Building Stair Rails on a Deck with round inset spindles

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[Music] [Applause] what's going on guys welcome back to go TV today I am going to attempt to build a stair rail on these new steps on his deck we've been working on for the last three projects hopefully this time my audio was much better I invested a couple bucks I bought a nice little wireless system and now we'll see how that works and if I do like it if I do see if it works well I'll put some links down below and maybe you guys to be interested in as well but just setting it up so today we're gonna we're gonna do this railing system here and hopefully put this project to bed actually I have one more thing to do I have to I have to build a gate here which will be another project and another day our dogs like to hang out on the deck at Sun Tan and you know we like to keep them secure and have a nice gate that we can close so that would be one of our other projects we've been working on but stay tuned let's get started oh and just so you know this is the first time for me to do any of this stuff I've never built a handrail before for a deck or handrail for a step so this is gonna be a learning curve for me and hopefully learning curve Eagles when you see my mistakes the first thing I did here was I marked off where my 4x4 posts are gonna go I picked the center of the step and we're gonna notch this out so it fits alongside the riser here so we're gonna we're gonna take a quick measurement we're going to match the one that we have up top here which is about a two inch notch and we're gonna cut out a too much notch out of here to where sits flush with the ground and it will we'll put a couple lags in there to hold it in place so let's do that [Music] [Applause] we'll do that twice well there you have is the second one cut I'm gonna pre-drill my my lag lag bolt holes here just to make it a little bit easier for it to go into the side of the just stair riser the other thing I do have to notch out the top step so this actually fits against the stair riser and on top of the step so let's work on that now so you may not may or may not see it but I got my Center lines marked for where my posts are gonna go I wanted to make sure they were both evenly spaced so you know i centered them here and i drew a straight line across just to make sure I'm on par so I'm gonna gonna go through here with my jigsaw [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] some I'm too to stairwell when they get my I'm just gonna get my router and I'm gonna just gonna wrap that out just a little bit easier then then chipping away at it now we could trim do that a little bit better now so it's all pretty good pretty level so I'll put I'll put the bottom lag I put I've set up both legs I'm gonna drill two holes for the legs and then I'll put the bottom on in make sure it's plumb this way and then I'll I'll hammer the other one in well just pre-drill hot these holes [Music] [Music] now when drilling my top hole I want to make sure I don't I don't drill into this step and I drilled into the riser so that should give me enough space there [Music] [Applause] [Music] make sure all the way in all right it's pretty solid we're gonna do the same thing on the other side so I came into a slight problem putting my second stare post in the other side lined up with the post that I have on top of the deck this post when I went to line up and I notched out the two-inch notch the this post did not line up with my post that's on the deck so it took me about 15-20 minutes looking at it pondering deciding if I should call my my carpenter neighbor for a little assistance I decided to take matters into my own hands so what I did was and I'll show ya I cut a hole in the step I kept the same notching but reversed it which was exactly what I was off about two inches so now I'll just I'll just put two lags in through the other side of the stair riser and we call it a day so that's what happens you're an amateur you know you assume things are gonna be the same on both sides and what an old deck like this anything is possible obviously but I think I did the right thing but any of you experts out there want to comment on how I did this and what you would have done I would appreciate hearing it so I'm gonna lag these in and and we could start cutting our top and bottom or else alright so so after that little blunder we're going we're gonna we're actually going to start cutting our top and bottom rails for our spindles and what I'm doing here is taking a the bottom rail which is a 2 by 4 I'm laying it on just the steps not the deck because the deck is uh maybe about an inch or so different than then the stairs I want to I want to stay parallel with the stairs I'm just gonna mark where I need to cut and that'll give me my my rail angle cut and try to fit it I got these two by fours down here because I I want to keep a little bit of a space above the step I don't want to go full 4 inches just in case of if a child is walking up the stairs and I don't I don't want them to trip and get their head caught underneath how many to the railing so we'll try to keep it kind of snug about an inch and a half away from the step just to create a little more of a safety issue more than anything so I think that looks pretty good actually tough to cut these angles I think I did okay I'm gonna I'm gonna drill these in and hold it spot and then they can work on the top one the next tool to have in your arsenal is this countersink bit it works as a poor-man's correct Kreg jig the Kreg jig whatever the hell it is I don't know but this will let me uh drill a nice little counter SiC hole yeah that's nice make sure I'm lined up here make sure I'm on right in the edge put my screws in just ain't going anywhere no put you on the top [Applause] so I'm gonna I'm gonna position my top rail and I'm gonna use these our one quick grips which come in really really handy for projects like this it's like an extra set of hands when you need it [Applause] [Applause] want to give myself a little bit of space on top because I want to come down with a top rail from here so I want to make sure I'm snug so I'm gonna I'm gonna cut an angle on here similar to what we're using with the railing and then that way it'll it all tie in nice alright I think we got it I'm actually surprised so make sure these are in line with one another and we'll we'll drill the holes in for these okay so we're gonna find the center point here so we're gonna go it's roughly about about 24 inches so we're gonna find the 12 inch mark right here so we're gonna get my mark here so just scribe it with that for now just hold my spot a good carpenter always holds on to a pencil so we're gonna go here and here so it's going to give us my three inch or three-and-a-half inch space here and here and one here one here and that's pretty close so it's actually not too bad so let's let's go what we're gonna do here and we're gonna go three quarters in go in the center of this post [Applause] yes I'll do them this way hey what the hell we'll give it a shot so the next complicated task is drilling out my spindle holes here I don't have my small level so I'm gonna have to eye it and maybe utilize this big one I have just to give me a reference point whether I'm going level or not [Applause] so I'm gonna go down an inch on the bottom one and I'm gonna go up I'm gonna try and go up two inches on the top that way I could take my my spindles cut them to length slide them up and then drop them in I think that's gonna be the plan let's see how that works out [Music] [Music] I want to kind of cut one of these to size and start start laying them in there just to give me an idea from if I'm doing them right so I need these to be probably 18 18 and 3/4 inch let's try 19 engine Anakin I can cut him if I have to all right so I sighs one of them up let's see let's see how we're fitting here Wow look at that I did it I did it all by myself nice okay so we're gonna drill the rest of the holes at two inches deep and then we'll cut our spindles and this that'll be done there you go okay so I got all my spindles cut and we're gonna start and actually I didn't think I would get one up here but I made one work okay so just by looking at this at a quick glance um I could see that I'm a little off here and there but at 60 miles an hour no one's gonna notice it I don't think so we're gonna get started on the other side now what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna once this gets all stained and painted and I get the top cap on I'm gonna epoxy these in so they don't move but I'd rather have the deck stain before these go in only because there's a it's a pain in the butt to come and get around here and kind of paint in here so we'll just we're gonna we're gonna pull these back out and we'll get it all stained up so I'm gonna get started on the other side so here I got my bottoms marked so now I'm just gonna want to follow these marks and I'm gonna match them up there I'm gonna use a level line and there actually is no easier way of doing this that I know of but it worked last time so I'm going with it and by putting a straight line on here is going to give me a a guide to holding my drill level [Applause] so to give you a little bit better of an angle on what I'm doing is I'm lining it up with this line here so these paddle shifts are cool they got the I got the sharp end on there they can establish my my spa yeah I'm just gonna hold it level and I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm gonna spin it slowly so I can start to catch a groove and I can maintain a level all the way through so now I got level in here I got I'm starting to dig on the side over here so that's gonna work its way through it's gonna keep holding a level if you have it in your budget I would definitely invest in I love rigid tools I think they're really well made I just wish I too was that have a built-in level just makes a job like this a little bit easier so maybe I'll throw these on eBay I'll buy another set don't tell the wife okay so we got all our spindles in next step we're gonna do is we're gonna gonna cut these posts so I was trying to decide what I really wanted to do I was I was going to continue this straight down to where it would just end similar to this and come down a little bit of an overhang but after further thinking I think I'm gonna just cut them flush and this way I could put a solar post light on these and I can finish this off right to the end like that and just maybe just trim these a little bit so they don't jet out of the sides so that's gonna be my next step here so we'll cut these off to to the height we want I got them all marked that's where I wanted to cut so I'll get my circular saw and just kind of go around [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so I got the top rails cup and I got the angles look pretty good [Applause] so my my next step is these put true it out a little bit so I'm gonna give them a little bit of a miter maybe a 35 or a 30 degree angle and just cut away just here and then maybe here that way kind of just fits in nice and snug let's see what that looks like yeah that looks a little bit better do the same thing to the top [Applause] that way kind of matches okay we can probably cut a little bit more off of there all right [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] alright guys so do you have it hand Hey still stairway handrails by an amateur I think I did a pretty good job for a first time a couple couple issues was planning taking some time to actually plan out my posts I wouldn't I wouldn't have gotten to that situation with this other post if I if I planned that a little bit better but you know that was a beginner move on my part a seasoned seasoned carpenter would probably would have probably caught caught up on it just by looking at it so other than that I think I think we did a pretty good job I will put a link down below to all the tools and everything I used and yeah my nose is bleeding yeah I was trying to clean up this mess before it rained so I can at least cut the grass and I hit my nose with something I had in my hand my wife wanted to me to blame her for not liking the not liking the hand rails but I can't lie to you guys she didn't hit me and she wouldn't but like I said I'll put a link down below to everything that I used to put this hand rail together all the different tools and now please like subscribe and share the video thanks for joining me on go TV [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: GoateeVee
Views: 73,236
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Building Deck Stairs, Building Deck Stair Rails, Stair Rails, Custome Decks, Building Decks, Custom, Rigid, Ryobi, Dewalt, Speed Square, Saws, Deck Designs, Ram Trucks, Woodworking, Carpentry, DYI, Do it yourself, Decks, Beginner Deck building
Id: tylMCmpeImM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 57sec (1797 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 02 2020
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