Making a Game in Python with No Experience

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python is all the rage nowadays like more popular than Kim Kardashian kind of rage and despite the fact that it's a high level language that's pretty slow don't let that fool you why because of how easy and productive it is to use it turns out people like writing this a lot more than that but what about making games is it just as easy well a couple of weeks ago I was itching for an excuse to make a game without an engine and this seemed like the perfect opportunity and between it being the holidays and having a baby I thought what better time like the present uh get it now in order to make a game in Python you have to use a little thing called a framework basically it's a library of code that does all the really hard stuff for you and in my case I'm using one called pie game partially because it's the main one that people use and partially because it's the only one that I know about so I quickly installed python on my computer downloaded pie game and then spent two hours trying to make subline text look beautiful please tell me this was worth it okay so I was all ready to get started but it turns out I had no idea what to make so I had my wife come up with three three different holiday themed themes next I grabbed a six-sided die and voila we had a theme presence I'm not gonna lie at first I was kind of bummed I really wanted the hot cocoa or snowman theme personally by the way at this point I just was excited to get started so I jumped right into pie game and started experimenting my first thing was trying to draw a screen with a blue background that was that if I could do that I could do anything and it turns out I can do anything but my blue screen was just so lonely and I felt like it needed something and that something was a present so I jumped into Adobe Illustrator you I know gross move on and I worked on illustrating this present character for the game it turns out that recording yourself making art is actually incredibly awkward at first I was so worried that I was gonna make something ugly on camera that I just like I actually made something ugly what is this but I was able to power through and focus and I ended up creating this cute little Kawaii present character I exported the present as a PNG and then I looked at Pie games documentation on how to draw a Sprite of course what's the Sprite if it can't move so I quickly made a class for the player and allowed him to move around the screen as you can see truly a modern piece of art so at this point it was pretty apparent I didn't have an idea what I wanted the gameplay to be my goal was to keep the controls as simple as possible the week prior I was playing a lot of pong and I realized how fun that game is even though it's such a basic simple game and this is where most videos like this kind of skip and just say I figured out an idea but honestly it takes a lot longer than you think it does and I kind of was racking my brain on this but finally after thinking about it non-stop I thought it'd be fun if the goal of the game is your present and there's these hands that are trying to grab you and your goal is just to avoid them and it could have a fun catchy title like don't touch my present so he jumped back into Adobe Illustrator and Illustrated these cartoon hands but these cartoon hands weren't realistic enough I know it doesn't make sense so after studying my hand and re-illustrating them I got the most beautiful Nintendo DS WarioWare style hands that I could illustrate I also ended up mocking up the menu and creating a scorecard thing that would go in the top so every time you get points it would appear there I then jumped back to the Sublime Text importing the new artwork the main thing is I added the score as you can see it's it's working it's okay slow down next I create a new class for the hands and I gave the movement and then I added this sneaky old Flappy Bird trick that when an object is off the screen you just reset its coordinates so the game plays forever there's infinite hands now at this point in the game you could only move left and right and it felt a little stiff so I decided to give the player four directional movement and I also update the movement so I had acceleration and friction that way the movement felt a little bit more floaty and you had to control the present more instead of just like stiffly moving left and right it was at this point I learned how to code a sine wave and I used it literally for everything I used it for the UI I used it for the menu I used it for the hands yes it was totally worth it and at an extra level of Polish to the game it started to feel like I was reaching the finish line but I I kind of missed something crucial and that's collisions but it turns out pygame has a really great Collision system for Sprites and that was actually way easier than I thought it would be so now when you hit the hands the game actually resets and it was at this point that I added probably the best feature in the game and that's making the present not a present but a hand holding a present in all seriousness it felt like the cherry on top for the game I even made the acceleration of friction a little bit more slippery so it felt like you were controlling a hand and this is the moment I realized that I create a game that was actually pretty fun to play I would just open it up randomly and play it when I was talking with a friend or I just found myself play testing it a bunch when I was working on it when I should have been fixing some bugs my whole goal was to make a game in Python but I didn't expect it to actually be fun so at this point all that was really needed was some sound effects and some music like this karate chop sound when a hand comes flying in fast I also got my wife to do some professional voice acting for this as well and originally I was planning on composing the music for it but I was starting to run out of time and I wanted to come up with something a little bit more familiar like a classic Christmas mini and because this game felt so much like a DS game to me why not mix this midi with a DS sound font I will admit some of the songs sound like a small walrus swallowing a car horn this one specifically was pretty jarring but I found out that Pokemon Heart Gold's sound font actually worked really well with a couple of tracks and that's what I ended up using so I added in the songs I even randomized them and I fixed a few bugs and the game was done if you want to play it for yourself hop over to my Hao and give it a shot overall pie game gets two thumbs up for me I was able to pick it up really quickly and it was just fun so let me know what your high score is in the comments down below and I just want to give a huge shout out to electron PR Gengar James Albert REM tame rye bread skides and zulwarn and not to mention the rest of the Fantastic patreon supporters that's it for me this week I'll see you next time peace out foreign [Music]
Channel: Goodgis
Views: 891,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: goodgis, ohio, devlog, game dev, indie dev, game programming, game process, how to make, firith, firith studio
Id: H09PmP5tsy8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 56sec (356 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 07 2023
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