How To Install Baseboard - THE EASY WAY!

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in this video I'm going to show you how to install baseboard and if you're new this channel my name's Josh tell us all about building your own house saving tunnel money so be sure to subscribe ring that Bell so you get notification airtime release new video and Hammer that like button for me that's all I ask for your turn for making this video so we got a lot to do today so let's get started before installing the baseboard I do make sure I get a nice even coat of paint on them in order to do so I buy the contractor's pack and lay it out on the workbench and use my airless sprayer to spray a nice even coat and then I took the leftover hardwood flooring boxes from when we did the hardwood floor to stack them a little and dry and as you can see they're all scattered throughout the house this is the door entering into the room so I want to be sure I start my baseboard on the back wall first which is this wall right here now that you know where to start at the next thing we need to do is find the first stud on this wall or at least close to the end of the wall so to do that the easiest way is to find a receptacle and we know there's going to be a stud on the left or right side so we're just going to take our hammer and do the tap tap test so from the sounds of it it's on the left side of this receptacle so I'm just going to take a nail and I don't want to go any higher than the height of my baseboard and tap it into the wall to find that stud it's safe to say that that is the center of the stud right there so I'm just going to mark this with my pencil I'm going to go ahead and pull that nail out and because most baseboard comes in 12 foot lengths it's important to know how to adjoin two pieces together to do a wall That's longer than 12 foot so what I'm going to do now is measure the length of the wall until I get 12 foot and I'm going to make a mark so I know coming off the corner of this room 12 foot gets me right here but I got to make sure I land on a stud because that's where we got to adjoin the two pieces of Base together so now I'm going to measure 16 on Center off that Mark that we made on our stud right here is the mark that we made for the center of our stud so I'm just going to place my tape measure to that Mark and measure out right before I hit my 12 foot mark down on this end just so you're aware each red mark is a 16 on Center mark on most tape measures so right here is where the next stud is going to be where we got to address because that's where our two piece of baseboard are going to overlap in the join so this measurement is important and then measure off the back corner of the wall to that Mark and right here is that 12 foot Mark that we made off the corner because we need to make sure we're in in behind here in order to meet the stud because of the length of the trim I'm going to get the measurement for the piece of trim I need to cut in order to do so I've got to measure clear from that back corner up to that Mark we just made to know where to break it so I'm going to go ahead and place it back here tight against the wall and then come out here I know I need the brake at 137 and one quarter to that Mark I'm now going to lay a full piece of baseboard up here on the miter saw and I highly recommend that you get a miter saw with a stand for this project because you got long lengths of Base you're going to be working with and it's going to help immensely so now I'm going to measure over from the end of the base and that end is going to be just a simple square cut from the factory and we're going to measure 137 and a quarter right here make a mark and we know that's where we need to make our cut break onto a stud and we got two options here we can either lay this flat and then bevel our saw to a 45 degree angle and then make our cut or what I like to do is keep my bevel at zero and then just move down here at the base to a 45 degree and set our baseboard up like so and then measure pull this over to a 45 degree and make our cut that way so to me that works best for me and then make our 45 on that Mark and we're just going to hold tight to the fence of the saw before we cut so make sure the baseboard is tight against the fence and that we're flat on our saw base and make sure we cut right down that line now as you can see we got a nice 45 degree bevel on that piece of trim now so let's go install this onto the wall now that we got that piece cut I'm just going to lay it right here on the floor and tied up against the wall on this end and then that Mark that we got 16 on Center I'm going to transcribe down to the piece of Base so if we eyeball it about right there so we know we need to Mark 16 on Center off that Mark across the baseboard so in order to do so I'm just going to pull my tape out across the baseboard right like so and then I'm going to lock it into place and line up my 16 on the center Mark here which is that red 16 on Center we're just going to slide it until we are lined up right with that Mark so we know right here should be a stud then each red mark so I'm going to just Mark that real lightly across the board and now I'm going to grab a nailer and this is just a straight finish nailer and I got two Inch Nails in it very important you don't want to get too long of nails because you risk hitting a wire so in order to install this first piece we're going to lay the baseboard right up in against the wall and each stud we're going to put a nail in the top and the bottom side of the trim right on each 16 on Center Mark and I'm going to start this very end first so we're going to put a nail here then our next stud is right here we're going to put it right into that board and just a little tip when you're using your finished nailer you can always tell when you hit a stud or not you'll feel some resistance when you're nailing just keep that in mind okay and if we take a look there's a little crack right here along the bottom of the base in order to correct that we got to put some down pressure when we nail it to get that bow out of it so I'm just going to push down and then nail at the same time then we just keep nailing it off across the whole board till we get to the end of this piece I now gotta finish this run of base and in order to adjoin it I gotta get a measurement to the short point of the base which is going to be right here so we got 67 and 1 8. so I'm going to cut it to length and then install it I've now got another piece of base and I'm going to pull off this side this time and measure the 67 and 1 8 and I'm going to Mark right at the top of this base and now I'm going to place my saw to 45 to where it was last time we're going to set it upright and we're going to cut to where the saw blade is going to be on the right side of that Mark and as you can see this 45 will overlap this other 45 it's going to give it a nice finish so all we got to do is line the overlaps up in order to continue this piece of Base to make the joint and this is going to overlap right over this other piece and we're just going to kind of hold it into place and put a nail right into that stud through that overlap and that looks really good I'm now going to pull off that joint and continue my 16 on Center layout and nail it to the wall dress so you're aware it's very important to get your doors installed and trimmed out so that way you're not interrupted when you're installing your base and you can finish out the whole room so now what I'm going to do is measure from this back corner over tight to that door trim and that's going to be our measurement for our next piece so I've got 1 18 and an eighth heavy I'm now going to take a full piece of baseboard laid up here on the miter saw and I know this end is going to be butting up to that door trim so it's just going to be a simple straight cut but what I like to do I like to cut this off square with the miter saw because sometimes from the factory it's not perfect so I am going to go ahead and re-square up this end just to make sure it looks really good I'm going to set this piece of baseboard upright because we're going to mark on top of the baseboard I know my measurement is 118 inches and 3 16 so I'm going to mark it right on top this baseboard right at the very edge and I'm going to turn my miter saw to a 45 degree angle this way now because we know in that corner the miter has to be cut at an angle this way and it feels at the other side of the room the 45 would be cut the other way the next method we got to do is call coping and it's going to require A coping saw and if you want to buy one of these I'll put a link in the description below in order to make the purchase so the first thing we got to do is put the coping saw right at the bottom Edge and more or less what we've got to do is follow this profile and cut back towards the trim so that way when it butts up to the corner it's going to give it a nice look now I first like to push into the profile like so and just put a slight angle like so back towards it like I said and first push down into it to get started because it's less aggressive on the teeth to push into it and then once I get it started a couple times I'm going to start pulling it towards me just like a regular saw then once I get this long cut I'm going to start from this side and work my way down to it and I have found that you're better off just to cut this at a 45 degree at this point and continue the cutting the profile after I make that cut I like to take what's called a sanding sponge just to even out the coat and if we take a look that's the angle you want to cut at so that way the face is going to touch before anything else and make a nice seamless joint I'm now going to take the baseboard and lay it right up to where it's going to be installed and as you can see the profile is the same as the profile of the trim that's already installed so it's going to slide right into it and this is why we like to cope instead cut a 45 it's because this might not be a perfect 45 then your joint is going to look really bad and with this coat it can be at almost any angle and it's still going to be a nice joint so first I'm going to slide it together tight and that's why you cut a 45 at this top peak instead of cutting that at an angle to that point because as you can see there's already a piece of material that's in the way there so that's why we cut just a 45 and then keep cutting down on the Coke and now I'm just going to shoot it right into the corner now we just Mark our layout 16 on Center and nail it off and another tip you can do here is you can lay your tape measure out and then lock it into place and take and mail at every red mark once you're on a 16 on Center so that way you don't have to mark across your baseboard so in this case we can just let the tape do the job I now want to show you how to do an outside corner and that room did not have any outside corners so I had to come out here to the hallway so what the first thing you need to do is make sure you have a piece that's going to extend past your corner in order to get an accurate measurement and just to reiterate this is just a square cut here at the end I'm gonna go and butt straight into that corner and just hold the piece of baseboard about where it's going to be setting I'm going to take my pencil and Mark flush right with that corner something like that looks good and this is a time where you definitely don't want to cut too short if anything a little bit too long will work out much better so as you can see I cut about exactly where it needs to be cut so let's go over to the miter saw I want to set the piece of Base up on the miter saw here's my mark but instead of putting this at a 45 degree I found the best thing to do is find your 45 degree down here on the sole and then add just a little bit so something like that maybe an extra degree or so and then lock it into place right there and the reason why that is is because these Corners in the back you're going to want to make sure you connect out in the face of this 45 instead of about here in the back and then you're going to crack out in the open so that's just a little word of advice so just a little bit more than a 45 and now I'm going to cut straight down on that Mark right where we need it to be another tip that's going to give you clean cuts make sure you put a trim blade on your sole this is a fine tooth blade this has a hundred teeth so it's going to give you a nice looking cut so that's something you're going to want to put on your miter saw when you go to doing your base I'm just going to lay this piece into place that we just cut and I'm not going to nail it yet what I'm going to do is take another piece of Base lay it where it's going to be installed and then do the same thing I'm going to Mark right on that corner and make the same type of cut all right I'm now going to put this into place and then take my other one and butt right up to it and as you can see that gives us a nice corner and now something else to keep note is you're going to have to find your studs Before You Nail this just like the other baseboard as well so keep that in mind but that's how you do an outside corner I'm not going to show you a special case where you're going to have to build a return onto your base and this is not the only case if you ever have a place where you got a dead stop your baseboard you want to put what's called a return on it let me show you how to do it so this piece is going to go back here against the piece of baseboard I already have installed so I already got went ahead and coat this end so this end is just going to fit right back into this corner I want this baseboard to end right here where the toe kick is on the cabinet so I'm going to place this back to where it's going to be installed and then I'm just going to Mark right to the end of that toe kick so I know that's where the end of my 45 needs to be all right so because this line needs to be transcribed to the face of this I'm just going to take my speed square and then square right up to that Mark and that way it's going to be placed here to where the 45 is actually going to be so about right there so that's exactly where I need to aim for now I'm going to place it right back against the fence and take my miter saw and I'm going to cut right to where the edge of that Mark is going to be so now we've got a nice 45 cut on that side I now need to take the scrap piece of the trim in place a 45 on it going this way now and just anywhere on this end just place a 45 now place the saw back to zero and we're going to want to cut this off straight and make sure we don't cut any further past where this intersects the trim so this scrap is the piece that we need to finish the return I'm now going to place the baseboard right where it belongs and anchor it into place using my finished nailer and now in order to finish the return we take that little piece that we cut and it's just going to glue right back here into place and that's going to give us a nice finished return after I glue the return into place I simply just take masking tape and tape the top and bottom of the return and then I let it dry overnight and then after it dries I remove the masking tape and then caulk around the rough edges now it's time to caulk the base I'm going to be using this Alex plus that's made by dap and I always cut the very ends of my caulk gun very small as you can see there that's just a very little bit cut on the end and then after I cut it I like to take a pair of needle nose and I actually crimp this end really tight so that way whenever I go to use it just a very little bit of caulk comes out and you'll see why here in just a moment the reason why I cut the ends so small is because as you can look down here there's a very small crack between the wall and the base trim some people won't even caulk this but I feel like just a little bit of Coke in there makes it look so much better and when I place it into the crease instead of running it at an angle like this I like to keep it sitting right up so that way the end of the tube actually Smooths it out really smooth as I go so I'm going to show you how I do it just gonna place it right in the corner and very lightly let's run a nice easy bead right across that base and then after you run that little light bead we're just going to take our finger and quickly to swipe right across it and look how much better that looks now it's nice and smooth and looks very clean and after I rub it through there I like to take a damp rag just to keep my hands clean to address the nail holes I recommend that you use spackling instead of the caulking because the caulking will shrink and you'll ever see the nail holes easy so I'll just take this spackling with a little putty knife and I'll show you how to patch the nail holes after you open up the spackling you'll notice it's really similar to drywall mud but just take a very little bit doesn't take much we're just going to smear it right over that nail hole and then wipe it clean and do that to all of the nail holes no matter how good the cope is cut I still like to run just a little bit of caulking there I also want to show you a trick here as well so I'm just going to run just a little bead right in there like so and then I'll put a little bead right up in this part and then I'm going to hit this top just like I did the other one just a quick bead now right here along top and it's going to take my finger just like normal right through here right through here and now how I like to address these Corners is just take a little piece of a scrap shim and then place right into the corner and swipe up and I know that's a lot of excess Coke but it's better than keeping it on there making it look really bad so that's just a better way to give you a nice tight caulking job and it keeps it looking really good now I'll just need to hit the nail holes and a little coat of paint over all the base and that's all there is to it if you'd like to know how I installed this door check out this video it'll help you out [Music]
Channel: The Excellent Laborer
Views: 296,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install baseboards, how to, how to install baseboard, baseboards, baseboard, baseboard how to install, install baseboards, how to install, how to install baseboard trim, how to insall baseboard, baseboard install, install, installing baseboards, how to install base trim, how to do baseboards, baseboard installation, how to cut baseboards, install baseboard, how to cut baseboard, install baseboard like a pro, perfect baseboard install
Id: 8pmVsOshmrA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 17sec (1157 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2022
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