Baseboard Installation from Start to Finish!!!

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yes you guys the tool belt's on welcome back to vancouver carpenter so today i got this basic little room to slam some baseboard into and all we're going to be installing is this one by four so this is three quarter inch by three and a half inch it's primed pine and you know flat stock like this i'll usually just cut square and butt it into the corners but i think we've done that in a past video so we're going to splurge like a night in the ritz and actually do miters on the inside corners so that i can give you guys a little bit of different info in this video but yeah normally i would just butt all the corners together with 90 degree cuts except for of course the outside miters okay one of the first things i like to do if i have the stock the spare is i like to get myself a couple pieces cut at 45 and this is going to be used for checking how square corners are so i'm going to make a cut here at 45 and you know we're going to get it bang on 45 right in here i might embarrass myself in this one a little bit because i haven't installed anything other than square stock in so long i haven't had to cut an inside miter at 45 degrees so um yeah let's see how i do this one [Applause] definitely need a new saw blade i've got 10 sitting there sharpened at home and i never remember to bring one out that's why i have 10 sharpens sitting at home because i always have to go buy one when i need one okay so we got a couple pieces cut at 45 and now we can check some of these corners to see what they need for example this one down here even from the camera you can probably tell that it is horribly out of square like horribly so now i've got these two pieces i can check it and just get a rough idea what i should be cutting these at so believe it or not if i cut it at a 45 it's not that bad so it needs to close up a little bit so if i do basically like 44 and a half or 44 it'll probably work out perfectly and a lot of the time when i'm cutting inside and outside corners i actually make them 44 for inside and 46 for outside and the reason for that is on the inside corner you've got tape and it's built up so that's going to make it not 90 degrees in one direction sorry brain not working because i wasn't planning on talking about this but then on an outside corner it's again built out which changes it it makes it um okay i got it this one's less than 90 degrees and this one's going to be more than 90 degrees so when we put these ones on right here i think this piece is too long so as you can see this one's a bit open and if we cut it at 46 it would probably be closed no filming for a second you guys i'm actually really tired i've been prepping all day for my filmer to get here and yeah i should have had a coffee before starting this video but here we are so instead of trying to do the whole room like i usually would we're just going to do a couple walls at a time and keep this kind of simple so first let's measure from that inside corner to out here so first off we got this one and when you're doing miters it actually makes it easier to measure so right there just shy of 83 would be good so i'm going to do 82 and 7 8 and that should be just right so i can even write it down on the wall because i can see it right there from my saw and let's cut this one at the same time too we got some crust in these corners is that a nail yeah something like that oh it's a staple from this wire okay so this one i'm going to call this one 20 and 7 8 because i don't really want it to go exactly to the end of the wall 20 and 7 8. don't need 7 8 small 20 and 13 16 that's what we'll do i'll write it down on this little piece of cardboard oh what the heck let's cut the rest of these huh or measure the rest of these okay you want to be careful when butting your tape measure into the wall that um the bottom of it isn't all coved out you know because a lot of the time what happens is because of the tape and mud it's going to be built up about an inch above this level in this case it actually looks pretty good okay but i'm butted in there i'm bending my tape right in here and i'm eyeballing this as best i can and i'm reading 136 and 7 8. double check 136 and 7 8. on this one i'm going to butt right back into that corner and hey on this one let's cheat it's behind a washing machine let's do a 90 degree cut here okay again i can measure right into the corner 185 and a quarter okay no it's upside down 158 and a quarter definitely having a coffee break before filming the next video 82 and 7 8 all right and you want to check your material also to make sure like especially if you're using prime pine so i don't know if you can see this sort of paint deficiencies right here that's because this is actually the back of the board so it's going to look the same on both sides but one side is going to be nicer so make sure you use the nice side okay 82 and 7 8. so because of where your cut is going to wind up it's actually down here is your longest point right so you need to make sure that it goes down to there when you cut hopefully we have enough space in here yeah loads okay and if we recall correctly we can do this at 44 and it should work out pretty good you can see right there i'm on 44 degrees instead of 45 and so now i'm going to eyeball this cut just getting this piece out of the way okay and now i can actually start to eyeball that cut a little easier even there it's not quite there yet so when i get it like this i'll often just i'm holding it firmly against the fence and then i'm just really carefully sliding it like the tiniest little bit with my hand takes a bit to get those sort of movements down so you can like adjust it to you know millimeters [Applause] all right there we go that's good though so here's what i'm going to do i'm going to give it a little chamfer and this is what i can't remember exactly don't remember exactly where i put it so i think a quarter inch is often a bit big so let's see what happens if we do 3 16. see how that champ actually i'm going to even go to an eighth first so i don't take off too much and we're just going to go until i like the way it looks that's a little bit small you can go just a bit bigger than that and here's one of the things i like to do so once i find what i like yeah it's getting there let me make it just a bit bigger so looks like it was a bit bigger than an eighth [Applause] that's almost too big but this is a rental let's go with it so now i'm going to make a mark on the saw right here so that mark is where i'm going to put it to every single time to cut that little line so why we do that is it just stops it from being you know an ugly butt end of a corner so i like that right there okay now we're gonna do that one [Music] [Applause] yeah need a new blade real bad i'm gonna turn this over to get these long ones done okay we'll get it to 44 again i can't do the long cuts to that side of the room not enough space get my nice side of the lumber [Applause] we're gonna have to spin this around no where there's a will there's a weight thank you for the offer though you know people sometimes wonder why the trim guy dinged up the place it's because it's not easy moving pieces of trim around in a finished space without dinging the walls up here or there i had to use two different windows to get this done [Applause] okay now we can measure this one we'll get it sitting flat as shown here okay what was that one that one's 1 36 and 7 8. so in a way the measuring and marking doing mitered inside corners is actually a little easier and if i'd stopped talking for a second i could remember my measurement 136 and 7 8. so we got to remember that it's down there if you had a really sharp blade you could cut this stuff from the other side but the blowout's kind of risky okay here we are [Applause] so i just kind of eyeball it like that give it a little slide we are very close can you see that from over there there's a little black line but we know we're not actually there yet if i try and do this it'll be too long and it'll blow apart the walls the inside corners so there that's probably perfect right there [Applause] i'll get that one 58 and a quarter i'm gonna do my little line there and you can off you know i draw that little line so that i remember which way it goes i don't mess up my cuts almost there [Music] [Applause] okay while we have this set up let's do a quick little miter on this one for that side [Applause] that's a keeper and now if you guys remember because we already have that little mark there that i made i can now slide this onto this dark pencil line right here if you can see that right there and now it's going to have the same little cut on both sides [Applause] what do you say we install a few of these i'm going to set this back to 90. reason being i don't want to think that it's set to the right angle and then put it and then start cutting these other miters and it's not at 46 where i need it to be it was at 45. okay we got this first one here right there i like that always push down on your piece of wood before you nail it and like i've mentioned in a lot of videos don't hold your hand close if that nail if one of these brad nails hits a nail it can come spiking out and stick your thumb to the wall no fun okay where is our stud it's on one of these sides up [Music] not that side it is that side so let's give that a try yep and now that i found that one what i usually do oh this wall's easy you guys come take a look at this we got nail pops everywhere as well super easy i wonder though if it is 16 off of there yeah there's no rhyme or reason let's just go with the nail pops so i'm just going to kind of eyeball down right about here try and pull it off nope we know we got it right here yep stayed stuck now i'm not gonna nail these yet i'm waiting until i get the next piece ow where's my knee pads yep that was it so i just lined it up with the other nails that i installed first okay i'm gonna push that in a little bit so that it's right where i want it on this side oh this corner is a little bit crusty sometimes you got to carry one of these guys around and let's see starts right about here sometimes you got to carry one of those around and dig a bit of it out but this is really hard old mud that should help that's better i'm going to nail into the bottom plate right here if there is one you never know i know there's going to be wood here unless they framed it out of drywall i haven't done miters in a long time it's been a long time everyone wants flat stock trim but it's pretty simple just you know glue it up i like to get stuff nice and glowy sometimes i'll even spread it actually over the whole thing so i don't get a starved joint i'm just going to rest that precariously there i got a wet cloth in my belt here and i'll often even put a little bit on this one just to get it i mean i know that's not all productiony but i just like my joints to be really strong not that kind you guys those days are long gone i know some of you probably indulged in a few of those really strong ones before watching this i hope you're doing okay all right so what we're going to do here i've slid that back corner out so that i have the space to get this in and then what we do depends how tight i cut it but okay so it's a little bit snug which is good it should be you want it to be just like you know oh get out of there spider that's not gonna work out once i slam this piece in get out of there get out of there this way where'd you go no no stop running that way okay i think i did it i don't know where he is now i'll step on him but i don't like killing the little guys where's our stud ah no idea where it is on this wall it doesn't even feel like there is one this feels like wall paneling oh well we definitely have something here because there's a window you get it yep so now where [Music] maybe there let's check yeah that stayed there was something there so now come look at this i'm not going to mess with it i'm actually not going to go throw a bunch of nails in the corner the reason is it looks good as soon as i put some nails in this corner it's going to suck it in too much and it's going to open up this joint but right now this joint is exactly how i want it so i'm going to leave that yep you want to see what might happen if i nail it down here let's try was pretty good because it was tight at the bottom but i can see that if i push it it's going to open so we're going to leave that just as it is that's why i don't nail the corners first because you can still adjust them oh man i'm really regretting not bringing knee pads this is my glue pouch this pouch is like hard because i always have a gluey rag in there okay we know there's another one right here now i gotta find these other ones [Music] i think it's on this side let's check and basically if you can't pull it out after you found it so i found it and i'd be shocked we are standing right now in an addition um to a house this is like the back of a house it's a little edition if they frame this on 16 really nicely i'll be amazed but let's find out so we got this lined up here on 16s okay maybe they did if this sucks in yeah they did framed it on 16th that didn't do anything yeah three out of four okay yeah again we're gonna leave this one i'm serious i am a pro time to do this one so is there anything we need to know well uh we got plumbing there but that comes out of a different wall it's always good to know what's behind your walls because you are going to be nailing into the wall i've seen pipes be way too close to the drywall before no fun anyways what do we need to know about this one not too much we're just butting it into that back corner so let's get it ready oh try not to damage the spider's web i know you worked hard on that thing you guys see that guy right there he's like what are you doing to my home my net this is how i earn a living how i eat this is how i eat too okay is it gonna fit um it's gonna be a bit snug so this is gonna be one of those ones where you really see it get snapped into place which is which is cool i can live with that um okay if i can get the bend on it with these things right here there's a lot going on okay this one i don't have the space to do all my really fussy gluing so we're just gonna have to do the best i can a little extra there we go that's enough it's enough to keep keep the cracks at bay okay this one will give it a good bend there we go snap it into place now one thing i didn't mention on the last one is you want to make sure that it's really flush or it ain't going to look good this glue's so yellow but it's what i got to work with today i actually like using clear glue or um weld bond is really nice weld bond is nice because it dries clear so if you make a little mess at the bottom of the joint it dries up okay we're looking good that's perfect i don't even want to touch that so let's find a stud that side or that side oh no how about here [Music] it's probably here because we've got this and this so they're both going to be fastened to that let's guess nope where is it how about here nope how about here nope painter's gonna love me okay one last try let's try on this side [Music] that was it okay they framed it well on the last one so they are tapo on 16s where is that right there i'm not gonna kneel anymore i gotta get some knee pads that was it that was it and that's it so i can take a chance and nail it right here but i'm not gonna nail this one because i like where it's sitting right now and as soon as i throw a nail in here it's gonna open it up i want that joint to just dry and be real pretty miners actually look pretty good i'll admit it it is way it's classier than a uh butted joint for sure okay why did i take my tape measure off i had it right where i wanted and i have to get in behind here this will be fun i can tell that's where one is how am i gonna do this you guys i think i'm going over nope i don't know my arms aren't that long okay let's see if we can pull this out oh yeah that was the answer you know some of you guys give me a really hard time when i'm making these videos but it's actually hard to like teach people what to do and try and do a good job at the same time and then you know say words you know how tired i come home my kids want to play with me and tell me all about their day and i'm all spent from making videos that i get harassed on you guys ever think about that all right that looks good for my house belt's back on you know i mean business we got one more dumb little six inch piece back here um i don't feel like trying to find studs and there's also some pipes right there so we are just going to cheat this piece a little bit of carpenter's helper here oh why'd i put the belt back on wasn't ready oh i hope this was the right piece yeah oh that's a nice gap there now that's um that's where being behind a washing machine is gonna come in handy and a little if anybody actually feels like getting behind there let's mash that in a little bit there we go i can live with that looks good for my house that line never gets old okay okay next thing we got to start doing some 45s or 46 degree miters so let's get our piece here we've got this guy and where's our other one let's see what happens if we do a 45 right here because sometimes a 45 actually works you know you never know unless you try no 46 let's do 46 okay so i'm gonna run this right up to what should we do guys what do you think i think we should go up to here or up to here that's a little classier huh let's go to right there about a quarter inch away you can't even tell from that side it's okay so how i like to do these ones is because i have this mitered piece right here i can go like this and measure what that distance is going to be really easily so i'm going to call that 11 and three quarters no it's 11 and 7 8. okay 11 and 7 8. so let's get a 45 46 pardon me and a fresh blade eleven and seven eighths should have written it down yeah and because i need another 45 i'm gonna cut it before i flip this thing around the saw i mean where was this piece for nowhere yet so let's turn this into our 46 degree cut [Applause] i just don't like to um flip the saw around until i have to so ah darn it but sometimes you have to this is our 11 and 7 8. [Music] [Applause] back to 45 we'll get our fancy little cut on here okay but wait there's more there's more so i'm gonna actually notch this out a little bit i'm not the kind of guy that won't so let's find out exactly where it goes yeah that's looking pretty good so it ends right here and if we just take a little bit of this off it's gonna look awesome that's too much there we go and i gotta go get a tool to do that okay these these are good flap discs yeah i'm gonna wear it eventually [Music] i could have done this with a lot of different tools but this is just what i chose right this second how are we looking a little more no i think that's pretty good i'm gonna go with that and it looks so good i'm just gonna nail it okay do we have wood right here though that is the question just in case we don't have wood we're gonna put a little bit of carpenter's helper right here because it'll be a pain to do it after i've already put a couple nails through yeah that's perfect right there okay i'm gonna go with that okay next piece this is easy it is just measuring to that pipe right there i'm going to say 56. let's give it a little room 56. and that was this piece right here 56. okay outside corners fun fun fun that's perfect right there yeah it looks great so let's nail it i mean glue it and then nail it give it a little extra right here you know like you don't have to be all glue crazy like i am i'm just a little bit glue happy you know that's how some of us do it but i have been back to my work and it does stay together for the kids okay oh i should have put some glue on that back corner back over there oh well it's not too late i can get something in there but first there's like nothing here this whole thing has like nothing uh you know when you're working in old houses that god knows who did god knows what to it yeah i don't know if there's anything there but i don't want to use pl because it's going to squash out so i'm going to use something else hang on okay so in a pinch and in a situation like this you can use caulking um when i was doing high-rise deficiency work i would see the actual installers so they're installing on steel stud so when you brad nail into steel stud it doesn't grab it only grabs kind of temporarily so if you don't have an adhesive it won't stick and they actually used caulking on all their installs worked really well i'm not sure why exactly they used this over construction adhesive probably just cheaper but the reason i'm using this is when it spills out over the edge i can just wipe it off and it's nice and clean but yeah i have used caulking as an adhesive for some small trim jobs so that should be enough um maybe just in case there's nothing else to nail to i'll go a little bit more but you can see those blobs are going down pretty far should be good enough to hold this thing in place if there's not actually anything there let's see if we can get these out of the way a bit i was just nailing on a whim and a prayer into whatever's there but now you can see the caulking did come out in some spots however you can just wipe it and it's not a big mess like pl so no big deal and right here you can come get a close-up of right here so come around right here this miter is overhanging just the tiniest bit it's a little bit long i guess so then i just really quickly and especially while the glue is still wet i like to sand that because while the glue is still wet this dust kind of turns into filler that's good so that's another thing i always keep in my finishing belt all right you guys we're almost there we just have this one last little corner which has an annoyingness so first i want to get this piece of shoe mold out here all right we've got this little piece of quarter round it's going to stop me from being able to get in there i mean sure i suppose in theory i could just stop right here um maybe i should that's what i did on the other one yeah that's what i'm going to do on the other one i was going to cut this like so and fit a piece in there but looking at that i actually don't think that's what's going to look best we're just going to match up the other side and go like this so should be pretty quick and easy you just need two pieces um one of them is going to be like that oh that's that's a 45 though so that's not working let's cut it at 44. and we have one little problem you can see that it's butted into that corner down there so we actually got to chew this out a little bit more oh yeah yeah there's that mud that's in the way that was actually pretty easy so because my saw is right here i'm gonna do this the quick and easy way 44 [Applause] and we know that that's going to be that long right there so now we need a 45 46 one piece there one piece here let's call that six cut our 45 46 [Applause] i really need that coffee break i think it's six inches i'm just gonna go with it [Applause] okay and how's it looking oh man you know what's annoying about this one what's annoying about this one is it's not square so we actually need to cut a little bit off right here in order to get that miter to work out and i have the space to drag it back that way so i'm just going to do that and in order to get that line off let's go about a degree a little bit less so come over here so you can see so what i'm going to be doing is i'm just going to push this up to the blade because i don't actually want to take off anything from the bottom so now that's going to be right there and it's going to cut it off at the back up to that line [Applause] [Music] and that looks really good so let's get this one nailed and then get this one nailed and it lines up right there perfectly so i don't even have to cut out the bottom and because this place is a rental it looks really good for my house you guys getting tired of that yet almost done and then i can have coffee and film another video okay a little glue i'm just going to load this one up i want to be lazy so i just put lots too much glue in there splat that's the technical term is that going to work yep nail it get this one outside corners i like to give a little more attention because they're more prone to cracking than inside corners inside corners just kind of hold themselves there give it just a little extra even though i end up wiping up most of it [Applause] oh that wound up open i guess it did need to be more than 46 or it was that funky cut i just made what are we gonna do about that i'll show you first let's get this glue cleaned up that's one of the reasons i like to keep this around makes it really quick and easy to just kind of clean up that glue okay yeah i don't like that not happy how that one worked out i did that fancy mitered cut and then it turned out i didn't need it so sometimes what i like to do here is i'll put a little bit of glue on there remember i told you glue and sawdust can make a bit of a good filler and also i made a whole video about what to do when you have an open joint it's actually super easy oh that's got a bit of room to go in let's try actually nailing the joint there we go i don't usually nail the joints because they kind of like to blow out but that worked by the time that gets a couple coats of paint it'll look perfect so that's it that's um how to install baseboard in a dumpy rental but we did a good job in this dumpy rental so thanks for watching you guys i hope you're doing really well i'm gonna grab a coffee and a snack and we're gonna film another video about installing trim in a dumpy rental hope you're doing well hope your project's going well till the next one
Channel: Vancouver Carpenter
Views: 294,167
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baseboard, trim, install, trim install, door trim, window trim, casing, door trim installation, door trim repair, door trimmer, door trims, window, sill, door, fix, carpentry, tool, easy, best, review, drywall, tape, taping, tools, fast, repair, mud, crack, hole, wall, patch, plaster, mudding, joint, compound, joint compound, mesh tape, setting, quickset, DIY, finish, topping, paper tape, corner, inside, outside, knife, plastering, taper, skim, coat
Id: Bn9bJHLiUB0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 53sec (2513 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 19 2021
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