4 Plumbing Tricks I Haven't Seen Before!!!

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of the build shoe today we're taking a walk on this house now this is not one of mine but I do have permission to be here my plumber Chris Murano from Greater Austin plumbing told me about this house actually gave me a tour last week and said hey would you mind if I toured this there's a couple things here that I really think are smart that I think are worthwhile looking out on the plumbing system plus a couple of other details as well now this is roost custom homes they gave me permission to walk shut up and not have to go to the street and take a manhole cover up right so here's the shutoff for the main coming in this is another small house that looks like a inch and a half packs right there now this is open or pro packs but what's interesting is before you get to the shutoff look there's a side piece right here this is actually going to the sprinkler system so that you could shut off the houses water inside but still have the sprinklers and the hose bibbs and all that running or vice versa you could shut that off separate from the house now you're probably familiar with this this is a water softener loop this is the hard water coming in the softeners here and this is soft water going to the house these are vital for houses I really like these because it's gonna end up making all of the things that use water in your house last longer all of your faucets that have turning cartridges they're gonna last a lot longer if you have soft water so I'm a big fan of soft water but check this out all the hose bibbs in the house are hard water except for one this is a hose bib in the garage that is going to a garage hose bib so now this homeowner can actually have soft water apparently that's a specialty of these gadget Lori's custom homes what a great idea or never saw that really smart okay a couple of wise now the plumber is usually the one who's running gas pipe or is the one running gas pipe for you check out a couple of things that the guys at Greater us from plumbing did this is your recess dryer vent this is a really nice product you can see these this allows you to recess your dryer all the way up to the wall and still have a good hookup so it's not getting mash behind the dryer that's the gas line for the dryer but check it out the shutoff valve is actually in the back of the cabinet which is going next door a lot of builders like doing this I don't always do this right the cabinets in the floor but is a great practice it's got a cabinet on the side the plumber put a shutoff valve right there so if you needed to shut off your dryer you don't have to pull it out you can open the cabinet shut that off in the back of the cabinet okay another shutoff valve that I thought was genius on this house is over here in the kitchen a lot of houses that I build have Sub Zero built-in refrigerators you know in my house I just have a slide in her fridge but in these nicer houses built in her fridge what happens if you have a problem 15 years from now let's say that ice maker line has a leak or something happens you've got a shut up out behind the refrigerant slide it out check this out the guys at the plumbing company did their shutoff valve over here in the pantry so fridges here walk around the corner this is the pantry boom there's a second shop right there they have to be a little cautious that you didn't have one off versus the other but I love that especially thinking about how you could coach your clients when you finish the house hey guys you got to shut offs remember if you've ever had a problem on your refrigerator boom run around the corner hit that shutoff you're good to go pretty smart I like that a lot let's walk around to the back here probably about ready for this vacuums every ray okay so master bath I thought this was a genius idea by the Builder - I've never seen this before he's got a fiberglass tub and it's kind of a deep tub of something like this thing is 2527 maybe 30 inches deep so look at this height right here it's nice and low so you could have a really easy kind of step over height and not have a super tall tub especially for the homeowner who's you know five foot tall or five foot five tall what a great idea to still get a deep tub now this is a recess I'm sure you need to take some extra precautions there to make sure you don't get water but what a great idea to recess that either slop okay now here's the one it's a little controversial I'm going back and forth a little bit with my plumber about whether I should do this on my houses see this big loop right here what's happening is this is a water circulation loop it's a hot way he's insulated all his pipes and he's got a line right here coming to this hot side of the vanity and then over on this other side he's got a hot line coming the other side of the family but the hot water loop is going closer to the fixture no I think I might do it differently where I actually have the hot loop up here and I just have one drop down at my house but I really thought this is a great idea I mean this is a plumber who cares about the quality of his job he cares about hot water delivery and he's thought about it like I said I might change that a little bit but when I saw this this is one of those things that I said you know I really like this plumbing company I've recently changed plumbers and this is a way that I was kind of interviewing this is a park okay let's walk over here a couple more things I want to show you speaking of smart things in this house now this one's actually not plumbing related so check out this is the guys at bruce custom homes told me that they kind of work with the art stephanie interior designer on this so if that brackets that will actually be recessed into the wall some of the drywall gets put on it'll be recessed in there nice and strong and then all that's gonna snub out is this nice thin piece of metal here and then they can weld on the handrail later cool I thought that was a great idea let's go [Music] [Music] okay look at this a couple of cool things here floating mask for vanity we see those a lot check this out that massive plate on the wall so you can scroll here so you can see this a big blade on the wall and then welded to an angle iron coming out so the named one it's kind of a - it's actually tubes - it looks like they've thin the tube out here there's an angle iron down on that side so now when they drop this vanity in this fan these fully supportive really smart and here's one that I had to do a double-take on we've got two pipes here for the sink what's going on here one is a clean-out and one is the pipe how smart is that so the bigger one is actually your pipe the smaller is the clean-out so this will have a p-trap attached to the sink and this will get cut flush to the back of the vanity have a cap on it so if we ever had a problem here boom we can clean that out how cool is that well done actually did I say that reverse I said that in Reverse I'm sorry the bottom one that has the p-trap attached the top one is gonna be the clean-out sorry about that I didn't think about that for a second that way we can get in there with our clean-out and clean out that area anyways some good stuff over here I was really impressed well you have one last thing I wanna show you this is probably a trend that we're gonna start seeing more object master closet obviously really checking cell stacking washer and dryer on the corner here again a great idea so you've got washer on the bottom you got dryer on the top you got your shutoff valve for your gas line there you got your shutoff valves for the hot and the cold in there did a great job this is a worry clean pets installed on this house again this is goofy no Rocco packs which is actually what I'm going to be using on my house as well anyways big thanks to Bruce custom announcer let me tour their job site nice clean job site looks like they're ready for inspections over here and big thanks to kris at greater austin plumbing your guys did a real nice job on this house I'm excited to see you guys over my house soon guys if you're not currently subscribed hit that subscribe button below we've got new content every Tuesday and every Friday follow me on Twitter Instagram boots on there oh I will see you the next time on the Biddle show [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Matt Risinger
Views: 1,475,265
Rating: 4.8622408 out of 5
Keywords: matt risinger, risinger build, the build show, build show network, plumbing tips, plumbing tricks, construction walkthrough, plumbing
Id: s1UEdHNSBpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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