Zurn PEX-B Expansion vs. Uponor PEX-A Expansion 2020

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okay um hi uh this is joe ludlow with integrity repipe i've been getting homeowners asking me questions because they can't seem to understand that open or pex a formerly known as worse bow and cern pex b install identically now when you're looking at the pipe the best way you can tell the difference between open or pex a versus certain pixel is by looking on the inside of the pipe open or has a lot of undulations there are little microscopic bumps it's kind of like shark skin on the inside of this pipe on the outside they put this blue coat on there which smooths it out makes it look like it's actually circular and smooth like the zern pex b is so i'm going to set up and do this little show to give you an example how pecs a and pex b install identically now we're going to use the open or head for pex a this is the zern pex b head notice that it has a better shape to it it's a much better technology it puts less stress and less load on the fitting but for this purposes of this demonstration i'm going to use open or pex a tool in heads but i'm going to install both pex a and pex b so let's get started the pipe is blue all the way through meaning that this is zearn pex b and we're going to use a fitting now i'm going to show you first we're going to install a fitting and a pex b pipe okay that's how pecs b installs now every time you watch a information on the internet um everybody in the open or uh line of things and in their range like to stress that this is how this goes together but what i want to make publicly known is the fact that the xernpex b system installs identically to pex a so now we have a pex b installation so let's do a pex a installation notice we're going to use the same head the same tool but now you notice that that pipe is white on the inside with a blue coat so that is open or pex a now let's do a pex a installation so now you have it a pex a pipe installs identically to a zern pex v pipe now zurin and their marketing like to say our pipe is softer and therefore easier lee to install may i ask you a serious question who is exactly going to install this my re-pipers or you we don't care that the pipe is softer in fact that's what's wrong here this pipe is 1968 technology that went public in 1970 and it's the extrusion method from charles engle in sweden and i brought it to america in 1993. i was the first guy to install this product first guy to re-pipe with this product in america and in 1993 this was the best product you could get but it's not anymore the burst ratio on this pipe is 480 psi this pipe installs identically the burst ratio on this pipe is 1000 psi leaching this pipe leeches a small amount of chemicals that is perfectly safe for human consumption this pipe leeches nothing at all this pipe is harder to install but again the burst ratio is over double it's one thousand psi oh by the way interesting note don't ever use pex a and hot water recirculation systems you're not allowed to do that if you put it on a 24-hour timer that pipe will fail in about three to four years specifically if you have chloramine in your water it will eat this pipe alive that is not true with this pipe you can run 24 hours a day hot water recirculation systems through this pipe it does not have the ends undulations and the structural integrity issues that this pipe has now there's a lot of idiots on the internet who want to say that pex b is cheaper than pex a no it's not if you're using a chinese knockoff type b pipe that might be true but american-made zern pipe costs more to use in a house than open or pex b as i said before i used this pipe from 1993 on re-piping 32 000 homes under cox versus shell this pipe here is vastly structurally stronger and stalls the exact same way now both pipes will hold 1500 per psi at this joint at this fitting now there is a third pipe and a third system this is always also a pex b but it's the vega system now i am i'm just going to show you real quick this is a tool used for pexane and pex v by zern and oopenor this system manufactured is a pex b product and it's manufactured by viega it's a very good pipe the issue is the fittings let me show you this is the tool that's used to press fit the viega fittings it weighs four times as much is entirely too large and cannot be used for re-piping in the re-piping industry effectively it really slows the process down there's a second issue with this pex-b system by viega the other issue is gallons per minute if you look at the inside diameter of that pipe versus the inside of this fitting you'll notice that these fittings choke off the water so you get less gallons per minute with this system now open or likes to say they give the most gallons per minute and that is absolutely not true the zern system and the open or system deliver the exact same gallons per minute with either system now i'm going to show you these two half inch fittings have been expanded and put onto the pipe now i'm going to show you what the three quarter inch pipe what that process looks like again we're going to use open or you can see the white inside has a blue skin zern is blue throughout the pipe i'm going to change heads show you how that's done simply screw off this head that's a half inch head now we're going to throw screw on the three quarter inch head now we're going to insert the ring over the pipe on the three-quarter inch pipe got a burr on this one so let me flip it over sorry i'm having difficulties with this particular ring for some reason or this particular pipe let me cut it well i'm kind of lost rewards as to why we're having this issue on this pipe there it goes all right not sure what that was about but i'll figure it out in a minute all right now i'm going to show you the installation of a three-quarter inch pex pipe pex a okay that's three quarter inch pex a and half inch pex a installed so they'll both hold at both these joints 1500 psi after about 10 seconds they become solid mount in a very short period of time now let's do it with a zern pex b product and let's check this ring again find out what the problem is it must have been a burr on the pipe because this one's sliding on tight but it's still okay so now we're going to show you a zearn pex b installation and once again it's so that i can prove to the public that pecs a installs identically tupex b now if you notice the tool struggled more because this pipe is vastly stronger than this pipe now when i first started installing open or pex a in 1993 the warranty on this was 25 years and their propaganda says 25 years but their actual warranty which i'll be happy to send to you is 10 years they have reduced their warranty by 15 years the cern pex bee product cost a little bit more but this product is made in america it is over twice as strong and it has a warranty that covers you for 25 years so my suggestion to you is to quit buying the belief that softer is better because it's not it's just structurally not as sound number two uh the idea that uh somehow it makes installations better or easier no it doesn't and you're not going to install it anyway my re pipers are going to install it so uh the sales pitch and uh spin that says that it's softer and um that it costs more is just pure propaganda they're trying to give you the impression that it has a better quality because the impression being that you pay more for the material no you don't not when it's zern zern costs a little bit more um that it's easier to install who cares you're not gonna install it my re-pipers are but what they won't ever talk about is the warranty and let me ask you a question is it easier to install more important to you or the warranty more important to you if easier to install is what you're after 10 years been around a long time if you want a better warranty and a better product you might try zern out it's harder to install it's tougher material costs a tiny bit more in reality but uh it's because the fittings are more the pipe cost really is almost identical but the fittings in the zearn family do cost more than the open or family and zearn also owns and manufactures their own fitting lineup whereas zupenor i believe is still using a foundry to produce which is a subcontractor to produce their fittings because every once in a while they have trouble with getting fittings well i hope that was helpful i just wanted to throw a quick little thing together to explain to people the zern pipe is in fact tougher it installs identically so i'm hoping that america can get at least beyond that hurdle they install you can use the same heads the same tool they install identically and just as quickly the only difference is this pipe is dramatically 1000 psi versus 480 just the way it is much much harder so the reason that this is softer is because it's cooked too long it's also the reason there's little undulations in the pipe and brian i'll do another video about the undulations i like to go to people's house and show them the difference of the inside of the pipe so that they can see that the pipe on the open or is in fact not perfect i don't know that we'll ever be able to get good enough pictures but if you were to get really really close to that pipe with lights you'll see there's almost like a tiger stripes in the pipe and it's the little undulations microscopic undulations and that is in fact what is wrong with this pipe and it's why you cannot use it for a hot water recirculation system they installed the same i just proved it this is the tool in the heads so three quarter inch half inch one inch open or heads half inch three quarter inch one inch zern heads different technology this one is more friendly on the pipe has a much more advanced angles and designs to it so it just expands the pipe without doing less stress to the pipe during the process so i hope that was helpful my name is joe ludlow you can reach me at 877-473-7473 which by the way means 8774 re-pipe that's been my cell phone number for i don't know 30 years a long long time it's been a long long time anyway you can reach me at any time at that phone number my san clemente number is 949.34 and i hope that was helpful thank you very much
Channel: Integrity Repipe inc
Views: 55,904
Rating: 4.576159 out of 5
Keywords: Zurn PEX B, Uponor PEX A, PEX B, PEX A, PEX, Integrity Repipe, Repipe, Southern California Repipe, repiep specialist, Expansion PEX, Expansion repipe, pex repipe, copper repipe, zurn, uponor, Zurn PEX-B Expansion, Uponor PEX-A Expansion, best pex, top pex, zurn vs uponor, slab leak, copper leak, orange county repipe, affordable repipe, repiping, repiping service, repipe service, home repipe, home repipping, advantages of pex
Id: tJI-E6y2DuU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 28 2020
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