want to import one video so on my  video directory you can see we have a video like   intro mkb file so I'll just simply double click  to import the file click on change so that video   file will be imported over here and then I'm going  to edit that video all right so you can see that   our video is at imported so you know let's click  on the video and then drag it over here and you   can see that a video is rightly added over here  so you can always move this pointer to you know   change the frame and you can always click on this  minus icon to shrink the timeline over here so you   can see it is properly sync now let's say you want  to cut some of this areas you can always click on   this and know isard icon and then you to put the  pointer like from here till here maybe you want   to cut so you need to place that over here that  in the first section then the end section and   then you to select the enter part that you want  to delete and then hit the delete button on the   on your keyboard and immediately can see that from  this portion to this portion is deleted right so   you know if I move on to the effect section so  if I click on effect over here you can see we   have lot of video transitions available you can  see right so all different video transitions are   available you can always you know click one of  that and you can you know put that over here you   can always you know expand this you can see here  one video transition is added right so if you move   your pointer and then if you play the video I can  see a transition is happening clearly can see that   right so it got you know separated from middle  and then it transition transition it into next   screen so you know you can you know do experiment  with all this different you know transitions that   are available over here so these are all you can  use some of them are paid one so uh I can click on   not8 but all these different transitions you can  use all right so you can you know also use audio   transitions as well you can always give some title  so let's say you want to give some you know title   like maybe on Lower third uh you can add like you  drag and drop that and here if I play this you   can see I can see that something is coming up over  here but that's a white in color so what I'm going   to do is I'm going to you know move the I'm going  to click the select and then I'm going to select   the text and then I'm going to click on inspect  over here and here and I'll change this color to   Black and I'll also change the color for for the  below one that is the sample one also black and   now if I play this you'll be able to see that a  title is coming on the lower third right so you   know that's how you can add you know titles you  can also use different type of effects all that   you can also use green skin then you know you can  remove that green skin background all of that you   can do and in dissolve all right so know the  scope is you know beyond any limitations so you   can do lot of things on the V dissolve all right  and once you are done with your editing so when   you are done completely with the editing then you  you'll want to export the video right so for that   what you can do is you need to switch to this  deliver Tab and once you are here it will going   to you know show you this form over here so need  to give a file name so let's give the file name as   intro final so our you know introduction video is  edited so we are naming it like intro final and we   are going to choose a format over here so format  currently they have selected by default is quick   time you can change it to any format from here  so you can choose MP4 you can choose you know   MKV whichever you want right I'm going to choose  MP4 and you know all other things are fine you can   also choose the resolution from here if you want  to you know export it in 4K format so that also   you can do all right so you need to select this  one so that will export in a 4K format or you want   to you know change the frame rate so that also you  can do for now it is 60 it also depend upon the   source video right if a video source is you know  uh just suit on maybe 24 FPS then uh you can't   uh increase the frame rate so it will be within  24 right but if video is shoot on 60 FPS or 120   FPS then can you know really make that slowmo all  that on you know the wi resol all right so know   you need to put a comment in your comment section  that you really need a little tutorial on the wi   resolve about various you know tricks and tips if  you want you to put that comment in your comment   section I'll be happily make a video on that as  well so I know if you need that video then I'll   surely going to make but I I unnecessarily don't  want to make this video too long so what I'm going   to show you next is that you can you know give  your file name over here and then what type of   export you want if you want to export in like  h264 master or you want to just simply export   for YouTube so you know you need to switch then  to all these different tabs so if you you know   scroll this you can see that we have Vimeo Twitter  Tik Tok you know all these different platforms it   is showing right so you know from here you can  you know choose any of the platform or you can   just simply do custom export and then you to  click on this add to render que so as soon as   you click click on that it will show you that  on which folder you want to save this video so   I'm going to choose the default the video folder  that they have selected so I'll click on Save and   immediately under render que you'll be able to see  that intro final. mp4 file which we want to export   or properly listed over here right so after it get  listed then to click on render all and it going to   start you exporting our video that fin version  of the edited video going to be exported onto   this location and you can see that it will take  like about 3 and a half minute right so below 4   minute it will take so you know it depends upon  the your system capability also the length of the   video so if you're using I3 or I5 so it varies  from system to system right this enter rendering   process all right so in this way I can easily  install the wi resolve and Windows operating   system I have also showed you how you can easily  import a video how to edit a video I have also   showed you a bit about transition and all so know  you can always comment in our comment sections if   you need more videos on the wi resolve or you can  also subscribe our geeky syntax channel so here   I'm posting regularly coding related videos and  if you're interested you can also subscribe our   GK vlogging channel so here can see I have made  one video so we recently went to Kashmir so you   can see we have this you know beautiful text  effect that we have created like 2023 to 2024   so all this I have done on D resolve itself all  right so if you need a little tutorial on how I   made this you can always comment I'll be happy to  make such videos as well all right so know that's   basically all about this video thank you very  much for watching this video and God bless you all
Channel: Geeky Script
Views: 8,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: davinci resolve 18, davinci resolve, davinci resolve 18 tutorial, davinci resolve 18 color grading, how to install davinci resolve 18, davinci resolve 18 free download, how to download davinci resolve, how to download davinci resolve 18, how to download davinci resolve 18 on windows 10, how to download davinci resolve 19 on windows 11, davinci revolve 18 free download, how to install davinci resolve, install davinci resolve 18, video editing software
Id: 5-PjW6f7yxw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 23sec (863 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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