How to Install CyberPanel on Ubuntu and Create WordPress Website on CyberPanel - Easy

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[Music] hello friends in this video i am going to demonstrate how to install cyber panel on ubuntu and i'll also show you how to create website on server panel server panel is open source control panel and it's been loaded with some of the cool features which has not been found in other control panels for example in cyber panel you can create docker container so if you haven't heard about docker then you can watch my other videos on docker and you can also create email template send email newsletters right inside from cyberpanel dashboard basically you don't need any other software to do email marketing if you have server panel installed on your vps or cloud so let's explore those features after installation of server panel coming to my computer screen here you can see i already have prepared one article that is to install server panel on ubuntu and first of all requirements for cyber panel so you need a domain name and a vps you can buy domain name from anywhere my domain name is from godaddy and vps i bought from kontavo you can buy vps from anywhere if you want to do email marketing or if you want to send email from your server panel just make sure you get open port25 not all of the vps providers nowadays allow open port 25 so you have to keep that in mind and i have prepared one list of those vps providers who allows open port 25 so on contact page you can simply select your vps and there are different prices for them minimum is for seven dollars and it has 8 gb of ram which is more than sufficient for server panel you need just 1 gb of ram but i recommend you getting 2 gb of ram so that you shouldn't have lots of common problem otherwise you'll have to spend lots of time solving your small problems which is which could be because of ram all right after that make your selection and now in this page all you have to do is to make sure that you have selected 120.04 and rest are your choices and after that click on next and now fill the details and you will get ip address username and password of your vps within 2-3 hours from kontavo and once you have all those details means once you have fulfilled the requirement it's a time to go back to this tutorial and the first step is to connect to your remote vps which just about so i have this one article which shows you how you can connect or how you can access your remote vps so here you can see from windows you need a special ssh client and it could be putty or there is one another ss ssh client bit wise ssh client there are also many more ssh client that you can explore yourself apart from that for linux and mac intos you can always open your terminal and there you have to type ssh root at the rate your ip address ip address of your server to connect to remote remote vps now i am sitting on a windows machine so i'll need either one of these two software so in this in this demonstration i am using bitwise you can easily download it just google bit wise and you can have this download part and you can download and connect to your remote vps alright so after you have downloaded this bitwise let's come back to the article all you need to do is to paste the ip address here so let me get the ip address so this is the ip address alright so next you have to enter the username and in my case username is root it could be different in your case keep in mind and after that you have to enter the password so this is the password means you have to first select here password you can see there are a couple of options so you have to select password and then you have to make sure this box is checked otherwise you will not able to paste your password so just check this box and click and after that try pasting your copy pasting your password and you will able to do that all right after that click on login and you will get this box where it will say something about host key and here you have to accept and save after that after that either this terminal will open automatically if it doesn't then you can simply click on it and it will open one terminal for you all right so next step is to install this server panel and for that you have to execute these commands so let me copy the first command and it says sudo minus i if you can see here i am already logged in as root user so basically if a root is present here you don't have to execute this command you are completely fine if it is not root here then you have to execute this command to switch to root user all right so even you execute this command it will do no harm so let's execute it alright so next you have to update the operating system and for that you have to execute the next command and now my operating system is already updated so nothing here and then you have to upgrade it so let's upgrade it all right it's already updated and upgraded so if your system is not upgraded or updated then you will see some of the commands running and it will take hardly 5 to 10 minutes to complete all right after that this single command will install cyber panel on your vps simply execute it [Music] all right okay for some reason i am getting this error message like i am not logged in as root user i am not sure why i got this error message anyway solution is already given here so it says that you have to execute this command so anyway let's execute it and then i am going to copy once again okay let me copy it properly all right after that press enter and now it is going to ask some of the questions all right so questions part now first question is whether you want to install server panel or not answer one which is yes and then it will ask you whether you want to install server panel with open light speed light speed enterprise i think light speed enterprise will ask you for license though i am not sure about that so therefore continue with one and now it will ask you whether you want to install pulse service for server panel here you have to answer yes and here the question is whether you want to set up remote mysql most of the cases your answer will be no but just in case your answer is yes then you have to answer yes now here you have to press enter to choose the latest version obviously and the next part is whether you want to choose the default admin password generate or specify the admin password so what i am going to do is to receive a specify admin password by answering s all right so now here it is going to ask you the password so let me enter the password all right after that it will ask you whether you want to install memcached and its php extension i would like to install because some of the scripts actually need those php extensions and memcache so obviously answering yes would be a good thing here you have to answer yes or no it's completely your choice and then it will ask you whether you want to install watchdog as well with default being yes and it is also saying that it's in beta anyway i would like to answer yes here and it will begin the installation now the installation is going to take quite some time i mean it is going to take 20 to 30 minutes so you can take a break and i am going to fast forward this video and when this installation of server panel is about to complete i will resume all right now installation of server panel is almost complete and here you can see i have some of the login information and at last it is also asking who do would you like to restart your server and in most cases you have to answer yes and it will restart the server now the first thing you will want to do is to save all these credentials so let me copy it and i'll save it here and after that i'll go to this url and obviously you will get this security alert warning except the risk and continue and now here you have to enter username admin and then you have to enter the password so yeah basically i entered my own password so password is not listed there after that press enter and you will able to login all right so this is the server panel dashboard and now i am going to create websites wordpress websites and obviously i'll install ssl host names also i'm going to install ssl on cyber panel itself so let's go back to this article and now after installation you will have this part which says creating website and updating name servers so first of all let's begin with okay so first of all you have to go to domain registrar and there you have to create host names in good edit is called host names other domain registrar call it name servers and some of them call it glue records anyway so now i'll go to my domain in demo dot in you have to go to manage dns next step is to look for host names so in host names basically i have this host names from past but let me just show you how to create host names all you have to do is to click on add and then here you have to enter ns1 since i already have entered ns1 so it is not going to take it so i'll enter ns3 and then i'll pass on the ip address after that click save now next step is the same which is entering ns2 once again i already have ns2 it is not going to take so i am going to enter ns4 and then the ip address click save all right after that go to dns management and now you have to update the name servers in most cases you will see good id name servers by default but what you have to do is to click on i'll use my own name servers and then you have to enter ns1 dot your domain name which you just created and ns2 dot your domain name in the next line after that you have to click save and your dns your name server will be updated after you have given your consent and then click continue and your name servers will be updated within some within some times or few hours it depends on how fast your dns registrar is domain registrarage so next step is to go to your server panel click on websites and here you have to click on create website and then select package so basically i haven't created any package so there is only one package by default and then select honor and then enter the domain name which is end demo dot in and after that it will ask you the email so if you don't have email id you can enter anything at the radio domain name dot com which you can create later alright so next you will be asked to select php so you can select among these four php available so i am going to select 7.4 and then additional features obviously you want you have to include ssl in your website and then dkim support for emailing open based directory protection is good thing and then obviously if you want to create mail domain what is mail domain it is mail dot your domain name and that will be created for example mail dot in demo dot in will be created automatically if i don't click on it then mail domain will not be created so let's click on create website and it will take couple of minutes to create and you will have websites running on your domain all right so let's wait for this uh installation to complete and then we'll continue all right now website has been successfully installed as you can see the message here and after that you can go back and if you go back it will take you to create a website page what i am going to do is to go back to this tutorial once again and now we have done this part it's time to create name server so let's come back here and here you will see websites okay not in websites in dns so in dns you will see create name servers so click on that and it will take you to page where you have to enter your domain name so i am going to enter in demo dot in and then the first name servers which will be ns1 dot in demo dot in and then the ip address so let me get the ip address of my server which is this one and then ns two dot in demo dot in and then once again the ip address click on create name server and it will create these two name server so you can see like the following name server were successfully created now suppose you want to add another website for example in demo dot in is good but now you want to add another domain so in that case you might want to add one more thing and that is default name servers so click on that and all you need to do is to type here ns1 dot in demo dot in ns2 dot in demo dot in and after that click save alright so now default name server has been created now you can add any other website and you can ask the website owner to use these two name servers after that next thing is installing and enabling ssl so now here you can see if i go to ssl i find there were three types of ssl one is manage hostname mail server ssl so what i am going to do is to first click on manage ssl and then it will lead to a selection of website which is this website and then you have to click on issue ssl it will issue the ssl for this particular website so let's wait for this part okay so now ssl has been issued for in demo dot in next ssl for host name so now host name ssl if you click on it then it will take you to this page where you have all your names all your website names and subdomain names listed so what you have to do here you have to select one of them either you can select your domain subdomain or any other domain listed here now this domain will be issued an ssl certificate which you can use to login to cyber panel for example right now i am using ip address once i issue the ssl certificate i will not have to use this ip address again and i can access cyber panel dashboard server banner administration using this website using this web address actually you can also select this mail dot indemo dot in and it will install ssl on this and in order to access server panel you have to go to this url and port 1890 obviously and you will able to access server panel so what i am going to do is to let's uh issue ssl for this sub domain and i'll show you in a moment how you can access your cyber panel administration from this subdomain all right now ssl has been issued and you can see you can now access cyber panel at this this is the information so what i am going to do is to type mail dot in demo dot in and obviously you have to put you have to put port 8090 and after that you will see this login screen once again now i'll type admin all right now you can see i am logged into cyberpanel dashboard successfully on this url and you can see this https part which says verified by let's encrypt if i go to something at any place on this page then i'll again get this security risk warning though i can continue on this as well but obviously when you have ssl why would you go to this where you get the security warning obviously and so next after this ssl part the next part is to install wordpress itself so if you continue further you will get this section where it says about installing wordpress and for that you have to go to websites actually and then you have to list website and now here you can go to file manager you can go to manage this website so let's go to manage this website now on this page you'll have logs domains configurations files email marketing this is the email marketing i was talking about so once you have installed server panel you can directly create list manager list you can add smtp host in fact you can compose your newsletter right in this dashboard and also you can send emails so like this is not very sophisticated but it's still but still those features are very good to be included in control panel itself anyway now coming to installation of wordpress you can simply click on this and it will ask you the block title and in my case it's end demo and i'll enter the user name admin and enter the password alright next it will ask you the email id and obviously if you want to put anything under path you can put it or it's better to just leave it so click on install now and it will start installing wordpress on your website it won't take much time so you can see it is progressing very fast and it's almost done so let's wait for it all right so now it's actually installed and what i'm going to do is to go back obviously it will take me to this page but if i go to in demo dot in let's you can see this wordpress has been installed successfully but here you can see connection not secure although we actually had got certificate for this domain name if i put https here you see it is loading on https and it is saying that connection is secure so what is the problem the problem is that http traffic is not getting redirected to https so what you have to do is to go to websites and then list your websites next go to manage and now here you will see rewrite rules click on that and then you will be asked to select template and here you can force http to https click on save rewrite rules and now you can see configuration saved now if you go to http in demo dot in you should be redirected to https as you saw that i got redirected let me open it once again in another tab and now i am on https so let's login to wp admin and here my username is admin all right so this is the nice dashboard and you can see website is really really fast it's loading in seconds since it is on light speed server so we expect it to be passed now one important thing before i close this session is that when you go to this uh wp admin and when you try to upload any themes which is of like let's say 10 mb you'll get some error like url does not exist link does not exist and that issue is because the default php memory which is in php.ini file so in order to edit that you have to go to edit php configs and then you have to select php now if you remember i installed php 7.4 and here you can see memory limit is just 120 megabytes so what i am going to do is to increase it to 512 megabyte some of the wordpress themes actually require 1gb of php memory so depending on which theme you are using you have to make sure that memory limit meet the requirement of that particular theme and then the maximum execution time which is just 30 seconds i am going to increase it to 300 seconds and now here you can see the upload maximum file size is just 2 mb so you have to increase it and after that post maximum size let's say 80 mb and the maximum input times 600 save changes and after that we start php okay in most of the cases the issue with uploading of theme or plugin should be resolved but just in case if it's not resolved all you need to do is to restart or reboot your server it's super simple you can log in and type reboot and that's all now you can see this is connected and my server is being rebooted and after that you will be able to upload your theme and you'll be able to make your website easily so that's all for this video and in tomorrow's video i'll demonstrate how to create email list and basically how to set up your email server in cyber panel and after that how you can create email list manage your campaigns in server panel dashboard itself so see you tomorrow and don't forget to subscribe and thank you for watching
Channel: inGuide
Views: 2,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: inguide, email marketing, smtp server, wordpress, cyberpanel install ubuntu, cyberpanel install ssl, cyberpanel tutorial, cyberpanel wordpress, cyberpanel email setup, cyberpanel wordpress install, cyberpanel website, cyberpanel install centos 7, cyberpanel digitalocean, free control panel
Id: JTNt8Gp9T28
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 55sec (1735 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 22 2021
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