2 YEARS of PYTHON Game Development in 5 Minutes!

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I've spent the past two years learning pie game this video details my journey from starting with almost zero programming experience to creating a best-selling pie game course on udemy let's go back to the beginning it was the end of 2020 and we'd been ordered back inside for lockdown 2.0 having spent the first lockdown playing games and watching movies I felt I should do something more productive with my time like learning to code so I picked a language to start with python seemed to be super popular I tried to make some games with it but quickly learned that I would need to use a library and that's when I came across pygame after watching a whole bunch of tutorials I was finally ready and I began with something easy tic-tac-toe it took me a while to make but at this point I was just getting to grips with things like the display window and the event handler and I was just happy to be able to create my first game I then moved on to snake which turned out to be more challenging than I expected I had a lot of trouble getting the snake movement to work correctly but it forced me to get a much better understanding of python lists which turned out to be very useful my next couple of games were two more classic 2D retro games pong and and breakout with each game I challenge myself to use more of the available features of Pi game to avoid becoming complacent and limiting my knowledge in these two games I worked with Collision for the first time and implemented some very rudimentary physics the pong game even had some AI which despite being very basic was a good start I continued with the theme of 2D arcade games and tackled Space Invaders next at this point I was starting to get a good handle of the basics so I pushed myself further and added a whole bunch of features that I hadn't worked with before for example I used game assets for the first time I found a bunch of Sprites music and sound effects and put them all together in this game I also learned about and applied mask Collision to get accurate Collision checks between the ships and the bullets I figured out how to create buttons and I learned how to make animations which I then used to make these explosions I then broke away from the Retro games and took on a well-known mobile game Flappy Bird this used a lot of what I learned on the Space Invaders project and gave me a chance to work a bit more with physics to control the bird properly at 234 lines of code this was one of my smaller projects but it was definitely a fun one to develop my next project was a platformer which at the time was my biggest project and is still my most watched tutorial the hardest part was to figure out how to create the game levels which at that point I hadn't worked with yet I wanted to figure this out without Google or any tutorials so I played around with a few ideas and eventually decided to split the level into a grid of equal squares assign a number to each Square to determine what sort of tile to draw inside it and save that data in multiple level files I later learned that this is called a tile map and it's a very common method of creating levels so I was pretty pleased that I worked that out myself after this I wanted to make an RPG Style game like Final Fantasy I wasn't sure where to start so I began with the battle element of it this was a turn-based system so each character had to wait for the others to complete directions this was where I really delved further into animations and added multiple animation sequences for each character depending on the action they were performing this game took me quite a while to create and I realized that taking on a full RPG on my own was a pretty huge project so I decided against it I'm moved on to the next one which was a shooting game this game was a real jump in difficulty for me it had bigger levels and a camera that followed the player had enemies with some AI still fairly dumb but more intelligent than anything I'd made before I added collectible items shooting and grenades and built a level editor at around 900 lines of code this was double the size of my next biggest game which was the platformer it took me a long time to complete and there were times when I really lost motivation because I would get stuck with bugs that I couldn't fix for days I persevered and managed to complete it and while I was really proud of the game the process burned me out I needed a break from pie game and Game Dev in general I took a few months out and then slowly came back to it again with the intention of only working on smaller projects for fun I began with this Castle Defender game which in the end wasn't actually that small I wanted to make an endless game where the aim is to keep going against an ever increasing difficulty in a form of stronger waves of enemies and I also like the upgrade and repair mechanism allowing you to strengthen your Castle as the game progresses having dipped my toes back into Game Dev I went further and made this two-player fighting gameplay based on Street Fighter there were definitely some features that could be added like character selection and AI for the second player but at this point I didn't want to bite off more than I could chew and so I stuck with developing the core of the game mechanics instead over a year had now passed since I made that shooting game so I decided to tackle another big game which was this Dungeon Crawler since this was a top-down game the player could move up and down as well as left and right so the camera had to follow him along both axes but this meant an upgrade to My Level Editor as well as refinement to how the camera is handled I wanted smarter AI so I added line of sight and targeting meaning the enemies would chase the player once they spotted you but it was possible to shake them off by hiding instead of bullets I used the bow and arrow which was aimed with the mouse to date this is my biggest game and I used everything that I've learned over the last two years to make it so what next maybe I'll go back to the RPG game or try a different game Library altogether as long as it's fun and enjoyable then it doesn't really matter I hope you like this video and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Coding With Russ
Views: 142,807
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Python, Python tutorial, python beginner tutorial, pygame tutorial, pygame beginner tutorial, pygame tutorial for beginners, python game, python game tutorial, pygame, programming, game, coding, 2 year game dev, learning game development, 2 year game dev journey, devlog, learning pygame, learning python
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 53sec (293 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 30 2023
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