How to install and set Pygame on vscode by PukaTech

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foreign hello there in this video I will show you how to install and set up vs code and python for a pi game step by step okay first I will show you how to install python on your Windows computer open a browser and go to this website or you will find this link in the description then click on downloads and click on download this will be the latest version now it is 3.11 it could be three point something in the future so click download python here and here select where you want to save it I will save it in this drive but by default it usually goes to the downloads folder and click save and give it a moment it will finish downloading double click on this [Music] and before you do anything click on this box that says add python.exe to Bath and click install now and click yes and give it a moment [Music] okay now you can see that it says setup was successful you can close this click on this Windows key or press the Windows key on your keyboard and type python so it should be this python 3.11 click on that to open it [Music] and it seems like python is installed correctly on this Windows computer I will just test it by typing quote quotation mark Hello World quotation mark and hit enter as you can see python is installed okay next I will show you how to install vs code for this buy game tutorial open a browser and go to or you can Google it and type vs code download foreign it will be in the description too I will include it in the description Okay click windows and say so this is where you want to save it usually it goes to downloads but I have another drive that I want to save it into so I'll just click save and in one moment it will finish here left bottom okay when you see this double click foreign so click I accept the agreement you can take the time to read I don't think anyone takes the time to read but you can click next here you can change where you want to save um the vs code application I will click browse and select another drive but if you don't if you don't want to you can just uh click next here and click next before you click next uh click on this box that says create a desktop icon and next then hit install and give it a moment it will finish this code should automatically open and this is a file that I already had when I was trying to prepare this but it will look like this when it opens and you will see some pop-ups you can close those if you want you can uh follow unfinish it okay now what we have to do is click on the extensions here and type python and download this I already have it but click install you will see a button that says installed here then we need to create a folder to test if python that we already installed works with this IDE vs code so click open folder or what you can do is file then open folder and this PC I will save it in here so you have to create a new a new folder so right click and come down here new then folder I'll just call it test then hit enter I already have a test I will just leave it as a new folder then select folder and here click I trust the others okay you can ignore these pop-ups okay on the top left here where you have the folder name if you hover over the folder name you will see three icons one is for file the other one is for folder and this is just refreshing it so what we need to do in this part is click on the first icon that says new file and name it main Dot py and hit enter and let's test with print hello okay and to run this so if you don't have the extension that we just downloaded you will not see this button you have to go to terminal and type py then the file name but if you have that extension it makes it easier for you to just run it by clicking on this uh play pattern look alike so click on that and there you go okay that's it before we set up by game what is buy game it is a python library that can be used to design and build games buy game supports only 2D games that are built using different Sprites now let's move on to the last step which is setting up by game okay open a browser and go to Google then search buy game enter and go to their official website then click getting started then this is the way to download it or at least this is the documentation [Music] uh okay so let's copy this an open vs code again so you can use the terminal in vs because the terminal nvs code to download things too you can use CMD or Powershell but I prefer to use the vs code terminal Powershell and Fiasco terminal are basically the same okay and if we paste that code and hit enter I ran into this problem and I also tried doing pip install bike game which was a step-by-step instructions that I found online while I Was preparing this video I I found a solution but I want you I want you to see this so if we've been installed by game works for you then that's good if it does not work for you then I have found a way to fix this issue uninstall buy game Library okay clear so but before we install anything we have to find out if your computer if your Windows computer is 64 based or 32 base and to do that click on this Windows icon here and type system information and you will see something like this okay and if you scroll down system type is here my computer is 64 based if yours is the same then follow the instructions that I will uh use if it is steady 2 if it says here 32 X is 32 based PC then you have to make some changes and I will show you where you need to make some changes okay and also I have found a way to download the buy game Library okay and it is this website so let's open this again I have the link I will put this link in the description of this video so I'm gonna copy from my other monitor and new tab then paste this link and it has a lot of libraries python libraries and other libraries but what we are interested in is by game library and we need to search it because it's scrolling down through this it's a lot of work and to do that press Ctrl F and type by game and it will be the second one so here you will find a lot of buy game libraries but there is a catch it's a lot of different um cyst computer systems so here you can see it is AMD or 64 based it does AMD does not matter here what matters is 32 or 64. my computer is 64 based I will download this but if your computer is 32 based then download this that says 32. but if you are watching this in the future then it will be the first second or the third option I don't know what this one is but it'll be second or the third option that you have to download I will install this click on it and it will ask me where to save it so I will save it in this drive but yours it usually goes to Downloads folder by default mine I will save it here in this drive and give it a moment to finish the download okay it seems like it is done open vs code again and click on Terminal then new terminal so if you download it in another Drive then this is basically a Linux system a power shell Linux they use uh almost similar commands so if you do LS it will show you where you are I will go back from this directory and this is where I saved it so I will see here but I saved in another drive not the default drive if you saved in the default folder which is C drive and downloads folder then what you will do is CD C Capital then column and it will take you to that drive or you are already in there then you will do CD downloads and hit enter oh I think we have to do slash downloads or let's see what's inside here oh we have to go in so CD users then this will be your username my computer username is called users then CD CD user this is what I was talking about my computer name is called user so under users folder my username is a user but yours will be different okay and do LS again so we have everything here and you don't have to go to every folder you can just do CD downloads and you if you click on or press tab it will finish what you want right so hit enter let's clear the window and do LS and here you will have if you download it into the default folder but I did download in another Drive so it will be in Hedge Drive not the C drive but this is where it goes by default if you did not change anything okay so what we need to do is um since okay we have it here this is it what we have to do we have to run some commands to finish this installation and there are two commands before I run this I will show you here and it will be in the description too if you want to find this so let's clear oh it does not like to say I will just type it python Dash in pip install okay and so when you have this you will do then type the file name by game [Music] first let me show you something so do LS and this is the file name so clear the window and type python M okay Dash m babe install then dot slash then the file name that you just copied okay and I will hit enter and this will install the buy buy game Library as you can see it says successfully installed by game with the version okay now you I hope yours goes successful too and if it does not comment below and I will I will help you out now let's run and test if buy game is working fine I have a code that we can test buy game with so let's erase this and paste okay after you save you click play or there and that's it this is the snake game and I will upload more of buy game and stuff so make sure you subscribe like and comment if you have questions and turn on the Bell notification because I will upload more about buy game for the coming videos [Music]
Channel: PukaTech
Views: 47,284
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: -4zFIgnVjT4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 25 2022
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