How To Install Crown Molding (actually installing miters)

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hi I'm Tony with Michigan crown molding dot-coms  YouTube channel in this particular video I am   going to go over how I install crown molding by  myself you can do a tune for instance one of the   scenes in this video I install a bedroom that  is roughly 15 by 14 so that means I'm putting up   15 foot pieces fourteen foot pieces by myself it  can be done and I'm gonna show you not only that   I'm gonna go over how to manipulate each corner  if you ever notice if you ever tried it you go   to put the pieces up you know you cut it right  you put them in the corner and they just don't   fit well I call making those work manipulating  each miter and in this video I'm going to show   you how to manipulate miters not talking down  other than you know here's the other YouTube   channels but most of the time the guys put the  miters up and they already tested it first they   know they're gonna fit perfectly so you really  don't learn anything from that in this video   it's gonna be real-world situations you're gonna  watch me put the miters together and they're not   gonna fit and then I'm gonna make them fit so  I'm hoping you learn something from this video   and if you like it like it and if you want you  can follow my channel because all my videos are   going to be crown moulding related again I'm Tony  with Michigan crown molding comm and I hope you   enjoy the video thanks ok here's a the bathroom  and yes it is the bathroom and if you notice let   me get a layer here I've got my corners marked  I know where my pieces are gonna go which is   extremely important if you're working by yourself  we have nobody to line up another piece with a   larger ring like a bedroom you have nobody to  help you line it up so those marks will help   me know exactly where the pieces need to go as  I'm putting them up you know so let's get at it   I'm gonna show you the first mitre okay here's  the first piece here and all I'm gonna do is   set that on my mark could already tell we're  gonna have a slight issue you see the walls   kind of bent it's okay because you'll see when  you can see that it's just giving big time but as you can see there's that dip  I was talking about and this one   this side looks good so take that trusty knocker honestly I think that's about as good as that one   that's gonna get again you can see  that the miters good I can pop this side out a little bit we're gonna knock it up right now this corner is jacked there's nothing to  do with the miter the miter is perfect and once that's talked and later is gonna look  great you'll never see that imperfection in the   ceiling all right on to the next meter okay  here is the third piece in this room Lucy   what can you come up with you see we are  not gonna have a problem with this one I'm   not sure you can see the pencil lines from the  sample pieces that I put in first you can see   then I'm almost on that mark again they're just a  reference I mean but you should be close to them just going to again we got this little  gap here to the last two meters in this   bathroom okay the last piece in any  room can be difficult only because   you're dealing with two winners at one  time - let's see what we got before we   started Felicia I'm going to get this  piece in it's fastened I'm on my mark okay so I got this side in I'll give you an idea with you look up it is possible to be brown building by yourself okay now what I'm gonna do is to walk you through  each corner none of them have been manipulated ya   see this one's close but if you get up close  to it you'll notice that it's not perfect and   that's what I'm gonna do with each corner in  this room so stick around and I'm gonna show   you how I make okay as you can see these corners  this is a 23 gauge pin nailer right here she's   very small I mean it is it's I mean it really you  can't even see the holes and once you're standing   on the ground you do very very tiny nothing to  it and what it does though it allows us to get   a very neat job when we're installing our crown  homeowners stay home whenever they look at your   work it doesn't look all messy filled with  holes I mean and you could literally brush   right over the holes and the paint will right  now let's get back to this corner right here okay so corners news it's not really as you can  see what I'm going to do is I'm going to use some   adhesive I love this stuff by the way dries  rock hard it shrinks just like you want it to and in a perfect world it looks like it's  ready for paint before you now you can see   I've got glue all up underneath it  I'm gonna make my lighter pretty so absolutely beautiful seen the nails you know at  this point once that adhesive sets up the males   are over now I'm sure some of you are saying you  know you're cheating I mean my antenna is I don't   want my molding moving and I don't care what kind  of nail you use if you don't glue it you don't use   it piece it doesn't matter what nail you use so if  that's the case why do you need to use a big nail idea is we just want to hold it up there until  the mitre dry the glue dries and everything is   great let me get a close-up in there for  ya I mean that isn't an absolutely perfect   outside corner all right so let's go on  to the next mitre I'm gonna go through   there's one two three four five more in this  room and I'm gonna show you how I manipulate   each okay as you can see that this mitre it  doesn't need much work but it's not perfect these guys would just take their pry bar and go  in there and just you know I got that to close   off actually it would work better from this I  don't know if you can notice that it closed up   it just it's perfect at this point now I could  nail it a couple times here and it will hold so   when I let go it doesn't do that but what  I prefer to do is they use these actually   their tongue suppressors my buy them at the  dollar store and yes they're a dollar I get   maybe 24 in a pack they go a long way because  as you could see what I'll do is I'll just come over a little bit more and then I put  that it's the show yeah that's a shoe but it   assured me that nothing is gonna move back  in my pouch I'll be able to use it again a   few more times actually this way you're  assured that this mitre is not going to   move now normally I would put the adhesive on  now but for time purposes I am going to go to   the next mitre all right as you can see from  this mitre here it no I remember well all I   did was I I mean I cut all the pieces and put  them all up I knew my measurements we're good   it's one thing you gotta keep in mind when you  do crown moulding when any type of carpentry it   be confident in your tape measure be confident  in your measurement and if you are confident   with your measurements you'll know that when  you put that piece up or any other pieces   though you're gonna fit but now as you can see  this one's got some issues but it's just low   so let me set the camera up in place and I'll  show you how I put it together okay so first   thing I'm gonna do is I'm going to knock it up  if you look close you could see my pencil lines right this is number five out of number six oh we're gonna take our trusty knockers  I'm gonna drop this piece down a little   bit of that going on I've got two  options here or I could I'm sure   I can make this one work I'm going  to I'm going to throw in this side dropout looks like that side too seems like  overkill probably right you must be your   frog thinking it was fine put it on this one and  then we're gonna bring this up just a little bit we're gonna throw in this side too because we can   all right now if you notice  this side is a little lower I just pop these four pieces right back in my  pouch now what we have here is two perfectly cut   miners but as you can see I had to manipulate  it to make it work what that means is that the   drywall the corner the ceiling wasn't perfect  but we are putting in two perfectly cut pieces   of molding so we had to manipulate the walls  to make them accept the miter and that's where   most people fail is they they don't get that  the walls are totally contorted so we want to   all were considered interested in is making our  mitre pretty if you look close just slight gap at   the top you'll never see that and then the gaps at  the bottom you're never gonna see that once it's   glued and cocked it's not like I'm trying to hide  anything I mean it is what it is everybody does   this anybody that does car movie that knows how  a crown molding works this is how it works if you   want to be good at it you just have to understand  that nothing is perfect and you have to make it as   perfect as you possibly can until of that okay  yeah last murder in this room 106 in this room   and as you could see it's not a few it's got some  issues going on got a gap lined up if you press   on it you're gonna get that we're gonna make  that work I'm gonna show you how all right so   the first thing we're gonna do is look how bad  we are now I could tighten that up we're good   at the height and again what we're dealing with  is in an imperfect corner because I'm confident   both of these were cut at the same angle I'm gonna  show you in another video how I I know for a fact basket-case we're gonna take out our  trusty suppressor in there and bam all right now I'm gonna show you how I finish off  each and every room what I'll do is I normally   cut these shims out as I go these pencil line  you see this pencil line marks here what I'm   doing is I'm putting up test pieces before I even  do anything in the room and it's a reference of   where a perfect miner should go so I basically  got pieces about this big that have this inside   corner 45 cut on them and I put them up and then  I just simply pencil the marks off so that's what   you're seeing is that pencil line up in here  okay so again we're using very small nails I   think I made that evident earlier I'm gonna  do the whole room every inch of every piece and the reason why is that I know my lawyers  aren't moving they're never gonna move it's   that simple they keep I know this looks probably  less attractive to some of you but again this is   what a painter would do but the difference is  you're Peters using just caulk and no offense   to painters but most painters use garbage [  __ ] these the cheapest stuff out there and   it's gonna crack it's not doing anything when  you use an adhesive okay it's glue a really   strong glue when you use an adhesive along with  just some tiny 23 gauge pen nails I mean as you   can tell where is this gonna go it can't go  nowhere and any painter in the world would   be proud or happy to be left with this mitre to  work with most painters you know I've talked to   you that seeing my work you know not to toot  my own horn but most painters love working   behind me simply for the fact that it's not a  bloody mess to make what my carpentry look good there you have it so so there's the room right  there and it looks like I've got about another   maybe 15 minutes of adhesive left to go and it  is crown this is a bathroom it's got a couple   returns that are gonna go on this corner here  then that corner is there where the ceramic   tile or whatever kind of toilet is you show  you how I start the rooms off and let's get   started okay the first thing I do I've got  these sample pieces here basically it's the   crown molding that I'm using in this room and  I have my miter cut this is an outside corner   here this is an inside corner here so now what  I do is I take these the inside corner where I   wish the crown is going to be and as you can  see that's where it wants to be so now what   this is gonna allow me to do is hang the crown  molding by yourself no this way it could be 14   feet well as I'm putting this piece the actual  piece that's in I just got to keep an eye on that   there and know that I've got the right angle  in this corner because I'm working this way in   the middle of the wall and attaching it okay  so something else to keep in mind is that you   look these two pieces fit pretty good but you  see that gap right there that gap is gonna be   in our finished product the minors nice but we've  got a gap and that what you're looking at is the   ceiling and that's just how it works so I just  basically take my pencil again nice through the   entire room I will do that in each corner at this  point I take I take my tape measure on and nobody   has ever worked with one of these before this  particular product is made by Bosch I highly   recommend it and I simply lining that up down on  the far side get it perfect sometimes it takes two   hands I'm not sure you can see that's 111 inches  in 9/16 so I know this tape so instead of it's   actually 9/16 so I'm going to take a sixteenth off  I'm going to call that one eleven and a half now   the opposite side stops at the ceramic tile and I  got seventy seven and seven eight so again I got   77 7/8 I'm gonna take a six Dolf and that will  bring me to 13 16 now the reason why I take a   sixteenth are is that these are so accurate that  if you cut it exactly to what it says it's gonna   be too tight I mean it'll work but I'd rather my  molding be a little loose so I can work with it   you know because I you know what I mean it fits  exactly the same site set size if these corners   a little off and I can't manipulate that crown  molding and I wanna I want it to have a little   bit of movement so I can make my mitre perfectly  a gun this wall could be bowed out a little bit   can't see it it's drywall you know drywall guys  put this mud in here and created this corner it's   not square it's not Louisville promise right this  will be the next room it's a small hallway okay okay so here are my two sample pieces  you place them up in this outside corner make sure that's possible as you can see  that's very pretty the bottoms are lying   somewhat so I'm going to do is check my pencil  very lazy and mark it mark it at the top come   up at the bottom if you like and then I do  the same thing and all the inside corners sample pieces put them up in place lately mark now this house is getting  painted so it's not very important that   I make light marks but as a practice I make  my marks really light all right so I'll go   through the whole room very small room  and mark all my corners and then take my   measurements write them down and then go  I'm glad to make my cut so I'll be right   back okay I'm gonna start putting my pieces  to go my first piece is going to be this 53 tack it in little basically  just holding it in place this one is a 39 this piece is a little long and it's still a  little long so I'll be right back I'm gonna   go make another cut okay I made the adjustment  to that piece I know it's gonna fit this time   so I don't want my outside corners I don't  want any of my corners moving so I've got   my marks so I'm basically gonna stay just  inside the line with some adhesive again   after you use adhesive it makes the  nails irrelevant don't you think all right so it's a beautiful  miter looks great right there I believe I'm gonna move the camera okay you  can see this one cameras a little crooked but   oh well I don't really want a wrench on this  one because I can make it a little better hard to do this with the camera in my  way I can't really see it that that's   an absolutely perfect miter right now  it's not a big enough seem to get ashume   in there so I'm just gonna pop a couple  meals pretty mitre go on to the next one all right so basically that's how I go about  it and I think I'm gonna just leave it right   there because from the information that I  gave you earlier in the other bedroom Plus   this information on how I actually laid  the rooms out I think you'll be able to   have a pretty good idea on how I go about  installing macro moly listen I'm Tony with   Michigan crown molding hopefully we all  learned something here like I said before   please comment like subscribe if you like but  I'm more interested in in the comments I'd like   to hear your ideas from other the other  carpenters out there or homeowners that   taught themselves something we can all learn  something improve our skills and that's what   it's all about crown molding really isn't  that difficult it just takes a little bit   of knowledge and a little bit of tricks of  the trade we'll see you in the next video
Channel: michigancrownmolding
Views: 35,108
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DIY, Carpentry, carpentry basics, carpentry projects, crown molding, crown moulding, coffered ceilings, wainscotting, do it yourself, finish carpentry tv, idaho painter, how to install crown molding, diy ideas, coping crown molding, crown moulding installation, diy crown molding, how to cut crown, how to install
Id: GrdWx3jnuZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 59sec (3059 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 23 2019
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