How to Install CyberPanel a Free Hosting Control Panel on your VPS Server

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hi in this video tutorial i'm going to be teaching you how to install cyberpanel a free hosting control panel that you can install on your server or vps hosting and manage your websites your wordpress websites your joomla websites and do a lot more for free without spending any money so one of the things i want to talk about before i get started is there are some free control panels you can install on your vps hosting and but the best one is cyberpanel there is ispconfig which is a good one there's web webmin which is a good one as well centos which i don't recommend because it's just it doesn't look nice but it i've heard really good things about it vesta i don't recommend using this one since it is kind of hard to use the control panel is not very easy to use i've never used this one but might as well take a look at it and i've heard good things about aa panel aa panel is a open source hosting control panel and it's to tackle cpanel um so this is one to look at to look at it as well a lot of millions of you servers use this hosting control panel and it's similar people like it because it's similar to cpanel but by far i think the best free web hosting control panel that's being updated regularly is cyber panel and so we're going to go ahead and install cyber panel on your server so the first thing we need to do is we need to go back to our services go to your manage vps hosting tier service and what we're going to do is we're going to rebuild the server if you you need to rebuild the server because it need cyber panel only runs on specific operating systems so if you didn't choose the right operating system on the checkout page when you were purchasing your vps hosting plan through rootpal you need to rebuild it for the correct operating system which cyberpanel runs on centos 7 centos 8 um ubuntu 18.04 and ubuntu 20. so i'm going to install it on ubuntu 20. centos is very stable but it's at the end of life and it's no longer being updated so if you do choose centos i would recommend centos 8 because it probably has a couple years left on it uh before it hits that end of life but i'm just going to go with ubuntu 20. i've i've i'm fine with that and i've used ubuntu so i'll just stick with that so i'm going to rebuild the vps click confirm it's going to pop my password right here copy it but you don't need to copy it because if we go back to the information page of the vps it will be there on the server information so it'll be right here and you just click this button to uncheck it that should be the same password yep so the vps is starting it's already started rebuilding this takes about two minutes it's super quick with root pal everything moves really fast i refresh the page and it's already done so the next thing we're going to do is install putty if you don't already have it you can just go to google download putty install the msi for putty the latest one and then go to start type in putty and you can this is going to how you're going to access the ssh console of your server so we do need the password which i'm going to grab right here and what i like to do is just post it in text then copy it again just because you don't want any spaces um so it doesn't work so i'm going to type in the ip address now which is which can be found right here and we're just going to log into the server you'll get this little error not error warning we're just going to click yes and we're going to type root which is the username and you'll get an email with this information after you set up your server the first time but when you rebuild it you'll you'll need to know that the username is root every single time i right click since we copied the password and click enter it's going to ask you to change the password so you need to enter the current password we're going to right click again click and then hit enter which enters the current password which is this one right here down here and we're going to enter a new password that we're going to set enter it again and we're done so now we're logged in we're going to type clear to clear the console and we're going to install cyber panel so if you go to this link which i'll link down below this is how you're going to install cyber panel and you're going to run this installation script right here so we're just going to copy it go here into the ssh console right click and hit enter and what this is going to do is it's going to fetch everything needed to set up and install cyber panel now the cyber panel installer is going to pop up we're going to click one and it's going to ask us if we want to install open light speed or lightspeed enterprise we don't want to pay for a light speed so we're going to go with the open light speed so i'm going to type 1 and hit enter it's going to ask us if we'd like to install powerdns postfix and pure ftpd which i do want it so i'm going to leave it as the default and just click enter you don't need to push wire n then we're going to it's going to ask if you want remote my sequel i don't recommend turning on remote my sequel unless you plan to access your database remotely from a different server or my mysql workbench from your home computer so if you want to manage the database remotely you have to leave this with on y right um which the default is no which is n uh i do i might want to manage the database remotely so i'm just gonna i'm gonna put y and i'm gonna click enter you can always change that later um but it's gonna ask for the remote my sequel host name so you have to set this so actually i don't want to set this so i'm going to run that installer one more time and this is mostly because i don't have um i don't have a host name already set up so enter i'm just going to click enter for no i don't want remote my sql because i don't want to choose a host name at this time so it's going to ask us press enter the enter key to continue the latest configuration i'm going to just continue enter because i want the latest and greatest it's going to ask us to choose a default password which is one two three four five six seven or randomly generated one or one we set i wanna set it so i'm gonna push click type s hit enter type in my password and what this is asking is it's asking which password do you want to log in with to cyber panel okay so there's going to be the vps password which the usernames root and the password is uh the one we set logging into the vps and now there's the cyberpanel password and the cyberpanel username which cyberpanel username is going to be by default admin so now it's going to ask us do you wish to install memcached process and it's php extensions i do want that installed so i'm just going to go up the default and just click enter redis and yep i want redis watchdog the default is yes so i want that installed watchdog is great because it is monitoring for your vps hosting so we do want that we want the server to be monitored we want to know how many resources it's using we want to know the ram utilization and all that stuff so we do want watchdog installed on the server and now it's going to go ahead and set up everything and install the packages install and configure cyber panel on your cloud vps and this is going to take around 10 to 15 minutes to do so i'm going to let that run and i'll come back to it so just finished installing and it's asking me if i'd like to restart the server now which you will have to restart the server so and the installation only took around 10 minutes so i'm going to click yes i'm going to type y hit enter and since it's a vps it's going to restart the server pretty quickly it takes about 30 seconds to restart the the the cloud server so let's uh give it five more seconds or so and then i'm going to log in again with putty oops grab that oops i'm gonna grab that ip address and yeah you can already log back into it root my password i set my log first logged in and it's going to give you a little information about what your current server load is the cpu usage ram usage disk usage which is cool but to access our cpanel or our cyber panel we're going to be opening a new tab and you go to the ip and you go to semicolon 890 and there is no ssl we need to set that up and i'm going to show you how to set that up really quick so click advanced continue we're going to log in sometimes you have to do it twice and here is the login panel i'm going to type in my password or the username admin which is going to be the same admin for all of them and the password i set when setting up the server here you can see the resources of the server the cpu usage ram usage and disk usage so now i'm going to set a host name for my server this is very important it's the first thing you should always do when setting up a a server or a web hosting control panel whether it's plesk cpanel whatever you need to set the host name and configure it correctly especially if you're going to have you know resellers or users using your hosting control panel to log into their accounts and their their websites they need something other than this i p address to access the hosting control panel so what we need to do is we need to go to our domain name that we have that we want to use as our host name you will need to buy a domain name for this i use cloudflare i love cloudflare i recommend everyone uses cloudflare to manage their dns so what you'll do if you if you want if you don't use cloudflare already i suggest watching one of our tutorials on how to set this up um how to set your domain with cloudflare you can find it in the rootpal videos and then once that's done and configured you go to dns and we're going to add a record and you're going to choose a hostname name so i'm going to choose it's going to be an a record and you need you need to make sure this is unchecked right here and we're going to put that ip address in and make sure that's unchecked you have to make sure this is unchecked and we're gonna click save so now that's done we can access the console the web console using that hostname but we need to issue an ssl for it so what i'm going to do is i have to create a website and this is the way you do it for panel select a package you can configure different packages here um on the resources this doesn't really matter for this website since it's going to be just using we're only creating this website for the host name we're not going to create a website on it it's just for the hostname of the server i'm going to click admin as the owner we're going to type in we're going to choose this email it's just a random email it could be any email but your email address must be real it cannot be a fake email address or it will not issue an ssl for this domain name all right choose a random php i'm gonna go with php 7.4 and we're going to check ssl i'm going to click create website and you don't need these other things dkim supports for email and you don't need that and we don't need to create a mail domain because we're not going to be using this for mail i'm going to create the website so i'm thinking you didn't really need to enable ssl there but who cares click go back we'll be able to see the lists of our website right here and there it is and that's the that's the you know a little preview of the website which is cool i like it because plus does that as well but we're going to go to ssl and hostname ssl we're going to set this as the hostname of the server we're going to hit issue ssl so what this is going to do is it's going to create an hostname ssl for and there we go so that's the cell which is issued for the host name and what i want to do is i want to go to list websites so i just logged me out because it just reset the ssls so if i go here now and i type in web cyber dot root pal and i do the 890 and i hit enter it should show the ssl now perfect so the ssl is now showing and so that means we installed it i'm gonna click sign in and there you go we have ssl working on our control panel now um but i think it's if we just go to it directly it's going to be not ssl because i don't think it's force ssling right so if we do 8 0 90 oh yeah okay so let's see if we do this open a new private window and it does force ssl which is good so you saw how i went directly here i clicked entered and it did the ssl so that's cool now we have ssl working for our control panel and now we can tell people use this link and it'll work so we have to do one other thing and that is we need to set the hostname of this server so i'm going to type in hostname here and you see the hostname is not correct so we need to change this and i'm going to change it to the webcyber1 so the command i'm actually going to execute is hostname ctl space set dash hostname and i'm going to type in web cyber not root pal oops uh let me try that again [Music] [Music] so it looks like i'm missing a package or something that was giving me an error um so i'm going to install that package run the apt update apt upgrade it says i have that so let's see [Music] so all i had to do was i had to reboot the server um and i was able to run the command right after that so i rebooted the server when i got that error um and i set the host name and now i can check it and the host name is now so if you get that error just reboot it there's something wrong with the symbolic link but just rebooting should fix it maybe it was something we did when we issued the ssl for the host name so now that that's done we have one last thing we need to do and we need to go back to our server and go to reverse dns and we're going to edit it and i'm going to grab that host name right click copies it and i'm going to post it in my reverse dns the reason i'm doing this right now is this is what you need to do every time you install a control panel it doesn't matter which control panel you need to do these steps changing the host names because it will save you such a headache when you're sending emails or creating emails um or whatever because it'll go straight to the inbox because now your server is verifying that this is the host name and it's going to go to the inbox when you're emailing people way more when you create your mail your email boxes on the hosting the cyber panel or plask or cpanel you have to do this anyways for every single hosting control panel so now that we're done you're ready to go you're ready to start you know creating users um you can they have the cyber panel has a reseller center um it has api access it has packages you know databases phpmyadmin it's a very very powerful um you know the hosting control panel that's free it has plug-ins you can install for later if there's plug-ins online and you know you can change the design as well you can add any css you'd like or whatever it's it's very powerful and it's great for a free solution um i personally recommend plesk it's my favorite hosting control panel you know if you you can get licenses through us for cheaper and we will i will have a tutorial on how to install plus can set up your plask server uh through our vps hosting uh but do know that this is managed vps hosting with rupal it is the cheapest managed vps hosting plans on from any of our competitors a lot of our competitors like vulture we have the same pricing as them for vps's but ours are managed and ours are faster because they do use nvme drives we're not using ssd we're using the fastest drives and the fastest processors on our vps servers so we are using top-notch hardware so and you're getting managed support meaning we'll do whatever we can to make to get your site uh and hosting control panel back and running or trying to figure out what's wrong with it or diagnose it or work with you on fixing it as your server admins so that's all i have for this tutorial i hope you enjoyed it if you'd like me to do more cyber panel tutorials let me know if you need cyber panel support or you need help with anything please create a ticket and our engineers will do our best to help you with our managed vps hosting support thank you
Channel: Rootpal
Views: 523
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: install cyberpanel, install cyberpanel vps, vps cyberpanel, installing cyberpanel, cyberpanel free control panel, free hosting control panel, free control panel hosting, cyberpanel vps, hosting rootpal, rootpal, vps rootpal, vps install cyberpanel, how to install cyberpanel, vps server
Id: h5lR6r-tzD0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 24sec (1344 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 26 2021
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