How To Install Deck Railing With Modern Black Balusters

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hi my name is Andy and I'm here today to show you how to install deck railings now you can go get kits that have all the pieces you can hire people and pay way too much money or you can get all the various pieces ourselves and stick it on yourself just like I'm gonna show you how to do today now you will need a few things as I'll show you here first of all you need work gloves you need basics like pencils and tape measure I've got this nice leveler that has a straight edge that helps drill an impact driver also rubber mallet for tapping things in a circular saw which would be very helpful though a handsaw can work what else we've got two by fours of course now of course it will be a lot longer than this but you'll need to be cutting these and then you'll want to use some of the spare pieces to help level out the bottom the balusters themselves these are 26 inch aluminum balusters you can get them in bulk we got the decorators brand but any of those should work and along with those you get the connector pieces they look like this and they should come with screws what we'll do is we'll screw this into the 2x4 and then they'll slip on like that that's how they stay stable for the where the the railings will meet the the deck posts you want some sort of brackets so we got these there Decker rails they're just metal brackets very simple dollar each at home depot or so there are these fancier ones that look like this these the u-shape ones you'll need these for the diagonal stair pieces but these will work just fine for 2x4 railings that are flat Oh also good to have your trusty workbench and then all the various pieces of wood after you've assembled your materials the first thing you need to do is you need to cut your two by fours be very very careful that you don't cut too much early what you do between your posts you'll need to measure a point the point is little fine measure this one measures 56 and just over 3/4 inches now depending on your brackets you'll need to cut the piece to be a little bit smaller than that with these pieces here typically I found that when you put them on back-to-back on the wood so it'll go like here on the wood will go here these two pieces are about 3/8 of an inch wide like that so whatever you measure try it just cut off the extra and then make sure it fits so I've heard it done that for these two pieces of wood here and I'll show you between this post and this post we measured 55 and 3/4 inches and that was after cutting off for these pieces here an easy way to make sure that your piece is fit after you cut them take one piece now I've already done two so it's okay but you want to take the pieces and just kind of slide them in and make sure they're flush on one side take your other two pieces back-to-back and just kind of set them and they're like that you want just enough space so that there's wiggle room to get them in you don't want it so that you're forcing them to squeeze by and that right there is perfect for what we need so next thing you need to do once you have your pieces cut by the two-by-fours stick them in the workbench so that the narrow side is up what we need to do is measure where to drill or where to install these posts oh boom boom they'll go boom boom boom boom up like that as you can see over here on the one that we've already installed now you always want to keep a an equal distance spacing them the recommendation is to put these four and a half inches apart and so what we'll do right down the center of these two by fours we'll measure every four and a half inches and we'll mark a spot with our pencil and then what we do is we will install the connector pieces as you can see here it's a little tiny plastic round piece and you simply screw in like that put it down in the wood and then the balusters itself will slip right over that so now that we've got our pieces on our workbench the next thing to do is to measure every four and a half inches for the balusters now I've done a double check my measurements on my two by fours and they are exactly 56 56 inches long so most instructions will say cut it in half and put your first balusters directly in the middle and then measure out four and a half inches from there but you may want to double check that before you blindly do it for this particular piece of wood if we were to do every four and a half inches and what would happen is we would have a post directly at the which would be a little bit awkward because it would be super super close to the pillar or to the deck box so instead what we're gonna do is we're gonna remove one of those and that gives us an extra four and a half divided by two which is two and a half inches on each side so instead of putting into the one starting at the one inch mark we can start at the three point two five inch mark and measure every four and a half inches that will give us a total of eleven on each side which should look a little bit another thing you want to keep in mind is when you do these it's good to have both pieces measured or set next to each other so you can verify that they are even on both sides as well as when you make your marks you can mark them at the same time so you know they are precisely in line you wouldn't want a balance due after we've measured the holes where to put the balusters there are actually 12 not 11 on the spoke I miscounted what we need to do next is then put this bottom piece onto the deck posts and to do that you'll need to use some sort of bracket as I mentioned before for the straight ones we're using these simple flat deco rail brackets they simply go over the ends and we simply screw them up so the beveled edge faces that so that the flat edge here will go against the post they're pretty simple to install I've already done it on the bottom one and all you need is just a drill and an impact dry oh you will want to use deck screws okay they are you want to use at least two inch weatherproof deck screws this one here has been coated you can see it's black that makes part of the waterproofing these will go straight in this one's actually two three-eighths inches I think the two inches will be fine these screw head stick out a little bit but it will be flush across the top so that there won't be any issues when we attach it to the wooden post now you may be wondering well why am I going to attach this to the post before I put the connectors on we tried it with putting the connectors on this piece first before attaching on this one over here the problem was when we want to go drill the screws into these holes those connectors got in the way and so we tried it with putting the piece on first and then putting the connectors and it worked much much better so that's how we found what these brackets was a better way to do it so let's put this piece on now it'll be on the bottom here like this now you don't want it way way on the bottom you want it up a little bit now you may be wondering how can you make sure it's always even at level the tricky to the trick you do is you want about grab two two by fours like this and simply put them on the bottom and they'll be your guide if you do this consistently everywhere it'll always line up correctly so we'll put these down here I'd be careful not to fall off the deck and mobile rusty is on top and you can see because of how I've measured it works pretty swimmingly well and so you just want to get it even on both sides you can you can measure this or you can just kind of visualize that as you can see here I've got it pretty much even its resting on there so it'll be level well you can even use your leveler to make sure and it's it's not perfect but it's good enough we'll take some more deck screws and just put them in with our impact driver [Music] [Music] so now we've installed the bottom piece nice and sturdy I've removed to the other holder pieces so what we're gonna do next is we're going to install the connectors as you're working it may be easiest for you to kind of pre assemble them the screw goes inside like that and so I've assembled about five or six here I should have assembled twelve but I just wanted to show you this this is a quick way to optimize especially if you're working together now for these connectors the the bit head is ass quick I guess that makes it more secure cool whatever will go with it so I have to have my appropriate bit on the end of my impact driver we've already marked the the places where all these things go so we said they're three and a half inches apart and because the woods so soft I can just kind of push the screw in to get it started our railing installed and we have the connectors in we can put the balusters on it's pretty simple all you do because the balusters are hollow you simply just slip them on and make sure they go down boom and boom it's as simple as that if you want to you can also put a little bit of caulking on the inside hundred percent silicone so keep it from wiggling or rattling too much but when we put ours in over here they didn't wiggle rattles too bad so we're like yeah we're not gonna worry about it here I also prepared the top railing I installed all of the connectors here as well as the brackets on the end and what we'll do is we will simply slip them over now you need to be a little bit careful because then all the pieces are not going to be straight up just the way they are so you need to kind of or shimmy them in and be a little bit careful when you do that it really helps to have two people on this one now the last bit to do that we have our top railing on is to secure it with the bracket all we need to use are our deck screws again as well as our impact driver and so what I'll do is I'll do a loose one on the top and just kind of make sure it's in the middle it's that way everything is visually appealing and then just right in and I'll leave just a little bit of wiggle room so I can get the tops and bottoms everywhere else so I'll do this one over here and then I'll come and I'll line this one up as well making sure it's in the middle and as you can see is pretty much in line with this other one because of the height of the 26-inch balusters as well as the three inches we use for the two by fours on the bottom to make sure that everything is the same height works out quite nicely and I'll leave just a little bit of room on that one and then I'll do the bottoms [Music] and there you have it [Music] [Music] we installed our street deck railings up above and now we have to do the stairs these stairs are a little bit more complicated because they're diagonal until all of your measurements change not to fear those some basic techniques can help us out first of all in order to get your two by fours in line the easiest thing to do is just to simply rest them on your stair corners and line them up against the piece of pillar wood you can draw a line straight there so you get the perfect angle match do this on the bottom as well as the top and then cut along those lines secondly you'll need new hardware in order to install these before the little connector pieces were flat on the bottom as you can see and so they were dressed like that unfortunately if you put them flat on this 2x4 if they would go diagonally which is nothing we bought instead you can see I've already installed diagonal pieces some kits will have a little diagonal piece you can put on the top of it or they may have just a single pieces and the nice thing about that agonal piece is you can just install it straight on like that I've already taken the time to cut our beams as well as to install our connectors this bottom one you can see they're going straight up this other one is the top one and it needs to face the other way so that when we rotate that it will be straight up and down for all of those pieces you also need to be careful about the measuring distance previously on the the flat ones over there the flat ones we spaced by four and a half inches if you were to simply draw four and a half inches along the diagonal the spacing would be even less why trigonometry you're doing the hypotenuse and not the adjacent side so in a key piece about four and a half inches spaced apart horizontally on the two by fours you need to measure about five and a quarter inches check based on your angles to your trip but for my case with the 711 stair run I had to do about five and a quarter pitches and that gives me a consistent roughly not perfect but roughly four half inches horizontal spacing finally you also need a u bracket before we use the flat brackets which were cheaper and they got the job done but for the diagonals for the staircases because it's diagonal the flat bracket is not long enough and so what you need to do is you need to get the new bracket to the wood can abreast in there on the bottom as you can see we've installed with this guy here finally another thing with the diagonals it's more likely that the piece that pallister's won't line up so to avoid that battling that you might hear put a little bit of caulk around your connector piece as you put the balusters on a hundred percent silicon clear caulk will do the job I mean want it cleared cuz you don't want to mess up that pretty color over here balusters a hundred percent silicon so it's totally walkable with that we have all the pieces we need to successfully install really [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music]
Views: 44,964
Rating: 4.8447762 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 30 2020
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