Install Nextcloud Using linux snap package (Ubuntu Server 22.04) Part 1

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to another tutorial for this series we'll be talking about next cloud next cloud is a fork of only cloud and is a file sharing server or platform that permits you to store your own content and share documents and pictures in a centralized location such as OneDrive and other products out there the good thing about next cloud is it's open source and you can install it on your own instance and customize it to the way that fits your environment so for this video we're just going to dive straight in to install nextcloud there's two ways you can do so you can do so the native way or you can use something in Linux or software in Linux called Snap Snap is the easiest way and it literally can get you up and going in five minutes so stay tuned and let's all go ahead and install next Cloud using snap for this tutorial we are using Ubuntu 22.04 and what you need to install next cloud is a virtual machine or a regular computer which is running Ubuntu or some sort of Linux um you need an internet connection to be able to download the snap and the snap packages we're going to use today so before we start you're gonna have to create a regular user or non-root user for your Ubuntu system and give this user privileges to be able to use sudo in this case I am using the root account but it is best practice for you to create a separate account for this so the first thing we want to do is install snap so to do that you're just going to run the command sudo apt get install snap and as you can see my system is going to go ahead and install snap if it's not already installed and if it is installed it needs an update it's going to make sure it performs an update so the next command we're going to run is to um download snap download next Cloud onto snap so we're going to run the command sudo snap install nextclap and so once you run that command and this might take anywhere between 30 seconds to one minute based on your internet uh speed so we're just going to give you some time and have snap pull the next Cloud image downloading next Cloud the next command we want to run here is going to install next cloud and create an administrative user so you're going to type the command sudo next class sudo space next cloud uh period manual Dash install and then admin or the username of the administrative user you want to create that can be anything of your choice but in this case I'm going to use admin followed by the password of the admin user in this case we're going to use test one two three four and once you run that command these two might take anywhere between 30 seconds and one minute based on your Ubuntu virtual machine speed because this is going to install next cloud and configure an administrative user for you to use once that's done installing the next thing we're going to do is check for the trusted domains that nextcloud has configured so far so normally after the installation of next cloud next cloud is going to configure localhost as a trusted domain so if you run the command sudo netscloud.occ config system get trusted domains we get localhost so now the only way we can successfully access our next cloud instance is by using the localhost on the browser so if I type the IP address of our next class instance you can see that we cannot access nextcloud because the domain 172 1625.152 is not a trusted domain so I'm going to copy that and we're going to come back and now we're going to have to run this next command to be able to set our trusted domain so now we can see that we're using the command sudoscloud.occ config system set trusted domain one is the value to add and then we're going to use the value and set our domain um we can do get but since we haven't configured our DNS settings yet we're just going to use our IP address so we're going to type 172 16.25.152 and once that's complete there's nothing else you need to do you can just go into your browser and refresh the page and now we're able to access our next class once that's complete if we notice you can see that next cloud is being run now as http so in order to make this more secure we want to create a certificate so in this case we can either use a self-signed certificate and all we can use an SSL certificate which is a palette and not self sign so for this video tutorial we're just gonna use a self-signed certificate in future videos I'm going to show you all how to use something such as let's encrypt to be able to get free valid certificates So today we're just going to run the command sudo nextcloud.enable https self-signed to be able to install self-signed certificates and once you run that snap is going to create a self-signed certificate so that we can be able to use https in order to access our next cloud so once that is done if you are running a firewall in your system you wanna be able to allow Port 443 so users can access access your instance using https in this case I am not running any firewall but I'm gonna go ahead and install ufw which is the Linux untangled firewall that is free to use so we're gonna do sudo apt get installed ufw and once that's done installing we're going to create our first firewall rule to be able to allow https inbound so before we create our htts inbound firewall rule we want to make sure we create a firewall rule for SSH since we are currently connected to SSH and we don't want to be locked out so once that's done we're going to create another firewall rule to allow https once that's complete now we want to enable the firewalls we're going to do pseudo enable um sudo ufw enabled and yes and once that's complete we are good to go the only thing you need to do now is head over to your browser access your next Cloud instance obviously we want to change that to https now we can see we have our self-signed certificate so we're just gonna accept and now we're going to enter our username and password we created so once we do that we can see we were able to successfully install Max cloud and we also were able to successfully log into our next Cloud instance thank you for watching this video and learning how to install next Cloud using the snap package if you have any questions please do not hesitate to leave it down in the comment section below do not forget to like the video and subscribe to the channel thank you
Channel: #geek2gether
Views: 8,705
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nextcloud, install nextcloud, Ubuntu 22.04, Ubuntu Server
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 28sec (508 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 20 2023
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