Cabin in the Woods Part 20: Standing Seam Ridge Cap Detail

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all right so this is gonna be coming in here like so and i always like to just place things make sure which looks like we're good instead of always using a tape measure and what we're doing is we're going to leave this one piece and i'm going to bend it around that way we can close off this end however this z flashing is not going to work because i don't want this sticking out past the end of my trim so what i've got to do is take a pair of benders and do my best to turn that z into a c this is going to create the edge of my trim so now my goal is for having this little bit go past the wall and stay behind this trim that's going to help funnel water down okay so here's a little trick i won't put screws through this that's kind of hard to do on the angle just go ahead and take your snips cut yourself out a couple little triangles perfect all right now this is ready for our pitch break all right so now that we've got the z flashings on everything's good to go we can take that pitch break now remember it's got this one inch open hem here on the bottom that is going to grab onto these uh z flashings boom important thing is making sure that it's good and tight [Music] i'm gonna throw a screw on the high side so there you go that is the pitch break now water can't get up under here because we've got that beetle tape we've got the hem around this so nothing can get in this can all be flashed so that water is going to run over and now we've got to deal with the detail around the end going up the rake wall all right so now we've got this side wall flashing remember we turned up our panel and we've got this trim with an opening here and it's going to actually slide over you can see this one is finished and i've got this one cut i did a bend around so this is bent around so it caps around the front of my the chimney here and goes over this flashing that we already did and the biggest thing is i've got to fill this entire thing with tube sealant it just helps seal this down and what this is going to do is it's going to get locked down and screwed up high and that is that's all this is going to keep this panel pushed down tight and all the water is just going to get funneled right out past and also this flashing here is out past the cut and remember we've got that c channel that's turned around and up into behind this so this is a good place to throw a little bit of extra sealant though right here just as a precaution but it should run out past it last thing i got to do here is figure out exactly where my miter is gonna go you just start that spread for me can you i'll get past your finger okay now i'm gonna keep pressure on it and fill this sucker up one slip and your finger's gone gone dude how about at the end here and it slips out and gets caulk all over my leg hair okay i'm gonna put a dab you have a caulk right dab a caulk down here basically i don't want this corner to scratch as it goes in otherwise it should be no problem that's it man that was an easy one i like it here let go yep now i'm just gonna hold it in place and put some screws in it oh shoot i want a little bead back here even though they're really this is going to get covered again but what the heck so there you go there is the uh the flashing detail when you've got a roof dying into a wall you just make sure you bend up your panel and then you use the right trim to seat over that bend up with a nice bead of sealant and as long as you're flashed properly above and water's not coming down getting behind this panel you should be good behind this piece of trim you should be good everything should flash over it so now what i can do is start prepping for the ridge because i'm going to start the ridge cap right against this wall and then i'm going to work out towards the other end of the gable all right so it's finally time to start installing ridge cap and we've got this seven inch residential ridge cap it's got the one inch hem on it that gives it a nice stiff edge but this is the first time that there's going to be an actual fastener visible and it's going to be a rivet now this rivet is not going to penetrate the roof system or the roof deck so if water let's say makes it through a rivet it's actually going to hit the top of our roof and just be gone it's not it's not really a big deal but this ridge cap can be done a couple different ways it can be installed kind of like the flashings around the chimney where it locks onto a z flash however that's not a good ventilation system and this is going to have a vented ridge cap so the first thing greg and i have to do is get a perfectly straight line so that we can establish where this ridge cap is going to go all right this is where we're going to have to pray to the wind guides to come blow our chalk out so it doesn't get on anything it's going to rain but you don't have much chalk in here here i'm just going to start here shoot me a fact yeah i got chalk coming out you better wrap that around your finger three times because i'm gonna pull it i'm gonna pull a little tighter okay nice so that basically gives us a place to to know where to put our clip system um we just don't want to be too low and we don't want to be too high we want to be pretty consistent so these are the clips that we're going to be using and what we do is we'll put a screw through this end this will get lifted up and our vented ridge will get put underneath of this and then we'll close this back down and put a screw through this side so i'm trying to find a spot to be consistent with the bottom edge that way they're all nice and straight because this right here is the area that we rivet through what greg has been doing is preparing these clips with a piece of double beaded mastic tape and that is so when we put the penetration through the roof well at least have that bead of tape and that's going to keep us good and safe got some more from your dog here i'll swap you what we're going to do now is go ahead and run all those clips get the rolls of um closure foam installed and then we'll come back to when we start detailing the actual ridge cap getting installed all right so the first piece of ridge cap that is going to die into that chimney back there what i'm going to do is i'm going to mark four inches from the end and that is so i can bend this up and that's what's going to get terminated against the chimney wall [Applause] so this right here this little open spot we'll have to detail with another piece of steel but that'll come next you liking that then we'll get one shot at this here's here's the thing here's here's the thing you've got these marks that tell you where the where the the snap line was now we like it i think it's pretty flat don't it well bro we got to be here here's your mark spot where's your marks on this side just to get a gauge it seems like it's really far over you know [Music] hmm the peak down there put a nail in the face there and let's do it i like it string it let's do it it'll be a lot easier yeah we want it to guess i'm going to set a screw here [Music] so you can see what we've done is greg's brilliant idea i mean i don't pay greg to think but when he does he usually surprises me with a great idea and this one was to run a string line from the chimney to the other end because we were kind of having a struggle with making sure they were perfectly straight ridge caps so now we're just going to go through and we're going to place all of our ridge caps with some rivets and then then we'll come back through and hit every one of those clips with a rivet open up the ridge post framer's got a lot to say [Laughter] wow so just like most trims that we deal with when we have hems and we're overlapping we're just opening up the hem on the one side and then we notch back the hem and cut it off on the other side now greg okay go ahead and start bringing it in keep keep it going oh yeah one more right there okay so we know that's not going anywhere no it's up to you greg to make sure that these things are all consistent try my best plus it's the first one then it's all you oh yeah okay look at the monster fly bro oh my god that's not a fly get off me so now what i like to do is whenever i'm dealing with metal like this i could oil can i try to take as much of it out in the middle and then you work in the middles you don't want to work everything to one end because then if you're pushing it you're going to push it and it's all going to bubble up [Applause] greg it's so much faster [Applause] does a better job too [Applause] hands down if you're going to do any of this work you want a power rivet gun oops careful got it oh man because it definitely makes this so much easier so much less effort now the biggest problem with this detail here in my eyes is that these rivets cause oil can and i'm sure you can see the little bit of like discoloration the un non flatness around there that's what oil can is when the metal when the metal gets stressed by the fastener or something and it bends and looks all wavy that's oil can that really bothers me but there's really nothing you can do about it in this situation [Applause] if we weren't doing a vented ridge we could do the same z closure that we did down here on this chimney and then just slide the trims over it and it'd be super clean but we want the vented um we want the vented ridge so there's really no other good way to do it to really get good vent they do make a slotted z closure but it's not very good or i should say my manufacturer doesn't recommend it this guy almost makes it too easy the m12 rivet gun from milwaukee it's fairly large heavier than a hand rivet but not having to crank your hand a million times to pop a rivet even if it's only two or three times per rivet this is still a lot easier all right so we had rain coming down on us for the most most of this ridge here uh i didn't want to have my camera out still raining a little bit but i got a little cover on it and i wanted to show you guys how we terminate this ridge so the rest of the ridge i got i think i got enough of that to show you guys okay the rivets are what's holding it down no fasteners through the roof pan other than the ones putting these clips on these have the double butyl mastic tape underneath of them so what i got to do i went ahead and cut myself a couple just little pieces this is the trim that goes over top and locks on see if i can get it like so and i basically want this so i can get my peak just how i like it right where i want it and then because i don't have this trim done yet but i got to finish this ridge cap because of the rain so 48 and 5 8. you know the thing i got to remember is to add a bend over on this piece so i'm going to add another extra inch now depending on which way you want this to fold depends on what snip you're going to use because my reds push this side up this side down i want this side to fold first then this one will come next perfect [Music] all right guys the uh rain's starting to come down a little bit harder i got all this on that i need it on there's a couple of rivets to still put on over here on this outside i'm gonna move my lift go put a piece of plywood up on the top of that chimney just to stop the water from going in there at that point and working its way underneath the roof but i think we're probably gonna call it for today tomorrow if we get back here uh we got a little bit of detail work to do but believe it or not probably gonna be starting a new project after this uh while we wait you can hear people downstairs that's not my team that's the electrician they're getting going on a bunch of you know electrical work so that it can be done prior to the finishes that we are that we are doing so stay tuned you guys haven't seen us do that yet uh it's been a been a while uh i've been doing post framing for the last five six years used to do custom homes so i'm excited to get on some of this interior but that's gonna be a little bit of time because my windows thanks to kovid 19 are delayed to august i think august 14th so whenever this gets put up know that that is when my window should be back and we should be back to putting more content of this build together um and if we got to come over here and do some stuff i'll take you through i mean we could probably do a little bit of work but to be efficient i'm going to go start a new job which is going to be epic and if you haven't already it's going to be a build series it's going to be the music garage and it's going to be really cool a lot of cool things that are new for us um and pretty exciting so i need to get out of here stuff's getting wet and i need to clean up what's yours chalk line like let me use mine okay i'm gonna go down on this end then so that i can hey whoa whoa i don't want the chalk all over the roof i'm gonna take it over the edge you see okay go ahead yeah once they get a little bit of water in them all right i don't have a quarter inch bit greg remember i gave you look you look at what mine got don't ever i'm your dad bro you know i have a handful you're my brother oh right yeah now that i shaved i'm more like your brother yeah they can't see it i'm stick we're too tall oh are we they see our feet and our cats and know that we are brothers well that's where they think that i'm your dad again don't worry son someday your calves will be just as juicy okay that was weird all right so this is the detail that everybody has really been wanting to see remember we did all of that mechanical flashing here at this point with the laps and the only water that can get in here is either wind driven up the valley or something coming off the roof so what we're going to do is we're going to protect this even though it's flashed you know i think really well and we extended our vented ridge cap in here just to stop anything from coming up in this way so what you can see is i've gone ahead and i made this bend up to mimic the 412 and i had to put a slice right through this middle so this is going to be the weakest point um so what we're gonna do is we're gonna i measured this to go up underneath that cleat trim that goes right here and uh this is gonna be the first time putting it in so hopefully hopefully it goes i guess no time like the present right greg let's just do it okay let's slide it in here wait okay go ahead and go in yep set her down i'm hitting something so that's what i was afraid of all right so i've already test fit a couple pieces you can see some minor scratching i i can't really avoid that and it will get covered up but what i need to do is find out roughly where greg let's flip that over for a second send me the other end so i can mark where the plane is where these are going to touch so we'll just set it on the ridge and i got my marks where it's supposed to be and i'm just going to plane this in to where okay right there right there till it touches all right right here and right here okay now that i know where it touches which is basically five centimeters hey everybody out there in youtube i got a tape measure with inches and centimeters is it centimeters or millimeters the little ones are the millimeters right i believe yeah meters centimeters millimeters anyway i just want to let you guys know i care about you and i'm trying to learn five centimeters i'm just gonna give myself a reference line and it'll make sense as to kind of what i'm doing here so what i've done is i've cut myself a counter flash so i'm going to end up putting this ridge cap as you can see with the bend up this is going to end up tucking underneath where my cleat trim is and where my panel is hemmed allowing all the water that comes over to run down now this is not a 100 perfect lock lock and key like bomb proof flashing detail because we're not going to potentially have um everything all of our base is covered because this is the way this is going to go this counter flash is going to go up under here right to where those marks were that i was just made and then we're going to tuck this underneath so it's going to be something like this the only real point we have to worry about is right here but guess what the little bit of water and we're talking it's not even going to be amounting to anything it's going to hit this flashing and it's going to go one way or the other it's not going to be wind-driven rain and it's not going to be in great quantities so yeah i think we're ready to do this maybe i'll put a bead of caulk here as we shove it in okay i'm just looking for those lines that i've already done yeah i'm just trying to be careful with it okay there's that line someone's gonna thank me for this you know yep okay man [Applause] this is gonna be the next to impossible part yeah you gonna lift up come on phone um even more yet man even more yet okay and i'm gonna get this lifted up okay start sliding it in okay more more okay stop all right now slide it in leave it there actually it wasn't bad at all not bad at all we're gonna take it out we're gonna put caulk there just pull it out a little bit greg oh right there all right so here you can see this a lot better now that i'm zoomed in this counter flash is tucked up underneath our cleat and it's out over top of this really i'm just concerned about the slit that i needed in order to make the bends on the ridge cap and now what i'm going to do is let's pull out just a little bit more right there is i'm just going to put some sealant right here it's really the only place i have to worry this stuff is bad bad in a good way now very carefully greg go ahead and slow it okay dang it no i think we got everything pretty darn good where we like it and now i'm just going to look for those clips [Music] one second okay go ahead nice and easy yep take it to your right of hair when you're pushing it that's good okay push it down get it where you like it yeah oh my god finger tips well good then when you go to another state they can't find what you did [Music] [Applause] feels good to finally have these details done um i've done this sort of thing before but never in a fastener-free standing seam roof now this thing is going to last forever it's going to be leak-free it's going to look good and yes before you tell me i know there are some z-closure systems that you could use to get rid of the fasteners have it clip on kind of like what we did around the chimney the problem is i was told that the cfm that is um that comes from those ridge venting applications with the the slotted z is not really adequate and i could be wrong so if anybody has information on that i'd love to hear about it but this is what you know my supplier recommended for the system that we were using which was vented so uh maybe the next one we'll try something new drop a comment down below i'd love to hear it uh that's greg coming up to get me we're done up here on this roof and i'm not i'm not that sad about it i'm pretty happy actually because it's hot and yeah but i am very happy with how it all turned out you
Channel: RR Buildings
Views: 578,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: barndominium, cabin in the woods, how to build a post frame, how to install a valley with metal roofing, how to install standing seam, hunting cabin build, install metal valley pan, lifetime metal roof, post frame house construction, residential post frame, rr buildings, standing seam, standing seam details, standing seam metal roof valley install, standing seam ridge cap, milwaukee rivet gun, metal roof ridge cap intersection, ridge cap metal roof
Id: GcdNTQUwjE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 59sec (1739 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 15 2020
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