How To Install Kitchen Cabinets: The Ultimate DIY Guide

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in this video I'm going to show you how to install all the kitchen cabinets that you see here behind me we got base cabinets we got wall cabinets and I'll also show you how to read the plans and if you're new to this channel my name is Josh your channel is all about building your own house name a ton of money so be sure to subscribe ring that Bell so you get notification airtime release new video and Hammer that like button for me that's all I ask for return for making this video so we've got a lot of work to do today so let's get started before you build your kitchen there's four different things I want to go over that you need to consider the first thing is you need to consider the layout of your kitchen you need to take note of any doors windows hallways where your appliances are going to be placed around the kitchen you need to take all that in consideration first before you install your cabinets of course but that's just something you need to think about ahead of time the second thing you need to think about is if you want an island or not so with an island you need to decide do you want your sink in the island is there any appliances you're going to want in the island and again if you want to Island at all that's going to be tow fully up to you the third thing you need to think about is what type of cabinets you want do you want a full overlay do you want a partial overlay or do you want to inset the fourth thing you need to think about is what type of style cabinets you want do you want more of a shaker style do you want more of a beaded board do you want more of a flat look do you want more of a distressed look that's going to be totally up to you or whoever the kitchen is being built for but finally I just wanted to mention you can take your dimensions of your kitchen to a designer most big box stores or also places that just sell cabinets will have a designer on hand so you can consult with them and they can tell you exactly where you should put your appliances at and what type of cabinets will fit in a space so always consult with a designer and some things to consider like you know if you want your sink underneath of your window which that's what most people do things like that the designer is going to be a big help whenever you order your cabinets they will come with drawings so this drawing is simply the overall kitchen layout as you can see we've got our Island here and then the red line is the countertop going around the island and then we have our one wall here where it runs up to the hallway then we've got our window here and then these are all of our measurements running across so this is going to be dimensions and just a rough layout this is the detailed elevation of the wall with the refrigerator and the range and microwave and as you can see there are measurements running across the top and those measurements are going to correspond with the cabinets below so as you can see we got 30 inch here so that means this wall cabinet is 30 inch and then our base cabinet matches it and it's also 30 inch so if we come over here we've got 24 inch the wall cabinet matches that but if we go down here it's only a 12 inch cabinet that's on the base so that's something you're going to want to look for in these drawings and and the blue is obviously the appliances and if you take a look here the engine 5 8 is this panel leg and that's going to go on each side of the fridge and over here is our height measurements so that's something you're going to want to be aware of too but typically if you have eight foot ceilings you're going to order cabinets that's for eight foot ceilings and nine foot ceilings we're going to order cabinet for nine foot ceiling so on and so forth then if we take a look at the next elevation it is the same way again the top numbers are going to be for our top cabinets and then the bottom numbers is for our base cabinets here is a tall pantry and then our height measurements here so as you can see it's not very complicated in reading these plans and now each cabinet does correspond with a number so as you unpackage your cabinets you're going to want to take note of the numbers that's printed on the packaging now on the final drawing as you can see this is what it's going to appear here to look like when it's all said and done we have two cabinets with glass on each side of the window and then you can also reference the number of drawers so on and so forth if you get confused of what cabinet goes where but typically you always go by the numbers but as you can see the layout is pretty simple in this kitchen very first thing you need to do is find the highest point of the floor of the kitchen in order to start installing your base cabinets your base cabinets are going to be the first cabinets you install before the wall cabinet so this is going to be the very first thing you gotta do the easiest way to do this or the most common way of doing this is just take a four foot level lay it on the floor and then we're going to have to move the level in order to make it level or not so as you can see I got to lift up on this end of the level in order to make it perfectly level so that tells me the highest point in this four foot run is back in this corner and also if I go to the other side of the corner and do the same thing I want to lay this down the floor and it looks like I need to move this side up just a wee little bit so I had to lift that side of the level up and this means that this back corner is the highest point between here and there so that tells me in this section the highest point is back in this corner [Music] we know that this back corner is the tallest point and the reason why we got to find it is because we've got to know if this was a low Point how much to start off as far as how much we got shim up off the floor to get started so you always start in the corner with your corner base cabinet if you have a corner in your kitchen most people do so now I got my helper here he's going to come help me set it back in the corner and we're going to set this level first before we do anything all we got to do is shift it right into place tight against the wall the next thing I got to do is level up this cabinet you can use a four foot level or a two foot level but what we're going to do first is check our levelness across the back and then cross this back and then our sides so that's a system I usually like to try to do the backs and then the sides so that way we need to shim up the front if it's low and vice versa so we're going to go ahead and check right across the back here first and just like the level showed earlier this back needs a shim in it if we check over this way it is showing the same thing so it's just like the floor showed the back is the highest point but the edges need shimmed up the easiest way to level up a cabinet is to take a pack of shims go ahead and get a shim out of it and then we're going to take our level and lay it on the side in which we're trying to level up and then I'm going to use what's called a Wonder Bar we're going to slide up to the cabinet and then take our shim so that way you don't have to lift up the cabinet by hand pry it up a little bit slide your shim in then check to see where we're at all right it looks like it actually is a little too much so I'm going to pull the shim out a little bit and that looks really good so now we know we are Level here on the back so now I'm going to go to the other side of the cabinet do the same thing and always be careful sometimes they put these pieces in the corner that are raised up higher than the top piece of the wood so what I like to do is just kind of go off to the side so I go from wood to wood to keep things more consistent so if we take a look here it looks like the front needs to go up a little bit so just kind of the same process so it's going to be level the back level the back then the side then the side and that's the sequence in which I level up the cabinets and now when you level up the sides be sure to place this shim so it splits right where the cabinet is going to set because that shim will support the next cabinet as well in order to install these cleats in this back corner I only have studs here in the corner for this to catch so what I'm going to do is install these vertical so I'm going to install one like that and install the other one like this so that way it'll catch that countertop with no problem and I'm just going to pre-drill these blocks in order to accept the screws so it doesn't split the blocks now I'm going to use this right angle drill to drive the screws because clearly I can't get my regular impact driver in there so I'm going to use this to drive the screws foreign so as you can see now we got the cleats in the back that's going to support the countertop and if we check it looks really good right there so now we can move on to the next step the shims in the back corner of these cabinets need to be flat as you can see a shim tapers up so we can't have that because the back of the next cabinet is going to sit there and it's going to raise it up just a little bit so what we got to do is we got to place a shim going back into the cabinet first so sometimes you just got to break these shims down so something like that and we're going to slide it under there first like so and then we're going to take another shim and then we're going to slide it back in until it's wedged in there tight and as you can see we are now flat going across here instead tapered up and that's what you need to do again in the backs of these base cabinets and remove the other shim and we're sitting exactly where we were with that shim that was tapered so definitely want to do that in the back of these cabinets now that we got this base cabinet setting level we got our cleats on I just want to make sure you know I'm using two and a half inch decking screws in order to put those cleats on and I'm going to be anchoring this base cabinet to these studs using the two and a half inch deck screws because you don't want them much longer than that because you risk hitting a wire so now what I'm going to do I got to find the studs in order to Anchor this base cabinet to the studs and if we measure over we should have a stud right in this vicinity 16 on Center wall so we're just going to peck on the wall to find the stud and if you have a stud finder that's the easiest way I'm going to show you the old-fashioned way real quick so if you listen you can tell there's something solid here listen so we know the studs right in this area so an easy way to check is just take a nail and guesstimate about where it is and stay where the countertop is going to cover up the wall and just Peck right into the wall so it actually hit the stud right there so we know that is where one stud is and you can go 16 off center on Center to find the next stud so we know the next stud is going to be right around this area so I'm going to go ahead and Mark it here I'll remove that nail and I'm now going to pre-drill the cabinet in order to put the screw in now I'm just going to take a decking screw and the impact and drive it in and an important note here because the cabinet setting where we don't want it to move don't drive it tight to the wall because if the wall is not setting perfectly Plumb it's going to make the base cabinet unlevel so we're going to go ahead and just drive it in snug now that we anchored this side of the base cabinet we do the same to the other side [Music] next we're going to have to install the sink base so if you take a look here we just installed this corner cabinet here are the dimensions of all the cabinets on this run here's the window so if you take a look there is a cabinet between the sink and that corner cabinet so what I'm going to have to do is set this one into place because it gets a filler here and I know this cabinet has to be exact center of this window so that's why I want to set this one next so we're going to address this sink base that goes right here I'm going to have to cut out the back of the cabinet for this drain line and also draw out some holes in the bottom of this cabinet so I'm going to go ahead and get some measurements and cut out these items not only did I have to cut and drill holes out for the pipes also had a cut out for the vent as well a typical two inch by 10 or 2 inch by 12 inch vent is normal before I set this next cabinet beside this base I'm going to have to get this sink base leveled up and set first so in order to do so I'm just going to place my level from the base cabinet to the sink base and then level it up and make sure this base cabinet is centered of this window before I anchor it the cabinet that's going to set in between the corner and the sink base is setting right here and if we get a measurement across the front of it it's exactly 27 inches so it's a 27 inch cabinet that sits here and according to the plans that's what goes with a filler strip so if we measure right between the corner and the sink base we got 27 and 7 8. so I'm going to have to rip down what's called a filler strip down 7 8 of an inch and attach it to this cabinet before we set it let's do that this length is for the base cabinets and we're actually going to rip this down using this table saw and now for the wall cabinets it's going to be a little longer in this case so always check your order to see what kind of filler strips you got but this has a finished side and this side it's it's not as finished as you can see it doesn't look as good so always note that you got a finish side and the unfinished side more or less so that's going to be ripped down and always wear your ear protection and eye protection when using any power tools I already preset this fence to cut off 7 8 of an inch of this filler just so you know [Applause] in order to attach this filler strip I got to remove the drawer out of this cabinet so and this is going to be different for every cabinet but there's little latches on each side of this one to do so I'm going to pull it out and remove it here so now I'm going to attach my filler strip to this side of the cabinet because that's the side I want it on the tools I'm going to be using to attach the filler strip to hold it in place where I'll screw it on are these quick grips and I'll put a link to them in the description below if you want to pick them up but let's go ahead and set the filler strip right up against where we want it so as you can see this is the side I have ripped down so I'm just going to put the Finish side up to it and it doesn't matter really which side you put where so I'm just going to hold it into place like so and then take this and squeeze it until it creates pressure right up against that filler strip and tighten it down really tight and we're going to set it right where we need it and always make sure you're flush up top just like that and in order to attach the second one I got to remove this door just temporarily now I'm just going to do the same attach this down to the lower section and we've got to make sure we're flush with the face of the cabinet as well I'm now going to use three wood screws and the difference between these are the deck screws is they're a little smaller diameter I always use these to attach the cabinets to each other and to install these filler strips so what I'm going to do is come from this side and drill right into this wood using a drill bit first and this is very very important you want to make sure you drive the screws in and pre-drill straight into the face you don't want to come out on an angle and risk drilling right through the face of your cabinet so be extremely careful when doing this step and this goes for when we attach all the cabinets together as well so I'm going to put one at the top at the bottom and right in the middle I'm now going to switch over to a tool that's called a countersink and this is going to allow me to countersink the heads into this wood without splitting the wood so I'm going to go ahead and put this in and all we got to do with this is place it in that hole and just drill it out to the depth of the head now I'm simply just going to drive these screws into the cabinet and again go easy and now just remove the quick grips and we are good to go to install this base cabinet where it is meant to go and also this is exactly how you install a filler strip on the upper cabinets the wall cabinets as well just so you know I'm now going to remove the doors off these base cabinets because we got to in order to install them so I'm going to go ahead and take them off now all right we're just going to set the cabinet right into place here and you want to make sure you set the cabinet down on the shims try not to slide it back you'll knock those shims out of place in order to attach the cabinets together it's really similar to how we did the filler except now we're just going to line the cabinets up together with each other instead of just the filler strip so you do the very similar process we're going to hook our Quick Grip onto it and get it lined up and then we're going to come down here a little lower and do the same thing and since the filler is attached to this cabinet I just got installed three screws coming from the corner cabinet into that cabinet and now we do the countersink and now we just use the same screws that we used when we installed the filler strip [Music] now we're just going to remove the quick grips and the cabinets are installed and all we got to do is reinstall the doors onto this cabinet and we're good to go to keep running the Run I would like to mention there are several different clamps you can buy in order to install cabinets these quick grips are just the ones I prefer because again they are quick to use but any of them are fine I would like for you to take note of the farmhouse sink base that's here in this video and I will be making a video in the future on installing the farmhouse sink installing the cabinets it doesn't hurt to check see how Square they are off the wall so as you can see right here we have a gap here and then over here it's tight so that tells me this cabinet needs to shim this way so what I like to do a lot of times when you run into this sometimes these cabinets are a little twisted I just get shims and then I'll just stick them right in the back here and then just pry them over to where that cabinet needs to be sitting sometimes you got to do that in there tight but I just wanted to show you you might run into that where you got shim the back because it's not sitting perfectly square and when you're installing your base cabinets you definitely need to keep in mind the length of your appliances so for instance a dishwasher that's over there in the side of the kitchen is 24 inches and the range right here is 30 inches so what we got to do is when we jump across we go 30 inches over to the face of the cabinet to the side and then we just level across and continue the run just like we normally would do whenever you are are dealing with these tall pantries I highly recommend that you have a Helper and with this one I had to attach the bottom separately because of the shipping I guess with the height of it it didn't it couldn't be attached but then after you attach it just set it right in place like normal I'm now going to set the base cabinets for the island and like a lot of kitchens you're going to want your Island directly Center of your Island lighting so in order to do so the best thing to do is take a plumb bob and hook it to the center of the light and Plumb down to the floor and then Mark the floor and go from there a lot of talk lines will act as a plumb bob so I'm going to do is just hook it right to this light right in the center of it and I'm just going to take it down to the floor and Mark where it hits as you can see the truck line is hanging down like the plumb bob wood and we're just going to Mark the center of that chalk box on the floor and that's going to be exact center that we need to set our cabinets now that I know where my base cabinets are going to set what I'm going to do is I made a cleat that's going to screw down here to the floor and then I'm going to just go through the grout joints of the tile and pre-drill it with the masonry bit and then run these decking screws through the board down through the floor so when I set my base cabinet I can shoot finish nails into these cleats that's going to hold just the ends of this island stable and into place until the island countertop gets on it can shift around kind of easy so I don't want that to happen so I'm just going to put these cleats on each end of the island to secure it [Music] all right now once that's anchored to this cleat these cabinets are going anywhere I now got the base cabinet setting roughly where they're going to be sitting permanently I put the base cabinet over those cleats so we got cleats on each end of these base cabinet setting and obviously they're not screwed together yet as you you can see and what I did if you remember right we got the center where the floor is going to hit now that's going to be a center of the island top but not of the base cabinet so the island top Center is exactly the center of the center cabinet and clear back here on the edge so this lines up right at the center of that light so now what we got to do is take a level and we're going to level over from our base cabinets that's against the wall as you can see we got to start by shimming up just a little bit and then we're just going to set these just like we did the cabinets that are against the wall when it comes to building an island they are very customizable for instance this island could have easily been 54 inches but I cut it down to 48 inches wide by eight foot long and also I'm going to have to drill a hole up through the center of it in order to power the receptacles for this island I like for you to take note of the wiring that I pulled up through the middle of this island and this is jumped off of the receptacles around the kitchen and now I'm going to make a detailed video on how to wire the Island for the receptacles coming off this wire so if you want to check out the video the link is in the top right hand corner of the screen so now I gotta anchor this to the cleats so I'm going to show you how to do that in order to attach the cabinets to the cleats we know that the cleats are right on the other side of this panel on the side of the cabinet so I'm just going to pre-drill and countersink the heads of the decking screws to attach it [Music] side is anchored and I got to go to the other cleat on the other side and do the same thing I now got to build the apron onto this island and in order to do so I got to install a finished panel here but first I got to cut these shims what I like to use is an oscillating tool I'll put a link in the description below to these oscillating heads so that way you can pick them up if you need them and now I'm just going to go ahead and cut off these shims I'm now going to use wallboard adhesive you can use Liquid Nails or anything like that just something that's going to act as a glue and I'm just going to run glue around these protruding parts of the back of the cabinets here so now I'm just going to run a nice healthy bead right on this break the main reason why I like to use the adhesive is because I don't have to use as many nails and then I want to patch as many holes later now we're going to take the piece of backing board and we're just going to place it right where it's going to cover up the back of this cabinet to give it a nice finished look and then I'm going to take a trim nailer the same trim gun that I used to install trim and I'm just going to shoot Nails right around the edge you do not have to use a trim nailer like I'm using here you can use a simple hammer and trim nails but I like the trim nailer because it leaves less of a mark on the actual panel in order to make the apron that's going to support the countertops overhang I gotta attach L brackets to the sides here the L brackets that I got are about two inch by two inch and they accept three screw screws on each side and the screws I'm going to be using are these little half inch screws you clearly don't want them going through this wood so I'm going to attach them going to the sides like this now when you put this bracket on you don't want to put it flush on the edge of the wood you want it to send it back just a little bit about an eighth inch so that way when you put screws in the side it draws it into the cabinet so we're going to attach a nail bracket on each side of these pieces of wood and when you install these brackets make sure they are sitting Square so about like that and like I said offset back from the edge just a little bit and go ahead and anchor them into place we're now going to attach these side pieces of the apron in order to do so we're just going to hold it flush on the outside of this cabinet and we're just going to use those same screws that we used earlier to attach them to the apron and now we're going to roughly shim up the post in order to get it semi level to start out with now we're just going to attach it to this post just like we did the other side and that's all there is to attaching this side and then we do the same from post to post with the longer piece this is one of those situations where having a helper is definitely invaluable and also I'll put a middle support just to keep it from bowing out I'm now going to build the encasement that's going to go around the refrigerator so as you can see back here I got a panel leg that I got another one just like it and then I got a cabinet that's going above the refrigerator but this cabinet is only 24 inches deep and that panel is only 32 inches long well not only but it's 32 inches deep so there's a difference of about eight inches to make up that eight inch difference I built these pieces out of wood and how these are going to work is I'm going to take screws and attach them to the cabinet like so so it's going to act as a spacer for my eight inch spacing and also is going to allow me to screw this to the wall behind the cabinet so I'm going to go ahead and attach these and then we're going to attach this to the panel legs I have tried in the past building this upright instead of on the ground and standing it up first but I will say it's much easier to do this on the ground and then stand it up after the fact so we went ahead and set this into place and got it level where it sets and we anchored the bottom to the base cabinets now we need to go ahead and Plumb this setup up so what I'm going to do is drive a screw into those blocks that we made that attach to this cabinet here and then after we get it plumb I'm just going to put a screw to hold it right into a stud or the blocking in the back now we know this panel is sitting perfectly Plum and now what we've got to do is get this width here which is 36 inches and go to the floor to make sure we're 36 inches apart as well and then plumb up this panel in order to address this panel what I did was put a cleat here on the wall I plumbed it up and that way it's going to secure this panel to this cleat and if you don't have a stud behind it like I did here or blocking what you can do is put drywall anchors back into the drywall first then anchor your board to it if you got to do it that way and I'm going to take some adhesive and just run it along this cleat first I'm now just going to take my trim nailer and I'm going to push this panel back against that cleat and then just tack little nails in the side of this panel and then I'm going to caulk over them and paint it later now it's time to start the wall cabinets in order to start the wall cabinets you must start in the corner of the kitchen but we also need to make sure the height of our wall cabinets is accurate so in order to do that the best way to do it is after you install a tall Pantry or tall cabinet whatever you want to call this tallest end cabinet here on these base cabinets you're going to have to measure down so for instance these wall cabinets are 42 inches so I'm going to measure down off this tall cabinet 42 inches I'm going to make a mark on the wall and then what I got to do is measure up off the base cabinet and that's going to give me the height in which I got to come off the base cabinet to install these cabinets so I got 19 and a half inches off the base before I start the wall cabinet so that measurement is really critical in order to keep the same elevation of wall cabinets going around the kitchen after I got that height measurement I built a box out of two by tens that's 19 and a quarter inches tall and about 36 inches wide so that way I can use it to support the wall cabinet right off the base cabinets this is like a secret weapon to wall cabinet installation now that I got the height in which the wall cabinets have to start I'm now going to come over here to the back corner where we put those cleats on in the beginning of the video and measure up 19 and a half inches because that's going to be where our wall cabinet height is going to start so now we know this Mark in the corner we got to place a level line going across from that Mark I'm now just going to take a two foot level and then level a line right off that 19.5 inch mark and then on this wall as well so now we know we need to set our corner cabinet to that height all right now the cabinet is sitting up here that needs installed in this corner and they are usually shipped with the cabinet shelves inside the cabinet so we're first going to remove those next we're going to go ahead and remove the door off of the cabinet take a three and a half by three and a half block with a hole that's drilled in the center of it and I'm going to use this as a spacer to pre-drill the back of the cabinet because I put blocking inside of these walls when I frame the house if you've been following me on this house building project you would have seen me do it but there is blocking right behind the drywall and it's going to line up with the cabinet in order for this to work so we're just going to lay this right in the bottom of the cabinet and drill them out this is an eighth inch drill bit that I'm using to pre-drill for the screws and also it helps to have multiple drills on hand I have a drill with an eighth inch drill bit then another drill with the countersink attached just so you're aware whenever you make your block to pre-drill your cabinets make sure it's the right size to come through the wood strip at either the top or the bottom of the cabinet because that's where your strength is in order to secure the cabinet to the wall now the cabinets prepped to be ready to be installed so I'm going to move it out of the way for just a moment now I'm bringing over that box that I made earlier to install the cabinets and this thing is a lifesaver for installing wall cabinets you'll see here just a second why it's so useful so now what I'm going to do is place my corner cabinet right on top of this box and I'm just going to shift the cabinet back into place so the box is supporting the weight of the cabinet now what I'm going to do is take some shims and shim up each side to line up with the level lines that we made off the 18 and a half inch mark because I need to use shims to fine tune the height of the cabinet that is why I made the height of the Box a quarter inch less than what the actual height was needed now I got the cabinet lined up with the level lines underneath so using the assistance of this box it's way easier to install these cabinets because now all I got to do is screw it right to the wall the Fasteners I'm going to use to install this cabinet is a two and a half inch decking screw with a number 12 washer and it's going to slide right over it like this and this exact washer is actually called a beauty ring so as you can see it's going to give it a nice finish when it's inside the cabinet so it just looks a little better and it's going to hold well now I'm just going to place these screws into those holes we just pre-drilled and then tighten it into that blocking this corner wall cabinet required a total of eight screws to secure it into place after the screws are drove into the cabinet and secured to the wall we're going to remove these shims and now the cabinet is installed at the height we need and we're going to remove this and all we're going to do is slide over and now we're going to install the next cabinet using the assistance of this box and it's easy from here we just kind of repeat that process and hook these faces together as we go it is helpful if you remove all of the doors off the cabinets before you begin installation I'd like to show you how I address the cabinet that's going to support the microwave and if you take a look here I stubbed a wire out and this is a direct home run to the panel box that's by code has to be that way for a microwave in my area so I noticed a lot of microwaves the cord comes out on the right side here so what I'm going to do is drill out the back of the cabinet that goes here and going to put the wire coming through it something like that so I'm going to get a measurement over and I usually do about seven inches or so off the center so if we take a look here that looks like it'll work out well so I'm going to draw out the cabinet in order to get this wire to come through and I'll show you what I do to address the outlet this is the cabinet that's going to go above the microwave and this is a single gang electrical box and as you can see it's metal and it's going to mount somewhere in here and in order to compensate for this Romex connector that I got installed in the back of this metal box it has to be a fairly large hole but not super big but I'll show you what I use have an inch and a quarter drill bit here so whenever I drill this out it's going to allow for that Romex connector so as I said before I want to find the center here of this inside of the cabinet now that I've found the center I'm just going to come over about seven inches and now I'm going to set this box up here to see about where it's going to hit and I need to make sure it's enough for the outlet cover to clear here so I'm just going to set it somewhere right in there and it does have to be exact because like I said I'm just going to pull the wire through and there is no box right behind the wall it's going to come straight out into this box so I'm going to go ahead and just drill that out right there now I'm going to put this in and pull the wire through I did cut the drywall out to where the wire can sit back into the drywall because the rimax connector would pinch it if I didn't do that as far as how to wire the actual receptacle first I strip the wires and then I put hooks on the ends of the wires and then in this case I'm going to use a bonding screw and bond the ground wire to this metal box and then I'm going to tighten down that screw very tight and now I'm going to take the receptacle and hook the ground screw terminal up to that wire and then hook the white neutral up to the silver screws and then I'm going to take the black to hook to the gold screws and tighten those up as well push it back into the box nice and neat typically wiring an outlet is a simple DIY project but if you do not feel comfortable doing electrical definitely don't do the electrical and hire a professional to do this part of the cabinet installation all right we're going to install this cabinet next and we're just going to slide it right up to the other wall cabinet we already have installed now as you can see we just shimmed this up to meet this other other cabinet that's already set so as simple as sliding your shims right under there like so nothing to it and then as you can see we got a gap up here so we've got to shim this side of the cabinet to make it tight like that so simple is that and now we're just going to clamp this side together just like we did the other cabinets I noticed this face will not go flush with this face and that's because I'm gonna have to loosen up these screws in the back because there's just a little bit of difference there so sometimes you have to do that the truth is installing cabinets is not that complicated after you do your first cabinet installation job your second one will be a breeze now we just connect the faces just like we did on the base cabinets I apologize for the brightness going in and out of this footage it's because of the window but I needed to record this part so you can see how to connect the cabinets now I'm going to remove these clamps and we're going to check the level up top and then adjust the shims accordingly actually that looks really good where it's at now we're just going to drill out the back of the cabinets and install the screws this cabinet is going to require four screws two in the bottom in each corner and two in the top in each corner I'm now going to install this toe kick along the bottom of these base cabinets and in order to start that I got to take my oscillating tool and cut all the shims along the base cabinets first as you can see I cut out a spot here that's for the vent that's underneath of this cabinet next to the kitchen sink and all you got to do with the toe kick it's very easy to install you just cut it to length and clearly if there's a dishwasher right here you don't cover that up so this cut to length from that corner to into this cabinet run and all you got to do is slide it right underneath the cabinet and press it up tight against the bottom of the cabinet like so and then you want to try to nail about every 16 inches or so just put two Nails you don't have to nail the heck out of this stuff it's very lightweight make sure everything lines up looks good I'm going to start the end and just put two Nails every 16 inches and you want to make sure that you're tight on the floor and if there's any kind of bow just try to press it out just like as if you're installing base trim around a room before I installed the doors back on the wall cabinets I'm going to first install the crown molding around the top of the cabinets and I like to keep the doors off so that way I don't damage them with my tool bag as I'm up there working around and if you need know how to do that check out this video it'll help you out
Channel: The Excellent Laborer
Views: 433,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kitchen cabinets, how to install kitchen cabinets, installing kitchen cabinets, install kitchen cabinets, kitchen cabinet installation, kitchen, kitchen cabinet, how to install cabinets, diy kitchen cabinets, cabinet installation, kitchen remodel, ikea kitchen cabinets install, install kitchen cabinet, install cabinets, cabinets, how to install base cabinets, kitchen renovation, installing cabinets, how to build kitchen cabinets, kitchen cabinet installation diy
Id: XthRuvmIHTY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 9sec (2229 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 16 2022
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