How to install crown moulding on uneven ceiling - hide wavy ceiling with crown

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what's up guys with our true good development i'm remodeling this kitchen and we're doing a bunch of different things to it and today i want to do my uh crown trim and i want to do my light rail trim i guess i'll do two different videos for that maybe i don't know we'll see what the time is like but anyways i'm gonna start with the crown i got three five eighths uh crown that's gonna go um there's soffits in this in this kitchen so i'm blending the soffits in with the cabinets and then capping it with a crown just to give it more of a grander look so i want to show you what i'm doing check it out all right guys so this is the setup in this kitchen we have the soffit all right and so basically it's the same idea if you have cabinets all the way up to the ceiling uh the trick with crown is it touches two surfaces so it touches the wall touches the ceiling so it's imperative that you get it straight across the trick is there's no one ceiling that's going to be straight from one end to the next just because wood sags and especially if the home is older then you'll get a little bit more movement throughout the years so what you want to do is you don't want to base your straight line off of the ceiling knowing that the ceiling is going to be uh moving or is not going to be flat so what you want to do is you want to set a benchmark for yourself a straight line that you're going to measure from and to do that you basically just take your level and you put it wherever it doesn't matter along this wall in my case and you can see i already have it lined up i came up to here and i made sure that my level is accurate and i drew a line okay and i did the same thing throughout the whole wall then i measure from it to the ceiling right so here i got nine and a quarter here i got nine and a half and this goes all the way across to determine what's the shortest distance and i got ten and a quarter here so in this particular wall my shortest distance is this nine and a quarter so that's where you're going to that's going to be your height all the way across you're going to base it off of nine and a quarter reason being is if you started at the highest point then you're gonna have to bow your crown to match the ceiling which you don't want because that's the highest point if you already start at the highest point there's no other way to go but at a uh incline and you don't want that you want a straight line across just like when you're putting in cabinets you start from the highest point in the in the floor so you can shim up to it same thing here we start from the shortest point or highest depending on which direction you're looking at it and then we back fill to make it all look uniform so i'll show you how i'm doing that but that is a crucial point that you got to do when you're doing crown otherwise if you back up this ceiling looks perfectly fine but it's not to the naked eye it looks fine and once you put a crown or anything else to it it's going to exaggerate that bow and we don't want that so uh you got to determine the shortest distance and run your crown across so i'm go ahead and cut some crown and we'll come back and i'll show you how i'm putting that together okay crown is cut i got this one long piece that's going to go there and i have this mitered piece that's going up here i started with this it's a little difficult to kind of do this while while filming but what you want to do is you want to make sure you mark your studs if you're doing this directly onto a wall if you're doing it onto a cabinet then you know that's all wood you could you can go wherever so anyways i i went ahead and marked them you could see maybe the marks here and i stopped right here so i can film it so you guys can see what i'm doing as i'm going i'm using my level of course you want to make sure that it is a level line all right and really all it is is just moving this until you get to that level point there you go tight spaces [Music] just want to see what that looks like okay i think that looks pretty good and now what we'll do is we're going to backfill that spot right there just kind of how i did underneath so i back filled with wood filler here under this coat around trim the same routine this is going to get sanded it's going to get painted it's all going to blend in and we're going to do the same thing up here it's a process but you know again if you want to make everything look look straight you got to do what you got to do okay on to the second piece before you start anything before you go nailing you want to dry fit your piece make sure it fits correctly last thing you want is you go and nail everything in and you're stuck at the corner trying to trying to fit it in i marked my my studs i couldn't detect any any studs using my stud finder so i used a long uh narrow a bit you could use anything really and just kind of poke some holes in everything will be covered all right here we go again remember from your marks this is my shortest distance so i want to punch my nail here first and then we'll we'll move around yeah this this is the part where having a partner somebody to help would be great you get this nice and flush the ceiling here with that [Music] there you go now see now you can release this handle a little bit not for too long because it's still very heavy on that side so we're going to move on that's the shorter sets i'm not worried about that i want to i want to support this this part the rest is pretty straightforward push it up and get it level all right all right after you've punched in a couple of nails step back just to kind of get an idea of where things are going and i think we're doing all right definitely some backfilling needs to happen there all right last piece uh after going this way [Music] there you go all right backfill all the pieces it's tedious but it just really finishes the look so i'll do that and i'll show you what the finished product looks like all right guys my piece is up here these two pieces are up and i'm showing show you how i'm back filling like there so i start off with joint compound and then once that dries you don't want to leave that on because i mean on by itself because it's going to crack it's going to break so once you're done with the joint with the joint compound come back the next day when it's dry and throw in some wood filler this is the guy that i use plastic wood all-purpose wood filler okay and then you sand that paint it and you're done now this might seem like a lot of work it's more tedious than it is a lot of work but think about it this way you do it one time and then you're happy with the results you use the kitchen all the time you don't want to walk in here every time and you're like oh man i should have done that so it sucks but it needs to get done and what happens is with this you just let it sit and move on to another part of the project while this dries you're gonna you're gonna need another day anyways to maybe do whatever else you're doing in here so just do it and then come back the next day and do the other part so there you go just use um you could use all-purpose joint compound it doesn't matter i always seem to have a bucket laying around somewhere okay don't worry about the molding getting dirty just clean it as much as you can you're gonna come back with a fine grit and all you're doing is just scuff sanding it so it's no big deal it'll take like seconds to do this whole 12 foot 14 foot section okay and there you go all right just like that i'll do the other piece i'm not worried about this i'm just going to throw a bead of caulk on top and touch everything up all look pretty when it's all done all right guys kitchen is complete i got my appliances in i got the floors i think i said that last done baseboard paints everything is in the backsplash is looking nice my crown with the soffit painted to match to kind of give it a fuller look guys i hope you liked the video subscribe to the channel if you haven't um it's the only way to support it and i'll see you guys on the next one you
Channel: True Grit Development
Views: 89,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mlD1_zgivfE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 48sec (708 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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