How to Install PostgreSQL 15 on Windows 10 [ 2023 Update ] Complete guide | pgAdmin 4

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hello everyone I will come here to my Channel  today I'm going to show you how to install Pro   skill on a Windows operating system so let's begin  now to install postgresql you need to First simply   go to favorite browser and indirect disc bar  you need to just simply search with post Gray   SQL download and hit enter and you will  be getting this www dot   as our first search result here you need to  just simply click on this download button and you'll be getting this official site of  postgresql and depending upon what operating   system you use Linux Mac OS windows or you  know this operating system you should be   downloading your postgres SQL now here I am using  Windows so I'll simply click on these windows   and it will redirect you to this Windows installer  and here you can see that there are so many   versions available for postgres but uh version  15 is also released so which is not updated yet   it will be they're going to update very soon so  to download the 15th version you need to click   on this download the installer and it will going  to redirect to this page so here you can see that   all versions are available for download okay  and from here the latest version is 15 and you   can see these are all operating system so from  here I'm going to choose the windows so I'll   just simply click on this download button for  version 15. so I'll just simply click on that   and it will going to redirect to this EDB site  and it is going to start downloading our post case   SQL now since I have already downloaded it I just  simply cancel it and I'll just simply minimize my   browser and if I go to my download directory you  can see that latest version of prosecus SQL 15 is   rightly downloaded over here and the file size  is 313 MB okay so after downloading you need to   just simply double click on the installer foreign  administrative privileges just simply click on yes and you can see that our postgres SQL installation  wizard is rightly opening okay so let's minimize   our download directory and this is our postgres  SQL installation wizard so just simply click on   next this is where the postgres installed  actually going to happen so they're going   to create this uh postgres SQL folder and the  version 15. so everything is fine just simply   keep this default and click on next so here  you can see that they also going to install   our postgres SQL Server which is like the main  thing and then they're also going to you know   install the GUI component which is our basically  PG admin 4 version 4 and they're also going to   install stack Builder and command line tools  everything is pretty much important I'm going   to show you some of these items so for that just  stay tuned uh to this video and click on next   so here is our data directory so in our you know  I have shown you that we're going to create this   version 15 folder so after that they're also going  to create this data folder so where all our data   going to be reside okay so keep this default  click on next and here you need to you know type   a password this is very important step to remember  this password you will need this every time while   logging in in your you know postgres SQL okay so  remember this password so you know just simply   type all that and just click on next and this is  our port number this is also very important 5432   is you know that default port number for postgres  SQL so this is also will need like when you will   try to communicate with your code to the back  end so you'll need this port okay to establish   the connection so this port number is also very  important okay so now just simply click on next   and in advance option you can choose  the locally for now I'll just simply   keep this default I later also you can do  not a big deal just simply click on next   and see it's almost ready to be installed just  simply click on next you added it to be installed   next and our installation has rightly began so  this installing postgres SQL will take some time   you know some minutes three to four minutes  I would say so after that I'll be coming back   yeah so we'll come back and now we can clearly  see that our postgres is almost installed and   it is asking that whether we'd like to you  know check this stack Builder and proceed   so you know you don't need stack Builder right  now it's going to install some drivers so I'll   just show you once so if you just simply check  this and click on finish you will see here like   you can install these drivers so for now  you can skip this part and just you know   simply click on cancel so that you know you  don't need a stack Builder right now so about   post case SQL is ready to install along  with our PG admin so I'll just simply   you know search here PG admin and you'll be  getting this PG admin 4 over here so let me   just simply click on that to you know launch  our postgres or when a PG admin GUI interface and you can see that our you know PG admin  GUI interface is rightly open remember the   password you have given so you need to type  that same password and just simply click on   OK to you know get into our PG admin so let's  maximize it and this is basically the interface   of our PG admin so here is our server so  if you just simply click on this drop down   again it will ask for that password same password  so you need to retype that again and you can save   this password so that you don't need to you know  type that uh again and again so just simply click   on OK server is connected so you can see that  post guess 15 which is the latest version is   rightly there then our database is also there  so if you just simply expand our database you   can see they have already created a database  called postgres okay so here I am going to show   you how we can easily create a new database so  for that you need to just simply click on this   database and right click and create and database  so here let's give the database name as a new DB   like it's totally your wish you will be giving  your database name if you switch to you know SQL   tab you can see the code beneath it okay creation  of the database so let's switch to General tab so   you can just simply use this GUI interface  on creating the new DB just click on Save   and there you go our new DB is rightly  created over here so if you expand our schemas   you will be able to see like there are so many  things like Aggregates you know different things   and the main thing is it is table is there okay  so views are also there view is like little you   know high level for now let's stick to tables only  so here is our table if you expand it here you'll   be able to see all columns and all once a table  gets created so for that you can create table   by just simply right clicking and you can create  table from here as well but I am going to you know   show you how you can easily create scripts and all  so you need to you know click on the database then   right click and then you need to just simply  you know click on this create script over here   so once you create that it will going to you know  open a new tab over here and here is basically   our query section so here you can do everything  pretty much like I'll just simply hit a couple of   times enter and I can you know create our table  over here so I'll just simply type create table persons let's say and I'll be simply  giving a couple of columns for now   person ID int and I'll be you know giving  a full name okay for now just demo purpose 255 so here is our script here is our script for  creation creating of a table so just simply click   on this run button and there you go it has you  know rightly executed successfully so if you   go to table and if you refresh first this and  click on this drop down you can see that our   person stable rightly created so if you create  more tables it will going to show that you can   expand column also you can see that disk to column  we have created is rightly there okay and you can   do several things like you can insert data in the  table you can you know Fetch and can you can do   like pretty much everything like you you do in  you know SQL so you can do all that over here   in this query window okay so that's basically all  about this video friends thank you very much for   watching this video If you you know want more  videos on postgres SQL then please do drop a   comment in our comment sections I'll be happy  to make those videos so that's basically all   about this video friends thank you very much  for watching this video and God bless you all
Channel: Geeky Script
Views: 377,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: postgresql, pgadmin, what is postgresql, postgresql tutorial, history of postgresql, Database, Clauses, Commands, Queries, Install PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL 15, pgAdmin 4, How to Install PostgreSQL, pgAdmin 4 on Windows 10, PostgreSQL u0026 pgAdmin 4, PostgreSQL administration tool, EnterpriseDB, how to install postgresql in windows 10, postgresql installation windows 10, pgadmin 4 installation windows, how to use postgresql, postgres tutorial, postgresql create database, postgres
Id: 0n41UTkOBb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 26sec (566 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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