How to install Pex Plumbing

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all right so another one of today's projects I'm going to show you how to do some plumbing with PEX piping so with piping the two major types are pecs or copper with copper piping you know and have the typical sweat welded connections with PEX piping it's just a bunch of these kind of brass brass fittings with the copper ring they just kind of clamp on there I'll show you how to do all that and the specific type I'm doing I'm doing what's called a manifold system where I'll show you that this is the manifold for my entire house right here over here we have the cold supply from the street manifolds splitting it out to all the different parts of my house and each one is labeled with my crappy handwriting and then the the rest of that top part is going gonna be going to my tankless water heater that I'm going to install eventually so benefit of this manifold system with the manifold if I ever wanted to you know redo my entire bathroom or my entire kitchen or something I can just hit one of these levers and turn the water on or off to the entire room and shut off the water instead of you know the last person that worked on my house I mean a lot of the shots are actually behind walls and you really can't get to them with this I can shut off all the water from ones place it's quick and easy if it's not a manifold system it's called a branch system where you essentially have one one pipe traveling the entire length of the house and then branches come off that main pipe to go to the various parts of the house a benefit that is you know the master sink master bath at the far end of the house issue the same supply so hot water can get to both pretty easily but this again makes it easier for adding things later on changing things up for example these these two here I'm going to connect for you in a minute are gonna be for future hose connections and possibly a wet bar if I decide to do that and I'm gonna just cap these off for again future projects if I want to do it so get into it before you work with pecs for anything you need to get the right tools to do it so the tools are you have your crimper your cutter and if you up this is the D crimping tool and again I'll show you how to use all of them and then this is your go/no-go gauge to let you know if you did it right or not alright so first all connect the connector cold up here so anytime you make a connection you need one of these little copper crimp rings slides on there get to cast a put and that's it now that's fully connected in there and every single one of my connections I check with the go/no-go gage so on the go side this should fit in there perfect that means my crimp isn't got tightened up it's not too loose and when the go gage should not fit on there at all which means it didn't over tighten it didn't Bend anything inside this so that connections good to go and again with the manifold system every single connection has a shutoff valve on it then you take your your cutter put it right on the side there makes a nice easy cut now I have two connections I have to fix the top in the bottom or not fixed but I have to make the connections which means the copper crimp ring on the top and the crimp ring on the bottom and also when you're making these connections the connect the connection has to be all the way inside the pipe here they just want that crimp ring about eighth inch to a quarter inch from from whatever connection you're making and of course when you're working with vertical surfaces like this it can be a little little bit of a fight getting this crimp ring to stay put and then as always we go no-go gauge perfect so that whole cold water connection is completely done now oh I almost forgot one of the huge huge benefits of the text pipe system is you know when you have to you know be under the house or going into walls and later on fixing water problems with the pipes it's very easy to figure out which one is cold and which one is hot because they're obviously color coded here important thing when you're cutting the pipe with this tool you want to make sure the the cut is perfectly at 90 degrees so you can make sure you have a up a good connection with any hardware that you put in to anyone that has never done DIY fix-it things going improvement projects things like that this is an extremely easy one to do I know when it comes to things like plumbing there's a little bit of a fear factor in there you know if you if you up you know you might have a little bit of a flood on your hands but it's very simple it's very simple and when you've done that you have like a finished product that you can you know be proud of all right so next thing is to get the hot water supply line in here now my tankless water heater is gonna go up on the wall here and another great thing with PEX pipe is you can bend it all over the place you can make 90-degree turns without cutting the pipe or anything like that however I have this cabinet right here doesn't give me enough space to do that nice easy 90-degree turn without cutting the PEX pipe so that's where these elbow couplings come in now you can tell sort of this pipe is through different sizes in my house the supply lines are 3/4 inch piping but then when you get sent you the appliances shower or anything like that always just 1/2 inch this is my half inch this is 3/4 this is 3/4 which means a different crimp ring a shell anymore so with the with the coupler there's these little rings you need the PEC pipe to go all the way on them okay now with some crimp tools some only come with one diameter either half inch or a three-quarter inch this has both which makes it nice and easy one tool can get the entire job done and of course the go/no-go gage and now to plumb in my hot supply line perfect and now so my manifold has six outlets on it I'm gonna be using five I still have this last one now in the manifold itself there is no built-in shut off of it's not used so what will come shoot and add that if I don't just cap it off myself which is what I will do now if I can get my stupid rings to now also when I eventually go to make something else on this do something else with this I want to be able to just shut the water off to this pipe only while I'm working on stead of shutting off the water to my entire house so again this will also get a ball valve as we'll do this one horizontally while I can this is a good example so it didn't crimp square so my gun ogo guide still works I just don't like how that looks so I'll cut this as close to the as close to the valve as I can so I don't lose too much of the pecs pipe then I have my crimp remover tool so the way this works it has a blunt end and a sharp end you got to have the blunt end on the inside of the pipe again just holding things stable and then just squeeze till it snaps turn it 90 degrees or 180 degrees rather and then you're gonna again squeeze and it's gonna make that crimp ring butterfly out once the butterfly is out you can just take it off like that and then try again so the reason for using the credible primp remover instead of just you know cut and throw it is it's not going to damage the thinning at all your fittings going to remain perfectly reusable
Channel: Today's Project
Views: 21,369
Rating: 4.661972 out of 5
Keywords: Pex, Plumbing, DIY, Manifold, Home, Improvement, How, To
Id: -bbxYrtOTHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 50sec (1130 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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