How To Install Net Wrap In A 568 John Deere Baler

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[Music] alrighty well here we are we're going to install some net wrap in a john deere baylor and obviously if you haven't seen this before uh you might yeah you might have had trouble doing this or you're not even sure how to do it so we're going to go ahead and show you how it goes [Music] so we just ran out just now so here you have your empty carton and this is a 64-inch wrap by 8 800 feet but we can get either 64 or 67 which 67 is uh uh what they call end wrap yeah so when you have 64-inch wrap you have to have these spacers or else it doesn't work properly so you just set that to the side [Music] and unhook your wrap and these aren't very light [Music] get a little bit dirty and uh sometimes if you have a box cutter knife or a knife with you you just cut these off but i just makes life a little easier yeah some of the other netwrap have these uh uh they're just like uh tie-down straps and i saved them they weren't good for oh there's lots of things those are great all right this is eco bowl this stuff yeah this is from john deere john deere sells this i'm sure you can get it out of there other places too i'm gonna take these out which these are useless just hold the plastic in yeah note we have baby powder we'll need that john deere's require baby powder there you go looks like you've done this before eh a time or two can't forget that one on both ends something happens and same for hair ties yeah just wrap them around my wrist okay now just grab a handful here and just curl it up like in a little ponytail then first actually what you should do is grab your baby powder tootsie baby and give your rubber roller here a little sprinkle which it helps the fight static electricity and sticking problems it keeps it dry yeah the haze so dry today it's probably yeah drying it out anyway i always put lots there's lots of baby powder in okay now hold on here i think it's backwards backwards yeah i'm gonna go in friend it's good if you put this in the right one first so you want the nut to come over this way yep and then you throw her in this way then make sure you're [Music] bad up that just releases your drive roller right if you watch this far you muzzle subscribe while you're here that's probably enough and it just gets paid just so it's catches yeah and put that end caps don't forget your end caps he said i've done it a time or two but you know don't forget and we're in a hurry one in there just push it all the way back sometimes i just pull it out this is easy to do it that way there we go and done there ready for another 200 and some bales and you're off to the races and make sure you're locked in locked in which we are that's your drive that's your belt drive and then you just have your garbage which i'll take care of and that's how you do it easy as that yep okay we'll show you how it ties here and i'll uh and he can video it here in a second [Music] there she is that's how you change a role in that wrap huh this net wrap will wrap about uh we're wrapping about 1.7 wraps 1.6 1.7 um this will go for easily 200 bales myself i don't like to put too much wrap on we get by with the wrap and a half which is what most people do around here and uh that wrap is expensive and when you're pumping out a lot of bales it gets expensive but if you're if we're not selling hay these are all if you are selling i would definitely put at least two wraps on at least because the bales get handled more and the more you handle it the more rap that's on there the better so something to think about um i was told that sometimes which they say net wrap will shed water better definitely does you have to put lots i was told at one point that if you have hay that sits out and it rains slowly like you get like a two day rain uh maybe like two inch rain over two days or so that it won't shed the water is good and it'll go into the hay but when you don't have too much water a wrap on this top layer will dry out and it'll be fine uh when it's really wrapped like three three wraps or so they say the sun and the heat and the rain wind can't get under that layer to dry it out and it stays wet and hay molds so that's just another theory that i've heard too from other producers i think i heard that from mennonite or a hunter right colin was telling me that but this works for us so we like doing it that way works good garbage give back the baby powder that goes back to the tractor i think he's got a bail can't forget your tootsie baby so i hope uh this helped you if you ever have to change netwrap first time ever and whatnot so if you liked the video make sure you leave your comments down below and click like to subscribe and subscribe we'll talk to you all later [Music] you
Channel: Northern farmer
Views: 8,050
Rating: 4.9811144 out of 5
Id: YVTTiOl9eM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 1sec (601 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 27 2021
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