How to Install Nextcloud on Ubuntu, Move Data Directory, Setup Free DDNS Domain & SSL Certificate

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next cloud is an amazing alternative for Google Drive and lets you sink pretty much anything from a few folders to entire hard drives with your own personal cloud it also comes with tons of apps such as a calendar that he can sync with your mobile phone it can save all of your contacts from your phone and you can have a password manager such that you never ever have to remember your passwords for any website again and it also comes with online editors for Microsoft Office documents and all you really need to get your own private cloud up and running is an old computer running some flavor of Linux as well as a somewhat fast and stable internet connection at home now I have put together my own home server using some old parts from previous PC builds and if you're interested in the entire building process then check out the video right here so in today's video I'm gonna show you how to install next cloud on Linux how to make next land run from a different hard drive than your system drive giving you basically indefinite space to save files on how to set up DNS for remote access of your cloud and finally and most importantly how to set up TLS to make your cloud secure now in this tutorial I will be using snappy to install my next cloud instance this is basically the easiest and fastest way especially for beginners to get next cloud up and running snaps are basically self-contained images of some software that basically have no dependencies other than of course having snap installed in the first place making them super easy to use now if you do not wish to use snap for your next cloud installation then check out this video on how to install next cloud on Ubuntu server 18:04 long-term support the traditional way and don't forget to come back for the rest of the video but with having said that let's jump right into the tutorial first you want to make sure that snap is actually running on your system now in case you're using Ubuntu 1604 or open to 1804 snap is already installed now if this is not the case for you then you can type in sudo apt update followed by sudo apt install snap dee next as a non root user typing sudo snap install next cloud enter the sudo password and wait for next cloud snap to be installed now assuming that you don't have any other web apps running on your home server yet and if you know your IP address of your home server you can basically choose open up your browser enter the IP address of your home server and you should land on the next cloud login page here you want to select a username for your next cloud instance as well as a very strong password hit finish installation and after a few seconds the next cloud install should be done in the last video I showed you how to format and mount large hard drives into the Linux file system if you don't have to do this then definitely check out the video in the top right hand corner and today I'm gonna show you how to combine these drives into one virtual drive first type apt-get update followed by apt-get install NHD DFS then create a directory where you want your fused filesystem to live in in my case this will be under mount slash cloud next we're going to open FS tab using the event editor underneath the mountain directives of our hard drives we are going to add MHD DFS hash tag then the directory of our first drive comma the second drive comma the third drive followed by the directory where we want to fuse all of these previous drives onto followed by the keyword fuse then allow order which basically means that users that are not root have also access in this file system comma non empty now obviously you want to make sure that you don't have anything inside of the mount cloud directory that has the same name as stuff that is inside of cloud one two and three finally the two zeros indicates that we don't want to check the filesystem for errors as we already check the individual drives for errors on each boot and finally by typing in Mount - a you can see that our free cloud directories are mounted to our Mount that cloud directory in the next step we are going to copy all of our files from next cloud into the Mount cloud location now initially installing next loud using snap all of our files lie within VAR snap next cloud common next cloud data so as a root user type in CP - a then the location of your next cloud data enter a dot behind it followed by the new location on the external hard drives in my case this will be mount cloud slash data also make sure that the data directory in the new location doesn't yet exist next we need to tell next cloud that it should look in a different data directory in order to do so go to VAR slash snap slash next cloud then followed by a number in my case this is thirteen thousand four hundred fifty-three I think this might depend on your installation slash next cloud slash config and as a root edit the config dot PHP file we are going to use the vim editor type I in order to start editing and under data directory instead of var snap next cloud common next cloud data we want to put our new directory so in my case this would be mount slash cloud slash data or which ever directory you've chosen for your next cloud installation hit escape and type : WQ in order to save the file and restart next cloud by typing in snap disable next cloud followed by snap enable next cloud now if you did this and try to access any files on your next cloud you might realize that you're actually not able to show any of the files anymore now I've actually had to kind of pull my hair in order to figure out what the issue was here but the solution was surprisingly easy go back to the common line and type in snap connect next cloud : remove - media now what this does is basically it allows next cloud to search for a data directory outside of the actual installation of the next cloud snap so basically outside of the operating system drive which obviously in this case is going to be my mount slash cloud directory voila if you reload you can see you can access all of your files without any issues now obviously up until now we have only accessed our next cloud using the local IP address obviously if we were to try to access from the outside world we wouldn't be able to access our own cloud now while some people might only want to be able to access their cloud in our local network what I want to do is to be able to access all of my files whenever I'm also on the go and for this we're gonna have to set up dynamic DNS or domain name system you see the IP address that you usually have at home changes whenever your router reconnects to the Internet so trying to use this IP address for your cloud isn't very clever however there are services out there that allow you to report your public IP address whenever it changes to a service which basically allows you to access your home server using a regular domain now all there are many companies that provide free DNS services the one that is in my opinion the best is cloud DNS now what is so cool about cloudiness is that it's absolutely free and you don't have to renew your DNS names every month such as providers like no IP so set up an account and log in to cloud DNS now under DNS zones click on add new and click on free zone then enter a name for your domain in my case I'm gonna use speed-breaker dot DNS ABR dot-com and with that we have successfully created a name server entry pointing our speed-breaker dot DNS ABR dot-com domain name to one of the cloud DNS servers next you want to log into your router in order to figure out your current public IP address copy it and on Claudian s click on the a and enter a new a type record leave the host empty and paste your current IP address under points to on the right hand side click on the two little arrows and enable dynamic URL now basically you want to make sure that your public IP address is always up-to-date on cloud DNS services in order to make sure that your URL is always pointing to your current IP address now you can either report IP address changes using Python Perl or PHP scripts but in our case we are simply going to copy the URL which will then put into a router configuration so copy the URL there in your router look for a done DNS setting in my case this is under internet and permit access here we want to enable used in DNS use a user-defined done DNS provider enter the update URL we've just copied from cloud DNS use your domain name that you've created so in my case speed-breaker dot DNS ABR com use your username for cloud DNS as well as your cloud DNS password hit apply and now you can see that even DNS is enabled and after a few seconds you should see that the ipv4 status shows locked on now in order to access our next cloud instance from the outside internet we have to make sure to enable port forwarding in our router so once again in your router settings look for the port sharing or port forwarding settings page select your home server on the device and forward port 80 to your home server additionally I would recommend to enable encryption on your next cloud installation I'm gonna show you how to do this in just a second and for this you want to also forward port 443 now finally you can enter the domain name that you've created with cloud DNS in your browser and if everything runs well you should see this blue next cloud landing page however before you can actually access your next cloud installation you're going to have to set up trusted domains so to do so go back to your VAR snap next cloud than a number then next cloud config and edit the config dot PHP file and under trusted domains add a new entry so in my case this would be a one the arrow and then speed-breaker dot DNS a br dot com make sure not to forget the comma after the entry hit escape : WQ now after a quick restart of the next cloud snap you should finally be able to connect to your next cloud installation using a browser and your cloud DNS finally I'm gonna show you how to set up TLS or encryption on your next cloud installation now this is really important guys you really should set up TLS because you don't want to have all of the traffic between you and your next installation being unencrypted and basically prone to eavesdropping so to do that type in sudo next client dot enable - HTTP let's encrypt enter your sudo password now we've already made sure that we actually have all of these requirements met so type in why enter an email address for recovery and the renewal of your let's encrypt certificate and finally enter the domain name that you've created with cloud DNS hit enter and once you browse to your next cloud installation you should only be able to connect using HTTPS you can check until when your certificate is valid by clicking on the lock icon clicking on certificate enter you'll find until when the let's encrypt certificate is going to be valid one six part you can simply repeat the last step in order to get another free months worth of free let's encrypt certificate and with that you have successfully set up your own next cloud installation on your own home server and you can start filling it up with data now in the next video I'm going to show you how to efficiently transfer large volumes of data from your main computer onto your server without having to use the next cloud client now the problem with the next web client is that as soon as your files exceed a few hundred gigabytes the syncing is going to take an awful lot of time and there is actually a much more easy and fast way to transfer terabytes worth of theta from your main computer on to your server in subsequent videos I'm also going to show you how to use a reverse proxy on your home server to access different subdomains from cloud DNS on to your next cloud instance whereas other subdomains Maalik point may be two different apps running on your home server so if you're interested in any of these topics then definitely consider subscribing such that you won't miss the next video but this is it for today's video guys if you have any questions then leave them in a comment section down below thank you very much for watching have a wonderful day and I'll see you guys in the next video [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Tech Guides
Views: 140,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech guides, nextcloud ubuntu server, ubuntu nextcloud snap, nextcloud external storage, nextcloud move data directory, nextcloud ddns setup, cloudns dynamic dns, nextcloud trusted domain, nextcloud ssl, nextcloud remote access, how to access nextcloud remotely, nextcloud ubuntu 18.04, nextcloud tutorial, how to use ddns on router, nextcloud snap, setup ddns, home server ddns, free ssl nextcloud, free domain name, free domain nextcloud
Id: g1mYxrxdJXM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 43sec (823 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 14 2019
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