How to Install Car Paint Coating: AMMO REFLEX PRO

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First 5 minutes is application information. Last 25 minutes is Q and A that dives in to the chemistry, concept, and goals of Reflex Pro.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 35 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/fissionmoment πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I wonder if I can put this on top of an existing ceramic without much of an issue.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/constantlyanalyzing πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

How much is it? $149?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/aaronic04 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 20 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Larry is the best! The man knows his stuff. I follow this guide for any detail job. Check it out

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 15 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/japtanna πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

I haven’t watched the video yet, is reflex pro a ceramic coating?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/athurstyfish πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 19 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Will this work on matte? Or would it make it shiny?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/TheHentaiGod πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Sep 21 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Has anyone tried this coating yet?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sjbiss πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 28 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Has anyone used this Reflex Pro Enamel yet?

How does this compare to ceramic with shine and hydrophobic properties?

Can ceramic be placed on top of this if need be?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/scott123954 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 25 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey guys i wanted to shoot a quick video on how to install ammo reflex pro the reason i say quick is it's really not that complicated but i wanted to do it on a real car meaning this is a porsche 964 and it's a customer car they're coming at the end of the day i kind of want to show you in real life what's going on so we're going to go through that step-by-step process at the end of that we're going to have a little q a section where a lot of you have asked a ton of questions in the pre-sale about everything from how long does it last how do you prep for it can you polish it uh how does it compare what's the white stuff on the everything in between so we're going to go through that but i'll give you a little bit of a warning it's going to be technical towards the end i'm going to read some quotes from a phd chemist to sort of get us all on the same page so we can understand where this sits and sort of the spectrum of everything coatings because i know there's a ton of confusion out there so let's get in let's prep this car and i'll show you the steps and then we'll go through the questions the all-new ammo reflex pro can be applied to paint trim headlights door jambs wheels painted interior plastics and boats it's simple and quick no heat lamps or tools needed and as you'll see in all my videos and especially in today's world wearing gloves mask and face protection when washing or polishing or protecting your car is a very smart way to go first wash the paint to remove any contaminants as you would for any layer of protection because this has very low viscosity it also flows into the peaks and valleys of the paint really well so to take advantage of that characteristic the paint and the wheels need to be as clean as possible so what i like to do is use ammo brute mixed with dawn dish soap or whatever you have on your counter to help break up or emulsify any oils or old waxes that may be on your paint and wheels keep in mind if you need to click the paint then do so now after the wash using the paint soap as lubrication if not just skip it once your wash is done don't forget the door jams by the way rinse the car down again then dry with a microfiber towel without hydrate and use air or a blower if you have access to one now at this point you can do two things you can either wipe with an isopropyl alcohol or gentle wax and grease remover if you feel the surface is not clean enough or you can go the other direction which is to polish the paint because you need to remove imperfections prior to applying ammo reflex pro now in this particular case you can see that the 964 has a bunch of scratches so obviously i need to compound polish them out to make it look perfect before i put pro on top of it so i want to make the point loud and clear not all cars will need to be polished or even clay so you need to use your judgment here so you can move on quickly and just put on pro or you can do some prep work it really depends on the level of detail that you're looking for and the condition of the vehicle that you're working on with the car clean dry and with your ppe gear on shake the bottle then apply a few drops to the microfiber applicator pad but there's no need to actually soak it just a few drops and you're good to go then immediately afterwards lightly screw the cap back on to prolong the shelf life of the leftover product inside the bottle for future jobs as each bottle will get you about two to three applications including the wheels and the door jambs once primed work in overlapping motions one panel at a time and allow it to set up for about 20 to 30 seconds in most cases and sometimes longer in others this will differ based on the temperature and humidity of course but it's easy just watch for the panel to begin to rainbow then it's time to wipe it off as i'm sure you all know by now quality resin based protection will become somewhat sticky during the removal process that's perfectly normal and will become smooth once it's fully cured in a few hours work the entire vehicle one panel at a time and make sure you rotate your towels once the paint is covered then i work the door jambs especially underneath the doors themselves as this is where dirt and grime can sit for long periods of time and don't forget about the backside of the gas door the hood and trunk jams and finish up with the wheels as well if you happen to miss a buff-off spot same idea as when you're putting on wax or sealant and a little part of it actually cures in a tiny little spot that's totally fine simply re-wipe that area with fresh reflex and then buff it off with a microfiber towel again and it'll come off really easily once you've completed all the panels which should take you about 45 minutes maybe an hour or so allow it to set up for at least six hours before getting the surface wet if you can let it sit for 12 hours or 24 that's even better but most important step by far is to double check all of your work for missed spots and address them within the first few hours and then you're good to go [Music] [Music] okay now we're in the q a portion of the video and as you can see the 964 behind me looks absolutely stunning it took me about an hour and i was filming so i had to move the camera around meeting has a little bit slower so let's for argument's sake say we took about an hour we did one panel at a time wiped it off it's really not that big of a deal but let's go through the q a i'm giving you a little bit of a heads up we're gonna start talking a little bit more about chemistry i'm going to stay high level i wanted to give very specific answers which was going to require me to read an ipad because i have a ton of questions from you guys as well as i have pieces of paper all around me right now from chemists and various people who are giving advice and opinions on certain aspects uh like surface tension and surface energy and additives and things along those that nature as well as i'm gonna have a link down below we're gonna talk about it in a second this is from the industrial micro biology services uh certificate of analysis when we talk about the additive that's in there meaning i just didn't want to say hey we have micro antimicrobial uh additive in there i wanted to actually prove that we did some tests so it's not just uh sort of a buzzword there but so bear with me here we're going to blast through a couple of different uh questions and hopefully uh it answers your question if not of course shoot me an email i'm happy to help first one is how long does it last the quick answer is we've done field tests that have last between 29 and about 30 a little bit over 36 months so basically two and a half to three years now the big question is why did you say one year that's what people get why do you keep saying one year one year and i say if you're not maintaining your car uh for at least one year meaning you're not touching it for one year there is a kind of this divide between who i'm focused on meeting my customer or the the people that i really want to try to help versus others and it you're you can't be everything to everybody and so i use that because i think if people are scared away by one year when in reality it's two and a half years but let's just say and you people watching i think uh you guys are you know that fanatical type people where it doesn't really matter but for the majority of the public they want to hear five years seven years and there's a 20-year warranty and all these kind of crazy things which i respect i'm not knocking anybody that's not what i do um it's just not what i believe in and it to me i want to focus if you're not maintaining your car at least once a year which i think is incredibly reasonable then it may not be a right fit so uh that's sort of where i'm at with there but publicly i'm going to say one year because i do think you need to reapply after one year and you just avoid tons of issues like because one of the questions is how do you know when to reapply it and my answer to that is i guess we'll do it right now is every year because you're never going to let it get to that point where you're going to see it starting to fade or certain areas get more damage than others and things like that so once once a year i think is very reasonable okay the next question is what makes this different than the original reflex and the reflex sheet code so there's another question here why did you name it reflex too so we'll talk about that but basically i had the original reflex here in my props this is the original one my very first bottle you can see it's all mangled and this one here which is double the size by the way and there's the one in between which is the reflex sheet coat now the original reflex number one selling product ever had people loved it fantastic but at the time i was ignorant uh as so what uh my my personal values were with respect to the safety of the product i always wanted it to be safe but i didn't really set a guideline for myself and because uh you're looking at the only guy in the company right now i i i'm privileged to be able to set the guideline and make the rules as i see it and at that time when i set the rules i had to make a very uh challenging decision for myself because it was the number one selling product to take it off the market because it didn't meet my standards one of there's multiple standards but one of which was being non-flammable and in this case that was flammable back then like anything else changes so i would say the difference is in this case i'm going to read off this to make sure that we're very very clear it's non-flammable it's organic as in it means it has a carbon backbone we can talk about that in a little bit it lasts way longer than anything else the original the sheet coat and then this one there it's sort of like comparing apples to rocket ships it's not even remotely close there's a high what we call a high bond dissociation and that is another way of saying a very high melting point so when you have bonds between two different monomers let's call them making a polymer of a particular product let's just say that there's a line in between the two of them and uv sun or uv rays hits it like the sun these things wiggle oh and if you're using uh carnauba wax in this weird example oh carnauba wax it'll break apart right in this case this bond between the two of them is very high but we'll talk about it a little bit later not so high that it doesn't allow the paint to flex it is flexible which i just talked about they can be put on boats i have never really crossed into that boat market and i wanted to focus on boats as well as this the big one was the anti-microbial additive at the end of this quick conversation hopefully we're going to be talking about additives and what that means across the industry or people are now putting things like uh for instance graphene into a product but i do believe there's a bit of confusion as to what an additive is versus not and in this case if i have antimicrobial in here this is an antimicrobial coating it's a coating with an antimicrobial additive looking at this through the same microscope this isn't a graphene coating it's a coating with a graphene additive to it so we're going to talk about that in a second but that's i'm just teasing you a little bit here to kind of get uh this in your head that these are additives meaning all the things that the attributes that i just talked about whether i remove that antimicrobial additive or not it's still going to do the same thing i just added an antimicrobial which is the next question so i guess i'll get into it because i think morally and again philosophically i want to try to be pushing towards the thing that we're fighting on a global basis now this isn't like a mother teresa type moment but like why would i not want to fight that because somebody said in a facebook post why would you put antimicrobial like who cares about that i said great i do here's why because i touch my door handle every 10 seconds getting in and out of the car inside there's painted plastic certain areas of certain cars you can actually put that on because you're opening and closing the door that kind of thing and i'll read a statement that has been certified again the certified analysis i'll have a certificate of analysis i'll have this link so you can look at it on a pdf or whatever but basically staff and e coli is reduced by 99.9 over a 24 hour period i can read you the actual legal statement but you get the idea i wanted to push in the right direction is it going to solve all the world's problems no but i thought hey why don't we just keep pushing that way versus hey this makes it even more hydrophobic this makes it even more stronger it makes it even like a like a tank and the example that i give on the phone to different people is like why would you not want it stronger it's like okay we've talked about ad nauseum the flexing of the paint meaning if i take this card that i just did and put it outside it's going to heat up the paint and if i bring it back inside and it's cool it's going to contract and when we polish it it heats up and it cools down there's no arguments there we've talked about it a lot if you're going to put something on top of that that is a piece of glass that is steel and underneath is like a balloon that's going like this eventually it's going to go like this we we've shown that it it cracks that fissure it has these um display displacements in the in the the surface so to me i don't necessarily want something that's super strong i'll give you one of my analogies again let's say you're a police officer in modern times meaning today and you were wearing an old school like knights uniform you know and you could barely walk in it but like hypothetically you couldn't get shot or you couldn't get hit and you'd always be protected and you'd always come home safe great but you wouldn't be able to really it's not practical meaning you couldn't run after the bad guy you couldn't jump over a fence or something like that right so you can't always have everything that's the strongest so there has to be this kind of happy medium and that's the part where uh it gets confusing and there's a lot of marketing and it just it i get a lot of questions like that so hopefully um i think i just ruined like three or four answers here because i just blended them all but that's basically what's kind of going on in my head next question why did you use the same name as reflex it's kind of a weird funny story but my wife and i came up with the name and the reason why is we wanted something that was flexible uh and reflective so reflective re flexible free flight reflex i just think it was it's the next evolution and i love being able to evolve and maybe there's going to be the next one or the next one who knows but so that's why it's named reflex next question do i have to strip the paint before application i think strip is a very uh wrong word to use but i get what we're doing in the detailing industry we say strip to remove all the oils and anything that's on top of the surface the short answer is yes but we have to be conscious about how we do that so use dish soap use brute you can use a little bit of iso here and there wipe it down but the challenge is i have a video on this you don't want to shock the paint and when you shock the paint you're using heavy wax removers and degreasers and things so we some paints are fine and some are not so i'm saying hey you guys got to take your time and think about what i don't know your car so you may have to do some tests here's the downside if you shock the paint meaning you expand and contract expand and contract expanding contract too fast those layers sometimes get disjointed and don't go back properly and you cause issues in the paint we've talked about that with kevin brown a thousand times so the short answer is yes you want to remove because the surface of the paint even after we've polished this one is still jagged like if we were to put a microscope on it it's still kind of like this but jagged and so because this this product here is low this uh has a low viscosity in other words it's thin it'll seep in and coat everything and it forms this covalent bond with the surface great sounds all technical and sexy but if that is filled in with wax or junk or something or dirt or whatever it's not going to bond right it's just like doing the epoxy floor here we got to sand it down and wipe it like a thousand times or doing or painting a car same kind of concept or the short answer is yes but do it safely okay do i need to polish the car beforehand uh the quick answer to that is if it's not in the condition that you want it to stay in then yes you should polish it if it's a brand new car it looks perfect no then you don't need to i'm not of the philosophy where i'm going to use it as makeup it does have a little bit of those qualities so but i don't like to promote that because i don't believe that that's the right way but by default meaning it is going to fill in a lot of those gaps and reduce a little bit of those light scratches but that's not something i promote because i don't want that's not what i believe in but yes uh i do think you should polish it beforehand but if you don't it doesn't mean it don't do it can i apply two layers yes you can you just need to allow it to cure for a certain amount of time usually six to 12 hours but what i generally say in the public just to cover everybody from you know australia to russia in terms of the humidity and barometer all that kind of thing give it 24 hours and you can put another coating on there yeah no problem uh and there's certainly enough product in there yeah certain enough product you can get a couple of cars done i did just did you know this one you watched i have about um sixty percent like the the labels in the way so i can't show you but it's about sixty percent left so i could probably do another car and a half of this but i also did the door jambs i did the um the wheels i did uh the hood jam the trunk jam so i i really went nuts on this car so and there's still sixty percent left uh so you could you definitely have your next application as well and last about about a year unopened and then once it's open it's hard for me to give you that's another question here it's hard for me to give you a definitive time because it depends on how much air goes into it because it's the cure is air so as i showed you in the application video i apply it on i just barely a little bit you don't really need a whole lot it goes forever you don't want to put it on too thick either uh i just close it up real quick and put it in my pocket put it on dot dot close it up real quick and then you can go and do your thing and put it down uh that sort of thing somebody also asked me about towels if you wash your towels once you're done microfiber towels they won't harden up but if you wipe all that down and leave it there yeah it's going to turn hard because it's a product that turns hard same with your applicator once you're done with the throat should i do the entire card before wiping down no you want to do one panel at a time watch for it to flash it it's very hard to catch it on camera it took a lot of work to get that but in person it's like very evident it's very obvious that it is turning and then wipe it down and if it starts to become too too grippy that means you need to adjust your time and work a little bit you know wipe it down a little bit faster but it really gives you a decent amount of time so you shouldn't have any trouble can you put it on ppf yes that is a perfect example back there as you know the ammo 964 is completely wrapped with expel i put it on there it looks it looks completely insane in person so that is a big oh yes i put cream on it afterwards can you put other things on top of it the answer is yes you can do that but a lot of people say that you you shouldn't do that and there is some grains of truth in there so i'm not going to push back on that at all so what happens is because uh when it once it's on the car we have such a low surface energy that itself it sheds it does all these amazing beautiful things right if you put something on top of it then you take on the characteristics of whatever it is on top so in fact they are making sense can you put something on top yeah it's totally cool you can totally do that but you are going to alter the characteristics of what's on there having said that here's my little like what was larry talking about i i like from a therapeutic perspective when i go out to a show i put stuff on top of the car not just reboot because reboot's going to be coming up in a second to maintain it i like to put stuff on there i am secretly working on a new thing called blush that is a is like a cream meaning it's like a wax it's a smaller version of it but it has all the derivatives all the resins all the things in it to help fortify so it's like a it's like a reboot liquid but it's in a wax form why i like waxing my car before i go to a car show or go out on a hot date or go do whatever it is that makes me excited i like that having said that it does leave behind a little bit of a not greasy but more of a sticky uh substance so when in theory when you're driving uh you're gonna lose a little bit of that self-cleansing aspect because the surface uh is a bit more sticky and you're not utilizing the low surface energy hopefully that makes sense that's a long way of saying yeah you're going to have a little bit of sticky stuff on your car that potentially could attract dust i haven't seen it and i think that applies to people who don't wash their car as often as maybe you and i do so to me it doesn't make any it doesn't apply to me but it makes total sense when you read it online don't put anything else on top of there okay i see their point but uh i i i choose to go a different direction you know go any direction you want how do i maintain it you're going to wash it with your microfiber towels don't use multiple buckets like we've been doing just like we did here use your towel you know wipe it down you will see that it's going to act a little bit differently and the reason that we use soap is soap we talked about the surface tension before with respect to water the the water has you know that when it turns into these beads but when you put soap in the bucket soap lowers that surface energy meaning uh it can be closer to the surface it doesn't bead up is another way of saying it actually touches the paint and that's what you use as lubrication to wipe it down so when we put soap into water it's actually lowering that surface tension which is a good thing because you you want it to not bead off when you're washing the car hopefully i'm not getting too crazy here but um so yeah you wash it like that you dry it you can dry it with hydrate if you want totally cool and you can maintain it with reboot that is actually a derivative of this and i just came out with it much earlier because i wanted to see uh i wanted to see how it worked and make sure we were good before we came out with the big the big mama which was uh the reflex pro can i apply a second coat of pro the answer is yes just wait until it's cured uh i like to give it a full uh 24 hours you can probably squeeze it down just do do a little test and i'm sure you'll be fine if it's you know 10 hours in or whatever a couple hours after it's cross-linked you should be fine the last question kind of rolls into a whole thing here and they say hey what is this white stuff on the bottom there and that white stuff is an antimicrobial additive so we have all the resins all the things that make the product work just as great as as it is right now and then i said okay let's try to let's try to go out there let's go out on limb and see if we can add in these antimicrobial products that basically once mixed and leveled down with all this all these testings these uh certificate of analysis prove um to 99.99 uh that e coli and staph are reduced by 99 log 3 and log 4 over 24 hour period the moral of the story is i wanted to focus on something that is relevant to the to today we're focused on minimizing the amount of germs and bacteria for very obvious reasons so i said why not put our effort there maybe we strike out i don't know but right now i'm i said but i'm not just going to like wing it and say oh maybe it does well let's run it through these tests when i was running it through these tests i had access to all these chemists these phds that literally do tests all day long and i said to them what are some like what what's going on here explain to me uh the the craze what's going on with these additives in particular graphene and i want to be very clear here i'm not pulling anyone's tail i'm not trying to cause any issues i don't want any negativity and any of these comments or anything i'm just trying to understand even myself going forward so from my perspective i think graphene is um a wonderful product and i think there are going to be these amazing benefits going down the road maybe tomorrow maybe next year maybe 10 years i don't know i think the product itself is amazing but my question is what about now how is it really applied now or what's behind all of this and i'm going to read you some statements that i've got i've received from them but guys have asked why did i not put graphene in there the first kind of major thing that needs to be understood about additives are one let's speak directly about mine because i again i don't want any issues here but this is a is a coating with a antimicrobial additive to it so it's a reflex with antimicrobial right it's not an antimicrobial coating graphene and i have i want to read a sentence in a second is a coding with a graphene additive it's not a graphene coding okay so that's the first number one thing i wanted to bring up and you guys have asked me why did you not i'm answering this question because why did you not add graphene why would you why would you waste your time uh why would you waste your time adding antimicrobial so that's the first reason why uh the first difference that or the first point i wanted to make across here that i get to get across to understand that it's just an additive both mine and graphene are both additives right they're not the actual it's not antimicrobial coding and it's not a graphene coating it's it's a the coding with antimicrobial or graphene the second thing is when you look at your car you're touching the interior you're touching the handle you're touching the boats door jams molds all this kind of thing i said man this would be really cool if we can minimize that especially these door jams here and of course some interior parts that are painted plastic you can actually paint those and you can coat them for your door handles and if it minimizes even by the tiniest little percent i would rather spend my mental energy focusing on that versus having something that's super strong like we in this example of uh you know the night outfit with the with the policeman i don't i don't think that's the direction i don't necessarily want something that's a piece of glass on top of my car i want it to flex and bend so why not go this direction so that's my response to the few facebook questions of why the heck would you uh spend your time and energy doing that that's why i would do that now the second thing was uh why did i not add graphene versus this other stuff so that's question one two that was question two the question three is why not add graphene so i'm about to reach down and i have some documents here that are blowing around the room that i want to read from various different chemists i want to be abundantly clear to looking you direct in the eyes this has nothing to do with my wife uh who is a phd she's in a completely different uh category and it's also a conflict of interest in my opinion but so this is from i did multiple ones but i'm going to give you a little bit of what they're saying here the first guy says the graphene should be viewed as an additive we just talked about that and not the coating itself it wouldn't adhere by itself so it must be part of a more typical ceramic coating the more accurate a more accurate name would be quote ceramic coating with graphene rather than graphene ceramic coating likewise keep in mind that graphene will make the mix dry slash cure faster than normal so the users will really need to pay attention to the graphene powder next one during this process of me going through the testing and testing to make sure that i wasn't just saying hey it's antibacterial i wanted to have something to prove it again there'll be a download if you want to really look into it i asked all these people these chemists these phd chemists a specific question i said can you explain what changes when you add or remove graphene from a product my customers are asking and i want to be able to be intelligent and give them a real answer his response quote graphene has fast become the buzzword of the year as the new marketing ploy to show that companies are bringing out something new to the market from the research we've done on these so-called graphene coatings companies are actually utilizing a graphite powder and simply mixing it into their existing coatings this firstly changes the appearance of the coating to a darker apparent appearance and allows the company to state that they have graphene additives in their coating or a graphene coating in essence graphene is just too thick in terms of microns to be left on the surface and if it is to be filtered down and reduced in size you are actually changing its form away from graphene and down to simply carbon black nano particles a lot of products claim that it is it has increased hydrophobic properties this is more than likely not caused by the graphene and in fact the mixture without graphene particles added would be just as hydrophobic the same applied with the hardness test in the same in that the same hardness would be seen in the coating without graphene as it would be seen with the graphene graphene is a real substance do not get me wrong and there will be applications moving for it moving forward down the road but however at this stage in the technology in small particle in thin film technology are the words that he used it is simply a marketing term used to try to drum up business it is not ready to be uh used on the market so that is a couple of things again i am way not trying to cause any issues but you guys have asked why did i not put graphene in there the reason i didn't put graphene in this uh or titanium or whatever the the next uh the thing is is we have to go through these testings that's why it's taking me this long to come out with a coating think about the hundreds of coatings that are out there um i don't have anybody behind me saying you know you got to push sales you got to sell more golf balls and you got to sell more this and you got to sell more that i don't that's just me so i have the privilege to be able to take my time do some studies and research bounce it off people i trust and then hire other people out there for this you know these tests or whatever to make sure that i'm not totally losing my mind so these are the answers that i get back so you can understand why i would sort of hesitate to put something in that basically all of my advisors and people that i trust and bounce these ideas off of and try to do the math uh are giving me the feedback that hey it's not quite ready yet uh this isn't something that i think is a worthwhile pursuit so as the ceo of ammo i gotta say hey let's focus our time and energy on something that i think uh i i can prove and again i you know i can stand behind and say yes i think it's doing something is it the greatest thing since sliced bread i'm not sure yet but i want to go in that direction i want to fail and i want to succeed and i want to fail again and i want to sort of push the envelope there versus something that is potentially even stronger and harder where i don't believe that that's something i want on my flexible paint so that's kind of the back story i will say this i cannot speak intelligently about all the other products that are out there in terms of the graphene and i cannot speak intelligently about how great or not they are so take this with a grain of salt i am no way implying that those are not wonderful products i'm telling you based on the questions if you asked i'm answering your questions but i'm in no way trying to put anyone else down that is not my motive that is not something that uh i want anything to do with and if it is i'll take this video i don't i'm not trying to cause any issues maybe they figured something out that all these chemists haven't and i'm not saying that in a jokey snarky way i sincerely am saying that i do think there is something amazing that's going to happen at some point in the future but ultimately if you're using that product and you think that that product is working and their marketing matches what you believe and you're seeing it then continue using it that's totally uh okay my goal here was to talk to my customers and tell them why i am not using graphene doesn't mean i won't use it tomorrow or the next day or ten years down the road but it's not there in everything that i'm showing right now i'm looking at the grounds of paper everywhere all the tests all the things all me banging my head against the wall has not shown that that is something that i'm i'm i'm ready to spend my very limited time focusing on right now so hopefully that answers a lot of your questions i appreciate your guys support of course shoot me uh some emails or whatever if you have more questions i'm sure you will but i think that covers most of it we're going to get more nerdy and more in depth about i'm really into the surface tension and surface energy kind of thing because i think it's pretty neat but anyhow you guys are great i appreciate it thanks for hanging in there if you did and be well
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Keywords: AMMO NYC Reflex Pro Enamel Coat, How to apply a paint coating, DIY Paint Coating, Paint Protection film, How to install paint protection coating, How to install car coating, Guide to paint coating, Graphene Paint Coating, Is Graphene coating real, How to wax your car, How to protect my car paint, Larry Kosilla AMMO NYC
Id: mn0Dv2-7XHo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 2sec (1862 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 19 2020
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