Tips And Tricks For V Rising

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hey guys Co here with a new video for you a bunch of tips for V Rising most of these are going to be for the early part of the game but there are some tips for the mid and even later parts of the game as well as a quick note you're on a new channel hi this is my new YouTube channel being run by a new team they're going to be making content that is much more designed for a YouTube audience instead of my other channel which is basically just a bunch of long form stuff so if you like what you see here make sure to leave a comment or if you have any feedback make sure or send me a DM and let me know what you like or don't like or what can be better what can be worse and all that fun stuff so anyway hope you enjoy the video and please subscribe one of the biggest tips I can give you for V Rising is making sure that you know what you're getting into in terms of server selection and gameplay this game is designed for small group PVP and PVE gameplay the resource generation and all of that is balanced around a probably two to four players um kind of moving through the world at it by itself now what that means is that when you start playing you're going to have some pretty big decisions to make do you want to play PVP that is your first major decision there are PVP servers PVP is really really fun for some of you and absolutely terrible for others so first your decision is PVP or no PVP that's your big one your second decision once you've made that is do I want to play with other people if you want to play solo you don't need to worry about servers so much you can do it all locally you can set all your own server stuff whatever it's fine I'm playing solo on Brutal it's a phenomenally fun experience I'm having a great time time so that's your next question do you want to play with other people or solo and then finally once you've picked if you want to play solo or with other people and you've picked if you want to play PVP or PVE the third thing to look for is the actual settings on the servers V Rising does a great job of giving players lots of customization in terms of what servers can offer this includes how fast you get items how fast items are uh converted into different crafting machines how expensive items are from vendors how much loot drops how hard enemies hit tons of things so figuring out what you want from the game like yeah you know I don't want to spend a lot of time harvesting so let me find a server that has a lot more resource intake I don't really want to do combat I just want to do building let me find a server that has all the combat stuff jacked up so it's that kind of situation so again picking where you want to play this game will dictate the experience that you have in it make sure you know what you're getting into and that you find a home that fits what you want to get out of the game one of the best early game tips to give to players is to really focus and follow the main quest line and when I say the main quest line I should say the only quest line cuz that's really all there is to do and that's up here in the top left if you are ever wondering what you should do next in this game the answer is always on the top left of your screen now you may not always be able to do whatever that thing is in fact you may look at your available bosses with the K key and you may notice that none of the bosses that you have have the item you need for your main quest in those cases which happen frequently you will then need to work through the bosses to get down to where you need to go so for instance and you can see that I have to upgrade my castle heart to level four that requires radium ingots which I don't even have the capability to make yet um I'm not even sure if I have the boss that allows me to unlocked so that's the kind of thing where you just kind of have to keep working through there it is right there so you just have to kind of keep working through the game to get to the point where you can then progress the Quest but the reason that this is so important is because some of the best and most base functionality in this game is unlocked through the main quest so if you've ever seen another streamer or one of your friends has done something really cool or has a really cool weapon you've never seen or stuff like that 90% of the time it's because they got it somewhere in the main quest or the subsequent bosses that it took to get there in V Rising 1.0 there is an insanely good base moving system that is easy intuitive and fast so especially at the beginning of the game as you are working through all of those quests in the top left many of them which which require your base understand that you can just put your base down wherever work through all that stuff you can even build your base out and later you will be able to easily move it to another location so what I did for instance in my game is I started my base I started the game down here my first base was like here and then once I got to a point where I was like okay I'm ready to start my big build I decided I I'd rather be in a more central location I dropped my base relocation heart here this is such a cool system and even no way it keeps the items in the chests that you move this isn't supposed to exist yet there's like multiple iterations before we get to this point that we have not gone through yet I do my Kink is good Q in video games true story one of the best base relocation mechanics I've ever seen in a game so keep in mind burn through that main quest early and move your base later when you want to another great early g game tip is Merchants it can be very difficult especially as a solo player to complete armor sets make sure you get your merciless tools make sure you have the right Forge flooring as you do pretty much everything in this game you'll start earning different amounts of currency copper silver and then even more there are merchants on the map in the early area that do not require anything except you walking up and hitting F on them you don't need to be a human form you don't have that none of that so these Merchants have all uh the T1 possible blueprints rotating through their inventory check these guys constantly so it's a kind of thing where if you're just chilling in your base and you need some resources well both of these have a warp right next to them so if you got a few extra minutes warp down check this vendor see if you can fill in any flooring gaps then just warp right over to here do the same thing and then if you get something good truck it back home and go from there great another great tip for early game resource usage especially for solo players by using the copper you're passively getting throughout the world purchase flooring tiles there are flooring tiles for almost all different types of buildings if you go into the production into your crafting if you look at them here you can see that little word right under the title tailor Taylor Forge Jeweler chamber and if you put those items on top of the flooring that they require the types of benefits they give you are incredibly palpable so in this case if you put a an anvil on a forge floor you reduce the cost of crafting by one quarter which is a huge thing now it's also important to mention that if you don't see this little green check here you're not getting the Bon so keep in mind the flooring does not only need to be in its own uh the the the material or the thing you're using not only has to be on the floor type that it needs but it also has to be in a fully enclosed room so if you look in here for instance this room looks open but actually it's just a bunch of these doors right here that are all around the area without doors in them so that way it looks open but it's still sealed off and still gets the bonus so you'll see here you know I have a forge room with the forge stuff in it uh we go over to here you know we have a little tiny Jewelers area and this is all you need at the beginning of the game like until you've made your big build just make like little one by ones and one by twos and just make sure that you're getting those really nice bonuses in the top right there uh but yeah that's a huge tip make sure your items are on the proper flooring because some of these items especially early game are very difficult to get you'll be getting like one or two out of random barrels so if you can reduce the cost of something from three to two or four to three um you know that's the difference between crafting the item or not so yeah flooring the earlier you get it is very very useful definitely do that the next big tip I would give people is first of all always get fish and this tip is kind of an umbrella tip because not only do I mean always get fish because this plays into the jail system later gets you more resources and all sorts of things but what I what I kind of mean by always get fish is kind of the more Global statement of always be looting a and what do I mean by that there are three specific things in this world that you need to keep your eye on there are harvesting nodes like the one you just saw which give you all sorts of great things there are items in passive like little boxes and and and boxes and barrels and all sorts of things and those you will always want to get it is very easy in this game to just focus on mobs and not really focus on the ambient loot but you will get so much more loot in this game if every time you come to a location you make sure to break down all of these boxes make sure to open all of the chests really make sure that everything that can be destroyed in these locations is destroyed do that to every location you get to and you will start passively collecting all of those kind of those just common resources that you're going to need for tons of the stuff you need later in the game so always collect this stuff always bring it back and and really kind of focus on on must make room if I were getting lots of the common stuff there's also a lot of mechanics in this game that let you convert lower tier materials to higher tier materials so if it feels like you're kind of collecting a whole bunch of stuff that you may not need um it does really help to uh to to get all that early so you're not having to go out and get it yourself later another great tip is that this game does an excellent job at easily telling you where you need to get resources you need what do is open your map make sure to spend time running around because not only will you unlock way Gates which allow you to easily travel out from your base but more importantly you will uncover these these different locations and just by mousing over them you can see exactly what you get there whenever you go out to get a specific resource just remember to make sure to get all the other stuff around it too and as you do that more and more and more you'll find yourself just having more and more things whenever you need those recipes and you'll find yourself going out to get more resources less and less and less less also as kind of a a piggyback on this tip running around the map early and exploring all of these locations is not only beneficial to item acquisition but these vampire way Gates will save you hours of time as you build one in your base later from doing the main quest every time you leave your base to get a a boss you should be using your way gate and and going out and that will save you literally hours of travel time you'll pretty much always need to run back because whenever you run back um you know you'll generally have resources on you that you need to to get back to the base so you will of course still be exploring but when you're leaving your base you almost always want to use a teleporter because you'll never have any items on you that can't be teleported and it just saves you a huge amount of time so very cool stuff there another great tip is to plan on doing kind of resource harvesting excursions and what do I mean by that so throughout many times in the game you're going to need a whole bunch of one or two things you might need iron copper sulfur quartz Scourge Stones grav dust the best thing you can do is get all ready to go at your base um if you do have a warp great use that but then run down to the location and basically just break down or kill everything there and come back to base now this sounds like an obvious thing but the reason that I'm saying this as a tip is because there are locations in this game where you will only need to do that like once or twice and you'll be set so for instance do you need sulfur go to the the Bandit sulfur Quarry there's about 25 nodes there that you'll be able to get it do you need copper that's great cuz there's a copper mine right here again if you go out in the world to harvest copper it'll probably take you 3 hours to get the amount of copper you can get there in about 30 minutes uh you need iron cool we got this haunted iron mine right there you need cotton great we got cotton all through this area and this little Cotton Belt here so the short of it is if you ever need like one specific thing um nine times out of 10 it will be available in a resource somewhere out here clear out your inventory go out there break down and clear everything in the area truck it all home and you'll be good to go another tip is that all the different weapons do different damage types versus different types of things so if you harvest with a mace you will do more damage to minerals and you will get more resources faster this is great when you have to go out and harvest and and farm a lot of things so maces are great against minerals uh we have swords which are great against vegetation we have um Spears which are great against creatures you have axes that are great against that are great against trees so make sure that you're syncing up your weapon types with your harvesting and resource acquisition to best maximize that also another very good tip to know your weapons will start with one ability but as you go up in tiers they will get more so make sure to not only test all weapon types at all tiers but make sure you test all abilities because there are some weapon types where one ability may make that weapon for you so keep in mind there's like God nine 10 different weapon types now make sure as you move through the tiers you're using all the abilities so you can kind of find whichever one works best for you some other great tips for V Rising especially at the beginning you're going to get some themed storage relatively early these chests are incredible they will automatically hold certain types of gear you just have to open them with f hit the e key to put the items in and then hit F again to close so if you get in the habit of doing that you literally can just come to your base f e Fe e Fe e Fe e Fe e Fe and your inventory is essentially completely clean it's a beautiful thing um now unfortunately the game doesn't have craft from Storage but uh by having a little Central Hub it really does does help so good tip to getting all of your stuff in one little place that can really really help out there another great early game tip as you get seeds put down your Farms as fast as possible there is farming in this game um as you can see I have a little Garden on the inside of my castle but you can of course have one on the outside uh farming is easy it is intuitive and it's very beneficial so as you get seeds in the world make sure that you are planting them and harvesting them regularly and that way when you start getting to the part of the game where you start making healing potions strength potions spell potions you'll have all these resources built up that you can then dive into and go from there now this tip for me was one of the most important tips for my enjoyment of this game on solo brutal and let me let me again preface this by saying this was a me thing but I have a feeling that a lot of you are going to fall into the same thing especially if you play on harder difficulty so I'm going to I'm going to give you this tip for you to think about I play a lot of video games and I play a lot of video games that are similar in some styles to this in the large large majority of those video games and I'm talking even games like Souls likes your Dodge always works when you hit it and you plan your gameplay around that happening so anytime something happens that's even slightly close to your character you dodge it right that's Elden ring that's Dark Souls that's most args that have a Dodge now here's the thing if you play this game like that you will get destroyed if you play this game where every time you're slightly concerned about even possibly getting hit you dodge you will get destroyed and let me tell you why this game does not function like those other games this game is more tactical and this game uses its cooldowns as a resource instead of like a stamina bar or anything what that means is that generally especially on your Dodge the cooldowns are much higher so when you Dodge in this game you get an 8C cooldown now think of you you were playing Dark Souls and you could only Dodge once every 8 seconds you would go that's impossible I would get I would Dodge one hit and by the time 8 seconds is up there'd be like three other hits I'd have to dodge and I would just get hit by all three of them exactly and that's what's going to happen in this game if you try to do that so what do I mean by this what is the point of this tip the point of this tip is do not treat this game as a spammy Dodge action game treat this game as a tactical slow put distance between between you and your enemies and most importantly only Dodge when you need to only Dodge when you need to and on top of that strongly utilize weapon movement skills there are weapons like the pistol that one of their moves moves your character so when I hit T I did that little roll well that little roll will take me out of an AOE that's huge spear also has a similar move sword does as well very important um on top of that there are many counter skills now the downside of a counter skill is that means you're not spamming like a damage or utility skill but if you're like me and you have problems with the Dodge cool down a counter skill may be exactly what you need to win those fights I know players in the hardest difficulty that they boss fights last a really long time but they use two counter skills and they're really good with them so even though their boss fights last about two to three times longer than mine they're easily controlling their fight while I am having grit pulled to the death like slugfests and almost dying every time so that's my that's my the big point of this tip is slow it down do not spam your abilities tactically use each one and you will have so much more success in this game good luck okay there you go
Channel: Cohh
Views: 32,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cohhcarnage, cohh, morecohh, twitch, stream, streamer, streamers, gaming, gamers, gamer, game dev, developer, gamedev, highlight, highlights, speedrun, funny, moments, silly, review, reviews, trailer, trailers, game trailer, early access, thoughts
Id: fGIbRzK0U20
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 25sec (1105 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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