Ventura on Unsupported Macs [2012-2016] OpenCore Legacy Patcher!!!

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hey everyone Mr McIntosh here in this video I'm going to show you how to install Mac OS Ventura on your older unsupported Mac with open core Legacy Patcher this will allow you to Breathe new life into your older Mac so you can install newer applications unlock Ventura's new features and install the latest security updates to keep your Mac secure this video will be a full step-by-step walkthrough that anybody can follow we got a lot to cover let's jump in and get started okay really quickly before we begin we got to go over some really important notes and I know you want to skip forward and get installing if you stick with me for just a couple quick minutes you'll be fully prepared for all the situations that you might run across when you're doing the installation now the first thing is it's hard to keep the up-to-date information when you're creating a video like this but I've come out of the way to be able to communicate with you if there's any changes all you need to do is go into the description of the video and I'll have an olcp update section just like right here that will give you any information that has changed in the video or information change like for example the latest preventer update or the latest open core Legacy Patcher version and if there's anything that you got to keep in IO plus detailed sections look at you can jump to any part that you would like to in the video so the next piece we want to talk about is the official open core Legacy Patcher guide I do my best to give you a step-by-step video walkthrough on how to do the installation so you can see with your own eyes but the bottom line is is don't trust anybody else except the official open core Lacy Patrick guide that are written by the developers who put this entire open source project together that's the true source of information the next piece here is to make sure you back up all of your data now I recommend this not just because of open core Legacy Patcher but because even supported Macs with software updates and security updates sometimes have issues and if you have a backup you can always restore your data and get started right back from the beginning with no data loss the next thing is is that this process is unsupported by Apple it is an open source project so if you are wondering how it works you can go right to the page and look at every single bit of code if you want to argue the other side Apple has already not supported your Mac anyway you're done you cannot get any more security updates for older models so this is a way to be able to bring some of the latest support and security to your Mac and keep it running well into the future the next thing is is have a backup plan things don't work and this kind of goes back to the back of all your data and what I mean by that is if the installation goes wrong at any point maybe you can have a backup USB installer for maybe Monterey Big Sur High Sierra or Sierra and just in case now you have internet recovery on your Mac but it's always good to have a backup plan just in case something doesn't work out the next part is is should you do an upgrade or an erase install normally I recommend doing an erase install because there's nothing like installing a fresh operating system on an empty drive it's going to run the absolute best possible but an upgrade does work and you can try it and you can maintain all your applications all your day so you could try that first but if you run into any problems like slowness or something like that you can always do a fresh in race and install after to get back up and running the next thing is if you run into any problems you can use the comment section of this video to be able to communicate with me or others that help out and there's always the open core Legacy Patcher Discord and the troubleshooting section on the main page also I create open court Legacy Patcher update videos that let you know on the latest information on each open core Legacy Patcher update to show you the improvements and the fixes and how to install updates next let's go over the equipment that you're going to need to be able to do this installation first of all you need an unsupported Mac now you'll notice right away that the date starts at 2012 because this version of open core Legacy Patcher only supports Max with a metal graphics card so if you have 2011 or under you're gonna have to hold tight for a little bit while the developers work on a version that is supported for your non-metal Mac now when that happens I'll be sure to make an updated video that'll walk you through a full install there but this video is focused on 2012 to 2016 Max I recommend this Hardware is an SSD in at least eight gigabytes of RAM can you install it if you have a spinning hard drive or four gigabytes of RAM yes you can but when you have an SSD drive and maybe at least eight gigabytes of RAM it gives you a great experience I have plenty of Macs that have an SSD and four gigabytes and it still runs well so this is just a recommendation the next thing you're going to need is a USB flash drive or a USB external hard drive I recommend a USB 3.0 or faster to be able to cut down on the installation time and once you finish that install keep that USB installer on hand just in case you need troubleshooting in the future the next thing is is open core Legacy patch or Ventura links this is a link to the open core Legacy Patcher page for the official documentation we've got Ventura information post install root patch information the next part is supported models check the updates section when this changes but this pretty much covers almost every single supported Model 2012 to 2016. okay now we can get started with our walkthrough our demonstration Mac today is a 2015 mid 15 inch MacBook Pro that is plenty powerful but Apple drops support for this model and it's ready to go from Mac OS Ventura so what do we need to get started well we need the open core Legacy Patcher app now if this Mac already has it on there all you need to do is click on finder or go into Macintosh hard drive go into applications and you'll see this in here and you'll be ready to get started so all you need to do is double click on it to open it and the first thing it's going to do is check for updates you always want to use the latest version that's available and that's what you can do you can click on view on GitHub and download the latest version now if you don't have the app and you're starting off fresh that's no problem all you need to do is go to the main open core Legacy Patcher page click on GitHub over in the corner and it'll bring you to the same page you can scroll down over here and under the release section just click on the latest release and it'll bring you right to the same places we had if you have the application now scroll down here and you'll see an asset section open core Patcher just download this right here click on it it's going to immediately start to download into your downloads folder here okay when it's almost done it's going to jump up and down here in the dock here with the downloads folder and there it is it's done so now we have to install the latest version into our applications folder now if you had the previous app open because you wanted to get the update dialog you can close the previous version here and then we can go into the downloads folder and drag open core Legacy Patcher right over to our applications folder now we're going to replace the old version so click on replace there and now we get the latest version installed now all we need to do is open it up by double clicking on it it's going to verify it and it's going to tell us this is the first time it's ever run and we want to click on open and now we're ready to go so let's close the applications and the next thing we want to do is prepare our USB drive for installation okay let's plug in our USB hard drive flash drive or Thunderbolt drive now okay it just plugged in mine and what we're going to do is we're going to erase the drive any data that you have on this drive will be erased anyway so make sure that you go in there and make backup any files that you had on there before we begin because everything will be erased the open curly C Patcher application will erase the drive for you but if it's formatted in a weird way it's better to just erase it with Disk Utility first just so we don't have any problems with the application so to get to Disk Utility all you need to do is go to a Macintosh hard drive or click on finder go into applications and then go down to the utilities folder inside here we'll see Disk Utility once the Disk Utility opens we gotta be able to change the view to be able to see the volume layout so click on view right here and then click on show all devices you can also to get to it from up here and click on show all devices here now we can see the entire layout of the internal drive but we're not going to do anything in here we are only going to be doing our USB drive so that's why it says external that's why you want to pay attention here don't touch anything else just go to the external and you'll see it labeled like this is a Kingston Drive and we're ready to go so we're going to click on the top level drive and then we're going to click on erase now the reason why we're clicking on the top level driver here is is that we want to be able to get the scheme properly so if you buy from the store and it's formatted in MS-DOS or whatever you won't be able to fix the scheme you'll have problems in the open curlexy Patcher application so if you see all three you're already ready to go can leave that as Untitled and we want to be able to change it to Mac OS extended journaled and then click on erase and that's done and we can close Disk Utility all right now the drive is prepared and ready to go so the first thing we need to do in the application is we're going to do a create Mac OS installer so let's click on that button now and we want to be able to download the installer so we'll click on that and what it's going to do is it's going to contact Apple and say what full installers are available to me and you will see the latest versions of the operating system that are available you can see there's Mac OS Big Sur Monterey and Ventura so we're going to click on Ventura 13 and in the future it'll be 13.123456 but today it is 13.0 so let's click on this and it's going to immediately start to download so we'll let this download here and it'll take a while depending on your internet connection and once it's downloaded we'll pick up the video okay the download is complete and the next step is that the open core Legacy Patcher app is going to verify the install assistant package that includes the full installer this sometimes helps if there's any kind of download problems with the app and once that check is finished then it's going to go to the next part it's going to have to install the full installer to your applications folder so this is why it's asking for your administrator password I'll type that in now and then we'll wait and it's going to install it directly into our applications folder give it a second here if it is extracting to the applications folder it's done now we can create the USB installer by pressing the Flash installer button the first thing it's going to do is scan for the full installer in the applications folder if you wanted to take a look you can find that in applications and on under install Mac OS Ventura so there it is now click on install Mac OS Ventura now what it's going to say is we got to format the USB now like we did already it's already erased and prepared so it should be ready to go all you need to do is click on it so now what it's going to do is it's going to prompt you for your administrator password we're going to type in our password here and then it's going to merely start unloading the drive and as you can see it already renamed it installed Mac OS Ventura and it's going to use create install media to put the full installer onto the USB drive depending on the drive that you're using it could be very slow this could take upwards of an hour to write 12 gigabytes to the USB drive or as little as maybe five minutes if you have a really fast Thunderbolt driver or USB 3 drive so we'll wait for this to finish and we'll pick up into the next step okay now the installer has been created as you can see the message comes up saying it's done but the next step is that we have to install the open core Lexi Patcher configuration to an EFI partition of the USB drive so let's click on install open core to disk it's going to create the configuration here with all the settings and put them in a temporary location here and then it's going to come up with a next message saying that it finished building the configuration the next thing we want to do is be able to install to the disk now you'll see two lists here this is the internal drive disk 0 and usually disk 2345 will be the USB drive but make sure you got the listing here it should match up with the kind of drive that you have and the size here so we want to click on the Kingston disk 3. and then we want to click on the EFI and then we need to type in our administrative password to mount the disk it created the it mounted the EFI created the information and then unloaded it and now we get a message to reboot to apply and now you can boot from that USB disk so now all you need to do is click on reboot and we'll hold down the option key so we can boot to our USB installer click on reboot here and then click on restart okay we reboot it and we're holding down option here 's our chime and there is our boot selection so now we see our USB Drive Suite tab over or we can use our mouse cursor and we can click on EFI boot and then we'll see our boot drives we want to click on install Mac OS Ventura and it's going to boot directly to the Mac OS Ventura installer right from the USB drive all right we're in the full installer now it's going to be a little bit hard to see with the capture card but we'll see if we can make this work okay now that we're in recovery we have to decide whether we're going to do an upgrade or a fresh erase and install and I'm going to show you how to do both but we're going to do an upgrade in this particular example video if you want to do an erase install that means it erases your entire drive and you're going to install a fresh copy of Ventura you want to go into the Disk Utility to be able to erase the drive so all you need to do is click on Disk Utility here and then click on continue once it loads up you can go back into that view that we talked about by clicking on view and clicking on show all devices so you can see the entire Drive layout the internal drive is right here and all you would need to do is click on Macintosh hard drive here and then click on erase and then we erase the entire volume group and they can do a fresh install and that's all you need to do and then we'll go back here close out of Disk Utility we can click on install Mac OS Ventura so this is what we're going to do we're going to do an upgrade we're going to keep all of our data and applications on the Mac and it will upgrade from previous operating systems like big surro Monterey directly to Ventura so let's click on continue and then continue and then agree agree again and then we want to click on the internal hard drive and then click on continue and there we go this is going to take some time to install again depending on the speed of your driver your USB drive or if you have a spinning hard drive it could take it up to an hour or even two hours to complete this process but if you have a fast SSD and a fast USB drive it could go a lot quicker as soon as this goes to the next part we'll pick up right at that point we've already rebooted and it's automatically selecting the Mac OS installer and the next part you do not have to press the keyboard at all it's all automatic so the next part is it's going to go to the installing Mac OS part with a progress bar here and that part will take a little bit and there's your progress install 29 minutes remaining and this part will be again anywhere between 20 minutes and 45 minutes all depending on the speed of your computer so when this part's done we'll pick up okay we're on our third reboot here okay I wanted to capture this part you'll see one final part what you see here is a percentage and it's actually installing the open core Legacy Patcher Auto updater to the folder that will be able to be kicked off once the setup assistant comes up to be able to give you Graphics acceleration so you don't have to go through a slow setup assistant so this is a really nice feature added a couple releases back but I wanted to capture this on video so you could see what this looks like once that's complete we should be at the login window all right we made it to Mac OS Ventura on our unsupported Mac let's log in to continue here now keep in mind after an OS upgrade the system is going to be a little bit slow because it has to do a full Spotlight indexing of the drive so it can know when you do a spotlight search it can know where all the files are and that can run up the fans make the Mac a little bit hot and also make it slow so give it a little bit of time to be able to finish those items before you start using and doing a lot of things once that's done the Mac should be running at a good speed and a good temperature so now the next thing we want to do is wait because the open core Legacy Patcher launch statement is going to kick off here and then tell us a couple things for example it's going to say hey you've booted from a USB drive and do you want to install to the local hard drive and there's our message open correct Z Patcher has detected that you are booting from open core from a USB driver external drive if you would like to boot your Mac normally without a USB drive plugged in you can install open core to your internal drive would you like to Launch Open Galaxy Patcher and do that now yes we do click on OK so it immediately builds that configuration like we talked about before to the temporary file here and then it immediately pops it up saying the insulation is finished and now we can install to this so we'll click on install to disk and now when you see this next section here one thing you'll notice is that one is in blue and one is in Black the one that is in blue is the current startup disk that open core Legacy Patcher is being used to start up the Mac so for now our USB drive is being used that's why it's in blue but we're going to install that configuration to your internal drive and then it'll be blue after we check later so we're going to click on disk 0 here and then we're going to click the EFI we need our administrator password to do this and continue click enter and there it is cleaning up the installation location and unmounting the drive we'll give it a second here that's done now we are going to reboot to apply those settings and what we're going to do is we have to reboot and hold down the option key because we have to change the startup disk from the USB drive to our internal drive and then we will click on reboot and then we will hold down our option key and then restart continue holding until we see our startup selection screen hold the option keep holding option and there we go so we want to move the arrow key or use the mouse over to our EFI Boot and then hold down the enter key to be able to boot from that and it will immediately boot to our new Mac OS Ventura installation there it goes and now we can actually unplug our USB drive and there it is it's unplugged and let's log in and that's literally it everything is up and running and you are now on Mac OS Ventura on this 2015 MacBook Pro that was unsupported by Apple now that we're back up I wanted to show you how to change the wood picker if you want to if we reboot right now we'll be able to see what the blue picker will look like when you start up the Mac from fresh so we'll restart here and I want to show you what that looks like by default it actually shows you the boot picker immediately after the machine startup and there you go you can see the Macintosh hard drive is already selected and it will automatically boot to that but if you don't like that what we can do is we can turn that off by going into the open core Legacy Patcher application and changing the settings so let's do that now once we get booted up here and we will go into Macintosh hard drive and then we will open up our open core Legacy Patcher application and there it is so what we want to do first is click on settings here and then there's the show boot picker option so all we need to do is uncheck that and then go back to the main menu we can click on build and install open core and then we'll write that new setting to that temporary file location and then we're going to install that on the internal drive with those new settings so let's click on install the disk then click on our internal drive and as you can see it is in blue and it is a blue EFI showing us that is booting now from our internal drive we'll do our password Here and then click on reboot restart and there's our Apple logo and look at that it boots right up like a native experience Mac would be and like I said you can leave it with the boot picker icon or you can change it to this you have the option and now you know how to change it you can notice here that we did not have to install the post root patches like we normally do whenever we install an upgrade or a Mac OS security update or a software update and what happens is when you install an upgrade or an update it wipes out those patches so you have to go in here and reapply those patches but like I showed you earlier in the video it applies them automatically when we do a full installation or an upgrade so if you want to check that if those patches were installed there's a new option in the app to see what that looks like so all you need to do is click on post install root patch and the first thing you're going to see is available patches to your system nothing is available all applicable patches have already been installed and it even tells you when it happened and happened today when we did the upgraded October 27 2022 and 0.5.0 was used and isn't that a nice function so you don't have to worry like wait a minute do I need to install the patches just go in here and check and it tells you if you need to install them or they're already installed now that we've got the configuration settings out of the way let's talk about how to install a Mac OS Ventura security update or a software update you can see now the first thing that's different is that there's a new system settings the system preferences has been redesigned into system settings to look more like your iPad or your iPhone controls so to be able to get the software update you want to be able to click General here and then on the right hand side you're here you'll see software update click on that and it'll immediately check for software updates when it finds one you'll see a little red marker here and it'll tell you what update is available and as you can see here I set it so I could see an update for 13.1 all we need to do is click on update now and it'll immediately start to download the software update now once thing you'll notice is that the update is larger in size normally the software updates for a supported Mac are anywhere between two and four gigabytes in size but since we have to patch the root volume to put the pieces back that Apple ripped out we have to install a full 11 gigabyte software update so it's going to take a little bit longer to download and install but it will still install properly and bring you right back to the login window when it's done so now what happens after that what will happen is that like I mentioned earlier it wipes out all of those post volume patches and they will have to be implied again once you log back in after the software update open core Legacy patches should check automatically whether you need to install the post root volume patches again and you should get a pop-up message on the screen after about 10 to 20 seconds and it will say hey open core Legacy Petra has identified that you need to install the post room volume patches because you install the software update click install now and you'll be brought right to this screen or you'll be prompted to download the latest version of open core Legacy Patcher from the GitHub page again it's always recommended to grab the latest version of open core Legacy Patcher to get the latest fixes and then all you have to do is click on install root patches it'll say the patches that are going to be applied to your system click install and then reboot and you're all set after the software update now it's time to hand out some major props and let's start with mccola Indiana K who are both the co-developers of open core Lexi Patcher if it weren't for them this project wouldn't be here today and this is a true passion project for them and all the developers that are included and I don't think it could operate any other way because the work that is put into this outside of their normal lives outside of their jobs is truly amazing and I see all of your replies when you tell me how important this is to you whether you're a senior citizen on a tight budget a single mom or a single father with kids or even a teenager trying to get through school or college on a very tight budget you've told me your stories on how this helps you have a Mac and not have to buy a new Mac to be able to get the latest software to get the latest features and we can keep these Macs up and running for years after keep them out of the recycling bin to be able to stop the just basically trashing of computers after they're no longer supported by the manufacturer and I think that's extremely important society today to continue to use things to the maximum of their life McCullough goes on to talk about all the people who have helped put this project together and help maintain it one of the most important projects that was put together which is another open source project called dsce was put together by a sentient and edu kavas if they didn't put this project together we wouldn't have Legacy Metal Graphics acceleration today or even be talking on this video so this is an absolute huge breakthrough and props to the both of them for putting that together thank you very much mccola goes on to thank all the important people the developers that put this together and put in many hard hours in in the project like I said earlier Dina K flaggers Alex hostile sportler Crystal jasney Max UHD bits and everyone who's helped test along the way we wouldn't have gotten this far without them and with that said I wanted to thank McCullough again especially for answering all my questions on the Patcher and working with him to improve little small things that users have noticed that you've brought to me and say hey I wonder if we could do this that's made the Patcher where it's at today made it more user friendly and more reliable today so all that feedback has really worked and McCullough took that feedback and made the changes that we see today and I really appreciate again all the information and the questions that you've answered for me Nicole I really truly appreciate it I absolutely love open core Legacy Patcher and that's it for installing Mac OS Ventura and your unsupported Mac I hope the installation worked really well for you and if it did maybe we can give the video a thumbs up where you can share with a friend so they can try the install and if you want to see more videos like this in the future you can click on that Mr Macintosh icon there to subscribe to the channel you can also follow me on Twitter at classic2 underscore Mr Mac for all the latest Mac news and I want to thank all my viewers and especially my patreon members you guys are absolutely fantastic and I truly appreciate you and we'll catch you in the next video thanks
Channel: Mr. Macintosh
Views: 294,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 9sec (1689 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 27 2022
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