Biggest Snow Storm Yet- Will The John Deere 7520 Be Able To Keep Up?

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andy what's up let's go get a tractor you are now watching farming with duffy ag here we are me and andy you guys might remember andy from uh the last time oh you put in the 75 we put in the 75 20 together so we're gonna go get it we're supposed to get 10 to 16 inches of snow with possible uh rain in between i guess we better go make sure that starts just in case we lose power so that's hooked up and that will plug into that outlet that blue outlet there that's the only thing that tractor's done this whole time other than pulling manure uh wagon one day but yeah it's sad on that it hasn't even generated power there she is so the generators actually was pulled out there because they lost power this morning for three hours which i never knew but let's climb up here we gotta put this stack cover back on ready andy yeah we need stack covers not yet maybe soon andy you're all wet now so i do have the stack cover and people ask me but i ripped it off when i hit a tree we'll see if it starts or if i gotta play a game with it it is cold should have plugged it in but yeah we'll jump it they're spreading sawdust in the barn they're gonna mix a load of feed so that they don't have to do it in the morning milk truck pick up so in the morning so whatever it snows i got to be up here um before bulk truck gets here so like six o'clock i gotta get here and clear this out so that he can get in otherwise makes for a long day we're second pickup on the route when it snows hats off to milk truck drivers because like normal trucks oh yeah we can be a little bit late like it's snowing milk truck drivers they got to be on their first first pick up on time second pick up on time third pick up on time if also that you get down to the six pickup or something and you're late and then you're late to the plant you have a designated time to be at the plant to get offloaded so if you're slick out if you're three hours late on your designated time and everybody else is three hours late your day is ridiculous so hats off to them and us as dairy farmers we try our best to keep the milk truck keep going because we know like if they're an hour late if they get stuck and they're an hour behind getting us they're an hour behind for the rest of the route so hats off but we'll get jumper cables and uh hook up to that get it going it's been a long time since it's been started last storm a month ago so and it's a 5 31. like they're not great in the winter if i had really thought ahead and had time i would have plugged it in this morning but i had things to do so that's why here i am with jumper cables and andy we'll get it started i still gotta get my dash redone that's why it rattles around so much i guess they're moving that back to where it was parked earlier i gotta get some fuel on this thing yeah we're about to have a bad time as far as dairy farmers so most people like it snows and yeah oh it's a snow day this and that you gotta understand being a dairy farmer we have to do all of our chores as normal but we also have to dig out all the snow we got to make sure all the animals are dug out like depending on how much snow you could add two to four hours of work to that day so everybody who enjoys snow you've never had to deal with livestock before whew andy fell we missed it on gopro dang it's always funny when somebody else falls right it's never funny when i fall though oh okay now that he fell i'm gonna fall we're gonna go grab an extension cord so we can plug this in at least try to figure out how to plug this in at my house is there ice over there yeah just a little bit there's ice it's slippery so andy was out here acting like a hot shot hell yeah running around and whatnot this is the scene of the accident as you see there's some flopping around and stuff would you you came in a little too hot you think the state will pay for any medical bills yeah clearly he has emotional damages right there she is oh i got like two foot of snow right here look at this i don't know if you guys can see much cool let's see if she wants to start everybody complained that i didn't plug her in last time she's plugged in this time been in all night a lot of snow yeah it starts pretty easy when it's plugged in [Music] let's get some of the snow cleared off so i can see what i'm doing and dang we got a long day ahead of us right bud some deep snow come here it's taller than you got all the plow guys out today i know everybody told me that i should have wings on it i should have tire chains in the last video i really don't run this enough to have tire chains on it this will get wings in extension for pushing feet that's the main reason why i would have it well i just cleaned up my brother's driveway i'm gonna leave mine until it's done snowing and i'll come back and push it but we're gonna head to the farm and get that cleaned out for the milk truck driver got my uh heat working really well window open yeah we got low trees everywhere it's bad dang it's really bad this is some it's not really wet though but it definitely came down a bit more like it's heavier what do we got going on clown truck stuck in no he's just in the driveway dang there's a lot of snow [Music] so [Music] and you saw i really need some wings to help hold that in and then i could really push the snow out of time but it works not the perfect machine but it's also not i didn't get it to push now that wasn't the reason so we definitely got what they were expecting he said 10 to 16 inches and uh yeah we got 16 inches or so it has blown around quite a bit um but like the shallow spots are still a foot and a half let's say not a foot and a half wow whatever 16 inches so there's definitely there's a foot and a quarter quarter of a slot maybe third third of a foot i think i'm pretty well i got everything pushed around that i need to um and i'll come back later and we'll clean out bumps and get everything really done clean out all the cows since we got to clean out these outside bins we got to get all the snow out of it otherwise it's just a mess for the cows so that's always part of cleaning you got a figure every time it snows um on a dairy farm it probably adds four hours to your day this is this got a little more snow i'm gonna say by the time we're done it will probably add five hours to our day but yeah we're cleaned out enough for the milk truck it's still snowing i haven't even looked at the weather absolute unit [Applause] like i said previously yeah i got to put some extensions on the wings like box that come out right here um it will help push and feed and i also need a mesh that comes up a little higher screen match like they usually have on them it's been a work in progress though all cleaned up it should be good to get in he must be running a little behind anyways so like i said i think we're second stop for him so [Music] and the roads are always bad like just for them getting around branches everywhere though what are you doing what are you doing nico loves the snow he likes being cold though yeah we're gonna have to finish cleaning the driveway out after getting hungry though never even cleaned the roof off hey want some breakfast yeah i had to beat you in the in the snow bank back there i don't know if you could see it on the film the police which we're friends with them so the past videos with the police um hanging out i got a lot of comments like oh that guy's a jerk this or that we're friends with the local police so just happens that people like to call the cops on me for yeah hall manure and oh hey i gotta can i clean right there jump down hey come on down i gotta clean okay but yeah it's a small town i don't know look out look out um it's a small town so like everybody knows everybody and well we kind of stick out like a sore thumb but i'm gonna make some breakfast catch you guys uh after that just finished up editing the video for you guys so take some time doing those videos so i really appreciate everybody who's been into them um who's like them who subscribe to the channel goes a long way seeing that subscription number go up so if you haven't done so do it it's free or have somebody else do it or tell everybody or share it so we're gonna get this plowed i got my lunch i do love tacos um you ready we're gonna get cleaned up here and then go start working on cleaning up everywhere at the farm so it is actually turning into a pretty nice day i got that parking lot cleaned out and as you see there's one car there people are out cross country skiing somewhere so [Applause] [Music] got it all cleaned up at uh my brother's in high place so this we both have an apartment there got it cleaned let's up to the farm now roads look pretty good town boys are doing a good job so like i was saying earlier not only do you got to do all your chores you got to deal with the snow but then you got to dig out everywhere where the animals is animals are yeah we could leave them we could leave the snow in it but it would make a sloppy mess to clean everything up later on it doesn't benefit us at all if you leave it plus you got to bed all the hutches get everything get it all get it all clean hey you're in the way you're in the way so focused on trying to work cows you got some serious ups bud you love the snow cleaning out bunks now you're just pushing the snow out i'm pushing over to that pile i bought a snow i'm not too excited about it there he goes i'll let him push a few loads out and push it i really wish i had wings on the blade i know working on it [Applause] there he goes almost got stuck right there did he almost get stuck stand spinning spinning he's got to hit the the diff button so this one doesn't have to happen we've gone over this conversation with people some i guess did but this one didn't happen so if you haven't done so go back and watch my previous snow plowing video more after cleaning so going back to previous videos the dry cows these were the two more huts that we built um so that we had more space over here in our heifers our dry cats have four of those they're temporary buildings due to the square footage you can move them i think we were into each hots of six dolls um for like 1200 bucks or 1400 bucks 1200 bucks yeah 200 installed no 14 14 sounds right um with the lumber the stall costs not so much our labor but we got pretty good at building them so francisco is pretty handy with carpentry work ankle's not enjoying that that cow is looking inside of us hey hey hey real protective [Applause] dropped you there some of you might be wondering what this little fence that i'm driving through is so it's an electric fence that's a gate but you can drive through it so it keeps the animals in but it makes feeding in here and getting it out really handy they just swing in since better watch out for that well now that we're not running into the building which many people have run into the building um it makes it convenient that you don't have to go in and out they're not the best thing as you see it's missing some hanging wires cows pretty much trust it but when they figure out it's off they'll just walk right through it oh it's nothing too crazy it's just you don't want animals walking around everywhere um doing both of this at the same time it's challenging [Music] i gotta put you down i can't do both at the same time so when cows do get out they pretty much just wander around and wonder why they're out and then they eventually come back because they realize um all the food is over here this stuff's all packed down from the cows being in it so it's really hard to push especially on the slick concrete that's why i'm struggling so much [Music] we'll get it all cleaned up though i think we're done snowing for a while they say it's supposed to be like 50 um [Music] come next come this weekend 47 41 42 i don't know i'll go jump in the skid steer we'll push some things around and then i'll probably have to push a little bit more with this been running pretty good dang i really need that front mesh so my brother usually moves some snow with this after he's done plowing so probably get it out and cleaned off for him [Music] [Music] morning this thing starts pretty good it's got a 466 in it hopefully this starts otherwise i'll feel like i haven't done much takes two hands to do some of this stuff keep telling myself i'm gonna head a headband thing so you guys could just like walk around with me did yanko come over here and peel my tire he definitely did no manners that started pretty nice actually it started we're good everything started winning i ever got i ever tell you guys how much i don't like this cat skit steer i don't i just don't they're not balanced i don't know why i guess the track machines are a lot better but not a big fan of these things yeah and it really doesn't have that many hours on it let me see when it comes up [Music] what are you doing [Music] yeah it has 608 hours and i still think it's a piece of crap so alright there's not much metal i can stick you to on this but i'll give it a go we're gonna keep cleaning up get equipment pulled around [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] i'll do it for today i hate snow i know i live in the wrong place for not liking snow but we're all cleaned up gotta get cows fed and then uh yeah that's it so i hope you guys enjoyed some of this yeah pretty excited that the white truck started so make sure if you haven't done so slide on over like the video subscribe if you haven't done so really appreciate all that so i'll see you guys on the next video have a good one
Channel: Farming with Duffy AG
Views: 524,471
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Duffy Ag, Farming, Silage, Grassmen, Haylage, Dairy, Claas, John Deere, International, Mowing, Forage Harvester, 695
Id: Yhz5EAbZvhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 30sec (1770 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 04 2021
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