How To Install A Standing Seam Metal Roof

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okay so you click on this video because you want to learn how to install a standing seam metal roof let's get started okay so before we get started in the video i want to tell you a little bit about myself and well why it makes sense to listen to me my name is zach blinkensoft i'm the owner of a company called digital roofing innovations i'm a us military veteran i'm a licensed general contractor and roofing contractor in over nine states now currently we're doing a project for the national park service for the u.s government and so on this video we're mainly going to focus on mechanically seamed standing seam roofing projects but both will apply to snap lock as well all right let's go okay before we start talking about how to actually install these panels i want to talk a little bit about safety because safety is very very important particularly when you're doing a large metal roofing project like this and as you can see these panels are pretty steep this pitch on this roof is actually a 912 pitch so it can be very very dangerous to work on now ocean tells us anytime that we're working above six feet we need to have a harness on so i'm gonna talk a little bit about what safety equipment that i have on this on this actual project right before we talk about the installation so as you can see we have safety anchors installed right on top of the roof we actually have a video of what the type of different type of standing steam roofing anchors we actually use on our projects both for permanent and temporary one the guys are working on it we have lanyards and the guys all the guys are going to be wearing harnesses anytime they start getting up on the roof the last thing that you may need to make sure that your guys are using is a hard hat now anytime the guys are working close to the roof they're required to wear a hard hat we also have a video about her excuse me hard hat safety while working on a roofing project but since projects like this can be very very dangerous please please please make sure you or your guys are wearing your safety harnesses okay so we're done with safety now we can actually talk about installing the panels on this roof now what we're installing here is actually a 24 gauge metal mechanically seam standing seam metal roof and if you notice and look at our seams that we actually have on our roof we're actually going to be doing a 180 degree turns now some of the roofs in the past were 90 degrees but it's much more common now to see 180 degree turns a little bit more secure and they're installed a little bit different way now this video is not going to cover every single type of different metal roofing system that's installed this is going to be a general overview of how to install the overall system so the first thing we're going to talk about is the decking that we're going to be using and then also our underlayment with our ice and water shield now the decking that's underneath this roof is just a standard half inch osb now you can use three quarter inch you can use half inch plywood a lot of people install this over tongue and groove the point is that you need to make sure that you have a solid decking in order to install your clips because that's what's most important now a lot of people will go and install a standing seam particularly at 26 or 29 gauge right over the top of asphalt shingles and you can do that but one of the things you got to make sure is the decking below those that shingle system is also in place or you're just going to cause further damage when you put on that new roofing system so we've been changing out the osb on this roof we had a couple bad spots and we went back over with michael roy's ht300 synthetic underlayment now i don't have to spend a whole lot of time talking about all the different underlayments that you can put on a standing seam roofing system but in my opinion anything over a 612 pitch you don't have to put ice and water shield down over the entire decking i actually recommend just installing an ice and water shield around your eaves and your rakes and across any penetrations like for instance we have a transition here so we do have iso water shield installed here but i don't recommend doing the entire roofing system with ice and water shield now if you have a low pitch system anything that's 412 or below you can install ice and water shield over the entire decking of roof if not i recommend doing the roof like you would a asphalt shingle system and that's using both synthetic underlayment and an ice and water shield but no matter what my recommendations are you need to make sure that you check with the manufacturer exactly what they recommend okay before we talk about actually installing the panels i really want to spend a little bit of time talking about transitions now not everybody's going to have a transition in your roof and unfortunately we don't have a valley on this roofing system to talk about but we are going to concentrate on this area because this is one of the number one areas that is prone to leak now when installing this what you want to make sure that you do is all of the decking needs to be replaced and this is like i said an area that does leak often a lot of times you're going to have bad decking so you want to make sure that you remove any bad decking from this area and replace it then you want to make sure that you use a nice thick ice and water shield strip all along the transition here and then finally you're going to install what's called a z bar so these z bars are these pieces of metal right here and we have some more video on actually installing these so once your z bars get installed you see that you're going to have these exposed screws right so also underneath here you have exposed screws so what you're going to do is install what's called tacky tape now tacky take is nothing more than a polymer sealant now some people will use caulking right through here but the reason that we use tacky tape is we think it provides a better solution to preventing any water coming through and the reason you need to install this is you're basically putting metal on metal so this is going to create some type of leak point by putting metal on metal you also have exposed fasteners here so by installing this tacky tape you're going to remove any chances of any water penetration coming into your system now this is important to make sure you have all of this correct if you have any questions always feel free to reach out to your manufacturer on the best suggested practices on installing their systems okay so we're going to talk a little bit about the overlap and how to install this and then also about your drip edge now there's again a bunch of different drip edges that you can install but you want to make sure that you change out your drip edge don't reuse your drip edge it's not that really that expensive on your project for what you get because this is a you know a key component of your roofing system now i did another video on how to measure for your standing seam metal roof panels now you want to make sure you always measure a little long because what you have to make sure is you have enough room to overlap so as you can see on these panels we have to bend these down over the top of our drip edge and that's what makes our system complete here now in a moment we're actually going to see the guys installing a new panel so you can see exactly how this works and the last thing that's so important and the reason i bring this up as this happened on one of our jobs is they forgot to take off the plastic after they installed the roof so this blue plastic that's right here you have to make sure that you peel this off now some of these panels come where the entire panel is covered with plastic and it's a clear film you have to make sure that you take that off before you finish the project [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] all right so now we're here doing actually really exciting stuff so we've got uh the z bars installed now we're installing the transitional metal here you can see the guys are going ahead and throwing in the screws right now and next thing we're gonna be doing is actually installing the panels right here up on the roof okay so we're gonna talk about installing these clips now i'm gonna show you a video of you guys actually installing the clips here up on the roof i just wanted to show you kind of what this one looks like now we're not going to spend a whole lot of time talking about all the different clips because all these clips are going to be installed based on the type of standing seam that you were installing whether it be a 90 degree turn a 180 degree turn if you're doing mechanically seamed or snap lock they're all going to be different now these also go by your seam height so whether your seam height is one inch one and a half two inch it's all going to be different but i am going to show you exactly how we install these so basically what you're doing is you're measuring out the length of your pen or the width of your panel so if your panels are 16 inches they're going to be 16 inch spacing if they're 18 inches they're gonna be 18 but the point is is when you install these you're basically going to be popping lines just like you would a three tab shingle job where you've got to line up all of your different spacing course now these lines are going to be going up horizontally or excuse me vertically versus horizontally like you would in popping lines for a shingle job but it's very important that you get your spacing rod because that's how your panels are gonna fit together now once you get those installed you're gonna be installing screws to keep these in place okay as you see we're going ahead and installing the panels now now guys it's very important once you're up here to be make sure you're using gloves because these metal panels can be really really sharp and when cut can send you straight to the hospital so once you get the panels all nice and lined up we're gonna go ahead and put them in place and go ahead and slide these right into the flashing here [Music] [Applause] my [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay guys so we've talked about just about everything to install on the roof now you are watching this video a couple weeks later and so we are almost done with the project but of course you probably are wondering what about the flashing and hip and ridge well as you saw i had on a harness earlier and was showing you how to install a few of the things i'm not going to be climbing up on the roof and installing hip and ridge for sure and i'm going to show you a few things about the flashing so of course the last thing you can do on these projects is installed in your hip and ridge because just most like any other projects you need to make sure that you're overlapping your synthetic paper and you're not going to get any leaks throughout your project so i went in we had a big rainstorm last week we wouldn't even finish with the roof but i wanted to make sure that we didn't have any leaks and we didn't we didn't even all the leaks they had before were already sealed up before we even got all the rest of the flashing and hipping the edge so here an example of the hook and ridge on this project so we'll zoom in a little bit so you can see but that's what they're up installing right now so we're going to zoom in on these guys the superstars the real workers on the project putting on the hip and ridge right now and so just like the hip and ridges you're going to install an asp shingle roof instead of having ridge caps you're going to have these pieces of ridge it's going to go right across the top so these are already pre-cut but it doesn't necessarily go faster because you still have to put in a z-bar under all of your ridge so you're going to be putting in a z-bar right there where the ridge gets installed i'm going to zoom in and as you can see that z ridge what that's going to do so right in here they're putting on the lightning protection system right now so that little area right below the lightning protection system between the panel and the ridge is the z bar so that z bar is the same thing that you're installing on the transition okay so the transition z-bar is installed and then you're also putting the z-bar underneath all of your panels to make sure there's no wind-blown rain that's going to go up underneath your ridge and go down into your roof okay and then we are gonna go on the ladder just a little bit i'm gonna show you some of the flashing here we've installed so we went pretty heavy duty on the flashing here as you can see completely overlapped and while this is a standing seam system we decided to go ahead and rivet these or excuse me screw these in because what we wanted to do was make sure that the flashing wasn't going to slide now one of the problems they had with the flashing earlier is it was it was sliding down the fascia board so what we decided to do is go ahead and bolt those in and actually screw those into the fascia so they're not going to be sliding anymore so you can see this all along the roof and of course there's a bunch of different types of fascia that you can install so we're not going to go into detail about all the different types but i did want to show you a little bit of the flashing around outside of the drip edge so that's it okay guys so thanks a lot for watching the video i hope this gave you a really good overview on how to install a metal roof we talked about a lot of different things we talked about stuff like z-bars we talked about cutting your panels we talked about seam height we talked about transitions the only thing we really didn't get a chance to talk about with valleys and unfortunately on this specific project we didn't have any so we can't obviously talk about valleys but if you guys have any further questions feel free to drop them below again this is just one of many many types of roofing systems but if you do have any other questions we'd be more happy to answer those questions so just put it in the comment section below if you found this video helpful please give us a thumbs up it really helps out the channel and if you like our content please give it a subscribe i think you'll get a lot of value out of it and as always digital roofing innovations we believe in using a modern approach with traditional values have a great day [Music] you
Channel: Digital Roofing Innovations
Views: 33,924
Rating: 4.3890491 out of 5
Keywords: metal roof installation, mechanically seamed metal roof, double lock roof panel, 180 degree roof panel, metal roofing machine, standing seam installation, mechanically locked metal roof, 90 standing seam panel, 24 gauge metal roof, commercial metal roof, metal roof seamer, standing seam drip edge, standing seam ridge cap, standing seam panels, standing seam clips, standing seam underlayment, standing seam ice and water shield, standing seam installation instructions, roof, metal
Id: Fu00ymhrYg0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 18sec (918 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 07 2020
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