How to install macOS Ventura on any windows PC: Opencore Hackintosh

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hello guys in this video I'm going to show you how to install Mac OS Ventura on any Windows laptop or desktop from scratch now here are the requirements first we need at least 32 gig flash drive if you have more than that it should be okay we need balena HR we need Mini 2 Partition Wizard we need Explorer plus plus we need Mac OS installer image file and we also need an EFI file based on our system now the first thing to do is to check your Hardware your CPU to know which EF5 file you should download so hold Ctrl shift Escape and then you can click on performance now you can click on your CPU and you can see over here mine is core i54570 CPU 3.20 gigahertz now this is a fourth generation CPU because you can see it starts from four so make sure you confirm your CPU and the code name associated with it because when you want to download the EFI file it will be needed now you can close this now these are the files we need you can see over here the link to each and every one of these files is provided in the video description so you can download yourself now the first thing we have to do is connect our flash drive to our PC and in my case this is my flash drive which is about 64 gigabytes so the first thing we have to do is to create a bootable disk and to do that we are going to use balena HR so let's install it double click on it [Music] now you can see we have to select the image file and from our downloaded files this is our image file Ventura 13.2.1 which is also available in the description of this video so we're going to click on flash from file and then select the image file okay so select the image file open now you can click on change and this is where you select your USB drive so my USB drive is selected click on select and now click on flash now this will take some time but you just have to wait patiently [Music] foreign folder again now we have to open mini 2 partition so this is minute to Partition Wizard so double click on it to run this software click on run [Music] now we are going with the free version so click on continue using the free version and then next less ton of this next [Music] now click on finish to launch mini partition 2. [Music] and here we go so if you look closely you can see the X3 which is a flash drive 58.98 gig and then you can see a partition here called EFI now right click on this partition called EFI and then click on change letter to assign another letter to this partition so you can easily recognize it so I'm just going to give it X click on OK and then click on apply [Music] click on yes and we are done click on OK and then close so we are done with belena HR and Mini 2 partition now the next thing we have to do is to get our EFI files so let's extract our EF5 files over here remember the link to these files is in the video description so you can download each and every one of these files and then let's extract Explorer plus plus as well right click extract [Music] okay so let's open Explorer plus plus and then click on Explorer plus plus right click run as administrator [Music] now locate the drive over here EFI X you can see which will change the letter and then delete everything here just select everything right click and then delete yes okay yes and we're done with that now locate the EFI folder so let's go to our download and then you can see this is our EFI folder so copy the entire EF5 folder right here copy let's head to our EFI X and then paste it there [Music] now after that we can close and we are ready to boot into Mac OS and begin the installation but just before we do that we have to create a partition where we are installing Mac OS now in my case I have an SSD and a HDD Drive which I can install Mac OS but I'm going to install Mac OS on my SSD so this depends on where you want to install Mac OS so make sure you backup data from the drive you want to install Mac OS Now search for Disk Management on your Windows PC [Music] and you're going to see create and format hard disk partitions click on it so here we go here we can create a new Partition where we will install Mac OS or we can make use of our existing Drive which we want to install Mac OS so if you want to create a new Partition and then install Mac OS on the partition you can just right click on the drive and then click on shrink volume this way you can allocate a certain amount of storage to Mac OS and then we can run Windows and Mac OS on this same drive so this case is if you have just one drive in your PC but if you have multiple drives in your PC then you can just install on one drive and that would perform better so I'm just going to install on my SSD so I don't really need to partition it so I'm going to extend the volume back now let's close this now we have to restart our PC and then boot into our bios Hood F12 or F9 depending on your PC to boot into your setup now go to your bio setup [Music] and then scroll down to secure boot make sure it is disabled so disable secure boot also if raid is on then we have to switch from red to ahci so click on system configuration and then go to setup operations and then switch to HCI now you can apply these changes and then exit from our bios now let's boot again so let's boot directly from our drive you can see over the USB disk hit enter now hit enter to install Mac OS [Music] select your language and then continue now I'll click on this utility continue you can see both my SSD and my HDD is showing right there so we are installing Mac OS on my SSD which you can see over there so click on erase and then sets the name so I'm just going to call this Mac OS Now set the format to Mac OS extended unit and then we can erase [Music] Okay so we've successfully erased the drive now we can click on done and then close this page now click on install Mac OS Ventura continue [Music] agree to returns agree now select the drive which we created earlier so you can see Mac OS click on it and then continue and it should start installing now this may take about an hour but you just have to wait patiently it may restart severally while it is installing but you just have to wait you don't have to do anything just wait for it to install foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] so we are done with the installation now we just have to set up so select your country and then continue continue not now [Music] continue its data and privacy migration assistant not now you can sign in with your Apple ID if you want but I'm just going to set up later [Music] accept the terms and conditions agree now filling with your informations and then continue its location services you can enable location if you want well I don't really mind select your time zone and then continue I'm just gonna disable Siri and then continue now choose your team whether you're going with the dark team or the lights mode so continue and here we go we have a fully functioning Mac OS now you can sign in with your Apple ID and use it like every other Mac this is a full hacking touch Mac OS on your Windows PC but we are not done yet the EF5 file is still on the USB drive we used to install so we have to copy the EF5 file so we don't need the USB to boot into our machine okay so after the installation we need ESP Mount approved open call configurator and the EF5 we downloaded earlier so open applications and then drag ESP Mount approve there also drag open core configurator there and we can run ESP Mount approve so just double click on ESPN approved to run now you can see this program can't be opened and that is due to privacy in our settings so we have to head to our settings now click on privacy and security and then screw down [Music] click on open anyway and then enter your password to run ESP mounted blue okay open confirm again enter your password install pro has been successfully installed now we have to open it so click on the icon at the top of the screen and then click on show all and it should show all the drives on this PC now we have to locate the EFI partition for your drive in your case it may be showing just one drive but since I have multiple drives on my PC that is why lots of these are showing your EFI partition will bear the name EFI so this is EFI partition on my drive so click on Mount and then click on open volume and it is going to open the EFI partition now all you need to do is delete this EFI folder and then drag the new EFI folder and drop the now in my case I'm not going to do that since I have Windows running so I'm going to open the EFI folder and then drop the EFI there but in your case you just have to delete the old EFI folder and then drop the new EFI folder and that is all you can disconnect the USB and then boot into Mac OS without any issue so we can just restart [Music] now login with your password if this was helpful kindly hit the Subscribe button and turn on your post notification if you have any other question or you are unable to install don't forget to use the comment section thank you for watching and I will see you on the next one [Music] foreign
Channel: Everything Tech
Views: 57,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Everything Tech, install macos on windows, how to install macos on windows, how to install macos on windows 10, can we install macos on windows pc, how to install macos on windows 11, how to install macos on windows 10 using virtualbox, install macos on windows pc, install mac on a windows, mac os hackintosh, hackintosh install macos, ventura mac os hackintosh, macos opencore, install ventura on windows, install macos ventura, macos ventura opencore, opencore, macos ventura
Id: GGy3V3YT6tI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 59sec (959 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 06 2023
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